Thursday, September 12, 2024

Are Wandering Jew Plants Toxic To Cats

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More Plants That Are Toxic To Cats And Other Animals

Is Wandering Jew Toxic to Cats & Dogs?

These plants may surprise you. Most of them surprised me when I discovered that parts or all posed a threat to cats and other species.

  • Apples and Crabapples: The stems, leaves and seeds of the apple tree contain cyanide and are toxic to cats, dogs and horses. Symptoms to look for include bright red mucous membranes, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, panting and shock.
  • Some species contain Cyanogenic glycosides, the same compound occurring in apples. The toxins are located in the stems, leaves and seeds, and are dangerous to cats, dogs and horses. The symptoms are the same as with apples.
  • Avocados: The seeds, leaves, fruit and bark contain a toxin known as persin. This wonderful fruit is poisonous to cats, dogs, cattle, horses, birds, rabbits, goats and possibly other species as well. The symptoms differ according to species. With cats and dogs, look for vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Eucalyptus: Often added to floral bouquets or brought into the home for its lovely odour, the eucalyptus is toxic to cats, dogs and horses. Symptoms to look for are salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, depression and weakness.
  • Garlic and Leeks: This cooking staple in many homes, the well-loved garlic bulb, and also the leek, contain a substance known as N-propyl disulfide. The stinking rose is toxic to cats, dogs and horses. Symptoms include vomiting, anemia, blood in urine, weakness, high heart rate and panting.
  • Wandering Jew Pest Control

    Wandering Jews are prone to aphids and spider mites attacks. So you will need to look out for these two little pests in particular.

    Some of these are known to cause defoliation while others can kill the plant altogether. Depending on the severity of infestation, you may need to use chemicals or insecticides.

    The Wandering Jew is not particularly susceptible to plant diseases or pests. Yet, at some point, you might have to deal with an aphids attack. These parasites pierce the leaves of their host plant and suck their sap.

    Like scale insects, they excrete sticky honeydew, by which you can immediately recognize the infestation.

    Aphids can multiply explosively, especially in warm, dry environments.

    As a preventive measure, therefore, ensure regular watering and occasional misting of your Wandering Jew.

    The best way to combat aphids is to first control them mechanically by rinsing them off the plant with water.

    Before you actually do that, you should isolate your plant from your other houseplants, so that your other plants wont be infested as well.

    If the infestation is more advanced already, you might want to try your luck with neem oil in order to get rid of these little pests.

    To prevent further pest infestations, it also makes sense to regularly pluck dried leaves. Especially the dried leaves lying on the substrate must be removed, otherwise, there is a risk of rotting or infestation by parasites and fungi.

    Toxic Indoor Plants You Should Never Have Around Your Pets

    If you have your heart set on a particular type of indoor plant, its always helpful to do a quick Google search before you bring it home. Do your own research, or call your vet to make sure its safe for your pets.

    The ASPCA recognizes more than 500 plants as toxic to animals. Some of the most popular plants you may see on blogs, Instagram, and in your friends homes may actually be toxic to your dog or cat.12 So it never hurts to check before bringing a plant home.

    All these plants are known to be toxic to animals. If ingested, they can cause a variety of symptoms including nausea, digestive discomfort, vomiting, diarrhea, skin irritation, oral irritation, and more.13,14

    So if you have a dog or cat, dont purchase these plants for your home or yard. If youre not sure about whether or not a plant is safe for your pet, you can always ask your vet or check out the ASPCA website.

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    Protecting Your Wandering Jew Plants From Pets

    What if, like me, you want fauna and flora to play along nicely in your home? I couldnt stand to get rid of a plant simply because it was toxic to my pet. Instead, I take note of spots that pets can access in my home, and make sure to place all poisonous or irritable plants well out of reach.

    Keep in mind, most cats are far more agile than they let on. Ive had plants 6+ feet off of the ground, but still get mauled to death because a cat jumped from one ledge to another to reach it.

    For wandering jew plants, try locating them in well-lit corners of a room that your cat doesnt go in too often. You can grow it in a hanging basket and attach the basket to the ceiling with a pack of wall anchors and ceiling hooks.

    Not only does this keep your plant out of reach of your cat, but as the wandering jew is a trailing, vining plant, itll also drape down nicely in the corner. As long as you prune it from time to time to make sure your cat cant access the long trailing vines, you should be able to enjoy both your pet and your plant in the same home.

    Have you had issues with your Tradescantia plants and your pets? Let me know in the comments.

    Diagnosis Of Wandering Jew Poisoning In Dogs

    Identification of plant/toxicity to cats? : houseplants

    If you notice your dogs skin is red or if he is experiencing a lot of scratching or fur loss, take him to the veterinarian. Upon arrival, the veterinarian will begin by performing a physical exam. She will make note of any and all of his symptoms and evaluate his vitals for any abnormalities.

