Is Treatment Available For A Dog Thats Allergic To Cats
There are no cures and no way to prevent an animal from developing allergies. The goal is to manage the symptoms, says Dr. Jeffrey.
Dr. Jeffrey explains, There are companies that make allergy drops that are very similar to allergy injections that people with allergies receive. They desensitize the immune system to the allergens over a period of several months. The desensitization process can take between 6-12 months.
Dr. Falk says that veterinarians can tailor allergy vaccines, or allergy drops, to target specific allergies in dogs and build up their tolerance to the allergen. These treatments, referred to as allergen-specific immunotherapy, are generally quite effective in about 70 percent of dogs with allergies.
Oral allergy medicine for dogs that works to stop itchinessincluding antihistamines and is also available, says Dr. Jeffrey. In addition, treatment of any secondary infections with antibiotics and/or antifungals will also help.
What To Do If You’re Allergic To Your Pet
If you could snap your fingers and make your allergies disappear, you’d probably do it in a second. But what if your pet is the cause of your watery eyes, sneezing, and runny nose? Suddenly that oh-so-simple decision becomes a much tougher call. For some, the psychological misery of giving up a pet may outweigh the everyday misery of allergy symptoms.
The problem starts with dander, one of the most stubborn and common allergens. Cats, dogs, and other furry or feathered pets produce dander, which consists of microscopic, dandruff-like flakes of skin and proteins from saliva and urine that can trigger allergies and aggravate asthma. If you’re allergic to dander, the easiest route to allergy relief is to find your pet a new home.
In fact, thats what most doctors will tell you to do. Yet this advice is rarely welcomed or followed, even when the pet is causing serious problems. Some families cant fathom giving away their petit’s almost like giving away one of their children, says Anne Miranowski, MD, an allergist at the Pediatric Lung Center in Fairfax, Va. I see some children where exposure to their three cats is clearly making them sick, and the family insists on keeping all three cats.
Physicians and health organizations recognize the attachment that people have to their pets. If a family is unwilling to remove a pet, experts recommend a host of alternative measures, such as limiting contact between the pet and the allergic person and using air cleaners.
How Immunity Can Build Up
Sometimes, you can build up immunity to a particular cat over time. An allergy occurs when your body treats the allergens as foreign invaders. With time, your body may become accustomed to the cat allergens of a particular cat and your reaction to them may diminish. According to experts, allergies to certain foods are also treated on a similar concept of exposing the patients to the allergens gradually over time. Most of the times, you build up immunity only to a particular cat, and your symptoms may trigger again around other cats.
How Do I Know I’m Allergic
Symptoms of cat allergies include:
- Sneezing
And in the most severe cases:
- Difficulty breathing
- Chest pain
- Wheezing
Of course these are the same symptoms you may have for many types of allergies, so don’t automatically assume the cat is to blame.
The best thing to do if you start to experience these or other symptoms is to make an appointment with an allergist. They will perform tests to definitively determine if you’re suffering from a cat allergy.
Does Vitamin C Help With Allergies
A potent antioxidant, vitamin C protects your cells from damage, reduces the severity of allergic reactions and helps your body to fight infections. When taken during allergy season, vitamin C can slow down the overreaction of your body to environmental triggers by decreasing your bodys histamine production.
Can I Still Live With A Cat If I Have Severe Allergies
Most allergists and health professionals would highly suggest NOT living with a cat if you have cat allergies so severe that they could cause a potential allergic asthma attack or if you have experienced anaphylactic shock in the past caused by any allergen.
While we here at CatTime love cats, if you dont already have a cat, we would not suggest getting one if you have severe cat allergies. At they very least, you should spend some time in a home that does have a cat, and see if you can tolerate it.
There are people, however, who do find ways to live with cats, even with the worst of allergies. Some people swear that theyve built up a tolerance after enough exposure.
There are lots of allergy management strategies to use if youre already living with a cat and experience any amount of allergic symptoms. And in fact, scientists may have found ways to reduce cat allergens by using egg products. However, that needs further study before we can call it a cure, though it can give allergy sufferers hope.
Do you or someone you know have a deadly allergy to cats? What do you do to make sure you stay healthy and safe? Let us know in the comments below!
