Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is Elephant Bush Toxic To Cats

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Keep Your Pets Safe From Poisonous Succulents

Are Elephant Ear Plants Poisonous To Cats

Make sure your succulents are out of reach of your pets. Refrain from buying plants that are potentially toxic to them. If you still decide to purchase those plants, you need to keep them in an inaccessible area. If your pets accidentally chew on your succulent, call your vet or an animal poison control center to determine if any treatment is needed.

This video will also help you determine what succulents are safe for cats and dogs??

If you found this article interesting, share it with your succulent loving friends!

And get a free plant when your friends make an order.

ForTypes of Succulents Careguide. Read more informationhere.

Learn more about how to nurture and enjoy many gorgeous succulents and clever decoration tips with our newsletter. Let’s!

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Plants Safe To Keep When You Have Cats

While you may want to have some of the plantslisted above, you should also try to make your cats safe. Its best to considerother plants which may do well to beautify your home and make you and your cathappy. Some of them include:

African Violet

Baby Tears

This plant is both child-safe and pet-safe. The baby tears are the plant for you, especially with its beautiful white flowers, and the fact that it is the perfect non-toxic plant for a home.

For more examples of plants that may or may not be toxic, you may check the RSPCA or the ASPCA websites

Portulacaria Afra Most Common

The most common Portulacaria Afra is shown in the photo below. Has emerald green leaves with a little bit of reddish edges depending on sun exposure. The stems are light green when they are new, turns reddish-brown and eventual brown.

Sometimes, the stems of a Portulacaria Afra also develops cork bark when its older, the photo below shows one of our Elephant Bush thats more than 5 years old with cork bark.

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Is Elephant Ear Stem Poisonous

Elephant Ear Plant Safety The leaves and stems are the most toxic parts of the plants. Even touching them can cause skin irritation and itching, and if you get the sap in your eyes, your eyes will sting and burn for several hours. Elephant ear poisoning is rarely fatal, unless large amounts are eaten.

Bonsai Care Pruning And Notes For Portulacaria Afra Elephant Bush Dwarf Jade Plant

42 Plants That Are Toxic For Cats and Kittens

Portulacaria afra tree is relatively new to bonsai in the west. Dwarf Jade is hardy to droughts and can handle overwatering that is why elephant bush bonsai is popular in the west as it can be grown full year with awesome fleshy and round leaves.

Miniature jade bonsai is a fantastic carbon sequester. It can hold 4-5 times more carbon.


There is no harm to create an outdoor elephant bush bonsai tree, but bonsai trees are best suited indoors.

Along with the many medical and spiritual benefits, indoor bonsai trees are a luxurious home décor item.

Some Important dwarf jade bonsai notes

Different styles of trailing elephant bush bonsai tree

Following is the list of many styles:

  • Formal upright bonsai tree
  • Crassula Ovata Hobbit Complete Guide-Info & FAQs
  • Crassula Springtime Plant Guide
  • Gollum jade Crassula Argentea Growth & Care
  • Crassula Arborescens Silver Dollar Jade Completer Care Guide
  • Watering a succulent Overwatered Succulents, Remedies & Tips
  • Portulacaria Afra Elephant Bush Growth, Care, Propagation & FAQs
  • Crassula Rubricaulis Proper Growth and Care Guide
  • Crassula Streyi -Detailed Step by Step Caring Guide
  • Crassula Muscosa-Ultimate Caring & Propagation Guide
  • Crassula Moonglow-Detailed Guide About Care And Propagation is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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What To Do If Your Pet Eats A Succulent

If your pet eats a succulent, you need to immediately identify the plant and call your local veterinarian when there is a chance that the plant is poisonous. However, if your vet is not familiar with houseplants or succulents, you might want to contact a poison control center. These two poison control centers for animals below are available 24/7 and they both charge a small fee for a consultation.

ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center – 426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline – 764-7661

How To Prevent Pets From Coming Into Contact With Zz Plants

Now that you know the effects ZZ plants have on your pet, lets talk about solutions.

What can you do to make sure they do not suffer these risks and symptoms?

First, you should make sure that you place this plant in an ideal spot.

