What Does Pet Insurance Cover
While pet insurance might not cover your cats vaccinations, it is worth taking it out to give you peace of mind that youll have financial protection should your cat become ill or suffer an injury. Comprehensive cat insurance can cover:
- Vet bills for new illnesses, diseases and injuries
- The purchase price of your pet if it dies due to accidental injury
- Cattery fees if you have to go to hospital unexpectedly.
Always read the terms and conditions of any policy you are considering carefully so you feel comfortable with what is covered. And dont forget to shop around to find the best policy for your cat at the most competitive price.
Is There Any Risk If A Cat Does Not Receive The Rabies Vaccine
Rabies is a neurotropic virus, which means that it attacks neurons, causing serious disorders of the nervous system.
Paralysis occurs in most cases of rabies in cats and this paralysis usually leads to death. And unfortunately there is no treatment against rabies, so it is better to prevent it with vaccination.
Or if your cat was once scratched or bitten by another animal, you should take it directly to a veterinarian. It is possible to treat rabies immediately after a scratch or bite, but once the symptoms appear it is impossible to treat it.
Indoor Kitten Vaccination Schedule
Kittens should be vaccinated at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age. The vaccination schedule for indoor kittens is the same as for outdoor kittens, with a few exceptions. Indoor kittens should be vaccinated against feline panleukopenia, feline herpesvirus type I, and feline calicivirus. In addition, indoor kittens should be vaccinated against feline leukemia virus if they are at risk for exposure to the virus.
Vaccinations are not required for indoor cats as they are for outdoor cats. Every year, cats and kittens are frequently ill from serious diseases spread by cats. There are two types of vaccines available for pets: core vaccines and lifestyle vaccines. Many states require that cats over the age of six months receive a rabies vaccination. Because core vaccinations are necessary to protect cats from the following common but serious feline conditions, they should be given to all cats. Vaccines that protect pets from non-core illnesses. Non-core vaccinations are appropriate for certain cats, depending on their lifestyle and level of health.
Your veterinarian is well-positioned to advise you on which vaccines your cat should get, and which ones should be avoided. Most cats will not have any side effects as a result of receiving their vaccinations. If you suspect your cat is suffering from side effects as a result of the vaccine, you should consult a veterinarian right away. This post contains no medical advice about pets, so it should not be relied upon for any such purpose.
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The Most And Least Expensive Counties For Annual Dog Booster Vaccinations
According to our survey of 165 vets, the most expensive county in England to get an annual booster vaccination for your dog is Berkshire, where the average cost is £64.09. Derbyshire ranks as the cheapest county, with the average booster vaccination costing £29.67.
It was interesting to find that the cost of vaccinating a pet doesnt necessarily track with that areas general cost of living. Scotland and Wales were some of the most expensive areas to vaccinate your puppy or dog, despite having a generally lower cost of living. In contrast, London, known for its high cost of living was not one of the most expensive.
Why The Rabies Vaccine Is Critical For Your Indoor Cat
The rabies vaccine is the most important vaccine for your indoor cat because it aids in the prevention of a fatal disease. It is recommended that kittens receive their first rabies vaccine between 8 and 12 weeks of age and a booster every year between the ages of one and two. It protects against a number of diseases, including feline viral rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia virus, and calicivirus. At the age of 12 to 16, a kitten should be given the first FVRCP vaccine, followed by booster shots every three to four months.
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How Much Do Canine Vaccinations Cost
As with cat vaccinations, the cost of immunising your puppy or dog will differ based on which type of vaccine is used, which vet you visit and whether youre after a batch of initial vaccinations or just a booster.
According to the RSPCA, initial puppy vaccinations could cost you $170 to $250, with yearly check-up vaccinations costing approximately $90.6
N.B. the costs of dog vaccinations will vary depending on your pets healthcare needs and which vet administers the vaccinations. You can contact your vet to inquire about how much vaccinating your puppy or dog could cost you.
Are There Any Possible Side Effects
Just like vaccines or medical treatment in humans, there is a low risk of side effects following feline vaccination. After having a vaccine your kitty may have possible side effects including:
- Mild reactions are most common, which includes a low-grade fever, lethargy, decreased appetite, and slight swelling at the injection site. Usually, the cat requires no treatment, and the signs pass within 1-2 days.
- In very rare cases cats can have an allergic reaction to the vaccine. In mild cases, which are much more common, the cat may develop hives, itchiness, swelling of the eyes and lips, and a mild fever. A more severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis is very rare but may cause problems breathing, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea and collapse. Allergic reactions need immediate veterinary attention and may require treatment with an antihistamine, stereoscopic or adrenaline.
- There is a link between cat vaccines and a cancer called feline injection-site sarcoma. These tumours are rare, with an estimated occurrence in cats of 0.01% to 0.1%. However, because of the risk cats are often given their vaccines at specific locations that are recorded in their medical record.
Talk to your vet about the risks associated with vaccines. However, it is generally considered that the benefits of vaccination are much greater than the potential risks or side effects of the vaccines.
