Saturday, May 4, 2024

Why Is My Cat Peeing On Things

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Why Your Cat Pees On Things And How To Deal With It

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Cat lover or not, theres nothing much worse in the universe of pet ownership than cat pee thats not in a litter box. Then come the questions for your cat. How could you? Really, the couch? How am I supposed to get this smell out? Are you going to pee here again? Furthermore, why?

Its the why in the line of questioning thats really important here. Its a sad fact that cats are removed from homes because people just cant deal when a cat pees on things. We get that its gross! But remember this: Though they have a reputation for being spiteful, cats arent peeing on your couch because they think its ugly. Theyre actually trying to communicate with you. In order to hear what they are saying, you have to put your pee detective hat on and get to the root of the problem. Once you do, you and your cat will live happily ever after in odor-free harmony!

Litter Or The Litter Box May Be Lead To Peeing Outside The Box

The least worrisome reason why a cat may be peeing outside the litter box is a fault with the litter or the box itself. Something may have happened that makes the box unappealing to your kitty, and they dont want to use it. Consider:


  • Is the litter box in need of scooping or a complete change? Cats do not like using a dirty box and may choose to go elsewhere.
  • Did you change the type of litter you were using? Some cats are flexible but others have definite preferences for texture or scent.
  • Can your cat reach the litter box? Did something obstruct it, or is your cat no longer able to easily jump through the opening due to age or weight gain?
  • Did you change the location of the litter box? Kitty may not like where it now is.
  • Did something happen in or near the litter box that spooked your cat? Consider if something fell, they were ambushed by another animal, or there was a loud, unexpected noise while they were in it. Your cat may associate the litter box with a lack of safety and privacy now and not want to use it.


A first attempt at solving a cat peeing outside of the litter box problem is to address any of these issues. Empty and clean out the litter box and refill with a litter your cat prefers. ARM & HAMMER Clump & Seal Litter is used by millions of cat parents and minimizes the smell of cat urine and feces, making the box more pleasant for you and kitty.


How Do I Determine Which Cat Is Eliminating When I Have More Than One Cat

When there are multiple cats in the home, it may be difficult to determine who is actually soiling. Confinement of one or more cats may be necessary to discover who is not using the litter box. However, if social conflicts between cats contribute to the problem, separating cats may make the problem diminish or stop.

“Therefore, the best solution may be to place a video camera in the area where the soiling occurs.”

A fluorescent dye can be administered to one cat, and the soiled areas can then be evaluated with a black light to determine if that is the cat that is house soiling. However, results are not always consistent and the dye may stain some carpets. Therefore, the best solution may be to place a video camera in the area where the soiling occurs. For stool elimination a small amount of a nontoxic colored crayon can be chopped and mixed into the food of one of the cats.

What Can You Do To Keep Your Cat From Peeing On Your Bed

Again, check with your veterinarian first. If medical conditions are ruled out, be sure you go through the checklist above and correct any litter box problems that might be going on.

Increase your interactive play time with your cat. Use wand toys to help your cat release stress and anxiety.

If your cat likes to cuddle, be sure you are getting enough snuggle time in with her daily, so she feels connected to you and less anxious.

Use Feliway, a compound that mimics the feline calming pheromone that mother cats emit to quiet their kittens. You may wish to it near your bed or it around the room at nose level for your cat.

Clean any areas where your cat has urinated inappropriately well with an enzymatic cleaner, so she doesn’t continue to mark over it.

Don’t react with anger toward your cat when you discover the urine on your bed. Yelling, hitting, or other negative attention will damage the bond you have with your cat, and it won’t stop the problem. In fact, it will cause your cat stress that is likely to increase unwanted behaviors.

You may wish to keep the door to your bedroom closed while you are implementing some of the techniques we’ve discussed.

You can also try playing with and giving your cat treats on the bed. Cats don’t like to urinate near where they eat, so you may be able to change your cat’s mental association of the bed from a place to pee to a place to play and eat.

Does Peeing On The Floor Mean That My Cat Is Ill

Why is My Cat Peeing on My Couch? These Are 7 Things to ...

If your cat is frequently peeing on the floor, we recommend bringing them to the surgery to rule out any medical issues before trying to address behavioural issues. Some medical conditions that could be causing your cat to wee on the floor include:

  • Diseases of the urinary tractThese include bladder stones, cystitis, bacterial infections and other inflammatory diseases that cause pain for your cat. They also cause your cat to have an increased urgency to urinate, which may cause them to wee on the floor
  • Kidney and liver diseases These both cause the cat to drink more water that leads to increased urination, which may cause your cat to wee on the floor because their litter tray has become soiled
  • Diabetes If your cat is very thirsty and seems to frequently not make it to the litter tray in time, he may be suffering from diabetes. Diabetes can be fatal in cats so its important that you bring your cat to the surgery for an examination.

