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How To Train Your Cat To Walk On A Leash

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Lots And Lots Of Treats

How to Teach a Cat to Walk on a Leash

Praise and treats should be associated with this activity from the start to get them accustomed to the leash faster! Starting from the time you first place the harness on your pet, you should reward them with a treat. Even when letting them feel the harness out, every few minutes that they keep the harness on without trying to squirm out should be rewarded!

Pick Up Your Cat If You Need To Go

Sometimes, your cat may lay down to watch birds or get ready to chase a squirrel. If it’s a behavior you don’t want, you can pick up your cat and move it to another location to continue leash training. If they become more agitated, it’s time to go inside! Reward your cat with a treat and lots of attention for a job well done.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

How To Train A Cat To Walk On A Leash And Harness

With these easy steps you and your cat companion can enjoy outdoor excursions together.

We tend to think that our feline friends would prefer to do nothing all day except lounge in the sun or hide in leftover shoe boxes. This might be the case for the majority of kitties, but some cats actually prefer to have regular outdoor adventures.

Cats that love the opportunity to stretch their furry little legs outside, investigate nature, and go for jaunts around the neighborhood require a prepared owner. It isn’t safe to just let your cat companion wander freely outside, so teaching them to walk on a leash and harness is your best bet to ensure your outside activities are both safe and enjoyable. And luckily, for the brave and active kitty, learning to walk on a harness and leash is simple to do with these handy steps.

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The Harness And Leash

The first thing to understand is that when walking a cat one must always use a harness rather than a collar. A harness is much more secure on a cat. They can easily slip out of a collar, and if the cat bolts or panics a collar can do serious damage to their neck and throat. Cat collars should always be of the breakaway type in case they get snagged, and this makes them unsuitable for being attached to a leash.

A good cat harness will distribute force around the cats shoulders, chest and belly, and it actually feels more reassuring to your cat than something around the neck. A harness also gives you more control in an emergency or if the cat is straying into a dangerous situation.

Before buying a cat harness you will need to measure your cat, around its chest and behind its front legs. Knowing your cats weight is also important as that may be important in making other choices in the type of harness you buy. There are several types of cat harnesses on the market that range from straps to almost a body suit. The key is to judge the strength of your cat and how much pressure it may put on the harness itself.

Likewise, you should also take time to choose a good, strong leash, which will be attached to the back of the harness. It should not be so long as to allow the cat to get too far away from you or so short that the cat is under your feet all the time.

Look Into A Good Bug Repellent

Train your cat to walk on a leash â Adventure Cats

Continue to exercise walking your cat with his harness and leash. You can now start to plan for a hike or a trip that will take your cat to the next level. You could plan a short hike or a camping trip. Before you do anything make sure you visit the vet and make sure he is cleared of any types of illness or disease.

It is also a good idea to start looking into different bug repellents. The most common types of bugs are fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. I recommend this bug repellent from amazon. Using a bug repellent will save you a headache of having to treat fleas if they were to make it back home with you.

If your cat is currently suffering from fleas be sure to treat them before taking them outside. There are many different home remedies for for flea treatment that you can check out before resorting to chemical treatments.

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Should You Leash Train A Cat

Of course, the first question is probably should you leash train a cat? followed quickly by why would you need to?. In some circumstances, having a leash-trained cat means your pet will be able to spend time outdoors safely, without risking themselves or other cats.

Examples might include cats with disabilities such as blindness, cats with infectious diseases like FIV, or cats that arent familiar with their environment and could get lost for example, a cat living aboard a boat or caravan. Training a cat to use a lead and harness means that these cats can all explore the great outdoors in a safe and controlled way.

How To Introduce Your Cat To The Harness

After youve purchased a feline-specific harness and leash, its time to introduce your cat to these new objects. This will take time and should be done over several stages.

Start by leaving them close to the cats food or her preferred spot to take naps. Do this for a few days so she gets used to seeing them and so she actually starts to associate them with things that bring her joy. This may sound a bit silly, but trust us, it works.

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You can also hold the leash and harness so that your pet can sniff them and become unafraid to go near them. Offering treats throughout this process is definitely helpful. Its important to create positive associations between your kitty and the harness before trying to put it on. That way, your cat will be more likely to embrace it. Feel free to even take the training a step further by placing the harness gently on the cats neck, offering a treat to reward calm behavior.

