Saturday, July 27, 2024

Allergy Medicine For Cat Allergy

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Over The Counter Cat Allergy Medication

Allergist Dr. Dana Wallace on Cat Allergy Relief Tips

Cat allergy medication is often prescribed by your veterinarian, but there are times when an over-the-counter medication may help solve your cat’s allergy problem. Consult your veterinarian foradditional advice and dosing instructions regarding over-the-counter medications after you review this brief overview of what the different types of allergy medications do to help reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms.

Reduce The Inflammation And Soothe The Itch

All cats that suffer from allergic skin disease are very itchy. At the first visit, your veterinarian may prescribe corticosteroids, such as prednisone, to alleviate the itch and inflammation in the skin.

For all skin diseases, bathing your cat can help to reduce inflammation and soothe their skin. Since most cats dont like baths, you may want to try a product like a mousse or a dry shampoo for cats that can clean your cat while avoiding water. Ask your veterinarian to recommend the right product for your cat.

Immune Modulators For Allergic Cats

Your veterinarian may prescribe a drug called Atopica, which represses the activity of helper T-cells, thereby reducing inflammation. Its sold for cats and it resolves symptoms in about half of all pets. There are a few side effects linked to this immune modulator, including stomach upset. This is a prescription drug and its not cheap.

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What Is Inhalant Allergy Or Atopy

Inhalant allergy or atopy is not well understood in cats. In dogs and humans, atopic dermatitis generally refers to allergic reactions to environmental allergens such as pollens, grasses, molds, mildew, and house dust mites).

“Most cats that have an inhalant allergy are allergic to several allergens.”

Many of these allergies occur seasonally, such as ragweed, cedar, and grass pollens. However, others are with us all the time, such as molds, mildew, and house dust mites. When humans inhale these allergens, we express the allergy as a respiratory problem. In humans, atopy is also sometimes called ‘hay fever’. The cat’s primary reaction to atopy is severe, generalized itching.

Most cats that have an inhalant allergy are allergic to several allergens. If the number of allergens is small and they are seasonal, itching may last for just a few weeks at a time during one or two periods of the year. If the number of allergens is large or they are present year-round, the cat may itch constantly.

Prescription Allergy Medicine For Cats

Best Allergy Medicine for Cats 2020

Help your kitty beat itches and sniffles with allergy medicine from the Chewy Pharmacy. Chewy carries lots of prescription allergy medicine for cats, including daily allergy pills, antihistamines and anti-inflammatories. You can also order prescription creams and tablets for treating skin allergies.

Your vet can advise you on the best allergy medicine for the types of allergies from which your kitty is suffering. She may recommend a short-term allergy medication for seasonal issues or a long-term allergy treatment regimen for more persistent issues. Your vet can also advise you on whether a lower-dose kitten allergy medicine might help a younger cat with allergies feel better.

Allergy relief can sometimes be achieved by avoiding outdoor allergens or through a limited ingredient or hypoallergenic diet. Your vet may suggest these or other interventions before trying a prescription allergy medication. Allergies in felines can appear as skin troubles, digestive issues, respiratory problems or ear or eye complaints. There are special allergy eye drops with eye irritations due to allergies and oral and topical therapies for other allergic symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions About Prescription Allergy Medicine for Cats

How do I get cat allergy medicine prescriptions online at Chewy Pharmacy?
What prescription cat allergy medicine is best?
What is the difference between over-the-counter and prescription allergy medicine?
How can I help treat my cat for allergies?

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Therapy For Feline Allergic Dermatitis

The second of a two-part series on feline allergic dermatitis considers therapy options for treating the disease

Feline allergic dermatitis is a chronic disease. The clinician must make the client understand that unless the offending allergen are identified and removed, a cure is not possible. The keys to the successful management of atopic dermatitis are client education and a combination of aetiologic, symptomatic and antimicrobial therapy.

Coping With Cat Allergies

So I’m dating a guy who has two cats. He is now moving close to me where it will be more possible for me to spend the night over there more often . I love cats, but I am also allergic to them. It’s never been more then really annoying, but if I’m going to be sleeping in a place with cats semi regularly , I figure I should try to figure out how to best manage my allergies.

Do any pet owners/pet owner’s SOs with allergies have any advice?

I’m mainly thinking of things like is there a good, relatively low cost air purifier I could buy? Any sort of cleaning products that might be good? Any tips or what not?


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Antihistamines Can Solve Many Allergy Problems

Most of your cats allergy symptoms are caused by her immune system producing excess histamine in an attempt to fight off the offending allergen, which her body sees as a threat. Histamine causes skin redness, itching, swelling and digestive system problems, including diarrhea and vomiting.

Up to 70 percent of allergic cats can be treated successfully with antihistamines alone. Treatment success improves when antihistamines arecombined with other therapies, such as fatty acids or biotin.

