Wednesday, May 1, 2024

How To Get Cat To Stop Peeing On Things

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Reasons Why Cats Pee Outside The Litter Box

                The smell of cat urine is awful for anyone to experience. If your cat has a perfectly good litter box he ignores, and he instead urinates on the carpet, furniture, or bedding, it adds insult to injury. Between the constant cleaning and the strong smell that will permeate your entire home, a cat that is not using the litter box properly can be a source of frustration. But why do cats pee outside of their litter boxes and what can you do about it? Here are some common causes of litter box problems for many cats:

Determining The Cause Of Inappropriate Urination

Figuring out the underlying cause of inappropriate urination starts with a thorough history and complete physical exam, including a urinalysis that is run right away to look for crystal formation, blood tests to look for diabetes, kidney disease, and hyperthyroidism.

Often, we will also recommend bladder imaging, such as X-rays or an ultrasound, to look for bladder stones and possibly at kidney health.

If all tests check out, well explore possible behavioral causes. Here is where a house call visit from a veterinarian experienced in cat behavior can be very helpful in assessing life from the cats point of view.

Fortunately, there is hope for most cats that are urinating outside the litter box if the problem is addressed quickly, before it becomes a more serious medical issue or a habit, if its a behavioral issue.

Is Your Cat Peeing Out Of Spite

Walking through the front door and finding that your cat has peed somewhere rather than use their cat litter box can be quite upsetting especially if your cat has used a rug, bath towel or your favorite jumper as their toilet.

It is not a good idea to tell your cat off, but it is certainly going to be beneficial if you can discover what has caused your cat to act in this way.

Cats are not daft but in fact they can be quite complex and easily stressed, so for your cat to pee outside their cat litter box, this usually indicates that there is a problem.

You know your cat well, so you should be able to deduce what has upset your cat and made it behave in this way.

Its their way of communicating with you

They cant literally tell you this is whats happening

But heres the problem

You have no idea what is causing your cat to pee outside the litter box

Yes, theyre communicating with you but what exactly are they saying

So lets look at why your cat is peeing on your stuff and not in their litter box

Don’t Do This To Stop Your Cat Peeing Everywhere

Step number nine is things to avoid.  You should definitely avoid negative reinforcement.  Don’t shout at your cat, rub their nose in it or punish them in any way.  All that’s going to do is make them more stressed.  They’re probably not going to understand what they’ve done wrong and that’s probably only going to make the problem worse.  It’s certainly not going to improve the situation.

Another thing that we should avoid doing in cats that are urinating everywhere or peeing outside of their litter tray is to use ammonia based cleaning products.  Ammonia is actually what attracts cats back to the area so by using things like bleach you can actually be perpetuating the problem.

The last thing that you should avoid doing is avoid using deterrent sprays.  Again if you’ve got something in a cat’s environment that really is repelling them it’s only going to cause them more stress.  While they might not urinate in that particular spot again they’re just going to go and find somewhere else to pee and it’s not going to be in the litter tray.

And if youve tried everything and your cat is still spraying all over the house .

#4: Check Your Cats Litter Box Placement

How to get female cat to stop peeing on things.

Not only are cleanliness and litter type important, but also litter box placement. While you may think the basement or laundry room are the perfect places to hide a stinky box, your cat may be less inclined to urinate in these out-of-the-way areas. Additionally, a litter box placed next to the loud dryer or furnace can startle your cat so much that they will seek out quiet bathroom areas. On the other hand, putting the litter box in a heavily trafficked area can be uncomfortable for your cat, so look for a happy medium. Also, ensure your cat has several bathroom options by placing multiple litter boxes around your home. Have a box on each floor, and one litter box per cat, plus one. With various choices, your cat is certain to find a satisfactory box to urinate.

Any time your cat displays inappropriate elimination, theyre asking for help. Our Country Valley Veterinary Clinic team is here to nurse your cat through their medical or behavior problems, and help them on the road to recovery. Give us a call to schedule an appointment to get to the bottom of your pets urinary issue.

Problems With The Litter Tray

Its fair to say that cats can be pretty fussy about their litter tray and working out which kind of litter your cat prefers may be a process of trial and error. Your cat may be peeing on the floor because they have an issue with the type of litter tray you have bought, the type of litter used and/or where the litter tray is located.

To add to this, your litter tray could either be too clean or too dirty for your kitty companion a heavily soiled litter tray is a no go for obvious reasons, whilst some cats dont like scented litter, deodorants or disinfectants with strong smells. The location of your litter tray is important too like humans, cats like to have privacy when urinating, so if your cat feels exposed in their litter tray they wont want to use it. Also, placing the litter tray too close to their food bowl may put them off using it.

Why Is My Cat Peeing On Stuff

Cats are definitely creatures of habit and can react badly if there are sudden changes in their lifestyle.