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Can You Walk Your Cat At The Park

If you were planning on taking your cat to a simple place like a park donât fool yourself. Most parks are populated with pet owners that are walking their dogs. For as long as we can remember cats and dogs go together like water and oil. It just doesnât mix. Walking your cat at the park is just asking for something bad to happen. Not only can it stir up an old fashioned cat vs dog fight, but it can also cause a big scene. Parks are also usually filled with kids of different ages. It would be devastating if a kid were to get in the middle of a dog and cat fight.

Another thing to note is that some cities actually have parks designated for dogs called âDog Parksâ. In todayâs society it isnât the norm to walk your cat. I donât know any person that would have the audacity to bring their cat do a dog park so that is totally out of the question.

I donât know about you but I have probably only seen a handful of people in my life ever walk a cat and it wasnât even near a park.

The Type Of Cats That Might Enjoy And Benefit From Outdoor Leash Walks Could Include:

How To Train Your Cat To Walk On A Harness & Leash
  • Adventurous cats that might show an interest in going outside .
  • Cats showing potential signs of boredom and stress, even if you’ve tried to make their indoor environment more stimulating. Signs such as over-grooming, aggression, destructive tendencies around your home, and even urinating outside of their litter boxescan indicate boredom .
  • Cats living in small apartments although you should still take steps to provide plenty of indoor environmental enrichment, too.
  • Cats transitioning from outdoor to indoor lifestyles, whether they’re in the process of switching or have already made the switch.

If you are going to walk your cat, dont go about it like this writer from the New York Post.

I procured a cat leash and harness from a friend, who had attempted, unsuccessfully, to walk her own cats. Hoping to have a better go of it, I strapped my 7-year-old tabby, Jameson, in and headed out on a recent sunny Saturday.

As you might imagine, she soon realized that walking a cat is not exactly like walking a dog! First of all, cats don’t always take to leashes and walks as readily as dogs . Second, being cats, they’re not exactly, shall we say, “naturally inclined” to being led around by a leash. Third, many of the places youd likely take your dog typically arent as well-suited for a cat .

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Leash Training Your Cat

What you need:

Leash training a cat is different from leash training a dog and therefore requires different equipment. Make sure you use equipment that is specifically designed for cats.

YES: a well-fitted cat harnessNO: a small dog harness

YES: A lightweight, nylon or cloth leashNO: chain leashes, flexi-type leashes

Leash Training

Step 1: Get your cat used to wearing the harness indoors.Place the harness on your cat without the leash attached. Give him a treat or two with the harness on then slowly take the harness off. Only give treats when the harness is on, do not give treats when the harness is off. Repeat this process while gradually increasing the amount of time your cat wears the harness. Step 2: Get your cat used to walking on the leash indoors.After your cat is comfortable with the harness, attach the leash to the harness. Begin by allowing your cat to walk around as you follow with the leash loose. After a short time, remove the harness and leash and repeat this process for a few days until your cat is relaxed and freely walking.

Step 3: Get your cat used to leash tension indoors. While supervising, allow your cat to drag the leash behind him or her while freely moving around your home. This will allow your cat to feel and get comfortable with a little bit of leash tension. Always make sure to supervise this and never leave a leash or harness on an unsupervised cat.

Suit Up Before Stepping Out

Once your kitty seems OK wearing the harness and leash inside, you can begin venturing outdoors. When its time to take the plunge, be sure to put the leash and harness on before going outside. Otherwise, you risk your cat darting away sans leash, and thats definitely not the kind of adventure you want!

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Try Going A Little Further

Ideally, you want to use the lead in the garden, but if you dont have one, a quiet residential area will do especially if your cat is familiar with it. Encourage your cat to follow you out, leaving the lead slack at all times. If your cat puts the brakes on, back up until they are comfortable. You might need to come back another day to try going a little further. Once outside, sprinkle some treats on the floor, let your cat eat, then head back inside. Remember, taking this slowly is key!

How To Walk Your Cat On A Leash And Why You Should

How To Train Your Cat To Walk On A Leash (Is That Even ...

Have you ever seen a cat being walked on a leash? It is one of the most perplexing but delightful sights.