Never keep it in an area where your cats love to linger around. Choosing a location at home that is inaccessible to your felines is the perfect solution.

For instance, you may want to keep the plant in your room and keep the door closed. This will help prevent your cat from getting inside and coming into contact with this plant.

Additionally, some deterrents can help. This is specifically true when you live in a tighter space where there is no other spot to place this plant.

Consider sprinkling some coffee grounds or spraying a vinegar solution around the plant. The strong smell will discourage your pet from coming close to it.

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B Nhv Yucca Natural Cat And Dog Pain Arthritis Anti

It helps boost appetite, supports immunity, minimizes pain including in arthritic felines. It has sarsasapogenin and smilagenin.

Also, it is very nutritive since it has vitamin C, beta-carotene, B vitamins, magnesium, iron, calcium, manganese, protein, niacin, and phosphorus notes and it has no preservatives or additives.

Besides the above brands, there are some cat foods that have yucca such as Natural Pate Flavors.

Symptoms To Watch For

Plants That Are Toxic to Cats!!

Since many plants are irritants, most symptoms seen will be the result of irritation or inflammation, such as redness, swelling or itchiness of the eyes, skin or mouth.

When deeper parts of the gastrointestinal tract, like the stomach and intestines, become irritated, vomiting and diarrhea are likely.

If the toxic principle directly affects a particular organ, the symptoms seen will primarily be related to that organ. For example:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Drooling or difficulty swallowing
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive drinking and urinating
  • Fast, slow or irregular heart beat and weakness

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Watering Requirements For Portulacaria Afra

Watering largely depends on the climate you live in. These plants are highly adapted to dry conditions and drought but they thrive when given sufficient water. There really isnt a set schedule or formula on when to water succulent plants like these.

I live in a very dry climate so my watering schedule is adapted to the dry conditions of my environment. In the summer months, I water my Elephant Bush as often as every 7-10 days, sometimes more during a heatwave, giving the plant a good drink. I cut back on watering to about 10-14 days when the weather cools down.

If you live in a humid location, you wont need to water as much. And if you keep your plants indoors, you may not have to water as much especially if they are not receiving a lot of light. During winter season, I mostly rely on rainwater and hold back on watering altogether because this is when we get a lot of rain in my area. But if we dont get any rain at all during winter then I water at least once a month or every 2-3 weeks.

One good way to tell whether its time to water is to check the moisture of the soil. The top inch of the soil needs to feel dry before you can water again. If you are unsure how much and how often to water in the beginning, its always better to underwater and increase watering as needed. Pay attention to how your plant looks and you can adjust watering accordingly.

Is Aglaonema Toxic To Cats Or Is It Safe

Many people are looking for information on whether or not Aglaonema is toxic to cats. This article may help answer that question.

Aglaonema plants are a type of plant in the Araceae family, and theyre sometimes called Chinese Evergreens because they originated from China. They grow well indoors, but its important to know if they can be toxic to your cat before you bring one home!

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Sempervivum Hens And Chicks

There are tons of kinds of Semps at Mountain Crest. Check them out!

This whole genus is full of non-toxic plants. You can grab a Semp that fits your existing color schemes or strikes your fancy.

These plants are especially awesome for two reasons:

  • Theyre cold-hardy. They can survive outside during winter snows with no problem.
  • They propagate by themselves super easily. Theyll create pups constantly as long as theyre happy.
  • Any of these succulents are safe to keep around your cats. This isnt a comprehensive list -there are more options out there if none of these tickle your fancy.

    If you saw this list and thought Wait, Ive got a dog too. Will these be safe for him/her too? Weve another article you can read to find dog-safe succulents! Check them out here!


    Q: Are all succulents safe for cats?

    A: No, not all succulents are safe for cats. Some succulent species are toxic and will cause your pet some serious discomfort. Dont worry if your cat has ingested a toxic succulent it is very unlikely that the succulent will be fatal to your pet, but they will need a lot of tender loving care while they are sick.

    Q: How can I keep my cat away from my succulent plant?

