Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Do Cats Act When Your Pregnant

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They’re More Affectionate Than Usual

How to test if your cats pregnant

Cats go through mood changes when they’re pregnant as well â but for them, it’s less about feeling gloomy, and more about feeling very, very affectionate. When pregnant, cats will crave love and attention. According to Purina, “your pregnant cat may act more maternal, meaning that she purrs more and seeks extra fuss and attention from you.” If you notice this, cuddle with her more! She’s going through a tough time!

Signs Of Impending/active Cat Labour

  • If your cat refuses food, acts fidgety and looks for a secluded place to settle down, it could be because her labour is due to start very soon.
  • Your cats body temperature will drop to around 37.8°C in the 12-24 hours before her labour starts.
  • Right before giving birth, mum may become more vocal, appear agitated and want to wash herself constantly.
  • Delivery should start with strong abdominal contractions, followed by some discharge from her vagina. If the discharge is heavy and black, or blood-coloured, then contact your vet.
  • After this discharge, the kittens should follow very quickly!

Most cat labours go smoothly and you shouldnt have to interfere. There are some signs however, such as discoloured discharge and mum straining without producing kittens, which could suggest complications.

If you notice either of these or have any other concerns, contact your vet. See our guide on labour and giving birth for more information on cats giving birth.

Welcome To This World Kitten

The little rascals will learn how to conquer the world while they are growing up.;

The first weeks are the most important ones when they learn everything a cat needs to know through play and interaction with their mum and siblings and their two-legged friends.;

We wish all the kittens a happy, long life,; filled with everything that cats love and desire!

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Do I Need To Help My Cat Raise Her Kittens

Occasionally kittens will be born prematurely. They will be small, thin, and have little or no hair. These kittens require intensive nursing care. Premature kittens often fail to nurse, and need to be fed with a syringe, bottle, or stomach tube.

They also need to be kept warm if the queen rejects them.

“A normal healthy kitten, when warm and dry, needs no assistance in finding its mother’s teat and suckling.”

A normal healthy kitten, when warm and dry, needs no assistance in finding its mother’s teat and suckling. Occasionally an exhausted, restless, nervous, or ill queen may fail to assist her kittens. If the queen fails to nurse her kittens, she should be checked by your veterinarian. If the mother is unable to care for the kittens, they may need to be hand fed. .

Is Your Cat In Heat

How Can I Tell If My Cat Is Pregnant?

Female cats that are not spayed will eventually come into heat , and the signs are unambiguous, once you know what to look for. A kitten can have her first heat as early as 3 1/2 months, so don’t fall for that old “wait until six months to spay” advice. And remember, that once a female cat has her first heat, it will happen again and again, until she either mates or is spayed. Here are some behavioral symptoms to watch for if you suspect your cat is in heat. For a vivid video description of a young cat in heat, also watch this YouTube video.

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Keep The Scales Ready

Keep a protocol of the birthing process.;Write down both order and weight of the kittens at delivery. Give them names. Take a picture , so that you can match the data more easily later on. In case the kittens all look alike, recording the data can be hard later on, while a variety in appearance makes things a lot easier.;To weigh the tiny new kittens, a digital scale works best.

Clinical Diagnosis Of Pregnancy In Cats

If your queen has had regular veterinary care and the previous signs of pregnancy are evident, it may not be necessary to get an official diagnosis from a veterinarian. However, it’s a good idea for your vet to examine your cat and make sure she is in good condition.

  • Palpation of the Cat’s Abdomen:;Your veterinarian may be able to feel your pregnant cat’s fetuses by palpating and gently pressing on her abdomen. This typically happens around the 17th to 25th day of pregnancy.
  • Ultrasound of Your Cat’s Abdomen:;An ultrasound may detect fetuses as early as the second week of pregnancy, and heartbeats may be detected sometime after the third week.
  • Radiographs : Your vet can take a radiograph of your cat’s abdomen when she is further along in her pregnancy to determine the number of kittens she is carrying. This is a minor amount of radiation that will not be harmful to the kittens or the mother. Kitten spines and skulls begin to be visible on x-rays after about 42 days into the pregnancy.

If your resident or rescued cat is indeed confirmed pregnant, some serious decision-making time is at hand. If you decide to spay her and prevent the pregnancy from coming to term, it should be done as early as possible.;If not, be prepared to help care for the kittens and find them all good homes.;

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What Food Does A Pregnant Cat Prefer

Pregnant cat what is the right food?Nutrition;is a major factor during pregnancy as your cats body changes massively and needs a lot more energy than usual. For example, an increased daily calories-intake by 50% is recommended.;

Make sure that the future mum has access to enough high-quality food and fluids with all the necessary minerals and vitamins needed during pregnancy.;

The food required for pregnant and mother cats can be obtained from any specialist shop. If you like to prepare it yourself, please make sure to include all the necessary elements such as protein and vitamins ; that your cat needs now. Best to compose a food plan, so that the nutrition for your pregnant cat is well balanced.;

Show Your Cat Baby Items

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Alongside new sounds, babies come with a lot of extra bits and pieces that are also new to your cat such as their new crib, toys, clothes, changing table, buggy, and more! While we know whats what, these new objects can again cause your feline stress, making the transition to having a baby that bit harder.