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Are The Benefits Of Vaccination Worth The Cost To Get Your Cat Vaccinated
Still wondering if the benefits of cat vaccinations are even worth it? According to the American Veterinary Medical Association , vaccines are one of the best ways you can ensure your pets overall quality of life and defense against life-threatening illnesses.
How do they work?
Vaccines safely introduce small amounts of bacteria to your cats immune system. This triggers the production of antibodies to fight off the illness without actually making your pet sick. That way, if they ever do come in contact with a specific disease, their system is prepared to fight it off.
Vaccinations are valued for their life saving properties. But they are also an excellent way to avoid spending money in the long-haul on costly medical care for a pet that gets sick because it is unvaccinated.
When Should My Kitten Be Vaccinated
Generally, kittens are vaccinated for the first time at between six and eight weeks of age and booster doses are given at ten to twelve weeks and again at fourteen to sixteen weeks. A kitten will not be fully protected until seven to ten days after the second vaccination. Under specific circumstances, your veterinarian may advise an alternative regime .
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Does Pet Insurance Help
Pet insurance is a terrific option to reduce the high price of emergency situations or surgical procedures, and the monthly premiums are generally affordable. However, few policies provide for vaccination costs. Here are two other possibilities: Create a separate savings account for pet healthcare expenses or research different wellness plans that help cover preventative care.
What Vaccinations Do Cats And Kittens Need
They are a number of illnesses cats and kittens can be protected against. The RSPCA lists the following vaccinations:
- F3 Vaccine. This is a core vaccine that covers the big three cat diseases: Feline Panleukopaenia , Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus and Feline Calicivirus
- FIV Vaccine. A non-core vaccination, FIV Vaccine protects against Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and
- FeLV. Another non-core vaccination, this one protects against Feline Leukaemia Virus.2
In addition, you may be able to vaccinate your cat against other ailments, including rabies and bacterial infections like Chlamydophila Felis and Bordetella Bronchiseptica.3
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Are Cat Vaccinations Required By Law
Rabies is the only cat vaccination required by law in the state of Pennsylvania. This is due primarily to the threat rabies poses to human beings, and the speed at which rabies can spread. Although other cat and kitten vaccinations are not legally required by law, they are important to protect your cat from serious disease.
Why Does My Kitten Need More Than One Vaccination
Immediately after birth, a kitten receives a temporary form of immunity through the colostrum, which is the milk produced by mother cats shortly after birth, laden with protective antibodies. This first milk is produced only for a few days after birth and contains proteins called maternal antibodies. For about 24-48 hours after birth, the kitten’s intestine allows absorption of these antibodies directly into the blood stream. This passive immunity protects the kitten during its first few weeks of life when its immune system is immature, but in order to remain protected against these diseases, the kitten must produce its own, longer-lasting active immunity.
“In order to remain protected against diseases, the kitten must produce its own, longer-lasting active immunity.”
Vaccinations stimulate active immunity, but they have to be given at just the right time. As long as the mother’s antibodies are present in the kittens bloodstream, they prevent the immune system from responding effectively to the vaccines. When a kitten is ready to respond to vaccinations depends on the level of immunity in the mother cat, the amount of antibody absorbed by the nursing kitten, and the general health and nutrition of the kitten.
To keep up the cats immunity through adulthood, vaccines are repeated once every 1-3 years depending on individual circumstances and vaccine type.
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Additional Reasons To Vaccinate Your Cat
- Youll protect your cats life. Some of the viruses are highly transmissible and can infect your cat after making their way to your home transported on your shoes, clothes, or an insect.
- Youll avoid hefty vet bills. This is because vaccinations are a great way to avoid expensive treatments for serious illnesses.
- You are less likely to get zoonosis. Zoonosis is a disease that is transmitted from animals to humans. Some can be fatal to humans, such as rabies.
- Your cat will be better protected if it goes outside. If a wild animal infected with rabies or other deadly diseases bites it and is not vaccinated, your feline will have little chance of surviving.
- Vaccines are mandatory in most states. You will face possible expensive fines if you do not follow the law and the rules established by each state.
Why Do Indoor Cats Need Vaccinations
If your cat lives exclusively indoors, they will still need to be vaccinated against cat flu and panleukopenia, but may not need the FeLV vaccine. This is because FeLV only usually spreads between cats in close and regular contact, but cat flu and panleukopaenia are very infectious and can spread on clothes, shoes, and other surfaces. If you have an indoor cat, discuss their vaccinations with your vet to find the best schedule for them.
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Outdoor Cat Vaccines Cost
Outdoor cats are at risk for a number of diseases, many of which can be prevented with vaccinations. The cost of vaccinating an outdoor cat will vary depending on the type and number of vaccines required, but is typically less expensive than vaccinating an indoor cat.
