Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Raise An Outdoor Kitten

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Get The Most Out Of Your First Vet Visit

Raising an Adventure Cat: How to Harness Train Your Cat
  • Have your vet recommend a type of food, how often to feed, and portion sizes.
  • Discuss kitten-safe options for controlling parasites, both external and internal.
  • Learn about possible signs of illness to watch for during your kittens first few months.
  • Discuss how to introduce your kitten to other household pets.
  • Schedule future visits and vaccinations to establish a preventive health plan for your kitten.
  • Tips For Making The Transition

    Many cat behaviorists suggest a gradual approach to bringing an outside cat into the house. If your cat is outdoors most of the day, bring her in for increasingly longer visits. You might time this transitional period as the weather gets colder. Most cats prefer warm, dry places, and by the end of the winter, yours could be converted to life indoors.

    If you want your cat to have safe, limited access to the outdoors, consider building an outside enclosure or run. These can be accessible from a window or pet door, and are most entertaining to cats when furnished with tree limbs, perching platforms, boxes and toys.

    Cats can be leash-trained so that they may enjoy the outdoors on supervised walks. All you need is a leash and sturdy figure-eight or figure-H style harness from which the cat cannot escape. Never hook the leash to the cats collar, but make sure the cat is always wearing a safety collar with license/ID tags. Your cat may resist wearing a harness at first, so let her become accustomed to it gradually. Put it on for brief periods indoors, and later, attach the leash and walk her around the house. When she becomes comfortable with that, venture outdoors for short trips. Do not tie a cat out on a leash or leave her unsupervised, even for a few minutes.

    Let Your Cat Go Hunting

    Cats are inherently curious animals. If an indoor cat doesnt have enough stimulation indoors its going to get bored and try to get outside. In addition to toys, you can help your cat exercise its natural hunting instinct by hiding its favorite treats around the house. Freeze treats in ice cubes or use;special cat treat puzzles and toys that make your cat work to extract its reward to offer hours of mental stimulation. These are the same enrichment tactics used to keep lions, tigers and other predators in good mental and physical condition in zoos.

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    A Last Word On Making The Switch

    Despite their owners best efforts, some cats will still have a tough time adjusting to life indoors. If your cat shows signs of extreme stress, you and your veterinarian might consider short-term drug therapy to relax the cat during the transition. Another option is to explore homeopathic remedies which can be effective calming agents in many animals. Consult a holistic veterinarian for specific treatments, or find a natural pet supply store that sells herbal remedies.

    Set Up Feeding Stations For Food And Water

    5 Tips for Raising an Outdoor Cat

    When caring for an outdoor cat, its essential that you provide fresh cat food and water. Regularly replenish their water and food supply and check the feeding station once or twice a day to ensure its clean and well-stocked.

    If youre caring for more than one outdoor cat, make sure you set up multiple feeding stations to prevent cats from fighting or bullying a smaller cat and eating all the cat food.

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    Potential Risks For An Outdoor Cat

    As always, when there are benefits, there are also risks. A few of the risks for outdoor cats you should be aware of are:

    • Injuries from cars this particular risk is increased for kittens under the age of one, but once they get past this age, theyre more likely to be aware of the dangers.
    • Sleeping on top of tyres or under car bonnets this is quite common with cats during the colder months, especially if the cars recently been on and is still warm.
    • They may get lost if your cats not particularly aware of their area they may end up going too far and getting lost.
    • More likely to encounter toxic substances people often use chemicals in their gardens such as slug pellets, anti-freeze, rodent poisons or have toxic plants.
    • Increased risk of fighting this is more of a problem in built up areas as each individual cats territory overlaps with another.
    • Increased risk of coming into contact of disease, ticks, fleas or worms largely due to increased exposure to other cats and the outdoor environment.

    Gradually Increase Their Outdoors Time

    From here on its just a process of gradually increasing how much time they spend outdoors each day.

    For the first few weeks keep it to daytime only and pick those quiet times when they can freely explore as pointed out earlier.

    You will get a feel as their owner how much they are enjoying their time outdoors and how long it takes to call them back in.

    You will be able to judge how often and when to let them out. As well as seeing how much of an outdoors cat they become.

    Some cats just dont like going out often, so dont be surprised or worried if they just turn round and go lay on the couch sometimes.

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    Always Consult The Vet

    Even before you bring the kitten home, you should book an appointment with the vet ahead. This way, your newly adopted or bought kitten will be examined for potential health problems. This is crucial if youre adopting from a local shelter because the kitten may not have the cleanest bill of health.

    The veterinarian will weigh the kitten and check if its current weight is suitable for its age. Coat, lungs, ears, eyes, teeth, gums, and heart checks will be done as well. If your kitten is already 8 to 10 weeks old, it can be given the first series of vaccinations. The second set of shots will be administered 2 to 4 weeks after that.

