Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Long Do Shorthair Cats Live

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He Knows Care And Maintenance

With his relatively stress-free environment, Jones is always able to groom himself, avoiding hairball buildups that can have nasty consequences. His nails are regularly trimmed. Jones also has access to a clean litter box like the . A clean litter box is essential to good cat health in order to help minimize two medical problems: feline lower urinary tract disease or the more life-threatening urinary blockage called feline urethral obstruction.  

She Lacks Regular Access To Clean Water And Food

June must rely on the erratic kindness of a neighbor to put out some dry kibble, hunt local wildlife, or raid a garbage can in order to feed herself. Worse, her access to clean water is very limited. She is often forced to drink out of puddles or other stagnant pools of water, which can be filled with bacteria, parasites, and contaminants like motor oil.

Cat Breeds With The Longest Life Spans

Although can live on average between 11 to 16 years, some breeds can survive significantly longer.

Regular veterinary care, a nutritious age-appropriate diet and maintaining a loving relationship all contribute to a cat’s highest quality of comfort, but genes will play an important role in determining a feline’s lifespan.

Prospective cat owners looking for particularly long-lived cat breeds should therefore consider keeping the following varieties.

Mobility And Activity Levels

As a cat matures, the more it becomes sedentary. So while kittens are more active and love playing, the older ones prefer sleeping, specifically the senior felines. 

Senior cats and kittens spend approximately 20 hours of sleep per day while adults rest for around 12-15 hours per day. 

Although it could vary from cat to cat, by observing how long your feline pet rests, you’ll get a rough idea if it’s an adult or senior one. 

How Long Do House Cats Live

Average Lifespan Of A Tabby Cat

Cats may not really have nine lives, but factors such as diet, healthcare and environment can have an impact on how long a cat can live. Neutered cats tend to live longer because neutering prevents reproductive diseases and neutered cats are less likely to roam. While on many things, including luck, some domestic cats can live to up to 20 years old. During their life they will go through six key life stages which may help owners understand certain health/behavioural problems that could arise and things to keep an eye on.

This is the best stage to introduce your cat to lots of new things such as other pets, household noises, being brushed and handled, as well as familiarising them with children. Youll see them go through their most rapid growth spurt during this time. This is also a good time to neuter your pet to stop unwanted litters.


Your cat will reach full size during this period of time and will have reached sexual maturity.

It is important to play appropriately with your pet as this will teach them how to play nicely with people. This means ensuring not to play rough and tumble games with your cat; instead, use toys to engage with them. Playing with your hands can encourage biting and scratching, which may seem cute when theyre a kitten, but remember that they soon grow up and the bites and scratches will get harder.



She Is Exposed To Traffic And The Elements

The deadliest predator of allhumansaccounts for hundreds of thousands of feline deaths each year just by getting behind the wheel. Although there are no official statistics for the U.S., trauma remains the leading cause of death in cats. And if its not the traffic June is dodging, its the weather. She faces long, cold winters, flooded springs, and searing summersall while trying to protect her kittens from those same elements. The wear and tear of being an outdoor cat is intense, to say the least.

Do Male Or Female Cats Live Longer

There hasnt been a ton of research on this, but a 2014 study in the UK looked at more than 4,000 deceased cats and found that female cats tended to live about two years longer

Another interesting tidbit: Neutered male cats live 62 percent longer than unneutered ones, according to a , and spayed female cats live 39 percent longer than unspayed ones.

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On Average How Long Do Cats Live

In our recent article, Whats the Average Life of a Dog, we found out that our canine companions live an average of 10 to 13 years. So how do our kitty companions compare?

If youre a Cat Owner, youll be glad to know that our feline friends have a pretty long life expectancy. Specifically, the average kitty can live to between 13 and 17 years. In fact, many cats live to be around 20 years old, with some of the oldest cats on record living into their early 30s! 

But, for a kitty to live beyond the average cat lifespan, there are a few factors to consider. Lifestyle, genetics, diet, and past experiences can all affect how long a cat will live. Lets explore a few of the most influential factors in a cats expected lifespan.