    She may then proceed to take a skin scraping sample from your dog. She will take a scalpel blade and scrape off a thin layer of your dogs skin to view under the microscope. This will allow her to check for external parasites or bacterial overgrowth, both of which can also cause the dermatologic symptoms.

    The veterinarian may want to do blood work for diagnostics. When a certain white blood cell level is elevated, it is indicative of an allergy. By running a complete blood count , she will get the needed information to see if this is occurring. She may also decide to run a chemistry panel for a basic overview of your pet as a whole to check how his internal organs are functioning, especially if she suspects a toxin is the cause of his symptoms.

    When discussing your dogs symptoms with the veterinarian, be sure to mention any and all details of what he was doing before his symptoms appeared. For example, if you were out on a walk, tell her if he was romping around a field with unknown vegetation, tell her. While it may seem like an unimportant detail to you, it may be the key to the proper diagnosis.

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    A List Of Pet Safe Houseplants

    by Dr. Gary Richter | Dec 19, 2019 | Dog Wellness |

    Indoor plants can breathe life into a room, add a pop of color, and even help purify the air.1 But pet owners beware some of the most popular houseplants are actually toxic to dogs and cats. So if you want to jazz up your home with some greenery, its important to consult a list of pet safe houseplants first.

    The good news is, with a little bit of research, you can get in on the indoor plant trend and be sure that you arent putting your beloved pet at risk. Choosing pet safe houseplants can keep the members of your family safe even if some of them like to nibble on the decor every once in a while.

    Cats And Plants Are Not Meant For Each Other

    • Read in app

    When it comes to plants, cats live dangerously. Whether or not endowed with nine lives, curiosity has often killed them. Bored, housebound pets may vary from the occasional nibbler to the compulsive destroyer of all greenery.

    Cats that go outdoors may merely chew a blade of grass, regurgitating it almost at once or they may partake much more liberally of plants and shrubs as they play in the garden or patrol their territory in woods and fields. It is probably a safe guess that many of the poisonings resulting have never been pinpointed as such, unless circumstantial evidence established a relationship between the plant material cat’s illness.

    A rather horrifying number of house and outdoor plants are in one way or another harmful or poisonous if chewed or swallowed, usually all parts of the plant, sometimes chiefly the berries, stem, or root.

    For obvious reasons, house plants are responsible for most recognized poisonings. For indoor cats left alone to amuse themselves, what could be pleasanter than to lounge in a sunny window, sniffing and sampling the assorted greeneries, lapping a little muddy water here and there among the saucers, better yet toying with dangling vines and best of all, upsetting an occasional pot and rolling in a bit of mother earth?

    Christmas tree poisoning takes the form of severe digestive upsets in cats that chew the needles or drink water from the Christmas holder.

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    What Is The Best Light For My Teddy Bear Wandering Jew Plant

    Teddy Bear Tradescantia houseplants require bright, indirect light to thrive. We recommend that you place your plant in a north or east-facing window to help enhance its unique foliage. However, if you give your plant too much direct sunlight, the purple undersides of the foliage will dull and fade. This particular Wandering Jew houseplant is not variegated and does not require much shade. The only thing to look out for is if your plant’s leaves begin to burn. If they do, this could be a sign that they are exposed to too much hot, direct sunlight.

    How To Keep Your Cat Away From Wandering Jew Plants

    Protecting Pets in the Landscape | Morning Blend

    Since the sap of wandering jew is toxic to cats, it is important to prevent them from coming into contact. However, this is easier said than done.

    Cats are naturally agile creatures and masters of reaching difficult places. You also cannot keep an eye on them 24/7 to prevent them from scratching at or nibbling at the houseplant.

    If you place the plant on a surface, chances are that your cat can find a way up there. The best way to keep your cat and houseplant safe, is to hang it somewhere your cat cannot jump at.

    Plant baskets that hang from the ceiling are your best bet. Make sure there are no other nearby surfaces that you cat could use to get a good jump at the plant from.

    Tradescantia like lots of sunlight so hang it near a window. Remember to prune the trailing vines, otherwise your cat might still get at them.

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    Identifying Poisonous Plants For Cats

    Many common household plants are toxic to cats if ingested. This article contains a partial list of poisonous houseplants, as well as symptoms of poisoning in cats and other animals.

    Cats and houseplants make such a cute picture when you see them together. However, this combo can be dangerous to both feline and greenery. Did you know that some of the common houseplants we cultivate are toxic or poisonous for cats, as well as for dogs and other pets?

    Is The Teddy Bear Vine The Same As The Teddy Bear Wandering Jew

    It is very easy to confuse the Teddy Bear Vine with the Teddy Bear Wandering Jew houseplants. However, they are not the same plant. We like to call the vine the ‘cousin’ to the Teddy Bear Tradescantia plant. They have very similar growth habits and trail as they mature, but Teddy Bear Vine plants grow a tad bit slower than Tradescantia houseplants. Both of these plants have the same lance-shaped foliage with purple undersides and require very similar caretaking.

