Sunday, April 28, 2024

When Can A Male Cat Be Neutered

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How To Neuter Your Cat

Some people worry that their cats personality will change. This isnt true but you might see a fall in certain behaviour roaming, mounting, fighting or spraying urine.

People also worry that their pet will get fat. Neutered animals might have slightly lower food requirements so you just need to feed them a little less.

Page last updated 22/03/2021

Do Male Cats Spray After Being Neutered

Usually, if cats are neutered around the time they reach sexual maturitybetween the ages of 5-6 monthsthey will not spray. Unfortunately, after 1 year of age, your cat will likely continue to spray due to testosterone levels in the body and chronic marking behavior.

The good news is once a cat is neutered at any age, this spraying behavior typically decreases significantly.

Benefits Of Spaying Or Neutering Your Cat

According to Dr. Jennifer Coates, veterinary advisor with petMD, spaying a female cat before her first heat cycle virtually eliminates the risk of mammary cancer. She says that this condition is especially serious in cats since feline mammary cancers tend to be very aggressive in comparison to other species.

Spayed female cats also cannot develop ovarian and uterine cancers or a potentially fatal uterine infection called a pyometra, Coates adds. Other health-related issues related to spaying include negating the possibility of the complications that can occur with pregnancy and birthing.

For male cats, Coates says that the benefits of neutering are primarily behavioral, although the procedure does eliminate the possibility that a cat will develop testicular cancer as he ages.

Anyone who as ever tried living with an intact male cat will tell you that the vocalizations, escape attempts, roaming, fighting and urine spraying associated with normal tom cat behavior can get old really quick, she says.

Feline AIDS and leukemia can both be spread between cats through bites, often spurred on by sexual competition, says Coates. So, reducing the urge to mate also reduces the likelihood that your cat will contract one of these oftentimes fatal infections.

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Neuter Your Male Cat As Late As Possible

This school of thought is taken by many breeders and says:

  • Leave neutering for as long as possible and preferably until the cat is at least one year old

  • Because neutering reduces the testosterone levels of a cat, a male British Shorthair cat will not grow to his full potential if neutered too early

  • A male British Shorthair cat will not develop the lovely jowls so associated with the breed if he is neutered too early

  • It is healthier for a cat to do most of his growing before his hormones are interrupted by neutering

The second school of thought what age to neuter a cat says:

Does Neutering Cats Reduce Lifespan

What Age Can A Male Cat Be Neutered

Another study, conducted by Banfield Pet Hospitals on a database of 2.2 million dogs and 460,000 cats reflected similar findings, concluding that neutered male dogs lived 18% longer and spayed female dogs lived 23% longer. Spayed female cats in the study lived 39% longer and neutered male cats lived 62% longer.

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Why Is Neutering Male Cats Important

While neutering female cats to keep them from having a litter might seem to be a more highly loaded decision than neutering a male cat, it is equally important to neuter male cats too!

Whilst you wont be the one that ends up with a litter as the owner of a male if your cat does mate, that hypothetical litter will still exist due to a decision not to neuter, and will still impact on the number of unwanted kittens in the country nonetheless.

Additionally, unneutered male cats that are sexually mature are apt to roam much further from home than neutered cats, and are more likely to get into hot water when seeking out or trying to tempt a mate! Unneutered male cats are also much more likely to get into fights with other cats, which can lead to both obvious injuries, and the transmission of several potentially fatal feline diseases.

Finally, neutering your male cat will help to protect them against several future health problems related to the reproductive system, including testicular cancer.

Benefits Of Neutering Your Male Cat

Population Control

While male cats don’t actually have kittens themselves, one unneutered male cat in your neighborhood can make many female cats pregnant. That’s why neutering male cats is as important as spaying females when it comes to population control!

Health Issues

Neutering your male cat may help slow the spread of serious cat diseases such as Feline immunodeficiency virus and Feline leukemia virus that are often spread between cats during fights. Neutering can help to reduce cat aggression and may mean fewer injuries from fighting. Neutered males also tend to stay closer to home which helps to reduce their risk of being injured by vehicles.

Deter Undesirable Behaviors

Unneutered male cats typically spray inside the home more than neutered males and may be aggressive towards their owners. Having your male kitten neutered while young can help to prevent these behaviors from starting. Also, male cats who are not neutered, frequently roam over large areas in search of unspayed females to mate with. These males will spray to mark their territory and often fight with other male cats which can be bothersome, noisy, and smelly.

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How Long Does It Take A Cat To Recover From Spaying/neutering

Dr. Mar points out that animals are incredibly resilient and cats are no different. âThe first 24-48 hours your cat may be a bit painful and tired, which is expected after any surgery,â she explains. âHowever, pets are given pain medications before or during surgery in order to ensure your pet is not in pain when they wake up.â The pain medicine is generally taken for three to five days after the surgery. Neutered cats will recover much faster because removing an external organ such as the testicles does not open up the abdominal cavity and require stitching the way itâs done with spaying.

