Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Cure A Cat Cold

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Q: What Treatment Is There For Cat Flu

Natural Treatment for a Common Cold Infection in Cats : Cats as Pets

A: There is no cure for cat flu, but the good news is that healthy older cats those that have no immune issues have usually built up some resistance to it with age. However, if your cat caught the flu virus earlier in life, it can lie dormant and keep coming back, and is often triggered when her immune system is low from stress, poor diet or another illness. Consult your vet as soon as your cat shows any of the symptoms . Antibiotics might be prescribed to help her deal with any secondary bacterial infections as a result of the virus, and it might take a few weeks before her body really gets on top of the symptoms.

Home Remedies For My Cat With A Cold

If your cat has a runny nose, eye discharge, a mild fever and sneezing youre likely to refer to the symptoms as a cold. Your veterinarian will call it an upper respiratory infection. In most instances, you can treat your cats cold at home. If your cats condition doesnt improve within a week of beginning treatment or if the symptoms worsen, you should take your pet to a veterinarian.

Can Cats Get Colds

If your cat is suddenly sniffling and sneezing, you may wonder, has my cat caught a cold? Our feline friends can fall victim to contagious viruses and bacteria just like you and I, causing them to experience a variety of respiratory symptoms. So what are cat colds, and how do you know if your cat has one?

In this article we will discuss the details of colds in cats, and help you better understand how to help your cat through their cold going forward.

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How To Help My Cat To Overcome A Cold

Next we explain a number of medicines and basic elements to treat the annoying symptoms of our sick companion’s cold. We must keep in mind that if we have to give it some medicine it extremely important that this be prescribed and dosed by a vet and to remember that cats are very sensitive to medication and so we risk intoxicating them if we give them human drugs or doses that we believe to be correct, so we must always go to the vet in these cases.

The care and remedies you can give your cold-sick kitty are:

  • It is very important that you give it heat in a suitable room temperature and with blankets where it can curl up and sleep.
  • We must provide abundantfresh water since this viral process easily produces dehydration.
  • Avoid all possible air currents in the house. Air currents are undesirable as they will only worsen its condition.
  • Help it clean its eyes and nose regularly to stop annoying tears and snot accumulating and generating scabs and hygiene problems. With a sterile gauze and saline solution you can clean your cat’s nose and eyes, using a different gauze for each eye and one for the nose, thus avoiding possible contagion. Like so our furry patient will breathe and see better. In addition, if suffering from conjunctivitis in the eyes we must clean these with a ophthalmic solution prescribe by the vet. If we find that it has a very stuffy nose we must administer saline solution into the nose to facilitate its cleaning and unclogging.

Lubricants And Eye Drops

7 Simple &  Amazing Home Remedies for Cats with Colds

Depending on which virus has caused the cat flu and your cat’s general level of health, there is a risk of long-term damage to the eyes. Eye ulcers are often found and, particularly in kittens, can progress to cause serious damage, and even lead to the loss of an eye.

Treatments such as lubricants may be prescribed to treat sore eyes. We have some great advice on how to give your cat eye drops.

If your cat or kitten has sore looking eyes or they are partially closed, seek immediate veterinary attention.

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When Is It Time To See A Vet

Since many of these conditions are uncomfortable or painful, its never a bad idea to take your cat to the vet as soon as you notice a problem, even if sneezing is the only symptom.

However, these signs are more serious and require a vet visit sooner rather than later:

  • Loss of appetite

  • Persistence of symptoms beyond a few days

Treatment For Cat Colds

Mild cases typically do not require any medical treatment, but there are some things that you can do at home to help your cat feel better while she is recovering:

  • Keep your cat with you in the bathroom while you take a hot shower. The humidity can help relieve nasal congestion.

  • If the air in your home is dry , use a humidifier to help relieve airway irritation.

  • Reduce your cats stress during recovery. This may mean keeping her confined to a smaller, quiet room with all of her essentials close by and using pheromone products.

Severe cases, or cases where a secondary bacterial infection is also present, often require antibiotics. Typically, this will be in the form of oral medication that is administered at home. If your cat is sick enough that she is having difficulties breathing or refusing to eat, she may require hospitalization for 1-2 days until she is stable enough to continue treatment at home.

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Complications Of Cat Colds

Cats have more problems with congestion than dogs. The bugs that cause kitty congestion usually arent lethal in adult cats. But cats wont eat unless they can smell their food, so they starve if they get a stopped-up nose. Home care not only keeps pets more comfortable, it often decides whether they recover or not. Learn how to encourage sick pets to eat in this post.

While we often fall in love with that poor little sick shelter kitten, an upper respiratory infection as a baby could mean relapses for the rest of the cats life. Just be sure youre aware of all the facts when you adopt your kitten.