I recommend setting up your babys nursery and getting out some of the toys for your cat to take a look at. Let them into the room and explore these new items and realize they are not a threat. If you have toys that have lights and noises, turn these on also.

Cats are curious creatures, so they should happily explore on their own. However, you can again give your cat treats or a scratch in its favorite spot to help them feel safe about this new environment. After you have let your cat do their exploring, ensure you cover the crib and changing mat to let your kitty know they are not allowed to nap here.

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How Many Times Does A Cat Have To Mate To Get Pregnant

Cats are induced ovulators, which means that the act of breeding stimulates the release of eggs from the ovaries. Most females require three to four matings within a 24-hour period for ovulation to occur. It only takes a minute or two for cats to mate, and cats may mate multiple times in a short period of time.

Preparing For The Big Day

In what feels like no time at all, your beloved kitty will be becoming a mother herself. You may have spent weeks, even months, preparing for delivery. But it can still come as a surprise for some. There are a few key signs that your queen is in or about to go into labour:

  • Restlessness Around 24-48 hours before the birth, your pregnant cat may appear restless or anxious, pacing around her nesting area
  • Vocalisation She might begin to meow and cry out more than usual. Dont worry. Shes just letting you know the kittens are coming
  • Temperature changes Around 24 hours before giving birth, her body temperature will drop below 38°C, so be sure to have a thermometer handy
  • Loss of appetite In the run up to giving birth, your cat may lose her appetite and stop eating altogether.

If the time has come and your cat is displaying signs of labour, now is the time to put all your research to good use and help her bring her new kittens into the world safely.

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Tips To Prepare For The Big Day

Make your home a comfortable place for the impending birth. If you normally let your cat go outside, stop that, to avoid;them to;go;into labor during one of their;walkabouts.

About 2 weeks before the due date, you may notice your cat is acting different as they;get;into nesting mode. To help out, you can scan your home for a good birthing spot for them. Find a medium-sized box with a low opening, and cover it with newspapers, old towels, and soft blankets to create a relaxing area for the mother and their;future kittens.

You should place the nesting box in a quiet corner of your house. Let your pregnant cat visit it often, before the birth, so they;get;used to the area and feel;comfortable.

Keep in mind that you can guide your cat as much as possible and set up the ultimate birthing spot, but they are;going to do what they are;going to do. If they;want;to give birth in a laundry basket, behind the garbage can, or in the back of your closet, they;will.


When you notice that the cat is;in nesting mode, take them;to the vet for their;final prenatal visit. The vet will;give you more information about how to prepare for the delivery, check on the mother and kitties health, and tell you want to do if theres an emergency during the birth.

Two clues that the big day is coming: Cats usually stop eating 24 hours before they give birth, and their temperature drops below 100 F. Youll meet those kittens soon!

Signs Of An Upset Cat

Cat Pregnancy Signs: How To Understand Them?

Signs your cat might not be coping with pregnancy or baby-related changes include:

  • Hiding or avoiding you.“They may even move next door” for a while, says Dr Ley.
  • Aggression or grumpiness, including hissing or scratching.
  • Unpredictable urination . For example, “cats may wee on the pregnant owner’s side of the bed in an attempt to cover the new smell with their own,” says Dr Mornement.
  • Frequent squatting and painful urination, like cystitis. “In girl cats that could be passing tiny amounts of bloody urine. For boys their urethra can get blocked and they cant pee,” says Dr Ley.
  • Overgrooming, which can cause bald patches.
  • Digestive problems such as diarrhoea, constipation, of going off their food.
  • Becoming more fussy or annoying.“They might excessively meow or scratch at the furniture” to get attention, says Dr Gowan.

If you’ve got a rogue urinator on your hands like I do with Keith, book a check-up at your vet and ask for a full urine analysis and be sure to check for crystals, bladder stones and infections, recommends Dr Gowan.

If your cat’s anxiety seems to be through the roof, anti-anxiety medication prescribed by your vet can help, Dr Ley adds.

You might even consider a natural calming solution, such as pheromone products in the form of a room diffuser.

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How Do You Tell If A Cat Is Pregnant Without Going To The Vet

Look for these five signs to tell if your cat is pregnant.

