Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fluoxetine For Cats Side Effects

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Is Prozac For Dogs Fda Approved

How do antidepressants work? – Neil R. Jeyasingam

Yes, fluoxetine has been approved on label for dogs for the treatment of separation anxiety. However, in other forms of behavioral modification, Prozac will be off label, meaning the FDA has not approved it for this reason.

Veterinarians will commonly prescribe medicines off label, including fluoxetine. Still, it is essential to understand any risks associated with doing this and make sure to follow your veterinarians advice closely and look for possible side effects of the medicine.

According To Our Experts Some Drawbacks Of Using Prozac Can Be:

  • Takes about four to six weeks to work.
  • May cause side effects in some dogs .
  • Can come with a stigma associated with giving Prozac to pets.
  • If you tell someone your dog is taking Prozac, its not uncommon to get a raised eyebrow, experts say.

    The stigma is that many people think its unconscionable to give human psychoactive medication to a dog, Dodman says. They clearly do not understand that it can be life-saving. The same people may shun that kind of medicine themselves, again, for no good reason.

    4. Could theoretically carry the risk of overdose, although extremely difficult, according to Dodman.

    is a very safe drug, far safer than a lot of other medications that people take without qualms, Dodman says. It is true, though, that if you take two serotonin medications together at high doses, the so-called serotonin syndrome theoretically could be triggered.

    Serotonin syndrome is the accumulation of too much of the serotonin chemical in the body, and symptoms include fever, muscle twitching, convulsions and more.

    I have never seen it, and Ive never heard of it being reported in the vet literature, but it is a theoretical possibility, Dodman says.

    Precautions And Side Effects

    • While generally safe and effective when prescribed by a veterinarian, fluoxetine can cause side effects in some animals.
    • Fluoxetine should not be used in animals with known hypersensitivity or allergy to the drug. Fluoxetine is contraindicated in animals with a history of seizures.
    • Fluoxetine may interact with other medications. Consult with your veterinarian to determine if other drugs your pet is receiving could interact with fluoxetine. Such drugs include drugs classified as monoamine oxidase inhibitors , diazepam, phenylbutazone, digoxin or buspirone.
    • Side effects associated with fluoxetine include lethargy, panting, hyperactivity, shaking, restlessness, excessive vocalization, aggression and temporary lack of appetite. Gastrointestinal upset may also occur.
    • When large quantities of fluoxetine are ingested, pets may seizure. Overdose should be promptly treated by your veterinarian.

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    Prozac For Anxiety In Dogs

    Just like humans, dogs each have their own temperament and unique personalities. Some dogs are more rambunctious than others. There are dogs that prefer spending time around others, while others prefer their alone time. For some dogs, being home alone for several hours a day doesnt bother them. Then, there are dogs who experience separation anxiety when apart from their owners for any stretch of time.

    When dogs experience separation anxiety or other anxiety-related disorders, its not uncommon for them to act out. They may bark constantly, have urinating accidents in the house, or show their anxiety in other ways, like tearing up household items or chewing on the furniture. At first, these actions may seem like ones of a misbehaved pet, but there may be deeper issues leading to these actions.

    If your dog suffers from separation anxiety and your lifestyle doesnt allow you to be home throughout the day, Prozac may be prescribed by your veterinarian to help alleviate the problem. It helps to slow down the metabolism of serotonin in your dogs brain. Serotonin helps to regulate feelings of anxiety and promote feelings of happiness. When its able to stick around longer, it can help your dog feel less anxious.

    Depending on your dogs health history and environment, Prozac may be prescribed for daily use as treatment for separation anxiety. Or, it can be prescribed to use as needed when you are going out of town, traveling, or leaving your dog at a kennel.

    Side Effects Of Fluoxetine

    Prozac For Cats Spraying

    Fluoxetine is known to react with other drugs, so don’t use it if your dog is on any medication classified as monoamine oxidase inhibitors , diazepam, phenylbutazone, digoxine, buspirone, Preventic collar or Mitaban dip. Do not use on a dog with a history of seizures or liver or kidney trouble. Dogs on fluoxetine for long-term should have liver and kidney enzymes checked regularly as long-term use can cause damage.