How Is Cat Flu Diagnosed

How To TREAT Cats Cold with Natural and Effective HERBAL Remedies

Although cat flu is not always serious, it is best to take your cat to the vet before trying to treat the problem at home.

Your vet will run a series of tests to rule out other conditions, as some symptoms of cat flu are similar to cat asthma, chronic bronchitis, and other respiratory conditions. Occasionally, vets will send swabs to a lab to confirm the strain of virus causing the symptoms.8

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Nasal And Sinus Issues

Cats can also suffer from inflammatory conditions like rhinitis and sinusitis. Rhinitis is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, which we all know as a stuffy nose, and sinusitis is inflammation in the lining of the sinuses.

These two conditions often occur together in cats, termed rhinosinusitis, and are common complications of upper respiratory infections.


In addition to frequent sneezing, signs of rhinitis and sinusitis in cats include:

  • Clear nasal discharge in mild cases OR yellow, green or bloody in severe cases
  • Labored breathing, snoring and/or breathing through the mouth
  • Pawing at the face
  • Tearing and discharge from the eyes
  • Reverse sneezing
  • A lump on the bridge of the nose


Diagnosing rhinitis and sinusitis involves an evaluation of your cats medical history, along with a thorough physical examination. A rhinoscopy, which involves inserting a small endoscope into the nose or mouth for better visualization of the nasal structure, may also be needed along with a nasal wash to collect samples.

Treatment may include a nasal flush and broad-spectrum antibiotics to treat or prevent bacterial infections, along with a dose of steroids to open up the nasal and sinus cavities. Intravenous fluids and nutritional support may also be needed in severe cases.

Effective Home Remedies For Cat Colds

House Of Petz

There are several signs that you can notice when your cat has a cold. But the question here is what you can do to treat cold in cats. There are some effective home remedies for cat colds that you can do as a treatment.

For this reason, this article is going to focus on symptoms of cold in cats. Moreover, we will also talk about the easy to do and effective remedies for cat colds. So please stick to the end so that you can treat your feline fellow whenever it has a cold.

Symptoms of Cat Colds

Cat in the cold is a common health issue, which is not dangerous that much, but it still needs to recover. There are several symptoms that you will notice when your cat has a cold. Lets have a look at these.

  • Discharge from eyes
  • Runny nose

Effective Home Remedies for Cat Colds

Now lets move towards the home remedies that are easy to do and give your cat relief from cold.

Giving Chamomile Steam:

The first thing you can do at home is chamomile steam. Chamomile steam is beneficial in relieving congestion in cats. For this, you need 1 quart of boiling water and pour it on one tablespoon leaves of chamomile tea leaves in a pot.

Place your cat in a carrier near the chamomile steam. For best results, try to place the pot underneath the cats nose. Moreover, also drape a towel on the page so that the smoke does not escape. Please make sure you sit with your cat so that it gets proper steam.

Vitamin C Tablets:

Some Additional treatments:

Grooming your cat:

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Can You Protect Your Cat From Cat Colds

Vaccines against viral URIs are available and are routinely given. When we vaccinate cats against the respiratory viruses, its not actually to prevent infection. Most cats have already been exposed to the virus during kittenhood and are carriers. Vaccination doesnt eliminate the carrier status of previously infected cats. However, properly vaccinated cats experience milder symptoms when the virus re-emerges from dormancy.

Caring For Your Cat At Home

Ultimate Remedies For Cat Cold
  • 1Identify the symptoms. Cold symptoms in a cat can be caused by a bacterial infection or a virus.XResearch source Look for symptoms which may include sniffing, sneezing, a runny nose, pus-like discharge around the eyes, difficulty breathing, and lethargy which can all point to a cold.XResearch source
  • In rare cases, your cat may also have a cough.
  • 2Keep your home humid. Increased humidity will help with your cat’s breathing while they’re sick. Use a humidifier, if you have one, or confine your cat to a steamy bathroom a few times a day for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. XResearch source
  • Some cats may dislike being confined. Many will cry and/or scratch at the door to get out. If your cat does this for longer than 3-5 minutes, don’t force them. That can cause stress exacerbating the illness and prolonging recovery.
  • 3Clean your cat’s face. When your cat is sick, you may notice discharge around their eyes, nose and ears. A few times a day, take a damp washcloth and gently wash your cat’s face all the while murmuring soothing words.XResearch source Cats react to the tone in your voice and it may help keep them calm while you do this, unpleasant to them, chore.
  • Use warm water. Make sure the water you use is not extremely hot or cold as this can shock your cat’s system.
  • You can also try adding some water to the food to make it easier for the cat to eat.
  • Adding water to canned food can help keep your cat hydrated.
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    Determining The Cause Of Cat Cold

    Sneezing and a runny nose are signs of the typical cat cold, caused by a bacterial infection in the nose membrane. If the cat is exposed to cold weather or is dehydrated, the nose’s thin membrane, which is the cat’s defense against bacteria, is infected or dried out, letting bacteria freely pass through. Bacterial infections will produce the same symptoms as a common cold, but may be the means of a more serious respiratory disease. Have your vet give an assessment of the cold if the nose discharge turns yellow or green.