As it turns out, walking a cat on a leash isn’t some senseless gimmick. Many felines find great pleasure in time spent outside, enjoying the sounds of birds chirping and the scent of freshly cut grass, just like humans do. Even more, that activity can help strengthen the bond between a cat and his owner, giving the pair something to experience together. Sherry Woodard, a longtime animal behavior consultant at Best Friends Animal Society, spoke with The Huffington Post to explain why every cat should be given the chance to step its paw out into nature.

So, folks, the cat’s out of the bag: Leashes are not just for dogs anymore. Here’s what you need to know:

on Jun 22, 2015 at 1:57pm PDT

Not all cats will want to be walked on a leash, but every cat should be given the opportunity. Walking a cat can provide your pet with a more enriched life. “A lot of cats love to go outside and smell things, see things and roll around in sand and grass and dirt. They love to scratch real trees. Those are things they can do on a walk,” Woodard said.

When out for a walk — rather than prowling an apartment — a cat will use his brain in different and more thoughtful ways. “The cat is thinking more. It’s thinking about how to use its body and what things smell like. The cats are brighter and engaged,” said Woodard. The fact that the two of you will be exercising is an added bonus.

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Remember Never Force Your Cat To Walk On A Leash

Finally, take care to never force your cat to do something theyre not ready to do or are uncomfortable with. If they instantly dart back inside or freeze up when you go out, you can try again in a few days to see if they gradually become more comfortable with the outside world. But if the situation doesnt improve, leash training may just not be for your kitty.

Dont force your cat to do anything they arent ready for, whether its simply putting on the harness or going for a hike, Moss says. Forcing your cat outside of their comfort zone will likely backfire and will not only frighten your cat but may also be harm your relationship.

Remember that there are plenty of ways you can bond and spend time with your favorite feline from the comfort of your own home.

As Shojai says, many cats can benefit from leash training, so give it a try! Who knows? You may discover that yours is a natural-born outdoors enthusiastjust like my Roxie!

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Never Pull On The Leash

As the cat is an independent animal,it will never appreciate that you pull on the leash to give it direction. This will only create kitty frustration and cause him to rebel.

In addition, if any element causes panic in your feline and he gets agitated, do not pull the leash to direct him towards you, because he will be totally lost between the element that makes him panic and you. who pull him in your direction in spite of himself. Instead, take him in your arms and stroke him to reassure him, and once calm, put him down again and get back on the road.

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Place The Harness On Your Cat

Once your cat is used to the harness and shes okay with you holding her, its time to begin draping it over her shoulders, down her chest, and between her front legs. Do this while rewarding her with treats, but dont leave the harness on her at the beginning. Instead, work your way up to the point that shes okay with you snapping the harness in place as you distract her with yummy treats. The goal is to have her completely comfortable with the sensation of the harness before ever taking her outside.

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Once your cat is comfortable with the harness on her body, you can adjust it so that it fits perfectly. If you can fit just two of your fingers in between her body and the harness, its just right. You want it to be secure but comfortable.

Start by leaving the harness on your kitty for a few minutes, and work your way up to the point that she can have it on for a long time without getting upset and without needing to be distracted by treats anymore. That said, if she does get upset at any point along the way, give her treats to make her happy as you slip off the harness. The goal is to get the harness off before she gets upset, so this can be tricky. This will take several days, so be patient. Dont rush this process or your cat will develop an aversion to the harness.

Leash Walks In The House

How to Train a Cat to Walk on a Leash

Finally, once your cat is used to walking around with the harness on in the house, its time to attach the leash and begin to do little walks together. Remember a cat is not a dog and you do not tug or pull on the leash, but use gentle pressure with verbal commands telling the cat what you want.

You may be surprised to find that a cat will come to understand simple commands like stop, no, careful, up, down and lets go home. It may take a bit of time and you have to use repetition, but soon your cat will understand that you are helping them.

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Wearing The Harness In The House

During this next phase let the cat walk around with the harness on for a brief period of time, then take it off and give praise and treats. If your cat shows stress and panic, such as running away and hiding, then you may need to give more re-assurance.

However, if your cat is showing confidence wearing the harness while walking around the house, follow along giving pats and praise. Show your cat through your voice and body language that they are doing something special that you approve of.

Again, when taking the harness off after the short walk around the house, make sure that you give them lots of praise and pats so that they build positive associations with wearing the harness. You should also check to make sure that the harness is not binding or restricting any movement.

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