Why Is My Cat Peeing In My House

You have a big problem: your cat, who was trained to use a litter box years ago, is suddenly peeing in random spots around your home. You’re at your wits’ end. As a cat owner, I can empathize: it’s maddening, destructive, and confusing. Your normally sweet and pristine little kitty is making your house a mess.

The thing to remember is that your cat is unhappy about the situation, too. Cats are very clean animals. If yours has been “inappropriately urinating” , then it’s trying to tell you that something is wrong.

There is a reason for this behavior, and it’s up to you to figure out why or it will continue. Below, you can find reasons and solutions to your cat’s litter box problem.

Did You Know?

The number one reason cats are given up is that they can’t be trained to use their litter box.

How To Get Cat Pee Out Of Bedding

To help stop your cat from peeing on your bed, thoroughly clean any bedding that he pees on. If your cat can smell his old pee, he’ll be tempted to spray there again. So how do you get cat pee out of bedding?

First, clean the pee as quickly as possible. Look for products specifically geared toward cleaning cat pee. Look for enzyme-based cleaners as they break down the acid in your cat’s urine. Avoid anything with ammonia because it kind of smells like cat pee and might actually attract your cat back to that spot.

Rinse the spot on the bedding where your cat peed with cool water and blot it, don’t scrub. Then wash the bedding in a washing machine with a mix of detergent and baking soda or cider vinegar. Add the enzyme cleaner to a second round if the laundry still smells after the first wash. Then air dry the bedding. Don’t use the dryer, just in case the scent isn’t entirely gone. Heat can lock in the scent. You might need to wash the bedding several times before the smell is completely gone.

You also want to make sure the surrounding bed frame and floor didn’t get peed on too. Clean them with your cat urine cleaner. You might even need to clean the mattress depending on how much your cat peed. First, soak the spot with water and blot, then soak with your enzyme cleaner and blot after about 15 minutes. Then let it air dry.

1. The Humane Society of the United States. “Preventing Litter Box Problems.”, .

Why Is My Cat Peeing All Over My Baby Stuff



But more often than not, when a cat starts peeing all over the place, it probably means its trying to mark its territory. It can do that in two ways:


  • urine on vertical surfaces


If a cat starts and not just peeing, its not sick and doesnt have a problem with its litter box. The cat is simply showing us whos the boss. Of course, there are a couple of other methods a cat might try before resorting to , like rubbing and scratching. 


Emotional And Behavioral Reasons For Inappropriate Urination

If your cat is in good health but is still peeing in the house, then it might be a behavioral problem. A nervous or stressed cat will react by inappropriate peeing. When this happens, it’s much more confusing and frustrating. You can’t blame her actions on an infection or disease. It will take more time and ingenuity to ease her anxiety. You have to find out what is upsetting your cat.

Changes in your home can be the stressor. Moving to a new house or the addition of a new family member or animal can cause anxiety. Try looking at this from your cat’s perspective: If he feels threatened by something, he will act out.

Territorial disputes can cause issues. If the cat feels unwelcome in her home or yard, if some other cat is laying claim to her territory , if she feels unwelcome in the box for any reason, she may be forced to find other places to go to the bathroom. If you have more than one cat, try getting an additional box.

Don’t Do This To Stop Your Cat Peeing Everywhere

Step number nine is things to avoid.  You should definitely avoid negative reinforcement.  Don’t shout at your cat, rub their nose in it or punish them in any way.  All that’s going to do is make them more stressed.  They’re probably not going to understand what they’ve done wrong and that’s probably only going to make the problem worse.  It’s certainly not going to improve the situation.

Another thing that we should avoid doing in cats that are urinating everywhere or peeing outside of their litter tray is to use ammonia based cleaning products.  Ammonia is actually what attracts cats back to the area so by using things like bleach you can actually be perpetuating the problem.

The last thing that you should avoid doing is avoid using deterrent sprays.  Again if you’ve got something in a cat’s environment that really is repelling them it’s only going to cause them more stress.  While they might not urinate in that particular spot again they’re just going to go and find somewhere else to pee and it’s not going to be in the litter tray.

And if youve tried everything and your cat is still spraying all over the house .

Your Cat Dislikes Their Litter

We all know that your cat can be a picky thing, and this extends to their because you can buy different textures and granule sizes that feel different. Your cat may seem hesitant to use the litter box, or they may avoid it altogether and start soiling your furniture.