    Take note that its essential to have your new kitten checked before bringing it home if you have other cats. You wouldnt want the new kitty to be the source of parasites and infections of your other felines.

    Barn Cats: Tips For Success

    How to Raise a Cat

    03.06.2017byThrifty Homesteader //

    If you have a farm or a homestead, odds are good that you have barn cats, whether you planned to have them or not. When we bought our homestead, there were 15 resident cats, according to my daughters count. She quickly gave all of them names, and then they started disappearing or dying.

    We found the remains of a couple of them in the woods, where theyd obviously met their end as someones dinner. Some looked sick but were feral and impossible to catch. Others became badly injured in fights and disappeared. It was quite a sad shock for a little city girl who had only experienced;two healthy, well-behaved house cats in her life.

    Most of the people who lived out here had a strict set of ideals when it came to barn cats. You didnt get;vaccines for them or get them spayed or neutered. They wanted cats on their farms to help with rodent problems, but they were not convinced that the cats would be around long enough to spend any money on them. It didnt take us long to figure out why their cats were not around for very long.

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    Give Your Cat Rituals And Traditions To Enjoy

    Cats love rituals,2;and the greater your bond is with your cat, the more likely he’ll become cuddly. So set up some traditions your cat looks forward to every day. This can include a special way you and your cat greet each other whenever you come home. Or maybe every morning when you get up, you can crack open an exterior door or window just a little so your cat can smell the outside world. Then you give your cat a treat. Or perhaps at the same time every day, your cat chases you around the house while you carry a wand toy with a tiny stuffed mouse at the end. Whatever the tradition is, it can help strengthen your bond.

    Tips For Raising A Well

    As someone who has raised many kittens , I can say with certainty that its not easy. Kittens are adorable, yes, but theyre also impossibly energetic and rambunctious, dangerously curious, and they can be rather destructive if youre not paying attention.

    Its in a kittens nature to explore their new world through stalking, pouncing, and gnawing. Left to their own devices, a kitten would grow up to be wild, unruly feral by definition. But with your help, your kitten can instead grow up to be a trusting, loving, well-adjusted cat. Heres what youll need to do.

    #1 Socialize with humansIn order to raise a kitten into an adult cat who is confident at home, you must socialize her with humans. If possible, introduce your kitten to lots of people during the first few months of her life. It shouldnt be too hard to convince your friends to come over to play with her. Who would resist an invitation like that? For the most well-rounded experience, introduce a wide range of people, too including different ages , different genders, different races, etc. Inviting your friends over to play and cuddle with her will prepare her for a life of feeling safe and secure when you have visitors, pet sitters, etc.







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    Which Situation Am I Dealing With

    A good clue is to look at the kittens’ physical appearance. If they look well-fed, then that means the mother is still caring for them. Yet, you might feel worried that perhaps she got hit by a car or had an accident because the little ones look like they skipped a meal or two. That is a legitimate worry.

    Here are some additional reasons the mother might be gone.

    • At that moment, she could be out hunting for food.
    • Feral mothers are known to move their litters around. She could be away because she’s carrying the next kitten to a new nest.
    • She could be nearby but refuse to show herself because there is a human near her young.
    • Female cats are dedicated parents but some will abandon their offspring.

    Retreat a good distance away. This will allow the mother to think that you’ve gone and she might return. However, keep an eye on the situation because if she fails to show up the babies face starvation, cold nights and undesirable characters hearing their cries. Even if they are in good condition, don’t wait hours and definitely not until the next morning.

    Bringing Up A Happy Kitten

    5 Tips for Raising an Outdoor Cat

    Whilst there are no wrongs or rights, there are certainly a number of things to consider to help both yourself and your cat along the way. To ensure your new pet has an enriched indoor environment, cats are easily pleased and by a few things around your home. You can ensure your cat feels truly at home too by providing:

    • Plenty of sleeping spots cats enjoy different areas they can retreat to for a snooze, provide plenty of spots for afternoon sleepy time
    • An area for scratching cats get stressed easily if they are unable to scratch and if a scratch post or tree is not provided, your furniture could end up worse for wear
    • Plenty of toys if your cat is remaining indoors, its crucial to ensure there are plenty of toys to keep them entertained, since they wont have access to a natural play environment
    • Make sure your cat has access to a litter tray or two if you have a larger house to avoid any accidents

    Remember To Microchip!

    Although you might assume there is zero chance of your kitten heading outdoors anytime soon, its always sensible to microchip your pet. Cats are acrobatic creatures and have been known to sneak out of their homes in true ninja style. Therefore take your kitty to a vets early on and make sure that youre safe rather than sorry!

    20th August 2021

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    Caring For Outdoor Cats: How To Keep Them Safe And Healthy

    Your outdoor cat loves living life in the fresh air. But what about safety? Find out how to keep your outdoor cat safe with these ten tips.

    Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

    Youve got your feline friend used to being outside or maybe theyve always been an outdoor cat. And they wouldnt have it any other way they love to roam free, exploring the neighborhood and following their natural cat instincts. Although your cat comes home regularly, you still worry about them running away. Or that theyll get sick, injured or in trouble. So, what can you do to make sure theyre safe when youre not with them? Here are 10 things to consider when it comes to keeping your outdoor cat safe.

    Preventive Care Is Best

    Like babies, raising kittens always need preventive care. You should schedule vet visits to monitor the kittens health. If you suspect that your kitten has parasites, you should leave the deworming task to the vet. Parasites are a significant threat to kittens because its one of the leading culprits behind the notorious fading kitten syndrome.

    Moreover, it would be best if you were on top of your kittens vaccination schedule, among other necessary treatments the vet deems appropriate.

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    Create A Safe Atmosphere

    Your kitty may hide at first, but it will explore when no one is watching, becoming more comfortable in their new home. Making sure the room has hiding places will help your furball feel secure. If there isnt furniture to hide beneath, place paper bags or cardboard boxes near the walls or cut holes for doorways into them they wont notice the difference.

    One of the best new kitten tips youll get is to resist snuggling and petting as soon as you welcome them into your home. You need to let them come to you, and avoid overwhelming them with emotions in the beginning. Sure, it wont be easy resisting cuddles with a cute kitty, but hey, nobody said that learning how to raise a kitten is all fun and games!

    Train Your Cat To Come Home

    Way to Grow: How to Create a Cat-Friendly Indoor Garden | HGTV

    The safest outdoor cats are those who are well-trained and come home regularly, or stay within close range of your house. You can use treats, calling, and of course, lots of affection, to ensure they stay nearby. Some Tractive GPS users have even been able to train their cat to come home when they hear the tracker beep.

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    Steer Clear From Food That Can Harm Them

    Specially formulated kitten foods fitting their nutritional requirements should be given until they are at least a year old.

    You may assume your cat needs or wants milk, but it shouldnt have any. A mother cats milk provides everything a kitten needs during the first four weeks of life. Once a kitten is weaned, dont offer milk, as it can give them diarrhea. Additionally, milk should never be given as a replacement for water because it can lead to dehydration.

    Tips For Raising An Outdoor Cat

    Cats are a great choice when;considering a new addition to the family for many reasons, one of which is that they enjoy;spending time outdoors. Cats can live long, happy, healthy, lives as outdoor cats. Our cat is an important part of our family, even though she spends most of her time in the outdoors. She is welcome to come inside, but chooses not too. ;Hopefully, these 5 tips for raising an outdoor cat can help you;make sure that your outdoor cat is happy and healthy.


    It is always a good idea to spay or neuter your pets. This is especially important for outdoor;Not only does this ensure that the cat population in your area stays under control it;also help keep your outdoor cat from straying too far from their home. Spaying and neutering also helps prevent disease, aiding your pet in living a long and happy life.

    Food Choice

    As pet lovers we all want what is best for our furry friends. When it comes to food choice we want a natural product that tastes good.;Purina Muse Natural Cat Food makes our choice easy.;;With Muse you dont have to choose between natural nutrition and food that tastes great. Your cat can have both when you choose Muse.

    Purina Muse provides;wet food that has no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. We can feel good about serving Crab Cakes a high quality grain free food that is 100% complete and balanced for adult cats.


    Flea & Tick Prevention

    Human Interaction

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    Keep Outdoor Cats Safe And Healthy

    Nancy Hugginss kitty, Norman, is a cat about town. Even though he runs the house, he likes to take a jaunt outside from time to time, just to make sure his territory is safe. He protects the kingdom very well, Huggins laughs.

    For 11 years, Norman, a 20-pound tabby, has been going in and out of his home without a care.; But Huggins is sometimes concerned that he may get into trouble.

    I hate it when he’s out after dark, she admits.

    About 70% of the estimated 95.6 million pet cats in the U.S. live indoors only. But millions of kitties are still allowed outside, where they face more dangers.

    Predators, cars, diseases, poisons, and the bully cat who already possesses the territory your sweet kitty has just been let into are only a few of the reasons that indoor cats live significantly longer on average than cats that venture outside, says Chris Miller, DVM, veterinarian and co-owner of Atlas District Veterinary Hospital in Washington, DC.

    Assessing the risk of an outdoor lifestyle is always important before sending a cat outside for any amount of time.

    Many vets say owners should limit outdoor time as much as possible, or just choose to keep the cat inside. Another option, says Ariel Mosenco, DVM, of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, is to let your pet out only in a confined, fenced area while youre watching.


    Have a litter box indoors. Its important to have one ready so your cat has options when they want;to be inside.

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