Why Do Outdoor Cats Live Shorter Lives

Outdoor felines face a range of potentially life-threatening dangers, including:

  • Cars, trucks, and other vehicles
  • Cats, dogs, and wild animals
  • Parasites like fleas and ticks
  • Poisons, including pesticides and fertilizers
  • Toxic plants like lilies

Cats who wander outdoors also risk theft or capture by animal control authorities. The chances of returning home increase dramatically when pets are microchipped and registered in the appropriate database.

Despite The Variety Of Genetics They All Share Common Characteristics

Although a domestic shorthair can come in about any color and size, overall they are usually a muscular, hearty cat that is bigger in size and stature. The domestic shorthair has a noticeably round-shaped head and round paws as well. These cats are known for being healthy, but watch out, these felines have a love of eatingand if not careful, can become obese easily. Guess Garfield must have been a domestic shorthair!

The Visible Ageing Process

Your cat will go through many changes due to age. These may be physical or behavioural. Look at a range of signs of ageing here

  • Grooming is less effective and you can help your cat by combing hard to reach places
  • Claws become brittle and may need to be clipped more regularly
  • Eyes may have age-related lens issues or more severe diseases related to high blood pressure
  • Hearing gets worse as cats age
  • Gum diseases such as gingivitis may be prevalent with decayed teeth requiring extraction
  • Skin becomes thinner and fragile and is prone to infection
  • The sense of smell may decrease which can cause disinterest in food
  • Arthritis is common in older cats and can cause difficulty in using the litter tray and climbing stairs
  • Dementia can cause excessive meowing and disorientation

How Do Cat And Human Years Compare

Youâve probably heard the ââ that dogs age seven human years every 365 days, but what about cats? According to the American Association of Feline Practitioners and the American Animal Hospital Association , hereâs how your catâs age in âcat yearsâ compares to their age in human years:

  • A cat ages roughly 15 human years during their first year.
  • Then, they age another nine years during their second year.
  • Each additional year of age is equal to around four human years.

How Old Is Your Cat

How Long Do Siamese Tabby Cats Live

  • 0 to 1 month: 1 human year
  • 2 to 3 months: 2 to 4 human years
  • 4 months: 6 to 8 human years
  • 6 months: 10 human years
  • 7 months: 12 human years
  • 12 months: 15 human years
  • 18 months: 21 human years
  • 2 years: 24 human years
  • 3 years: 28 human years
  • 4 years: 32 human years
  • 5 years: 36 human years
  • 10 years: 56 human years
  • 15 years: 76 human years
  • 20 years: 96 human years

The average life expectancy of a cat suggests that many live the equivalent of a full human life. In 2019, the United Nations estimated that the average global life expectancy is 72.9 years. Thatâs a little more than 14 cat years.

Indoor Vs Outdoor Cat

About 47.1 million households in the United States have at least one cat, according to figures from the APPA National Pet Owners Survey by the American Pet Products Association. That is almost a five percent increase from 2012. The Humane Society estimates that up to 40 percent of cats go outside. The good news is that up to 70 percent come inside the home at night.

It may seem obvious that keeping a cat indoors is the best choice. However, the answer is a bit more complicated.

Indoor cats can be your companions for a long time.

Genetics can affect lifespan by a few years, so you might want to avoid the Sphynx or Manx breeds and instead give your heart to an American Shorthair .  Most breeds fall within the 10-15 year range.    But, if youre like most of us, you arent shopping around.  Instead, you already have a cat and want to know how to help your cat live his or her longest, healthiest life. With proper nutrition, regular visits to the vet, and loving care, you can do wonders.

Heres a tip:

Most indoor cats pass away of kidney issues, so keeping clean water or investing in a water fountain with a filter to keep water fresh and tasty can help slow the onset of kidney issues.

Just remember:

The more water your cat drinks, the healthier shell be, and the longer shell allow you to adore her.