However, you should notice a change in your cats bathroom habits in response to changing or swapping out their litter. Also, if youve had your cat declawed, the litter may hurt their feet and make them hesitant to use it at all. 

How To Stop Your Cat From Spraying

With the right strategy and techniques, you can teach your cat how to stop spraying in as little as 7 days. It might sound like a ludicrous claim now, but once you learn how, youll be amazed at how easy it is!

To find out more about the T.T.S method to stop your cat from spraying, click below to see how hundreds of cat owners have transformed their kitties.

Dealing With Separation Anxiety

Why Is My Cat Peeing On Things


Now, my cat has always had separation anxiety, but it only got worse with the new baby at home. So to try and help, the first thing I did was get the to calm down my cats nerves.


Also, before I left home each time, I would give my cat a to play with. The toy would distract him long enough for me to leave and hed be messing around with it for hours to come.


Teach Your Cat To Stop Peeing Furniture

If youâve discovered your catâs been peeing on your furniture, then itâs time to make them stop. No matter if theyâve been neutered or not, cats can spray regardless. The only difference between a cat that sprays and a cat that doesnât is their behavior.

Some cats feel the need to assert their presence and authority by marking their territory and area. While other cats already feel safe and donât need to bother. The secret is to make sure your cat feels safe and isnât stressed out.

Maybe thereâs something in your house thatâs causing your cat to spray. Or maybe its the location of their litter tray. Whatever it is, you need to identify the cause and then fix it.

If youâre looking for help in stopping your cat from spraying, then we can help. Our T.T.S method has helped thousands of cat owned stop their cats from spraying. By following our simple PDF eBook you can teach your cat to stop spraying in 7 days or less. Stop wasting your time and money on cleaning supplies, cease cat spraying today!

The Final Word On A Cat Peeing On The Bed Couch Or Other Elevated Surfaces

With a cat peeing on the bed or other similar surfaces, the cat is sending a clear message that there is a potentially serious problem. Although frustrating, never punish the cat for the behavior. Instead, identify the reasons for the behavior and address them. If you cant resolve the problem, then get help from a qualified expert certified in behavior.

Thumbnail: Photography Rommel Canlas / Shutterstock.

This piece was originally published in 2016.

Scents In Or Near Litter Box

Cats are much more sensitive to scents than most people are.

It is best to avoid scented cat litter, especially if you are having a problem with your cat not wanting to use the litter box. The chemically added scents in commercial cat litters are very strong and can be enough to keep cats out of the box.

Look around the room where their litter box is placed. Remove any air fresheners, candles or other home fragrances. In an effort to make their litter box space as welcoming as possible, it’s necessary to remove any items that may cause them to avoid the space.

How To Stop Your Cat Toileting Indoors

Once your cat has toileted or sprayed in a certain place, their sensitive nose encourages them to use that place again. The best way to break the habit is to keep them away from the area for as long as possible and clean the area thoroughly so they cant smell any scent.

  • Wash the area with a solution of biological or enzymatic washing liquid or powder
  • Use a plant-mister to spray the area with surgical spirit
  • Scrub this off and leave it to dry. Try a small area first on delicate fabrics.
  • Place some dried cat food in the area to help prevent your cat from using the area as a toilet
  • Once you have cleaned up, you can try other techniques to make sure your cat is as comfortable as possible weeing and pooing where youd like them to.

    Your Cat Hates Their Litter

    If youre still reading this article, youve probably ascertained that cats are sensitive creatures with particular needs and tastes. So now you know that its entirely possible that your cat hates the litter in their box. The reason some cats like to pee in plants is because dirt is soft and feels nice under their paws. Also, this is the most natural place for them to pee in your home. Litter varies widely in texture and scents and it could be that the litter is too rough or perfumed for your cat to deal with.

    What you can do about it: First, try another brand of litter. If that doesnt do the trick, try You sprinkle this magic stuff in the box and hope that your cat cant stay away. Some litters even have the attractant mixed in.

    What Is A Urinary Obstruction

    A urinary obstruction occurs when the urethra becomes blocked and urine cannot pass. This may be caused by sediment or crystals in the urine and/or inflammation in the urinary tract. Urinary obstructions are far more common in male cats than in female cats. This is because males have a longer and narrower urethra. The tiny amounts of sediment, mucus, or tissue inflammation can obstruct the urethra and make urination difficult or even impossible.

    If a cat cannot urinate, the kidneys cannot perform their essential function of filtering toxins out of the blood and excreting them in the urine. Toxin levels in the body increase, making the cat very sick. Without medical attention, a blocked cat will eventually die.