Recent Studies For Cat Allergy Cures
For the first time ever, science is offering hope to cat-allergy sufferers everywhere. In just a few years, your options may extend beyond HEPA filters, asthma inhalers, allergy medications and avoidance.
Two studies have discovered different ways to tackle the problem at its root. The idea is to neutralize the feline allergen itself instead of trying to minimize a persons allergic response.
Im Allergic To My Cat How Can I Manage My Symptoms In My Home
If you have found out that you do have an allergy, your doctor is the best person to give you advice on managing and alleviating your allergy symptoms. For example, you might benefit from using antihistamine tablets or nasal sprays. There are also a number of things you can do within your home to keep your symptoms at bay. These include:
- having hardwood floors instead of carpets
- using blinds instead of curtains
- installing air filters to remove allergens
- regularly cleaning where your cat sleeps
- washing your cats bed regularly
- moving litter trays and cat beds away from air vents
To find out more about how you can reduce allergens in your home, as well as more information on pet allergies, visit Allergy UKs website
Can Being Allergic To Pets Kill You
is a rare but life-threatening allergic reaction, usually caused by things such as insect stings or food items and even pets. It is a sudden and severe allergic reaction that occurs within minutes of exposure and requires immediate medical attention. Without treatment, anaphylaxis can get worse very quickly and lead to death within 15 minutes.
When someone comes into contact with an allergen capable of causing anaphylaxis, they might experience symptoms such as:
- Face swelling
Getting Shots For Cat Allergies
If you dont seem to be adjusting, you can also try getting shots to help your cat allergies.
These immunotherapy shots work on the same principle as exposure to a cat over time. The injections contain cat allergens starting in tiny doses that are gradually increased.
Youll get an allergy shot once or twice a week for about six months, with boosters every three years or so.
Make an appointment with your doctor so they can run some allergy tests and prescribe this treatment.
How To Build Up Immunity To Cat Allergy
Cat allergy is often caused due to proteins present in cats saliva, urine, dander and dry skin flakes found in fur. Some people have intolerance to cats, and develop itchy nose, itchy eyes and excessive sneezing whenever around a cat. If you are also allergic to cats, that doesnt mean that you should always stay away from a cats cuteness for your entire lifetime. In some instances, you may build up immunity to cat allergy over time, and become more tolerant to it. Read this oneHOWTO article to find out how to build up immunity to cat allergy.
What to Feed a Malnourished Cat
Keep Your Cat Out Of Your Bedroom
You might be accustomed to snuggling up with a warm kitty on cool evenings, but sleeping with your cat when youre allergic will definitely cause problems. Keeping your cat out of your bedroom wont entirely eliminate allergens from the room, but it will cut down on them drastically and allow you to breathe and sleep at the same time.
What Causes An Allergy To Cats
While it is commonly thought that cat hair causes allergy symptoms, the truth is more complex its whats on the hair that is the issue. In fact cat allergies is caused by a protein produced in a cats saliva and sebaceous glands, which is then spread onto the cats hair and skin during grooming. Whenever a cat sheds their fur, hair and dander , the sticky protein attached is transferred into the environment. This often leads to the allergy symptoms you experience be it coughing, sneezing or watering eyes!
However, cat hair can also act as a carrier of other airborne allergens: pollen, dust mites and mould, which can also cause allergic symptoms in individuals with hay fever, asthma or eczema
How To Reduce Cat Allergies
If you are a cat lover, allergies can be really frustrating and upsetting. This irritation will be magnified if you are only allergic to certain cats that you really like. The good news is that this suggests that your allergy is not as serious. An allergy does not mean you can never approach cats again. You will not need to rehome a family cat either.
While you are waiting for HypoCat, you can minimize the effects of cat allergies. Use this approach with every feline you encounter, as you wont know how you will react to a cat until the allergic reaction takes hold.
Prepare to Be Approached
A curious quirk of feline behavior dictates that cats will often approach somebody with an allergy. As explained by Animal Behavior and Welfare, cats understand human facial expressions. This means a cat will recognize the smile of a cat lover. Experience teaches the cat that petting and handling will quickly follow.
Some cats will welcome this, but most will proceed with caution. Until a bond of trust has been forged, the cat will be wary of human contact. The cat wants to remain in control and transfer its scent to a new human.