Antihistamines counteract the effects of histamine to soothe irritated skin, relieve itching, reduce swelling and settle digestive upsets. Common over-the-counter brands that are safe for use in cats include:

  • Benadryl
  • Tavist
  • Zyrtec

Your veterinarian may be able to recommend generic equivalents and offer dosing instructions based on your cats weight.

Common side effects of antihistamines include:

  • drowsiness
  • hyperactivity

It may be necessary to try more than one brand of antihistamine in order to find the appropriate medication for your cat.

Allerpet Removes Allergens & Reduces Dander

How to Relieve Allergy to Cats : Treating Allergies

Recommended by Doctors for over 25 years

Since 1988, the Allerpet Company has been helping people with allergies live more comfortable, enjoyable and symptom-free lives. Allerpet was the first product of its kind to help pet-allergic individuals live comfortably with their pets rather than give them up for adoption due to allergic reactions.

Allerpet cleanses the hair of dander & other allergens – just moisten a cloth with Allerpet and rub back and forth gently on the fur. It is non-toxic and completely safe to use on animals over 10 weeks old. This is not a shampoo, so no rinsing is necessary – just wipe on and towel dry.

Allerpet has been recommended by allergists and veterinarians for years, and it’s efficacy is backed by a European university study sponsored by Bayer, A.G. Allerpet is made in the U.S.A.

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Do All Allergy Medications Help Treat Pet Allergy Symptoms

Not all allergy medications treat pet allergy symptoms. But, there are many OTC allergy medications available to help relieve symptoms.

If you believe youre experiencing pet allergies, consider seeing an allergist if possible. An allergist is a healthcare provider that can help diagnose your allergies and give you a specific treatment plan based on your results and symptoms.

What Are The Best Alternatives For Managing Pet Allergies

It may not be a surprise, but the best alternative for managing pet allergies is to prevent symptoms by avoiding exposure to pets.

When this isnt possible, you can minimize exposure by limiting the pet to certain rooms, keeping pets off of furniture and carpets, washing your hands after you touch the pet, and vacuuming regularly to remove pet hair. A HEPA air cleaner can also help prevent dust and dander from sticking to surfaces like curtains, furniture, and carpet.

While there are certain dog breeds that have been said to be less likely to cause allergies, theres no evidence of an allergy-free dog or cat. This is because pet allergens can be found just about anywhere, including in their fur, skin, and saliva. Even shorter fur can still carry dust and pollen.

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Home Remedies For Pets Allergies

There are home remedies that can help alleviate certain symptoms. Lifestyle changes that can make a difference include:

  • Home improvements: Making your home as hypoallergenic as possible can help. Consider installing an air cleaner with a HEPA filter and cleaning fabric surfaces regularly.
  • Soothing baths: Your veterinarian might recommend bathing your dog or cat with a pet shampoo that contains oatmeal, Dr. Marsella explains.
  • Dietary supplements: Supplementing your pets diet with fish oil can reduce flaky or itchy skin. Probiotics can also offer pets relief from skin allergies by restoring balance to bacteria levels in their GI tract, Dr. Marsella says. By improving the health of their GI tract, probiotics can help reduce allergy symptoms.
  • Physical blockers: A simple intervention for itchy pets is to have them wear a T-shirt, since it appears it may reduce their drive to scratch, suggests Dr. Sypniewski.

Nothing To Sneeze At: New Strategies For Controlling Cat Allergy

Atopica for Cats: Dog Medicine

When it comes to cat allergy, theres only one sure way to avoid symptoms stay away from cats. But many cat lovers with allergies would rather live with the sniffling, sneezing and wheezing than live without their beloved pet.

As I tell people with cat allergies, the treatment of choice is removal of the cat, says Dr. Michael Blaiss, executive medical director of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology . Most people dont want to give up the cat. Usually, they will remove me as the doctor before they remove the cat.

Cat allergy is the most common animal allergy, affecting about one in five adults worldwide. Symptoms range from stuffy nose and itchy eyes, to hives, wheezing and asthma attacks.

Immunotherapy, often called allergy shots, can be effective in taming reactions in many people. But immunotherapy requires several years of injections, which many people dont want to do.

The good news is that researchers are on the hunt for new treatments and developing some promising new options. This article explores the novel therapies under study, including lab-created antibodies that help to halt allergic reactions in their tracks, and even a vaccine for kitty, designed to trim the amount of allergens that cats shed.

And some relief may be as near as your local pet store. In 2020, Nestlé Purina began selling cat food that neutralizes allergens in the cats saliva, a source of the protein that causes so much itchy, watery, wheezy misery.

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Cat Allergy Medication Prices

Inexpensive: These cat allergy medications cost between $0.10 and $0.50 per dose. This doesn’t mean the medication is less effective, just that it’s available in a generic form, which brings the cost down.

Mid-range: At the middle of the price spectrum, you can expect to pay between $0.50 and $1 per dose. This includes some more expensive generics, as well as brand-name drugs.

Expensive: The costliest cat allergy medications cost between $1 and $4 per dose. These are usually brand-name medications that are still under patent and therefore not available in more affordable forms.