On the other hand the more your cat urinates, the better it is for his kidneys, so keeping a very clean litter box or even getting an automatically cleaning one can help as well .

Orange Tabby Cat Life Expectancy

Weve talked about tabby cats, but what about orange tabbies?

The genetic traits that make a cat an orange tabby are linked to gender. Approximately 80 percent of all orange tabbies are male.

This means that they may have to face health problems associated with male cats, which we will explore later on.

The orange tabby color is found in many breeds, so the breed of your cat will also determine his lifespan.

How Does The Ragdoll Cats Life Expectancy Compare With Other Cat Breeds

The life expectancy of an average domestic cat is between 11 to 16 years. According to the Guinness World Records, the oldest cat that ever lived was Crème Puff, a domestic cat who lived to the ripe old age of 38 years and 3 days.Good genes play an essential part in determining the life expectancy of a cat. Along with the Ragdoll, many other cat breeds enjoy a long life span.Abyssinian average life span 15 yearsBalinese average life span 18 yearsBurmese average life span 18 to 25 yearsBombay Cat average life span 20 yearsCornish Rex average life span 16 to 20 yearsEgyptian Mau average life span 12 to 15 yearsEuropean Shorthair average life span 15 yearsExotic Shorthair average life span 12 to 15 yearsHimalayan average life span 15 yearsJapanese Bobtail average life span 15 to 18 yearsMaine Coon average life span 16 yearsManx Cat average life span 15 yearsNebelung average life span 15 to 18 yearsNorwegian Forest average life span 14 yearsOriental Shorthair average life span 15 yearsPersian average life span 15 yearsRussian average life span 10 to 20 yearsSavannah Cat average life span 12 to 20 yearsSiamese Cat average life span 20 yearsSiberian average life span 15 yearsSphynx Cat average life span 15 yearsSomali average life span 13 yearsToyger average life span 12 15 yearsTurkish Angora average life span 15 years

A Maine Coon Cats average life span is 16 years

How Long Do Cats Live Indoors

A novel must be exceptionally good to live as long as the average cat. This aphorism is widely attributed to Philip Stanhope, the Fourth Earl of Chesterfield. Lord Chesterfield lived through the period of English literary history when novels were just becoming popular, and there was already a sense that all forms of media were ephemeral. What did Chesterfield have in mind? How long do cats live, on average?

What are the facts on the lifespan of a cat? Here at Catster, weve done the research on the average cat lifespan and have all the information you need to answer the question, How long do cats live? Weve crunched the numbers and can tell you that, like novels, the life expectancy of cats depends on a variety of circumstances, including environment, diet and health. Well give you information on everything ranging from the general question How long do cats live? to the average age of the current oldest living cat, the average of the outlying ages, and the averages for indoor and outdoor cat lifespan.

Cat Lifespan In Conclusion

It isnt nice to think about the death of our favourite feline but there are things that we can learn to provide our cats with the longest, happiest and healthiest life possible. If you have lost your cat and are struggling I am so sorry and please do know that there is a Blue Cross Pet Bereavement Support centre.

Far less research than I would have expected has been done in the area of how long cats live. However, the work that has been done shows that average cat lifespans are on the increase thanks to medical advances. Everyday we learn more about how to keep our cats healthy and remember nothing can take the place of an attentive and loving owner.

Cat Life Expectancy By Health Condition

Weve looked at the environment and your cats breed as two important factors in the lifespan of a cat.  But we also know that the cats overall health and any pre-existing or chronic health conditions can play a significant role in limiting that cats quantity and quality of life.  

While some diseases like periodontal disease can be resolved through an oral health procedure where the teeth are cleaned above and below the gum and any diseased teeth are identified by X-rays and extracted, other diseases are progressive and irreversible like kidney disease.