This why cats are attracted to those with allergies. Such a person is unlikely to touch the cat. If anything, it will keep its distance. In the cats mind, this makes the person safe to approach. The cat will rub itself on the persons legs, claiming this non-intrusive human as its own.
Handle with Care
Purify the Air
Keep the Home Clean
What Can I Do With My Cat To Manage Allergy Symptoms
Aside from keeping your house clean and free of allergens, there are several things to be mindful of as you interact with your cat. These include:
- avoid being licked by your cat this will spread allergens to you and could make symptoms worse
- gently clean your cat with a damp cloth
- always groom your cat outside
- after giving them a stroke, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly
- feed your cat PURINA Pro Plan LiveClear to help reduce allergens in your home – more details below!
How To Get Rid Of Cat Allergies In House
Lets be clear upfront. Avoidance is the best treatment but its not the only solution. There are many ways you can deal with cat allergies or at least curb down on the symptoms. Some methods are on the controversial side so skip the one youre not comfortable with. Remember, ignorance is not an option and you should never wait it out and hope for the best.
- Coughing/ Wheezing
Method 1 Of 3:checking For Symptoms
How Does Pet Allergy Occur
Pet allergens are most concentrated in homes with pets. But they are also found in buildings and public spaces without pets.
The main source of dog allergen is saliva, either directly from licking or from being transferred to their dander or hair. Cat allergens mainly come from glands in their skin and are spread through licking and grooming.
Pet allergens are sticky and can remain for months or years after a pet has gone. They can become airborne and attach to clothes and hair.
People can become sensitive to, or have an allergic reaction to, cats or dogs without ever having owned a pet.
Visit Friends With Cats
Choose to visit a friend with an outgoing cat to allow you to get up close and personal with a feline but on a limited basis. Ask your friend to choose a time when the cat is fed, comfortable, and relaxed. Ask your friend permission to use an allergy relief spray or on the cat if necessary while you’re visiting.
Use your allergy medication half an hour before the arranged time. When you arrive, let the cat set the pace. You may be greeted by being sniffed at your feet and legs at first. You can dangle your hand to see if the cat rubs up against it, which can indicate petting is acceptable. If your allergies are still under control, you might allow the cat to jump onto your lap. Make your visit about 15 minutes at the most to keep both you and the cat comfortable.
In another week or two, visit again with the same cat, and stay longer, up to half an hour. Begin to branch out and visit other friends with cats.
Should I Keep My Cat If I’m Allergic To It
There is not a single correct answer to this question. But before you decide whether to keep your cat, you must make sure that it is your cat causing the allergic reaction. You don’t want to go through the stress and upset of rehoming a much loved pet if your allergic reaction is caused by dust mites.
You have to decide whether the severity of your allergic reaction means you need to re-home your cat.
In some cases, the symptom-easing tips included above are enough to make living with a cat sustainable, but other people find that their allergic reaction makes living with a cat unbearable.
Cat Allergy Tips For Parents
Growing up in London, England, we had a cat, as well as other animals including rabbits, chicken and one tortoise. Since then, we have carried on the tradition with two to three cats at any given time. You can imagine my surprise when my daughter moved away from home only to find out that she is highly allergic to cats!
Why Does Cat Dander Cause Allergies
Cat dander contains a glycoprotein called fel d 1. It is fel d 1 that provokes a cat allergy. Fel d 1 is measured in nanograms . According to The American Review of Respiratory Disease, a cats presence in a room increased the fel d 1 level by up to 90ng/m. This is sufficient to provoke an allergic reaction in somebody with a feline allergy.
Fel d 1 can becomes trapped in the air in an enclosed space. This means that reactions still occur after a cat leaves the territory. The protein also lives in carpet fibers and soft furnishings. This is why entering a cats home can cause allergies, regardless of whether the cat is present or not.
Infections Caused By Cats
Allergies are a manifestation of the immune system’s over-reaction to a non-infectious substance. But you can also get an infection due to cat exposure, such as , or an infection due to a cat scratch.
A parasitic infection caused byToxoplasma gondii is spread by cat feces. This parasite is very dangerous for pregnant women because it can cause birth defects.
Infections caused by cats are different than allergies.