    A: Mixing one tablespoon of lemon juice with water and spraying it on your plant every few days will act as a cat repellent and should stop your cat from nibbling on your succulent.

    Q: Is jade toxic to plants?

    A: Yes, if your cat ingests a lot of jade plants, it could lead to jade plant poisoning.

    Household Plants That Are Dangerous To Dogs And Cats

    Elephant Ear


    • Over 700 indoor/outdoor plants contain toxic substances that may harm dogs and cats.
    • If these plants are ingested, signs of poisoning can be mild to severe, sometimes even causing death.
    • Most houseplants have multiple names, so it is important to confirm that the houseplants you currently own or may purchase are not toxic to your pet.

    Asparagus Fern

    Asparagus fern is toxic to dogs and cats. The toxic agent in this plant is sapogenina steroid found in a variety of plants. If a dog or cat ingests the berries of this plant, vomiting, diarrhea, and/or abdominal pain can occur. Allergic dermatitis can occur if an animal is repeatedly exposed to this plant.

    Corn Plant

    Corn plant is toxic to dogs and cats. Saponin is the toxic chemical compound in this plant. If this plant is ingested, vomiting , appetite loss, depression, and/or increased salivation can occur. Affected cats may also have dilated pupils.


    Dieffenbachia is toxic to dogs and cats. Dieffenbachia contains a chemical that is a poisonous deterrent to animals. If this plant is ingested, oral irritation can occur, especially on the tongue and lips. This irritation can lead to increased salivation, difficulty swallowing, and vomiting.

    Elephant Ear

    Elephant ear contains a chemical similar to the one in dieffenbachia, so an animals toxic reaction to elephant ear is similar: oral irritation, increased salivation, difficulty swallowing, and vomiting.



    Heartleaf Philodendron

    Jade Plant

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    The English Ivy Plant

    Oh, its an easy to care for indoor plant when potted, needing just moist soil and four hours of sunlight daily. Its not so easy to care for a pet when they ingest any part of the plant

    Especially the leaves as those have the highest concentration of saponins and polyacetylene compounds, which will almost instantaneously see you watch your pet show the signs of the burning theyre feeling in their throat. A horrific experience for pets and their owners.

    The combination of the chemicals burns pets mouths causing blisters, closely followed by some excess drooling when youll know you need a vet and fast.

    When it is ingested, it should cause a stomach upset, however vomiting may need to be induced. For that reason, if this ever happens, emergency care is needed.

    Whats the vet going to do?

    A veterinarian can give pets an emetic, which you can do at home, but chances are you never have and would prefer to have someone qualified provide emergency care.

    Its not worth the risk! Play it safe and keep English Ivy far away from household pets so you never experience the excruciating pain caused by this long-leafed trailing plant, tempting cats and dogs to have a chew or lick. Pets will take the bait and the results will not be pleasant.

    Save yourself the emotional guilt when you realize it was all because of a nice looking, albeit, air purifying plant The reason most people buy these indoor plants.

    Now, if colors what youre after, this is not the way to go

    What Are The Risks

    Most cats are fastidious creatures and are careful about what they eat. Poisoning in cats is therefore generally rare. It is the young inquisitive cat or kitten that is most at risk of eating harmful plants, particularly household ones. Boredom also has a part to play. When a cat is confined to a run or lives entirely indoors, hazardous plants should be removed from its environment. Cats given free access to the outside world tend to have other things to occupy their minds than sampling unfamiliar vegetation. But even free-roaming adult cats may accidentally ingest needles or seeds that have become entangled in their coat during grooming.

    All plants, even grass, can have an irritating effect on a cats gastrointestinal system causing it to vomit. But, given the opportunity, cats like to nibble on grass. When not available, their attention may turn to less suitable household plants. Particularly dangerous are Dieffenbachia , and lilies, which are popular in bouquets and flower arrangements.

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    Is Elephant Food Plant Poisonous

    Is Elephant food plant poisonous? Toxicity to Cats, Dogs or PetsPortulacaria Afra Elephant Bush foliage are edible and non-toxic to pets and humans.

    Is Elephant food plant poisonous to dogs? The Elephant Bush/Plant is a nontoxic pet safe houseplant you can have around your cats and dogs without worry.