One of the main ways that they can react is by soiling out of their cat litter box.

If you can pinpoint the change and alter things back to how they were, your cats stress will evaporate.

If it is a situation you cannot change, you will have to be patient as it will take a few weeks for your cat to settle down again.

You can check out my article on how to calm a stressed cat down 

The biggest changes are moving house, another animal moving into the house and the arrival of a new baby.

Smaller changes that can nevertheless have a negative impact and these include the rearrangement of furniture in the house so that your cat has lost one of their favorite sleeping areas and can no longer walk easily through the house without negotiating around furniture or humans.

Has a different cat moved into the area and ventured into your garden which your cat considers their territory?    

Whilst it could be any of these reasons, the problem could be as simple as your children being noisy near the litter tray and disturbing your cat making the cat flee to another part of the house and finding an alternative place to do their business

So once you find out what the problem is

Lets look at how you could stop your cat from peeing everywhere

Inappropriate Urination: How To Change Your Cat’s Behavior

Once you’ve isolated the reason your cat is peeing in the house, you can begin to change its behavior. This will take time.

  • If your cat has been peeing where it shouldn’t, you’ll need to remove all trace of the smell or block off the area entirely. Clean the spot with an enzymatic cleanser rather than an ammonia-based one, cover with foil or plastic, and prevent access for several weeks to give the neutralizer sufficient time to work.
  • If there is a new cat in the house, give them separate litter boxes. Give them different territories until they are comfortable with each other. Sometimes not getting along can cause cats to show aggression through urination.
  • If your cat is threatened by a new baby, guest, or other change, give it time to adjust.
  • Moving to a new home is a big change in your cat’s life. Not only is the cat claiming and adjusting to a new territory, but it might also be reacting to the scent of a former tenant’s pet. You’ll need to reassure your cat and completely remove all odors of other cats so your cat won’t feel the need to mark its territory.

Don’t forget to give extra attention, affection, and praise to your cat. Reassure your pet that it is a loved and important part of the family.

Find The Right Type Of Litter Box

An enclosed litter box may fit nicely within your decorating standards and help contain the mess and odor, but your cat may not agree. Enclosed boxes can be small, dark, smelly and difficult to turn around innot conducive to cats doing their business.


You also want to make sure the sides of your litter box are low enough for your cat to easily step overespecially as he reaches old age.


The ideal litter box is large and open with low sides or at least one low spot where cats can enter.  


How To Stop Your Cat From Peeing On The Bed

The first thing youll need to stop your cat from peeing on your bed or other areas outside of their litter box? Patience. This will take time, but as long as you follow these steps, your cat will be using his litter box like a pro.

1) Make sure you have the right litter box and litter. Youll want your cat to see his litter box as the most beautiful place in your home. Make sure its filled with litter he likes and is located in a quiet area.

2) Thoroughly clean your bedding. Unsurprisingly, your cat will pee where he smells pee.

3) Make the places hes having accidents unattractive. Until he gets accustomed to using his litter box, make the bed an uncomfortable place to urinate. You can put something non-absorbent on it when you arent sleeping, like a shower curtain.

4) Change the meaning of your bed. If your cat is confusing your bed with his bathroom, start to make him see your bed differently. You can begin by playing with him on it and giving him treats there so that he begins to associate it with food.

5) Be patient. Some cats take up to a month to consistently use their litter box.

While your cat peeing on your bed is definitely a nuisance, with just a little patience and the above steps, youll soon have a dry bed and happy cat once again!

Tip 6: Apply Sticky Tapes On Your Couch

 are usually used to deter cats from scratching furniture, but they can also stop your cat from peeing on the couch.

Apply sticky tapes on the edges of your couch and spots your cat likes peeing the most. Cats dont like the sensation of the sticky tape on their paws and will stay away from the couch.

Part 3 Of 3:discouraging Urination On The Bed

  • 1Block access to the bed. Encouraging your cat to use the litter box is an indirect way to stop your cat from peeing on the bed. To be more direct, make the bed either inaccessible or undesirable. For example, block access to the bed by closing the bedroom door.XResearch source
  • Be aware that, if your cat doesnt want to use its litter box, your cat may just find another inappropriate place to urinate.
  • If youre going to close the bedroom door, use one of the strategies to encourage litter box use at the same time.
  • 2Spray the bed with an odor neutralizer. If closing the bedroom door seems like too harsh of a strategy, make the bed itself undesirable. A pet-specific odor neutralizer will remove your cats scent from the bed. Since your cat will urinate where it leaves its scent, removing its scent from the bed will make the bed an undesirable place to urinate.XResearch source
  • Clean your sheets and comforter before using an odor neutralizer.
  • Do not use an ammonia-based spray. Because urine contains ammonia, using an ammonia-based spray on your bed could actually attract your cat to your bed even more.XTrustworthy SourceThe Humane Society of the United StatesNational organization devoted to the promotion of animal welfareGo to source
  • If you have multiple cats, one cat could be urinating on the bed to mark its territory. Neutralize the scent of all of the cats to lessen the need to mark the bed as territory.XResearch source
  • Learn Whether The Issue Is Medical Or Behavioral