    The most common side effects of fluoxetine are lethary, change in appetite, weight changes, runny nose, dry mouth, drowsiness, weakness, sore throat, nausea or diarrhea. Behavioral side effects include anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, irritability, agitation, hostility, aggression, restlessness, hyperactivity, or increased depression. Since many of these are the problems fluoxetine is prescribed to decrease, medication may not be the answer for dogs who experience these symptoms. If your dog’s problems seem to worsen during the first week, consult your veterinarian.

    When large quantities are ingested, your dog may seizure. Other serious side effects that require a veterinarian visit are tremors, muscle twitching or stiffness, problems with balance or coordination, agitation, confusion, sweating or fast heartbeat. Your dog might also have an allergic reaction, which would cause skin rash or hives, difficulty breathing or swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat. If this happens, immediately discontinue usage.

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    Dosage Forms Of Gabapentin

    There is no specific veterinary form of gabapentin for pets, and it is always the human medication form that is used in an extra-label or off-label manner, which is common in veterinary medicine.

    The most common form of gabapentin is a capsule containing powder, with the prescribed amount mixed with canned or soft food.

    The 100mg capsule is the most common size prescribed for cats. Gabapentin also comes in a 50mg/ml liquid form that does require refrigeration.

    The commercial liquid form may contain the artificial sweetener xylitol. While not toxic to cats, xylitol is toxic to dogs, so be careful with this form if theres a pup in your home.

    To make dosing easier, especially for smaller cats, gabapentin can also be ordered as a compounded medication in different forms by your veterinarian.

    Faqs About Prozac For Dogs

    Is a prescription for Prozac transferrable between dogs and humans?

    No. If you or a family member has a prescription for Prozac, it should not be used for your pet. The safest way to address your dogs health concerns is to take him to the veterinarian and receive a proper diagnosis and prescription. A prescription is based on the ailment or condition being treated but dosage amounts may also be based on age, weight, and previous medical history.

    How long will it take before Ill notice changes in my dogs behavior?

    It could take several weeks before youll notice the effects of Prozac working. During this time, its important to carefully monitor your dogs daily routine and incorporate other ways to help alleviate his anxiety. Prozac isnt a stand alone option to cure your dogs anxiety. Its best to start other healthy habits for your pet, which may include training, daycare, or other types of structure he can recognize and respond to favorably.

    How long does my dog need to be on Prozac?

    The dosage amounts and times is up to your veterinarian. If you feel like your dogs condition has improved , discuss these changes at your dogs next checkup. Never abruptly discontinue use of any medication for your dog. Veterinarians often recommend a weaning period off medication, if your dogs anxiety has been reduced enough to take Prozac only as needed.

    Do all dogs respond well to Prozac?

    Will behavioral training help my dogs anxiety?

    What if my dog already takes medication?

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    Things To Consider Beforehand

    With our furry best friends no magic bullet will quickly cure any behavioral problem. There are limitations to the use of medications which may include the following:

    • adverse effects
    • limited information on the medication use
    • possibility of a lengthy treatment plan before the medication works
    • chance that the behavior will manifest again once the medication is withdrawn.

    Most antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications used in dogs are well tolerated. But mild reactions include:

    • vomiting
    • lethargy
    • other gastrointestinal problems.

    But also some severe adverse effects, such as:

    • fatal inflammation of the liver
    • seizures
    • other signs of toxicity

    It is essential to keep in mind that using this type of medication on dogs, without combining it with behavior modification or environmental changes, may allow for the unwanted behavior to return when the drug is withdrawn.

    Most of these drugs will require use for a year or even longer. Additionally, although the medication has the potential to help with an array of behavioral problems including thunderstorm phobias and lick granulomas, pet parents need to first assess whether the symptoms their dog is presenting is instead health related.