Additional Benefits Of Neutering Your Male Cat

Differences Between Neutered & Un-Neutered Cats : General Cat Health

Finally, given that you now know that some sexual urges may continue after neutering, you may be seeking reassurances that the procedure is still worthwhile for your male cat. Aside from the major advantages associated with preventing unwanted kittens being born and helping with cat population control, there are a number of additional benefits that neutering can offer, and some of these are especially worth knowing about.

For example, neutering male cats can provide a number of important health benefits, such as reduced instances of certain serious illnesses and diseases. The procedure eliminates the risk of testicular cancer completely, and can also significantly reduce the likelihood of your cat ever developing prostate cancer as well.

One of the major advantages of having your male cat fixed is a calming of territorial behaviour. This means that your cat is less likely to engage in behaviour like urine spraying, but also means your cat may become less aggressive and less likely to engage in fights with other cats either in or out of the household. The overall result of this calming influence is that your cat becomes a more affectionate and dependable companion.

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How To Care For Your Cat After They’ve Been Spayed/neutered

Although cats will feel better a day or two after surgery, owners will still need to make sure their cat is limiting their activity, as not to rupture or strain the recent sutures. âThis is one reason why an e-collar is required in cats after they’re spayed/neutered,â explains Dr. Mar.

The main aftercare is ensuring your pet is comfortable and pain medication is given if needed, the collar is kept on, and your catâs activity is restricted in order for them to heal quickly and smoothly.

Here Are The Top 5 Reasons You Should Have Your Pet Neutered:

  • Help reduce the overpopulation of cats. Its hard to accept, but there arent enough homes for the cats currently in need of adoption. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals , 3.4 million cats enter shelters every year. There are far more cats born than there are homes.
  • Reduce unwanted behaviors such as inter-cat aggression between house mates.
  • Reduce roaming in male cats. An intact male will do just about anything to find a mate, including escaping from the house. Roaming can risk your cat from getting into fights with other animals, being hit by a car, lost or stolen, or injured by extreme weather.
  • Reduce the risk of testicular and prostate cancer.
  • Reduce the urge for your male cat to spray urine to mark territory.
  • Cats are typically neutered around 5-6 months of age, though some shelters will do it much earlier as an effort to help control overpopulation.

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    Whens The Best Time To Have My Kitten Neutered

    Ideally, you should have your kitten neutered around puberty in male cats, this is between six to twelve months old. Male cats tend to reach sexual maturity, and therefore begin looking for a mate, between seven and twelve months old. Neutering can be done successfully from as young as three months. Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on the best time for your kitten.

    How Do I Care For My Cat After Neuter Surgery

    Do male cats spray after being neutered? Lets answer the ...

    The risks associated with cat neutering can include pain, infection, dehiscence , and excessive bleeding, which can cause a condition called a scrotal hematoma where the scrotum fills up with blood. Because cat neutering requires general anesthesia, it adds risks, including death. This is why blood work and a full exam are important safety procedures before administering any general anesthesia.

    Look out for signs of infection after surgery. These include excessive swelling, redness, heat, odor or discharge from the surgical site. If you notice any of these signs, call your veterinarian right away.

    You minimize your cats risk of infection by precisely following discharge instructions from your veterinarian. Its important to prevent your cat from licking the surgery site by placing a cone or no-bite collar on him for the recommended post-surgery time period.

    The greatest long-term health risk for a cat after neuter surgery is obesity. Neutered cats have a lower metabolism and activity level due to the lack of testosterone. To combat this, prevent your cat from overeating and gaining unhealthy weight. Engage him in regular play to help keep his weight down and his activity level and happiness up.

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    Early Neutering Of Cats: The Risk Factors And Benefits

    Nicola Smith Friday, April 1, 2011

    Leading feline welfare bodies in the UK are encouraging veterinary suregons to neuter cats earlier to reduce the number of unplanned litters born that lead to many unwanted cats. Veterinary surgeons have been concerned that early neutering may lead to higher mortality rates from surgery, as well as higher incidences of urinary problems, obesity and growth plate fractures. It has been demonstrated that earlier neutering does not cause any long-term health implications, and that the procedure can be performed safely in young kittens as long as the patient is properly prepared, monitored and recovered.

    The optimal age to neuter cats is a subject that has provoked much discussion and debate. Cat charities are encouraging veterinary surgeons to neuter cats much younger than has been done traditionally to minimize the number of unplanned litters of kittens born each year . However, many veterinary practices are still following traditional guidelines of neutering from 22 weeks of age because of concerns over long-term health issues and the safety of performing surgery on young patients. The concerns of urinary issues, physeal fractures, obesity and behavioural issues are investigated in this article to determine the long-term implications that early neutering may have . Additionally, nursing considerations with such procedures are discussed, including preparation, prevention of hypothermia and effective monitoring of the patient.