    Why My Cat Pees on the Bed and How to Stop It

    Editorial Process


    Cats can sometimes be found napping in some of the strangest locations. What if your cat has taken a sudden liking to napping in her litter box, though? There are medical reasons as well as behavioral reasons for a cat to suddenly start lounging where they go to the bathroom. Your vet can help you figure out the underlying reason for your cat’s questionable choice in sleeping arrangements.

    10 Weird Things Your Cat Does and Why

    How Do I Determine Which Cat Is Eliminating When I Have More Than One Cat

    When there are multiple cats in the home, it may be difficult to determine who is actually soiling. Confinement of one or more cats may be necessary to discover who is not using the litter box. However, if social conflicts between cats contribute to the problem, separating cats may make the problem diminish or stop.

    “Therefore, the best solution may be to place a video camera in the area where the soiling occurs.”

    A fluorescent dye can be administered to one cat, and the soiled areas can then be evaluated with a black light to determine if that is the cat that is house soiling. However, results are not always consistent and the dye may stain some carpets. Therefore, the best solution may be to place a video camera in the area where the soiling occurs. For stool elimination a small amount of a nontoxic colored crayon can be chopped and mixed into the food of one of the cats.

    Reasons Why Your Cat Might Be Peeing On Your Clothes


    Cats use urine as a means of , it is their natural way. However, we do not understand the urine and they cannot speak our language. This brought the need for human beings to the cats means of communication. This way we can be able to attend to our cats needs and therefore live together harmoniously.

    However, the hardest part about this fact is that now you will have to figure out what your cat I trying to tell you. Often, your cat is either expressing fear or frustrations. You will need to figure out the reason behind this habit.

    Medical reasons

    Before you go ahead to employ methods in which you can be able to stop your cat from on your clothes, it is important to rule out any medical issues. Cats, particularly mature female cats, are prone to urinary tract illnesses. It is going to be hard to control a cat peeing on your clothes because she is sick until you get her treated.

    Other underlying illnesses like diabetes and hyperthyroidism can also trigger your cat to pee inappropriately. In most cases, these illnesses will be characterized by a frequent or irregular pattern of urination. In addition to this, you might also find several patches of urine in the . If you notice any of the above symptoms, consider seeking medical attention.

    Because she can

    To combine scents

    Litter box issues

    In addition, you should place the litter boxes in places where she can see and reach easily.

    Support Shelters And Facilities

    Shelters and facilities do have their own role in curbing the stray population. Shelters can house cats and keep them off the street.

    In some cases, there are cats that can still be socialized and put in their own loving home. However, shelters lack enough resources to care for and house cats. The more support shelters and facilities have, the more they can do for stray cats.

    What can you do to support shelters and facilities? One way is to volunteer your time. Donating in both cash and goods is also a good idea.

    They Are Stressed Or Anxious

    Have you had lots of people over lately? Has there been a period of upheaval in your home, or is there a neighbour cat that wont leave your garden?

    Cats spray urine as a way of marking their territory. They therefore feel safer when they can smell more of their own urine, so if your cat has suddenly started peeing on your bed or carpet, it could be because theyre trying to combat feelings of stress.

    Add Another Litter Box

    With multiple cats, you may need to coddle twice as much . Offer at least one litter box per cat, and space these in different parts of the house. Make sure they are extra big because some cats just like the added space to maneuver.

    Similarly, provide scratching objects and resting places for each cat in a variety of places throughout the home. Extra vertical space can allow cats to climb and get away from each other, while each owns its own resting spot. Single-cat shelves can keep cats from having to share.

    Part 2 Of 3:considering Possible Health And Behavior Problems

  • 1Decide if stress may be a factor in your cats litter box issues. Other pets, children, or a noisy environment can all cause your cat to feel stressed and avoid the litter box. Make sure that your cats litter box is kept in a place that is semi-dark, quiet, and secluded. If your cats box is in a high traffic area, she will be less likely to use it.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsLeading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal crueltyGo to sourceXResearch source
  • Try using Feliway diffusers to help your cat feel more relaxed. This product releases a scent that some cats may find comforting.
  • 2Consider your cats current or past medical conditions. Your cats medical history may provide an explanation for why your cat has not been using the litter box. If you suspect that your cat is sick, take her to see a vet as soon as possible. Early treatment of an illness by help stop litter box problems as well as save your cat from pain and discomfort. Urinary tract infections and feline interstitial cystitis are common conditions that may cause your cat to urinate outside of the litter box.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsLeading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal crueltyGo to source
  • Urinary tract infections may cause a cat to avoid the litter box, even after the infection has been treated. Your cat may still associate the litter box with pain and want to avoid it.
  • How To Get Cat Pee Out Of Bedding

    To help stop your cat from peeing on your bed, thoroughly clean any bedding that he pees on. If your cat can smell his old pee, he’ll be tempted to spray there again. So how do you get cat pee out of bedding?