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    Which Parts Of The Plant Are Toxic To Cats

    If a plant is poisonous to cats, assume all parts of the plant are poisonousthough some parts of the plant may have higher concentrations of the toxic principle than others.

    Toxic doses can vary widely from plant to plant. In some cases, ingesting a small amount can have devastating results, while cats may need to be exposed to relatively large amounts of other plants before symptoms develop.

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    Wandering Jew Plant Problems

    Leaf fall

    Normally this is down to age, the oldest leaves will yellow and fall naturally. Although if this happens and you notice there are limp stems too then this is likely to be caused by quite prolonged and extreme underwatering.

    Leaves changing to green / lost variegation

    Although you can buy a green leaved variety of Wandering Jew, the majority are variegated and therefore if the leaves are changing colour this is obviously a problem. The cause is almost certainly too little light. Overwatering can dull the colours but this doesn’t make them go completely green. The cure therefore is to move the plant to a brighter area in your home.

    Crispy brown and translucent leaves

    Sometimes you’ll find dead brown crispy leaves or some leaves going yellow or translucent, as shown in the photo below.

    Tradescantia houseplant with unhappy leaves

    This is going to be caused by one of the following .

    Stem rot

    Wandering Jew Plants love water when growing strong, but as with the majority of indoor plants too much watering will eventually rot the stems. Keep the soil moist not water logged.

    Bare spindly and / or leggy growth

    This is typically the issue discussed in the “anything else” section above, i.e. this appearance is usual after the plant is quite old. It may also be caused however by too little light , too little water on a regular basis , or not enough fertilizer.

    Wandering Jew Plant leaf tips are brown and shriveled

    About the Author

    Tom Knight

    Is Wandering Jew Poisonous To Cats And Dogs

    The Wandering Jew is poisonous for both cats and dogs.

    Typical symptoms include conjunctivitis, dermatitis, itching of the skin, loss of fur and redness around the eyes.

    Wandering Jew is a perennial plant that is characterized with hairless stems and leaves, It has oval, dark green leaves and white flowers with 3 petals and are native to South America.

    The scientific name for this plant is Tradescantia flumeninsis. Additional name for this plant include Inch Plant, River Spiderwort, Small-leaf Spiderwort, Speedy Henry, Variegated Wandering Jew, Wandering Gypsy, Wandering Trad and Wandering Willie.

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    black-eyed Susan brings glowing color late in the season, just when its needed the most! Hundreds of cheerful flowers bloom late summer and float high above dark green foliage and handle summer heat with grace. The plant is non-toxic, and with so many flowers, theres no way your dog can eat them all!

    Toxic Plants For Pets

    Why I Keep Ants as Pets | Mikey Bustos | TEDxUPLB

    Its a lot of fun to throw a stick and have the dog fetch it to bring it back or to pick a long, strappy leaf to tease the cat but unfortunately, not all plants are safe and some are even deadly. Its not necessary to eradicate every plant in the garden but being aware of which are the dangerous ones will help keep them safe.

    Of course every house benefits from plants in the garden and around the home and who doesnt enjoy having a few vases of flowers in the house. Inquisitive pets and especially puppies and kittens that are teething, love to explore and will, if given the chance, chew on branches and leaves and because it feels good will probably ignore any bitter taste that the plant might have.

    The level of toxicity in plants ranges from being deadly to causing stomach pains to mild rashes and mouth ulcers. The signs evident in a pet of toxic poisoning can also vary but the things to look out for start with irritation to the mouth or skin, depression, lethargy and lack of appetite but of course vomiting, convulsions and spasms require emergency veterinary care.

    Pets can be discouraged from chewing on plants by giving them plenty of other more appropriate things to chew on such as bones, ropes and chew toys. Using a fetch toy or rope is still lots of fun and a young dog should be taught to associate that with a game instead of every stick or bulb in the garden.


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    How To Keep Your Cat Safe From Poisonous Houseplants

    • If you suspect your cat has ingested a toxic or poisonous plant , call your veterinary clinic immediately. If possible, take a sample of the plant to your veterinarian for inspection.
    • Remember that even non-poisonous plants may have been sprayed with insecticides that are poisonous to cats. Discourage your cat from chewing on any plant until it has been thoroughly washed. When buying a new plant, ask the garden center what insecticide they use and whether it is poisonous to animals.
    • Keep a supply of cat grass or other safe grass plants for your cat to nibble on. Lawn grass is not advisable as the sharp spikes can cut a cat’s mouth or internal organs.
    • You can discourage your cat from chewing on houseplants by spraying them with a mixture of lemon and water. Do not rely on this to keep cats away from poisonous plants, however. To be completely safe, keep your poisonous plants in a spot that the cat does not visit, or do not keep poisonous plants at all.

    Insoluble calcium oxalates in pothos can cause severe reactions in both both dogs and cats.

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