    Spaying And Neutering: The Bottom Line

    Spaying and neutering can help keep your cat healthier and safer and you dont end up with more kittens than you can count. To be on the safe side, get your cat spayed or neutered before theyre six months old. If youre wondering when to spay a cat or when to neuter a cat, speak to your local veterinarian.

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    What Is The Difference Between Spaying And Neutering

    When we discuss getting a companion animal ‘fixed’, we are using a blanket term that refers to both the spaying of femal animals and the neutering of male animals.

    Spaying Female Cats

    When we spay a cat, the uterus and ovaries, or occasionally just the ovaries, of the female cat are surgically removed.

    After the spaying procedure has been done, she will not be able to have kittens.

    Neutering Male Cats

    Neutering involves removing the male cat’s testicles.

    When your male cat is neutered, he will be unable to father kittens.

    Treating Your Cat After Surgery

    When should you neuter your kitten? Spaying & Neutering Explained
  • 1Inspect your cats incision area. Looking at your cats incision can help you get an idea of what it looks like and will help you monitor its progress. If possible, ask your veterinarian to show you the incision before you take your cat home.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsLeading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal crueltyGo to source You may want to take a photograph of the site on the first day for a reference point.
  • Female cats and male cats with undescended testicles will have incisions on their bellies. Most male cats will have two small incisions on the scrotum area .
  • 2Use an Elizabethan collar. Your veterinarian may provide this collar, or you can purchase one at your local pet store. This type of collar extends up past your cats face so that it cant bother the incision area.
  • These collars may also be called protective collars, E-collars, or cone collars.
  • Your cat may or may not need this depending on the behavior. Try going with/without it but make sure to watch your cat. If they start to excessively dig at the wound put it on.
  • If your cat seems alert and responsive, you can offer your cat about a quarter of its normal portion of food about 2-4 hours after you get home from surgery.XResearch sourceEtienne Cote, Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats, 3rd Edition . Dont force the cat to eat or drink, though.
  • Remove cat trees, perches, and other furniture that your cat may enjoy jumping on.
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    Sexual Urges After Neutering

    One of the main reasons why cat owners opt to have their male cat neutered aside from the obvious upside of preventing unwanted breeding is to eliminate unwanted sexual behaviour more generally. Indeed, humping and other displays of your cats sexual urges can be problematic to deal with, and can be a source of real frustration. Yet, while neutering can help with this, it is not an entirely fool-proof solution to the issue.

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    Neutered male cats do tend to lose most of their sexual urges, but some tom cats may continue to display signs of sexual desire ranging from humping inanimate objects, right through to mounting female cats. If your cat falls into this category, it can come as a major shock and you might even be questioning whether the procedure has worked. The good news is that the retention of sexual urges is fairly common and does not mean the neutering has failed.

    So why do some cats retain their sexual urges, even after castration or neutering?

    In the most extreme circumstances, your cat may even retain enough of its sexual urges to actually attempt to mate with a female cat. Thankfully, as a result of the neutering, it will not be successful in producing offspring.

    Whats Involved In The Cat Neutering Process

    Both operations are carried out under general anaesthetic. Every surgical procedure has some risk but modern techniques are very safe.

    Because it involves surgery, there will be some discomfort but cats are given drugs to control this and most of them are up and about just a few hours after theyve had their operation.

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    Other Reasons For Continued Sexual Behaviour

    Aside from the continued presence of sex hormones in the body in the immediate aftermath of neutering, and the continuation of established habits, there are a number of other reasons why your male cat may continue to display sexual behaviour after the procedure. It is understandable that you may see this as evidence that your cat still wants to mate, but in most cases, there is actually a much more innocent explanation.

    Humping behaviour in male cats is sometimes linked to stress and, interestingly, it can even manifest in cats that have never previously displayed this behaviour, because they were neutered at a young age. This kind of stress-induced humping is fairly common when there is a major change in the household, such as the addition of a new pet.

    Some experts have suggested this behaviour may be a form of attention-seeking, where your cat is looking for some kind of reassurance from you. However, it can also be a sign that he has excessive amounts of energy, perhaps due to excitement, or as a result of a lack of physical activity.

    Moreover, urine spraying and roaming are also associated with the desire to mate. Although neutering helps, it is possible these behaviours may still continue, and it is not currently well understood why that is the case.

    Dr Michelle Burch Dvm

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    Dr. Michelle Burch, DVM, is a Veterinarian from Safe Hounds Pet Insurance. Heres what he said, Unfortunately, there are no medications or implants in the United States approved for chemical castration as secondary options instead of surgical neuter. In Europe and other countries, the Suprelorin implant has the approval to prevent fertility and suppress libido. Suprelorin works by stopping pathways in the reproductive endocrine system.

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