    First, clean the pee as quickly as possible. Look for products specifically geared toward cleaning cat pee. Look for enzyme-based cleaners as they break down the acid in your cat’s urine. Avoid anything with ammonia because it kind of smells like cat pee and might actually attract your cat back to that spot.

    Rinse the spot on the bedding where your cat peed with cool water and blot it, don’t scrub. Then wash the bedding in a washing machine with a mix of detergent and baking soda or cider vinegar. Add the enzyme cleaner to a second round if the laundry still smells after the first wash. Then air dry the bedding. Don’t use the dryer, just in case the scent isn’t entirely gone. Heat can lock in the scent. You might need to wash the bedding several times before the smell is completely gone.

    You also want to make sure the surrounding bed frame and floor didn’t get peed on too. Clean them with your cat urine cleaner. You might even need to clean the mattress depending on how much your cat peed. First, soak the spot with water and blot, then soak with your enzyme cleaner and blot after about 15 minutes. Then let it air dry.

    1. The Humane Society of the United States. “Preventing Litter Box Problems.”, .

    Do Cats Pee Out Of Spite

    How to Stop Cat Peeing on Carpet  Train you Cat To Not To ...

    Do you ever wonder if your cat pees out of spite?

    I mean they wont use the litter box and pee on your favorite carpet or rug

    Or are they trying to tell you something?

    If youre wondering what the answers are to this question then youre going to love this article

    Because youre going to discover why your cat is not using the litter box 

    And how you can get them to use it again and not pee elsewhere

    Sound good?

    Homemade Cat Repellents You Can Create To Stop Your Cat From Peeing In The House

    Three things that cats detest is Lemon juice, rosemary and white vinegar. If you mix these together and use it in a spray bottle then simply spray where you want Cat tends to urinate. This will hopefully stop your Cat from peeing in those spots

    You can also leave orange and lemon peel in the places where your cat is urinating. Cats hate citrus scents. Just make sure you replace the peels once they get old and lose their smell.

    Another homemade cat repellent you can make is

  • Boil 2 cups of water in a pan
  • Add lemon, orange or you can add tangerine peels
  • For about 20 minutes, let this simmer and then remove the heat and let it cool down
  • Once it is cool, you can pour it into a spray bottle. Add two teaspoons of lemon juice and squirt dish soap preferably lemon-scented and then shake to mix it.
  • This can then be used to spray on walls, furniture or any part of the floor you want your cat avoid.

    Ive actually written an article about removing cat spray smell which you can check out by clicking on the link below

    How to get rid of Cat spray smell 

    Teach Your Cat To Stop Peeing Furniture

    If youâve discovered your catâs been peeing on your furniture, then itâs time to make them stop. No matter if theyâve been neutered or not, cats can spray regardless. The only difference between a cat that sprays and a cat that doesnât is their behavior.

    Some cats feel the need to assert their presence and authority by marking their territory and area. While other cats already feel safe and donât need to bother. The secret is to make sure your cat feels safe and isnât stressed out.

    Maybe thereâs something in your house thatâs causing your cat to spray. Or maybe its the location of their litter tray. Whatever it is, you need to identify the cause and then fix it.

    If youâre looking for help in stopping your cat from spraying, then we can help. Our T.T.S method has helped thousands of cat owned stop their cats from spraying. By following our simple PDF eBook you can teach your cat to stop spraying in 7 days or less. Stop wasting your time and money on cleaning supplies, cease cat spraying today!

    Does Peeing On The Floor Mean That My Cat Is Ill

    If your cat is frequently peeing on the floor, we recommend bringing them to the surgery to rule out any medical issues before trying to address behavioural issues. Some medical conditions that could be causing your cat to wee on the floor include:

    • Diseases of the urinary tractThese include bladder stones, cystitis, bacterial infections and other inflammatory diseases that cause pain for your cat. They also cause your cat to have an increased urgency to urinate, which may cause them to wee on the floor
    • Kidney and liver diseases These both cause the cat to drink more water that leads to increased urination, which may cause your cat to wee on the floor because their litter tray has become soiled
    • Diabetes If your cat is very thirsty and seems to frequently not make it to the litter tray in time, he may be suffering from diabetes. Diabetes can be fatal in cats so its important that you bring your cat to the surgery for an examination.

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