    Cats with urinary obstruction may or may not also have concurrent urinary tract infections. A urinary tract infection may be the cause or the result of the obstruction.

    A Cat Peeing On The Bed Or Couch Indicates Issues With The Litter Box Itself

    Sometimes, a cat peeing on the bed or couch is the cat parents fault. The cats just dont feel safe using their litter boxes. From the feline point of view, the  and types of can be setups for other animals to corner and possibly trap them.

    Depending on the stressors, people can help their kitties feel more secure as well as stop or prevent unwelcome behaviors like a cat peeing on the bed or couch by making a few simple changes to the litter boxes. Cats need choices if one litter box doesnt feel right, there needs to be others located throughout the home.

    The litter box rule is one per cat and one for the household. If you have three cats, then your special felines need four litter boxes. The locations will make the difference between usage and avoidance. Place them in areas with good views where it would be challenging for other household animals to trap them. Avoid places such as closets, cabinets and small rooms.

    The box itself makes a difference as well. Litter boxes need to be uncovered. Kitties can be trapped and ambushed in covered litter boxes. Other faux pas that can cause cats to avoid their boxes include providing them with litter boxes that are too small and not cleaning the litter boxes regularly.

    Get Your Cat Neutered

    Why Is My Cat Peeing Everywhere

    Step number four is to check that your cat is neutered.  This might seem like an obvious thing but our cats who are neutered are much less likely to spray.  They’ve got less of a drive to maintain a territory or to defend that territory.  They’re generally less stressed as well.  So if your cat is spraying and they are entire then getting them neutered will definitely help stop them urinating everywhere.

    There are so many other reasons that we should be getting our cats spayed or castrated and I’ve got a article that lets you know the benefits of neutering your cat and also when you should consider getting your cat neutered

    Treatment Of Urinary Obstructions In Cats

    Cats with urinary obstructions typically need to stay in the hospital for a few days for treatment and observation.

    When you arrive at the vet, be sure to let them know right away that your cat can’t urinate. They will quickly feel your cat’s kidneys to determine if they are enlarged. A cat with a urinary obstruction typically has a large, firm bladder that can be felt easily by a professional. The bladder feels this way because it is overfilled with urine that has no way out. Without treatment, the bladder may rupture. Or, the toxin buildup and kidney dysfunction will lead to death.

    If your cat is indeed obstructed, then the team must begin work immediately. The veterinarian will draw blood to check for electrolyte imbalances. Next, the vet will typically sedate the cat and attempt to place a rigid urinary catheter. This can be very difficult to do when there is material blocking the urethra. It can take several attempts to pass the catheter.

    During hospitalization, the vet may treat your cat with pain medications, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, and/or other medications to help with recovery. The exact treatment depends on the cat’s signs and the results of lab tests. A special urinary diet may be started when necessary.

    After one to three days of fluids and urinary catheterization, the vet will remove the urinary catheter and observe the cat, making sure he can urinate on his own before sending him home.

    What Not To Do


    The absolute worst thing to use to clean up cat pee is an ammonia-based product. More often than not, ammonia will make a cat only want to pee in that same spot again.

    Also, we should refrain from using any heat sources to dry the pee spot. Using steam or heat will essentially set the stain and itll be impossible to get rid of it later.


    Inappropriate Urination Might Signal Relationship Issues

    Mild as well as serious disputes with the other resident animals can cause issues like a cat peeing on the bed, couch or other inappropriate places. Cat fights often occur over status, territory and resources, and can occur when other animals are introduced too quickly into the household. Dogs can be a source of as well some are serious threats, others chase or play too rough. The end result is often the same a cat peeing on the bed, couch or other areas with good views that she can quickly vacate.

    The situation needs to be evaluated new cats should be separated and  gradually to the other resident animals. Most likely you will have to add more vertical territory cat trees, shelves and other tall pieces of furniture that the cats can use.

    One way kitties show their status is by where they sit in relationship to each other. These high places are also refuges from dogs and other threats. They should be at least five feet high. In addition to vertical territory, add scratching posts and horizontal scratchers. One way cats mark their territory is by .

    Why Do Cats Pee On Things

    Cats are renowned for their cleanliness. Its thought that they spend at least five hours a day grooming and cleaning their fur!

    But no matter how clean and tidy our kitties are, sometimes their toilet habits can be a little unusual! If your cat has started to urinate or spray on the furniture or carpet, it can be confusing and concerning.

    So why might your kittys litter tray habits change, especially if they have previously been well housetrained?

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