    Dosage Of Fluoxetine For Dogs

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    Dosage of fluoxetine for dogs will vary based on the condition that needs treatment, the size of the dog, and the dogs response to the drug. Its important to follow your veterinarians instructions closely, as overdose of fluoxetine can cause seizures in dogs.

    Typically the drug is given in a dosage of 0.5 to 0.9 mg per pound orally once per day. So, for example, a 30-pound dog would probably get somewhere between 15 and 27 mg per day.

    Fluoxetine usually comes in 10 mg or 20 mg tablets, and your vet will let you know how to give a precise dose.

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    What Is Fluoxetine Used For In Dogs

    Fluoxetine is part of a larger group of medicines called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors , which work to delay the bodys reuptake of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain which helps with mood stabilization and helps with feelings of wellbeing and happiness.

    Common conditions fluoxetine is used to treat in dogs include separation anxiety, thunderstorm phobias, generalized anxiety, urine marking, and compulsive disorders.

    What To Do In An Emergency Situation

    If your dog is unwell, it is recommended to contact your veterinarian for advice, especially if they have recently started taking fluoxetine. Your veterinarian can advise you on the appropriate next steps and let you know if your dog needs to be seen right away. If your regular veterinarian isnt open, call an after-hours clinic.

    If your dog is having seizures or convulsions, is not responsive, or cannot stand, then dont wait just bring them to your veterinarian as soon as possible. If you have time, bring any medications your dog takes with you.

    Be careful not to become injured by your dog if they are having a seizure. If you arent sure you can do it safely on your ownget help first.

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    Overview Of Fluoxetine For Canines And Felines

    • Fluoxetine, commonly known as Prozac® or Reconcile®, is used in dogs and cats for behavior modifications, separation anxiety and aggression.
    • Behavioral disorders in dogs and cats are common causes for veterinary visits. Behavioral problems are also a frequent reason for euthanasia of pets, especially when unacceptable or dangerous animal behavior is involved.
    • Recently, veterinarians have begun placing increasing emphasis on training and behavior modification, and animal behavior specialists have adopted drugs used in modifying human behavior for animal use. Fluoxetine is one of these drugs.
    • Fluoxetine is an antidepressant that is used to treat depression in people.
    • This drug increases serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a chemical that facilitates transmission of messages among brain cells.
    • Fluoxetine is a prescription drug and can only be obtained from a veterinarian or by prescription from a veterinarian.
    • This drug is not approved for use in animals by the Food and Drug Administration but it is prescribed legally by veterinarians as an extra-label drug.

    How To Use Prozac For Kittens

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    Before you can see any results with the use of Prozac in your kitten, you will have to give it every day for at least six weeks. The typical dose of Prozac for a kitten varies from 2 to 5 mg per day. Do not skip doses, as it may decrease the effectiveness of the medication. Sometimes the medication may initially increase the cats anxiety, before it goes into effect and calm it down. For diseases such as urine tagging, 90 percent of kittens stop this behavior after being treated with Prozac for eight weeks. Check with your veterinarian if you are not seeing results within the first four months of treatment, to see if another medication might be right for your particular kitten.

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    Side Effects Of Fluoxetine For Cats

    While many cats may experience improved, calm behavior as desired, rarely cats may exhibit worsening behavior changes like anxiety, hyperactivity, irritability and difficulty sleeping.

    In cats, fluoxetine can have a number of potential adverse effects.

    The most commonly reported effects can be drowsiness and a decrease in appetite.

    While many cats may experience improved, calm behavior as desired, rarely cats may exhibit worsening behavior changes like anxiety, hyperactivity, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and undesired changes in elimination patterns.

    Cats can also develop GI side effects like poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. All potential side effects are not universal, but vary greatly from cat to cat in terms of what may occur and to what degree.

    Fluoxetine can have interactions with many medications, especially other anxiety medications, sedatives, and some pain medications. Some drug interactions, especially when fluoxetine is used with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor like selegiline, may lead to serotonin syndrome, which is described more fully below. Always make your veterinarian aware of any other medications your cat is taking.