What This Means For Pet Parents With Cat Allergies
The reality is that many people go through extreme efforts to manage allergies to keep their beloved feline in their home. While a number of those people are successful, a number are forced to re-home a cat if someone new to the household has an intolerable allergy.
These two studies and potential new products offer a glimpse of hope for cat-allergy sufferers.
As this research is still ongoing, I would anticipate the efficacy of this product only to improve.
Fighting the problem at the source, instead of alleviating the symptomsits so brilliant, and yet so simple. Its one of those times that I find myself wondering, Why didnt I think of that?
Cat Allergies Can Still Be Lethal
While the odds of anyone going into complete anaphylactic shock arent high, severe allergy symptoms could lead to death if not treated accordingly.
The same allergens that cause watery eyes and itchiness in one person can cause an asthma attack in others. A person suffering from allergic asthma could have increasingly severe symptoms the more they interact with a cat.
If the individual is not treated and removed from the cat environment, severe allergic asthma attacks can restrict the airways in a deadly manner.
Pet Allergies: Symptoms Causes And What To Do
You love your pet like a member of the family, but what happens when your pet triggers your allergy symptoms? You want to keep living with your pet, but not if that means an itchy, runny nose, congestion, coughing and sneezing all the time. What do you do?
The good news is that its possible to get some relief from your pet allergy without giving up your beloved dog or cat. Its important to understand the causes and symptoms of pet allergies so you can work with an experienced allergist to develop a customized treatment plan.
If you believe you have a pet , this is the article for you. In it, well go over the causes of pet allergies, as well as whether these can just appear one day out of the blue. Well also talk about symptoms and ways you can manage your pet allergies with the help of an allergist.
Can You Live With A Cat If You Are Allergic
You can live with a cat if you are allergic, unless you have severe allergies. In fact, thousands of people with allergies do live with their feline friends. Some who only have mild symptoms just put up with the symptoms or treat them with over-the-counter medicine.
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Reduce The Allergens And Your Symptoms
If you are allergic to your pet and your reactions arent life-threatening, there are many ways to reduce indoor allergens and allergy symptoms so you and your pet can live together more comfortably.
If your or a family member’s allergies are simply miserable, but not life-threatening, take these five steps to reduce the symptoms:
1. Create an “allergy free” zone in your homepreferably the allergic person’s bedroomand strictly prohibit the pet’s access to it. Use a high-efficiency HEPA air cleaner, and consider using impermeable covers for the mattress and pillows.
2. Use HEPA air cleaners throughout the rest of the home, and avoid dust-and-dander-catching furnishings such as cloth curtains and blinds and carpeted floors. Clean frequently and thoroughly to remove dust and dander, washing articles such as couch covers and pillows, curtains, and pet beds.
3. Bathe your pet on a weekly basis to reduce the level of allergy-causing dander . Cats can get used to being bathed, but it’s critical to only use products labeled for them; kittens may need a shampoo safe for kittens. Check with your veterinarian’s staff or a good book on pet care for directions about safe bathing, It’s a good idea to use a shampoo recommended by your veterinarian or other animal care professional.
You Pet May Not Be Causing Your Symptoms
Before you think about finding a pet a new home, it’s important to figure out if youor your childrenare in fact allergic. Though it seems as if pet allergies should be obvious, they are sometimes harder to recognize than you think.
If your eyes start to swell and you sneeze uncontrollably every time you are near a cat, then yes, you are probably allergic to cats. But some people with allergies or asthma who grow up around animals and are in contact with them every day may have more subtle symptoms. Instead of watery eyes and the other classic signs of pet allergies, they may experience chronic, low-level congestion, for instance.
A lot of times people will say, My dog or cat doesn’t bother me, but when somebody is exposed to a pet day in and day out, they don’t have the dramatic symptoms every time they see it, says Andy Nish, MD, an allergist at the Allergy & Asthma Care Center, in Gainesville, Ga. It may be a more subtle and chronic inflammatory process, and they may not realize that the pet is causing them problems.
The easiest way to pinpoint a pet allergy is to visit an allergist and get a series of skin tests, in which the skin is exposed to small samples of the proteins shed by cat, dog, and other allergy-triggering substances, such as pollen or dust. Allergists may also use a blood test known as a RAST as an alternative to or in addition to skin tests.