If your cat is diagnosed with a flea allergy, it’s important that you keep up with preventative flea treatments that kill fleas before they can bite.

What Is Contact Allergy And How Is It Treated

Contact allergies are the least common of the four types of allergies in cats.

“They result in a local reaction on the skin from contact with an allergic substance.”

They result in a local reaction on the skin from contact with an allergic substance. Examples of contact allergy include reactions to shampoos, flea collars, or certain types of bedding, such as wool. If the cat is allergic to such substances, there will be skin irritation and itching at the points of contact. Removal of the contact irritant solves the problem. However, identifying the allergen can be challenging in many cases.

Contributors: Tammy Hunter, DVM Ernest Ward, DVM

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Tips To Manage Your Childs Pet Allergy

It can be a tough situation when your child is allergic to the family dog or cat. However, you may be able to ease symptoms with these strategies.


It can be terribly upsetting to learn that your child is allergic to your family pet but its not uncommon. Up to 30 percent of people with allergies have allergic reactions to cats and dogs, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America .

Contrary to popular belief, its not the pets hair that makes a child sneeze and wheeze. Its the proteins found in their urine, saliva, or pet dander, according to the AAFA. The proteins can stick to surfaces of walls, furniture, and clothing and stay there, at full strength, for a long time. A pet also can bring other allergens, such as pollen, into your home.

The first rule of allergies is, if youre allergic to something, stay away from it, says , an allergist and immunologist with Allergy and Asthma Consultants in Indianapolis. When its your pet, though, thats hard to do. But if the allergies are severe, says the American Academy of Pediatrics, you may have to find your pet a new home.

Symptoms of childrens pet allergies include a stuffy nose, itchy, watery eyes, and wheezing. Some people can have an asthma attack if their allergies flare, the AAFA says. If your child experiences these symptoms after coming in contact with your dog or cat, have your child tested.

What To Do If You Are Allergic To Cats

Natural Cat Allergy Treatment

Once you have determined that furry felines are the cause of your allergic discomfort, there are some steps you can take to minimize the symptoms. Of course, if you do not own a cat then the obvious first solution is to avoid being around one. If the neighborhood kitty comes by to give you a friendly rub on the leg then you may have to gently shoo it away.

If you do not own a cat but you have friends and neighbors that do then you will need to keep that in mind. It is certainly possible for these folks to carry cat dander and fur on their person or in their clothes. Know who your cat owning friends are and make sure you check to see if they have recently handled their pet before coming to see you.

If you are a cat owner then you might need to dig deeper into the bag of tricks to keep from suffering the uncomfortable list of allergy symptoms. For starters, you can limit the direct exposure you have to your pet cat. Avoid hugging, carrying and lounging with your pet. If you do take the time to pet your kitty then you need to be sure to thoroughly wash your hands before you rub your eyes or scratch your nose.

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Giving Injections To Cats

Certain medical conditions can be controlled by the use of drugs that are only available in an injectable format. In many cases, cat owners are willing and able to administer these medications at home. Most cats do not seem to mind routine injections which are given in the subcutaneous tissue. This handout provides step by step instructions. Dispose of the used needles and syringes properly.

Are There Medications For Allergic Cats

Just like people, cats can suffer from allergies. And like humans, felines may benefit from medications as part of an allergy treatment plan. Remember, however, that allergy medicine for cats isnt complete treatment for your cats allergies. Real relief comes from a multifaceted approach thats customized for your cats unique situation.

Before you start giving your cat any medication, bring them to the veterinarian. Your vet can confirm that your cats symptoms are indeed an allergic reaction and help you learn more about the appropriate treatment protocol.

If your cat has been grooming excessively, losing patches of fur, mutilating their own skin, or pulling out tufts of their own hair, theyre probably exhibiting an allergic response to something in their diet or environment. Several types of allergens affect cats, and identifying those allergens is key to helping your cat feel better.

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Allergy Skin Prick Test

This test is performed in your doctors office so they can observe any reactions.

Using a clean needle, your doctor will prick your skins surface , and deposit a tiny amount of the allergen. Youll likely be tested for several allergens at the same time. Youll also be skin pricked with a control solution that has no allergens. Your doctor may number each prick to identify the allergen.

In about 15 to 20 minutes, the skin prick site may become red or swollen. This reaction confirms an allergy to that substance. A positive cat allergy will usually cause a red, itchy bump to the cat allergen. These unpleasant effects generally go away 30 minutes after the test.

Allergy Symptoms In Pets

Best over the counter allergy medication for cat allergies ...

The most common symptoms of allergies in cats and dogs are:

  • Skin itching, indicated by redness of the skin, paw licking, scratching, or head shaking
  • Respiratory symptoms like coughing, wheezing, or sneezing
  • Digestive problems such as vomiting or diarrhea

Dr. Sypniewski says pet owners may also notice symptoms such as a pets hair loss or skin color changes and crusting. In rare cases, severe allergy can trigger anaphylaxis. If your pet has trouble breathing, seek emergency medical care immediately. This can be life-threatening.

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