    A low immune system is also the culprit of many cat infections. Boosting your cat’s immune system will be a good approach to improving her health if she is frequently ill.

    Viral infections may also cause the cold. If the runny nose discharge is clear and fluid, your cat probably has a viral infection. These are not cured by medicine, but should run their course. However, you can make your cat a little more comfortable with some natural remedies.

    How Can I Treat My Cats Cold At Home

    Once your cat is seen by a vet and prescribed the proper medications, you can use a humidifier in a small room several times a day for about 15 minutes to help your cat breathe easier. Help your cat by wiping off any discharge from the nose or eyes with a soft, wet cloth. Try to entice your cat to eat to keep her energy up and drink so she stays hydrated. If your cat wants to play that can be a good distraction but if shes not in the mood let her sleep and heal.

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    When To Seek Treatment

    With good at-home care, most cats will be over their colds within just a few days. If your cat is not showing any improvement withing 4-5 days, however, or if its symptoms continue to worsen, it is important to seek veterinary care. This is especially true with any very severe symptoms such as wheezing or extreme difficulty breathing, or if additional symptoms appear. Cats can develop pneumonia quickly, and immediate treatment is necessary to prevent more severe complications.

    Cats can commonly get colds, but recognizing the symptoms and providing at-home relief can help make your pet more comfortable while it recovers.

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    When Should You Contact A Veterinarian

    Treat a Cat With a Cold

    First, it important to state that every animal adopted from a shelter should be taken for an examination by your regular veterinarian three to seven days after adoption. With rest and good care, many cats will recover from mild URI in one or two weeks. Sometimes cats need additional help. If your cat has any of the following signs, contact your veterinarian.

    • Not eating for more than 24 hours.
    • Green or yellow discharge from the nose or eyes . You can gently clean the cats nose and eyes with a soft cloth moistened with warm water.
    • Difficulty breathing, especially panting or breathing through an open mouth.
    • Depressed or unresponsive a slight decrease in activity is expected, but contact your veterinarian if your cat is much less active than usual or than you would expect.
    • Vomiting or diarrhea that lasts more than 24 hours.
    • Little or no improvement after a week of home care

    Information courtesy of the University of California at Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

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    Feline Upper Respiratory Infections

    If your cat begins to sneeze or has a runny nose or eyes within 7 days after you get him/her home, chances are that the cat has come down with URI. The virus is quite contagious to other cats, so if you have any resident cats, keep them separate. You can expect symptoms to continue for 7-10 days and they may vary in intensity . The cat may sneeze, have discharge from eyes and nose, drool and breathe with difficulty through his or her mouth. The cat may lose its appetite and even stop drinking. If the discharge from your cats eyes and nose is watery and the cats temperature is normal, you are dealing with simple URI virus. Mucous and fever are indicators that a secondary bacterial infection is complicating the picture. With these conditions the cat most likely will need antibiotics. It is imperative that you seek veterinary treatment for the cat exhibiting any signs of a URI as soon as possible. Kittens with underdeveloped immune systems are especially vulnerable to contracting URI’s. With rest, care and veterinary intervention, many cats will recover from mild URI in one or two weeks.

    What should I do if my new cat has a URI?

    When should I contact my veterinarian?

    If your cat has any of the following symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately:

    Is There Anything Else I Should Do To Monitor My Cat

    Keep a close eye on your cat and note how much she is eating and drinking, whether she is urinating and defecating, and whether she develops any new or abnormal signs such as vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing, or coughing. Any changes should be reported to your veterinarian.

    Cats are masters at hiding pain, illness, and discomfort. That is why it is important to have your cat see her veterinarian if you notice any changes in her behavior. Early diagnosis and treatment will provide the best outcome for your cats recovery.

    Contributors: Tammy Hunter, DVM Ernest Ward, DVM

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    Symptoms Of Cat Colds

    Cats with colds may have symptoms including coughing, sneezing, discharge from the eyes or nose, lethargy, and sometimes fever. For many cats, these symptoms are will go away on their own in about 7-10 days.

    However, some cats may experience complications, such as a secondary bacterial infection or pneumonia. This can cause yellow-green discharge from the eyes or nose, which may lead to congestion severe enough that your cat cant smell or taste. Cats with this condition may refuse to eat.

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