    If your cat uses a flea/tick collar, make sure to discuss this with your vet prior to starting fluoxetine.

    Fluoxetine is primarily metabolized by the liver, and so should be used cautiously in any cat with chronic or advanced liver disease.

    What Is Prozac For Cats

    Prozac for cats is commonly referred to as Fluoxetine, which is its scientific name.

    It belongs to a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

    Serotonin is the feel good chemical it makes you feel calm and affects your sleep cycle.

    Prozac for cats increases the brains reaction to this chemical, causing your cat to feel calm.

    Prozac is used for both cats and dogs and is prescribed to treat anything from aggression to inappropriate urination.

    So, how useful is Prozac for cats in treating these behavioral problems?

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    What Is Mirtazapine Used For In Cats

    Although Mirtazapine is used as an anti-depressant in humans, it has different functions in cats. Vets most commonly use Mirtazapine to treat vomiting, nausea, and appetite loss in cats. In some cases, vets prescribe Mirtazapine to treat behavioral problems.Mirtazapine should start to work for your cat within one to two days.

    How Long Does It Take Prozac To Work

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    You probably think its cute when your kitten rubs his head along the walls or furniture. Its nice but it does not do it for attention. It does it for the chemical substances called pheromones to mark its territory. Male cats also spray urine to mark the territory nobody thinks its cute. Castration of cats generally stops behavior but not always. If the vet cannot find a physical problem, the brand is probably related to stress. Fluoxetine hydrochloride helps many cats stop spraying usually after taking the medication for several weeks. It does not work with all cats and some resume it once they are out of the medication. So we cannot say exactly how long does prozac take to work, it depends on cat.

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    Owners Guide To Fluoxetine For Dogs

    Canine depression will affect most dogs at some time in their lives.

    Dogs are like humans, and feel emotions similar to us! Sadness, happiness, depression, and fear. Whether its children going back to school, or a canine companion passing, your dog can be affected.

    Dealing with canine depression or behavioral issues can be tricky. The chances are that if your pooch is feeling depressed, anxious, has developed compulsive disorders or a sudden phobia your veterinarian may prescribe Fluoxetine hydrochloride, and recommend behavioral modification therapy.

    References And Further Reading

    Siegel, Jerome. Serotonergic inhibition of amygdala-kindled seizures in cats. Brain Research. 1979.

    Hart, Benjamin. Control of urine marking by use of long-term treatment with fluoxetine or clomipramine in cats. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 2005.

    Curtis, Terry. Human-Directed Aggression in the Cat. College of Veterinary Medicine. 2008.

    Ciribassi, John. Comparative bioavailability of fluoxetine after transdermal and oral administration to healthy cats. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 2003.

    Kaur, Gagendeep. The use of fluoxetine by veterinarians in dogs and cats: a preliminary survey. Veterinary Record Open. 2016.

    Slater. Inhibition of REM sleep by fluoxetine, a specific inhibitor of serotonin uptake. Neuropharmacology. 1978.

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    Does Your Cat Suffer From Anxiety Or Depression

    Is your cat suddenly attacking visitors or licking themselves uncontrollably? Your kitty may be suffering from anxiety or depression.

    Some cats develop behavior problems that many pet parents find themselves unable to help or resolve. Keep an eye out for the following symptoms of feline anxiety or depression and get help for your cat:

    • Stopped using the litter box for any reason other than an actual physical injury or something that prevents them from getting into the litter box
    • Acting overly timid or fearful
    • Any behaviors that you consider to be outside of the norm, harmful, or problematic
    • Compulsive disorders like excess licking or scratching, especially when it results in the cat pulling out their own fur
    • Acting angry or overly aggressive

    Many pet parents think twice about placing their pets on medication. However, medication may be the only solution to make your cat feel better and enhance positive behavior modification.

    According to Pets.WebMd, there are four types of medicines used to treat behavior problems in cats. These medicines are benzodiazepines, monoamine oxidase inhibitors , tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors , including Prozac.

    Many pet parents find success when treatment combines medication and behavior modification.

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