Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Trick A Cat Into A Carrier

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Get The Most Out Of Your Cats Vet Visit

#7 How To Transfer A Feral Cat Into A Carrier From A One Door Trap

Come PreparedIf you recently moved, bring a copy of your cats medical records with you. Write down any medications your cat may be taking and the dosage. When making an appointment, ask if you should bring a sample of your cats stool or urine.

Make a ListWrite down all the things that concern you about your cat: hair coat, diet, exercise program, toilet habits, etc. This will help you communicate better.

Write it DownDont be afraid to write down the information your veterinarian provides to you. Ask if there is a handout or a brochure containing more details.

Dont Be EmbarrassedYour cats veterinarian is the other family doctor. Theres no need to feel awkward about asking anything or mentioning something that youve noticed. Your veterinarian wants to help keep your cat healthy and happy. Without your observations, important information may be missed.

Ask About Emergency CoverageFind out the process for after-hours emergencies. If the veterinary hospital refers its patients to an emergency facility, be sure you know the address, phone number, and hours.

Through The Use Of The Towel/blanket Method

This is also called the burrito method of restraining your cat. To do this, put your cat on a towel and wrap it around the cat.

Heres how to put your cat inside the carrier using the burrito method:

  • Place your carrier inside a small room like your bathroom and open the door.
  • Bring in your cat and close the door to the room you are in.
  • Put your cat inside the carrier while still wrapped in the towel, tail-end first, so he wont feel scared.
  • Shut the carrier door and dont worry about unwrapping your cat from the towel as the cat will eventually free himself from it.

Use Technology To Your Advantage

A very simple method of making the cat feel safe is by using your cellphone. You can play a video of meowing cats, and place your phone in the carrier. This will make cats feel secure and less lonely.

If the cat is a mother, she may think her kittens are calling for her, so she would quickly enter the carrier.

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Pheromone Sprays And Other Treatments Can Help Reduce Anxious Behavior

If your cat gets stressed out every single time you travel, talk to your vet. They may be able to recommend a medical treatment to help your cat relax. Pheromone sprays are available over the counter and can help your cat feel more at home in their carrier- just make sure you spray them at least 20minutes before putting your cat into the carrier, to allow the smell of the alcohol carrier to dissipate. There are also prescription medications that will reduce anxiety and help your cat sleep.

Traveling with your cat can be a stressful experience, but with practice, you and your pet will get more comfortable with the carrier.

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So How Do You Get An Aggressive Cat Into A Carrier

A Great Trick for Getting Kitty Into her Carrier ...

Blame the Cats Nerves, But Try to Calm It Down

According to research, cats are typically claustrophobic. Once they have identified an item that made them feel constricted, they feel nervous about it.

Maybe why the sight of the carrier freaked my friends cat out.

A nervous cat instantly becomes aggressive. This aggression causes the task of putting the cat into a carrier stressful. Mind you, it isnt just you who gets stressed, the cat too!

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How To Get Your Cat Into A Pet Carrier

Everyone thinks cats just hate carriers but thats not true we taught them to hate carriers. Imagine growing up in a household where your family had two station wagons: a red one and a green one. The red one was used almost exclusively, except for visits to the dentist, which were handled by the green one. And now, twenty or more years later, is it any surprise that you might have an irrational fear of green station wagons? Not at all. Such is the power of negative association, and this is precisely why cats tend to disdain carriers: every time they get in them, its to go some place they dont want to go!

Heres an easy, step-by-step process that will give your cat a positive new association to the carrier:

Step 1 Turn the Carrier into a Den

Our first step in making the carrier a more appealing place for your cat to be is to simply not make it look like a carrier ultimately, the carrier should be a destination. As previously discussed, base camp is a defined area of your home that is the heart of a cats territory. Think of turning the carrier into a portable base camp by taking the top off and placing one of their favorite beds inside. Or consider using one of your sweatshirts as bedding , and also including any of their favorite scent soakerssoft items that absorb your cats scent.

Step 2 Place in Social Area

Place the carrier in a social area where your cat already feels comfortable. This will deepen the positive association with the carrier.

Put Your Cats Favorite Blanket Inside The Carrier

Pet cats usually have their own favorite blanket or piece of cloth that they love to snuggle in. You can use this by lining it in the bottom of the carrier. However, if your cat doesnt have one, you may opt to buy a fleece or wool blanket and encourage your cat to lie and nap in it frequently. Let your cat get used to the blanket by sprinkling loose catnip or spraying some catnip spray all over it.

Once your cat becomes accustomed to the blanket and has slept in it a few times you can line it in the bottom of the carrier.