    Is Elephant Bush bad for cats? Other names for this broad green leafed plant include Taro, Pai, Malanga, Via Sori, Ape, and Caladium. If elephant ear is ingested by your pet, it will cause increased salivation, difficulty swallowing, oral irritation, and vomiting.

    Are Succulents poisonous to humans? Kalanchoe and Euphorbia succulents are two succulents that can be toxic to humans. Still, as a general rule with all house plants, its important to keep even non-toxic succulents out of reach of children and pets.

    Are Succulents Poisonous To Cats And Dogs

    What Plants Are POISONOUS To Cats | TOP 6 Plants And Flowers That Can KILL Your Cat | VET ADVICE

    Reviewed for accuracy on May 17, 2019, by Dr. Katie Grzyb, DVM

    Succulent plants are more popular than ever because they are easy to care for and work well as houseplants.

    These hardy plants can thrive both indoors and outdoors, making them a favorite among both experienced gardeners and budding green thumbs.

    While succulents can be great, low-maintenance houseplants for humans, they are not always a great option if you have furry family members.

    If ingested, some varieties of this trendy plant could harm cats and dogs.

    Most succulents are nontoxic to our pets, but we can definitely see that some are poisonous, says Dr. Elizabeth Muirhead, a veterinarian based in the Virginia Beach area.

    If you want to bring succulents into your home or garden, first take a look at this list of safe and poisonous succulents for dogs and cats.

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    Can You Trim An Elephant Plant

    Take care of your Elephants Ear and it will take care of you! Below are simple tips to continue caring for and growing your Elephants Ear over time. Pruning the voluptuous leaves will droop as they age. You can safely trim these off with a clean blade, this will give your plant more energy to grow new leaves!

    Ten Household Plants That Are Dangerous/toxic To Dogs And Cats

    • More than 700 indoor/outdoor plants contain toxic substances that may harm dogs and cats.
    • If these plants are ingested, signs of poisoning can be mild to severe, sometimes even causing death.
    • Most houseplants have multiple names, so it is important to confirm that the houseplants you currently own or may purchase are not toxic to your pet.

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    The Purple Waffle Plant

    This is another air purification plant thats safe for cats and dogs to be around. The leaves have a striking crinkly effect with a metallic tint to them. The color, as youd imagine is purple, but the leaves are green so its a plant to add a touch of color without overdoing it.

    And its an easy to care for plant too.

    Precautionary Note:

    Just because plants can be labelled as non-toxic and pet-friendly, doesnt mean theyre edible. Curious pets may nibble on leaves or lick the water or condensation from the leaves. Non-toxic plants for pets just means you wont need an emergency vet called out, or you rushing your cat or dog to the animal hospital.

    If they ingest too much though, it can still cause stomach upsets. Same as if you were to eat too much of anything.

    The best place to have indoor plants are out of the reach of your pets. At the very least, itll save you some uncomfortable cleaning.

    How To Propagate A Portulacaria Afra Plant:

    Is Elephant Ears Poisonous to Cats and Dogs?
    • Obtain a few stem cuttings or leaf cuttings and let them dry for a day or so.

    Dip the cut end in rooting hormone. I do not really find the need to use a rooting hormone but some people prefer using it to speed up the process and also guarantee success.

    • Once the cut has healed and dried, stick the cuttings in a well draining potting mix. If using leaves, you can either stick them in soil or lay them flat on the soil.
    • Keep away from direct sunlight. Water the soil every few days or when it feels dry.
    • After about two weeks or so, you will notice new roots growing.
    • After about four to six weeks, the cuttings should be fully rooted and you will soon notice new growth developing from the top.

    There you have it. It is very easy to propagate these plants from stem cuttings. In fact, I have them growing everywhere and use them as fillers in a lot of my pots. I have also given a lot away to friends.

    I wrote about how I have grown my succulent collection through stem cuttings here Easiest Way To Propagate Succulents. It really is such a rewarding experience to be able to multiply your collection and have them literally growing everywhere.

    I have them growing in different containers. All from stem cuttings.

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