Cats must be vaccinated against rabies by Maine State Law. The PureVax rabies vaccine is non-adjuvant, extremely safe, and is administered once a year. FVRCP is a feline vaccine that is also recommended for indoor cats. Felv vaccination is also recommended for cats who frequently venture outside. Cats that live outside tend to eat all or parts of their prey. As a result, they are at risk of developing internal parasites such as roundworms, hook worms, and tapeworms. Because of mosquitoes, it is possible that they will develop heartworm disease.
What Is The Difference Between The Various Types Of Vaccine
There are three major types of vaccine:
1. Modified live vaccines. These vaccines contain live organisms that are weakened or genetically modified so that they will not produce disease but will multiply in the cat’s body. Live vaccines induce a stronger, longer lasting immunity than inactivated vaccines. It is not advisable to use modified live vaccines in pregnant queens or cats whose immune system is not working properly , or other diseases).
2. Killed vaccines. These vaccines are prepared using actual organisms or genetically modified organisms that have been killed by various treatments. On their own, they do not give as high a level of protection as the live, replicating type of vaccine, so killed vaccines may have an adjuvant to make the immune response stronger.
3. Subunit vaccines. These are more commonly called recombinant-DNA vaccines. These are vaccines in which the infectious organism has been broken apart and only certain parts are included in the vaccine.
“Some vaccines are intranasal but the majority are given by injection.”
Many vaccines come as combinations, so that protection against more than one disease is achieved in a single injection or administration. Some vaccines are intranasal , but the majority are given by injection. Your veterinarian will advise you on the most appropriate vaccines for your cat.
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What Kind Of Vaccinations Can I Expect For My Pet
A kittens first vaccinations are at 6-8 weeks, 12-14 weeks, 16-18 weeks, and annually beyond that. These kitten vaccinations should be administered before your cat is allowed outside socialising.
Annual feline vaccination, F3, protects against:
- Chlamydia: a bacterial disease causing conjunctivitis, respiratory disease, infections, arthritis, and even abortion
- Enteritis : can be very severe especially in unvaccinated kittens under 12 months. It causes fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, liver failure, and in the worst cases, sudden death.
- Feline Calicivirus: an extension of the cat flu
- Feline Immunodeficiency Virus : must be vaccinated against if your cat ever goes outside. It is a potentially fatal disease spread between cats via bites, for which there is no treatment or cure.
- Feline Rhinotracheitis : another part of cat flu that can lead to permanent nasal and sinus infection.
The cost of an annual health check and F3 vaccination for a cat is $99 including a consultation fee.
A puppys first vaccinations occur at 6-8 weeks, 12-14 weeks, 16-18 weeks, and annually after that. These are necessary to protect your pup and to boost their immunity, and should be administered before they are socialised with other dogs.
Yearly canine vaccination, C5, protects against:
An annual health check and C5 vaccination for a dog is $116 including a consultation fee.
Do I Need To Keep A Pet Vaccination Record
When going to the vet for the first time, youll typically receive a pet health record, which vets will use to list what vaccinations your pet has received. This may be an electronic record or physical booklet.
When you adopt or buy a pet, particularly when its older, you should inquire from the breeder or adoption agency about what health records they have for the animal.
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Which Cat Shots Should You Get
When you are researching the cost to vaccinate a cat, its important to understand the full panel of recommended feline shots and what they protect against.
However, a vaccination schedule is going to look different based on a few factors, including:
- Lifestyle, such as whether they are an indoor or outdoor cat
Unable to afford all of their shots? Thats okay. It still protects your cat to get some shots.
So, lets take a look at the core cat vaccines.
Previously Vaccinated But Overdue
If your cat has previously been vaccinated, but is overdue their booster, they might have a bit of protection for two to three months after it was due, but after that they will be at risk again. Follow the guidance below until they are fully protected:
- If they are a house cat, continue keeping them indoors and prevent other cats coming into the house.
- Wash your hands after going outside, especially if you have touched any other cats.
- If they go outdoors, but are happy to stay inside, keep them in as much as possible.
- During this time monitor them for stress and allow them outside again if they appear unsettled.
- Stress can be very bad for cat health and cause problems such as Feline Idiopathic Cystitis and blocked bladders.
- Dont keep your cat indoors if they have previously suffered with stress related illness.
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How Much Are Cat Vaccines At Petco
At Petco, cat vaccines cost anywhere from $25-$45 depending on the type of vaccine. The most common vaccines are for rabies, feline leukemia, and feline distemper.
Owners of cats understand the importance of vaccinations in protecting their pets. Your pets immune system is stimulated and antibodies specific to the pathogen are developed as a result of vaccination. In cats, the FVRCP Combination Vaccine has the ability to prevent a wide range of deadly diseases. Most states require pet owners to immunize their cats against rabies. The disease is caused by an infection of the femoral vein, which causes the body to exchange blood, saliva, and other bodily fluids with an infected host. Because of the wide range of outdoor environments in which cats can be exposed to Bordetella, it is frequently necessary to give a bordetella vaccine to cats who have not been vaccinated. Certain vaccinations must be given in a specific amount of time to have a long-term effect.