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Be Patient And Calm When Getting Your Cat In A Carrier

When it is time to actually get your cat into the carrier, remember to take your time.

Its frustrating for you and scary for him.

  • If you are at floor level, back him in gently but firmly and keep your hand in front of him so he cant make a run for it.
  • Speak in a soothing manner. If you get stressed, he will too and then the whole experience will be even rougher for you both.
  • If he is amenable once inside, you can slip him a treat through the door or the side bars to try and make him happy.

If your cat is a fighter, and many are, the trick is to be as gentle as possible. If you absolutely must use the scruff-of-the-neck method, make it quick and as gentle as possible. Turn the carrier on its side and lower him in, and let go as soon as you can.

He wont be happy, but he wont be hurt either.

Remember that the more traumatic the experience is, the more difficult it is going to be each time he needs to go into the carrier.

Putting A Cat Into A Carrier

How to get a cat into a carrier during an emergency?

It seems to be close to impossible to put my cat into a carrier. I’m not sure whether he is afraid of closed spaces or doesn’t like being restrained or what, but it requires two people to put him into a carrier.

What can I do to make it easier on my cat and me to get him in the carrier?

When I put my cats in the Carrier I use the following method:

  • I stand the carrier up so the door is facing the ceiling
  • I pick up the cat, and put it in so its back legs go in first. This makes it fairly easy to hold the back legs together so it can’t try to hold itself from going in the carrier. With the carrier vertical like this, the cat sort of falls to the bottom so I have a chance to close the door.
  • This is perhaps clearer with a picture, so here is me subjecting one of my cats to this:

    Also, as preparation I get my cats in a room where they can’t hide, because as soon as they see the carrier they look for a place to hide 🙂 One last idea is to try to lure them in with a treat, but my cats figured that out pretty quickly and it stopped working.

    The easiest and most humane method is training. Instead of trying to force your cat into the carrier during those times you need him to go, teach him to enjoy going into the carrier.

    Your goal is to make the carrier a warm, pleasant, and friendly place for your cat. Right now he is only associates it with unpleasant things.

    Disclaimer: My experience with this has been exclusively with kittens, the methods needed for an adult cat may vary.

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    How To Fix Your Cats Fear Of Carriers

    Cats normally love to go into small and enclosed spaces and even bury themselves among cardboard boxes and blankets. However, its a different thing if theyre placed in an enclosed space that they didnt volunteer to walk into such as a carrier. The good news is, you can fix your cats fear of carriers and train her to eventually like the carrier. Sometimes a cat might also like one carrier more than another one. For different options read our article on the best cat carriers.

    Here are the steps that you can to fix your cats fear of carriers:

    What Is A Feral Cat

    A feral cat is the same as a stray and domesticated cat, the biggest difference is their relationship and interactions with people. Feral cats have NOT been properly socialized and are extremely fearful of people.

    These cats are considered free roaming cats that tend to roam around neighborhoods, homes, and any other place in search of food.

    Maybe youve seen a cat roaming around your neighborhood and youve decided that its time to take it into your home to care for it? Or maybe you just want to capture it so you can help it find a great home?

    Regardless of why youre wanting to get the feral cat in the carrier. Its important to understand that it wont be an easy task.

    Here are our extensive tips and tricks to help you get the feral cat inside the carrier without breaking a sweat.

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    How To Put A Cat In A Carrier

    If you are a cat owner, there is a high possibility that you own a cat carrier. A cat carrier is an extremely important item for every cat owner. They come in very handy when taking your cat to the vet or to a short trip. Without a proper cat carrier, your cat may face various dangers outside the home. Even, there are stories that cats have escaped or ran away when they were taken to the vet. Thats why it is very important for you to have a decent cat carrier backpack.

    But, a cat carrier is not really your cats best friend. Dont be surprised if you find your cat is using anything to not get into the carrier, including her teeth and claws. By natural instinct, cats are not very fond of traveling and leaving their comfort zone. So, they associate the pet carrier purse as something that makes them nervous and uncomfortable. As a result, you may find it very difficult putting your cat in a cat carrier. However, there are certain tips with which you can bypass this problem and make your cat friendly towards her carrier.

    In this article, Ill share my top secret tips for you to know how to put a cat in a carrier. So, lets get started.

    Our Question This Week Was:

    And Now for My Next Trick: Getting a Fearful Cat Into a ...