  • Darkened nipples. At around three weeks, a pregnant cats nipples will become darker in color and enlarged.
  • Morning sickness. Just like humans, a pregnant cat may also go through a period of being sick occasionally.
  • Swollen belly.
  • Positive ultrasound.
  • Cats And Your Behavior

    Your hormones arent the only things changing during pregnancy: Youre moody, fatigued, constantly queasy, and way irritable. Those emotional changes will affect your behavior, and your cat is pretty likely to pick up on the fact that youre acting differently.

    • Fast-rising hCG levels can contribute to nausea, and if youre spending every morning puking in the bathroom instead of feeding your cat at the normal time, theyre going to notice.
    • Progesterone can make you excessively tired during pregnancy, and your cat might wonder why youre napping on the couch so often instead of running errands.
    • Youre preoccupied with plans for the baby like designing the nursery and poring over baby-name lists which means you have less time and energy to shine that laser pointer all over the house so your cat can chase it.
    • Your blood volume and circulation increase during pregnancy, which can make your body temperature rise slightly. Your cat might notice youre running hotter than usual .
    • If youre usually your cats primary caregiver, note that you shouldnt be cleaning their litter box anymore. They might be wondering why someone else is now handling the task.

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    How Do You Take Care Of A Pregnant Cat

    Youve confirmed your precious pussycat is pregnant congratulations! As the excitement subsides, you might be wondering just what extra care and preparations your little kitty might need to ensure she has a safe, happy and comfortable pregnancy.;

    Feeding and nutrition

    A cat will need a lot more protein and energy to keep her strong throughout her pregnancy. Whilst normal adult cat food has kept her healthy until now, it wont have the added nutrients she will need to grow her kittens. It may actually be more beneficial to switch her back to kitten food throughout her pregnancy and until the newborn kittens have been weaned. Its important to switch foods gradually with cats to avoid dodgy tummies and fussy eaters.

    Switching to kitten food has multiple benefits, not just for the pregnant cat but for the new kittens, too. They will get top quality milk from the extra nutrients their mum is consuming and, as they grow, they will start trying some of mums food, which will help them to wean a bit further down the line.

    You might find that as her belly swells and is taken up by growing kitty cats, your pregnant cat cant eat masses of food in one go, so small, frequent meals are the way to go. It will be handy to leave out high-quality dry food for her to graze on throughout the day as she feels necessary.

    Handling and cuddling

    However, you need to remember that as her body changes you will need to watch how you handle her.

    Health and vaccinations

    How To Take Care Of Your Pregnant Cat And Her Bundle Of Joy

    How To Identify Signs Of A Pregnant Cat

    Is your cat sleeping a lot, having a bulging abdomen? Is her nipples big and very pink, this could mean she is pregnant and might be expecting her kitten soon. If your cat is not neutered, roaming around in the neighbourhood possibly she befriended a cat and mated.

    If you werent ready or do not know what to do next these few tips on how to take care of your pregnant cat and bundle of joy would help. The more you know about what your cat is going through, the better equipped you are to empathize and know how to help. Your feline friend pregnancy is physically and emotionally demanding, so do not burden your pregnant cat with unneeded pressure, this is the time she should be stress free and calm.

    Tips on how to care for your pregnant cat

    • First checkup

    Pay close attention to what your veterinarian says at your first and other visits as you will; be the immediate care giver to your cat and her kittens. Your vet will touch on food issues,vaccination and general welbeing of your cat at this time.

    • Vaccination
    • Medical history review

    Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as you find out that your cat is pregnant. Your veterinarian will start by reviewing her medical history for a smooth birth when your cat is due.

    • Discomfort cause and remedies
    • Portioned Healthy balance diet
    • Gradual food change in the pregnancy term

    Pregnancy duration of your cat before her kitten arrive

    • Well hydrated
    • Regular monitored exercises
    • Lots of love, care and cuddle

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    The Early Stage Of Cat Pregnancy

    Another question you might have when thinking How long are cats pregnant? is Do cats get morning sickness? You might be surprised to know that a cat can get morning sickness during the early stage of her pregnancy. For the first two weeks of her pregnancy, your cat may eat less because of the nausea, but by the third week shell start eating again and begin gaining weight. By the third week, you may be able to feel the lumps of her developing kittens.

    Signs A Cat Is Pregnant

    Heres a list of cat pregnancy symptoms:

  • Pink and enlarged nipples; this usually happens between 15 days to 18 days after ovulation and is one of the earliest ways to detect pregnancy in cats. It is easier to recognize for first-time cat mums since prior to pregnancy, they usually have very flat white nipples. But if it is your cats second or third pregnancy, it may be harder to tell because after having babies their nipples stay enlarged.
  • 7.;Nesting behavior; towards the end of the pregnancy, you might notice that your cat is going in secluded places that they normally wouldnt have been in such as a dark closet, or a laundry basket. Since cats dont often show any pregnancy symptoms until a few weeks into their term, make sure to take her to the vet for confirmation once you think shes pregnant.

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