 Here are some of the more common disease conditions that we identify in cats and what factors can also affect a cats lifespan:

Cat Health Condition
Depends on concurrent illness and genetics

He Regularly Visits The Vet

As much as Jones detests going to the vet, his humans know how important an annual visit is. Thats because veterinarians can pick up on medical problems that his humans cantand the sooner those problems are treated, the better the prognosis. As Jones ages, his vet will want to do a complete physical examination, paying special attention to weight loss, increased vomiting, bigger urine clumps, and increased thirst; these are all signs of common diseases in older cats such as diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, and chronic kidney failure.

Factors Influencing Cat Lifespan

How Long Do Snowshoe Siamese Cats Live

Predicting the lifespan of your cat is complicated.

Your cats breed, genetics, health, and luck all play a role.

Lets start with breed.

Purebred cats tend to have slightly shorter lives than crossbred or mixed breed cats. This is an unfortunate side effect of selective breeding.

The Happy Cat Handbook – A unique guide to understanding and enjoying your cat!

The health and longevity of your cats parents can be an indicator of your cats longevity. Inherited conditions like heart disease can reduce your cats lifespan, so knowing your cats pedigree can help your veterinarian determine your cats risk factors.

The biggest factor in cat longevity, however, is not breeding or genetics, but health.

Caring For Young Domestic Cats

Kittens require proper nutrition. Theyre very active and will be doing a lot of growing. You will usually be taking possession of kittens after theyre weaned. If for some reason youre rearing them yourself, you should start them on a little solid food once they have all their teeth. Begin by mashing up small amounts of good quality cat food with kitten milk and offering small portions to the kitten.

Dont allow kittens to overeat, as this will make them sick. You dont need to worry about their weight at this point. I dont think Ive ever seen an obese kitten. They burn off any extra calories through play.

READ ALSO: How Much Should A British Shorthair Kitten Eat?

Im not completely sold on kitten food formulas. Theres nothing wrong with them Im just not sure theyre actually necessary. All my kittens have done just fine on adult cat food, mashed up to make it easier for them to eat. If you want to offer kitten food, though, thats fine. As long as the food is grain-free and contains plenty of good quality protein, your kitten should do well.

Play with your young cats as much as possible. The exercise will help them develop their muscles and stimulate their minds. If you encourage them to be active now, theyll slow down less as they get older. Play will also produce a more sociable adult.

How Long Do Cats Live Outside Versus Inside

Another important factor in how long a cat will live has to do with whether theyre allowed to go outside. 

Now, there are some benefits for your cat being able to enjoy the fresh air; it gives them an opportunity to exercise and seek out mental stimulation. But, theres a major reason why most vets will recommend against unsupervised outdoor time: it significantly lowers a cats life expectancy.

Cats who are able to explore the great outdoors on their own are at high risk of contracting diseases from roadkill, prey, or parasites. Theyre also vulnerable to predators, cars, and other territorial cats. 

And, while our cats may want to go outside, that doesnt mean that doing so wont expose them to stressful situations. Close encounters can be traumatic to our feline friends, and high levels of stress are a silent killer for cats.

If you want your cat to be able to stick their whiskers in a flowerbed or sharpen their claws on a tree trunk, you can provide them with supervised time outside. Youll want your cat to be under your control at all times, either by providing them a fenced area to roam or putting them on a leash.


Is My Cat Sick Or Just Old

Cats are great at hiding illness so owners should pay attention to any changes in behaviour. Changes such as moving around less, difficulty jumping as high and weight gain or loss could be put down to ageing but they could also be a symptom of illness. If youre concerned at all its best to contact your vet or out of hours your nearest Vets Now for advice.

Some subtle signs of illness in cats to look out for include:

  • Hiding away/wanting to be alone
  • Weakness
  • Looking more scruffy/ungroomed than usual
  • Eating or drinking more or less than usual
  • Going to the toilet more or less

What Is The Difference Between A Sick Cat And An Old Cat

As your cat ages it will experience changes in behaviour, appearance and in its physical health. Cats should retain their ability play and jump when they age even if it is slightly reduced. Cats should also be able to maintain a healthy weight as they age. There should be no significant changes to muscle mass or body fat.