    Ive had my little feral rescue cat Blackbean now for almost three years, and he is just a dear, loves to be hugged and petted, but because Ive had to keep him here illegally in my apartment, he isnt used to seeing a lot of people besides me. This isnt normally a problem, and Ive thought about adding another cat to give him more company. Ive taken him from a hardly recognizable frightened little guy at the pound to a big almost overweight shiny and healthy looking cat who is almost strangely obedient

    But I have to admit that he definitely has a neurotic problem. To this day I can pet and hug him, but I can still never actually pick him up, and whats worse, never get him into a carrier. At first I was able to trick him in there when he needed to be moved or taken to the vet, but hes wised up to that! Right now Ive got a bunch of totally feral-origin cats in my neighborhood that are far easier to pick up and hug than my own cat!

    So now I have to move this month, absolutely have to get him moved by a certain date, and dont know what to do. Last time I went through this I had to give up after almost 24 hours of trying to force him into a carrier. He didnt scratch me, but if I have someone come in to help shut the carrier while I hold him, he hides from them immediately. He seems to get into a frenzy that can actually be dangerous from what Ive read you might call it fearful aggression I guess.


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    The Carrier Will Make A Huge Difference

    Make sure youre using a bigger carrier than normal. Scared cats have a tendency to make themselves bigger, so it will be virtually impossible to get them into a small carrier.

    A small carrier will only make your cat more nervous and she will end up scratching you, which will make a bad experience for both of you.

    Go with a hard carrier vs a soft one, as its easier to get her inside and she is less likely to tear it with her sharp teeth and nails. A top-loading carrier will make it easier to get her in and out. Be sure to check out these cat carriers for all types of cats.

    How To Get An Aggressive Cat Into A Carrier: 4 Methods To Try

    Unlike dogs, cats are more independent. They love climbing elevated spaces and discovering places on their own terms. With that, putting them on a carrier will be a challenge, especially for aggressive ones. You may end with deep scratches and bites even before you get the kitty inside. To help you out, I discussed some tips here on how to get an aggressive cat into a carrier. Its not an easy task, but theres always a workaround for the felines behavior.

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    Visit The Vet For Real

    If your cat vomits from motion sickness or from being a ball of nerves, consider making the appointment before his normal feeding time. Ideally, for routine appointments, we prefer patients to be fasted and/or coming hungry, which benefits us in a few ways, says Dr. Marks. If we are doing blood work, we have a fasted patient for accuracy. It also allows us to offer high-reward or patient-appropriate treats for Fear Free or other low-stress strategies and have a patient more willing to accept them. And if your cat experiences motion sickness, this also lessens the chance of vomiting during travel. Dont miss these 50 secrets your veterinarian wont tell you.

    Getting Your Cat Used To The Carrier

    How to get a cat into a carrier

    Now, just because your carrier is cat-friendlydoesnt mean your cat knows that it is. It may take some time for a feline family member to get accustomed to spending time inside of its mobile home.

    Be careful not to rush things. Start by leaving the points of entry open to the cat at all times and in a place where they already feel comfortable. For example, in their best sunny corner or next to their favorite scratching post.

    You may want to line the inside of the carrier with soft blankets, towels, or other cozy material. Most cats are pretty fond of small, comfortable, and warm spaces, so these can really help put your furry pals nerves at ease.

    Bonus tip: Using a sweater or fleece jacket with a familiar persons scent on it can help your cat associate its carrier with a positive, comfortable feeling.

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    A Great Trick For Getting Kitty Into Her Carrier

    As anyone who has ever tried to put a cat into a carrier knows its easier said than done. The tiniest rattle of the gate can send a savvy cat into hiding. Merely approaching the carrier with thoughts of travel may be communicated telepathically. Then comes the house hunt under the beds, on the high shelves, behind the couches, anywhere kitty can fit and hide.

    Extracting the cat from her hidy-hole doesnt improve her mood, and the worst is yet to come. As you approach the sinister crate, she is miraculously expanding and transforming into a demon with extra legs made of steel and tipped with hooks. To press this mini-mutant through the little door will be next to impossible.

    Rewind to the beginning all is not lost!

    Ive discovered a trick that works! With these two easy steps, you can help ensure that neither you nor your cat will be unduly stressed by the prospect of travel.

    First step: Preparation.

    Prepare the crate. Check all fasteners to make sure theyre tight. You can spray a little Feliway or other reputable feline stress-reducer onto the back wall of the carrier if you like. This wont help getting kitty inside but might make your trip more yowl-free.

    Now, here is the trick:

    Place the carrier on an elevated surface such as a chair or couch, with the back wall braced so the carrier cant slide backwards. The front lip should be even with the front edge of the surface. This ensures there is no place for kitty to put her feet as you slip her inside.

    Happy traveling.

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