From a behavioural point of view your cats sleep patterns may change, their meows and other vocalisations may change and they may become less tolerant. In terms of appearance their nails may thicken, pupils can become cloudy and teeth may become slightly yellow or off white due to the thickening of dental walls.

There may be changes in your cats daily routines, a decline in vision and mobility and declines in their sense of and hearing.

A good way to keep an eye on your older cats health is by using the acronym DISHA to watch our for signs of cognitive decline:

  • Disorientation getting lost in familiar areas or not recognising family members
  • Interaction Changes they may become more clinging or irritable
  • Sleep Disturbances changes in their sleep patterns
  • House Soiling going to the toilet in places where they shouldnt
  • Changes in Activity less interest in play or excessive licking

The most common causes of death in cats overall are:

  • Trauma 12.2%

Most common causes of death in cats under 5 years:

  • Trauma: 47.3%

Most common causes of death in cats over 5 years:

  • Kidney Disease: 13.6%
  • Cancer: 12.3%

Cat Life Expectancy By Breed

Besides environment, breed differences can also affect lifespan. Certain breed characteristics, such as length, weight, skeletal development , anatomy of their nose and respiratory tract and the genetics of the parents and other predecessors can greatly affect how long a certain breed of cat will live and what types of disease are most likely.

Here are some of the more common purebred cat breeds and their associated average lifespan and reasons behind it:

Cat Breed
spine issues and severe constipation

The Role Of Nutrition On The Lifespan Of A Cat

Obviously, just like people, the better a cat eats, the healthier they will be. The healthier their bodies are, the longer they have the potential to live. And not just merely live, but enjoy a great quality of life as well. Nutrition plays a big role in your cats health and longevity. Though cats are primarily meat-eaters, not all foods are the same. There are many poor-quality foods on the market that are beefed up with fillers and additives, but provide little to no nutritional value for your cat. Still, others may have good, quality ingredients, but your cat may not tolerate all of them well. It can be a bit of trial and error to find food that helps nourish your cat and keep them in tip-top shape, but its well worth the effort.

Milk and dairy is a big no-no for cats. They cant tolerate lactose and if you do decide to give your cat any kind of milk it should be cat milk designed for their bodies. Otherwise, plenty of clean freshwater is really all they need. In fact, access to fresh, clean water is an absolute must if you are feeding your cat dry food. A cats body is designed to meet all its water requirements from fresh, raw meat. If they arent eating that as part of their diet, they can become dehydrated if they dont drink enough on their own. Cats seem to have a preference for drinking from moving water sources, so try watering them from a small fountain in your home and see if that increases their water consumption.

Preventing Problems With Your Cat During Aging

While veterinary care and a nutritious diet are essential parts of responsible cat care, the following will help prevent many of the problems cats encounter as they age:

  • Disease Screening: All cats 10 years or older should be seen at least twice a year for well-check and should be tested for chronic diseases common to older cats. If they do have one of these conditions, your veterinarian will need to see them on a more regular basis.
  • Dental care: Although dental care is important through all life stages, it is increasingly important during cats’ senior years. Dental diseases and infections can endanger your cat’s overall health if they’re not treated. Take your aging cat for regular dental checkups and cleanings.
  • Movement and comfort: Offering massages and doing therapeutic exercises with your cat will increase comfort during later years.

How Long Do Sphynx Cats Live

How Long Do British Shorthair Cats Live

Like many purebred cats, the Sphynx Cat is prone to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

That does not stop them from living a long, healthy life.

As with Himalayan cats, there does not seem to be an official average age for Sphynx cats.

Some breeders and enthusiasts claim the average lifespan of a Sphynx is 20 years, others are more cautious, estimating 10 to 15 years.

Dressed to impress, the tuxedo cats are stunning.

The tuxedo marking can be found in several different cat breeds.

Unlike tortoiseshell and calico cats, there does not appear to be any gender predilections for tuxedo cats, or any health-related problems specific to the coloring.

Your tuxedo cats breed will help you determine your cats longevity.

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