Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can A Cat Break Its Tail

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What Does A Broken Cat Tail Look Like

Why Is My Cat Walking With Its Tail Down?

Can cats break their tails? Since cats have bones in their tails, it stands to reason that they can fracture them. A broken cat tail can result from numerous incidents, from life-threatening occurrences like getting hit by a car to innocuous events like falling off a bed. You might also see a broken cat tail because the tail got shut in a door, or was pulled too hard by a rowdy child.

So, how do you spot a broken cat tail? It could be as simple as your cats tail drooping down. A tail that is limp or held low to the ground is a sure sign that your cat is pained, fearful, or both.

Additional symptoms that accompany a broken cat tail may include:

  • Inability to wag the tail
  • Inability to move the back legs
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control

Get to a veterinarian right away if you notice any of these symptoms in your cat.

Other Cat Tail Injuries

Its not only impact injuries that leave cats unable to lift their tails. Outdoor cats, in particular, will encounter other animals. These interactions will not always be friendly.

If a cat fights with a neighborhood feline, a dog, or even a wild raccoon, they may be bitten on the tail. This can lead to viral infection due to bacteria found in the other animals mouth.

If your cat has a wound on its tail, wash the area with antibacterial soap. Apply a bandage too. If your cat cannot lift its tail after this, your cat likely needs a course of prescription antibiotics.

These conflicts can result in abscesses. In this case, clip the fur around the abscess and apply a warm flannel. Repeat this process thrice daily. In theory, this will drain the abscess though, as before, antibiotics may also be required.

Cats can also burn their tails. For example, if your cat frequents the kitchen, it may burn its tail on a stove or hob. Apply a cold compress to the burned area, then visit a vet.

Recovery Of Tail Trauma In Cats

Recovery and prognosis will vary depending on the cause and severity of tail trauma. Always follow your vets post-treatment and/or post-operative instructions carefully. Never apply any ointments made for human use unless specifically instructed to do so by your vet. Remember, any ointments applied will tend to be licked off and ingested! A buster collar may be needed to stop the cat licking the tail.

You will generally want to limit your cats outdoor activity during the recovery period. You may also have to assist your cat in urinating and defecating normally if the tail has undergone nerve damage, is limp, or otherwise unable to move.

If your cat has undergone surgery or amputation, do not allow them to irritate the surgery site. Ensure they have a warm, safe place to rest for the duration of the recovery period. Your vet will be able to advise you on helping your cat adjust following amputation.

Your vet may or may not schedule follow-up appointments as needed to monitor healing. If you have any questions, or if the tail does not seem to be healing with treatment, contact your vet immediately.

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Tail Trauma Average Cost

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Treatment For A Broken Cat Tail

Depending on where the fracture occurred, many tails heal on their own within a few months. A broken tail tip may have a kink or a bump in it afterward, but wont require additional treatment. Fractures located closer to the base of the tail are usually more serious, resulting in nerve damage. Finally, crushed vertebrae or degloving will likely require surgery. Depending on the severity and location of the injury, the tail may need to be amputated. Your vet will determine if this is necessary with an exam and X-rays.

The good news: Even if your cats tail must be amputated, he or she isnt likely to be all that affected by the partial loss of this appendage.

Is It Normal For A Cat To Attack Its Tail

My Cat Has A Broken Tail What Do I Do

We know dogs do the whole tail-chasing thing all the time, but its much less frequent when cats do it.

If its clearly playful, dont worry too much about it as we all know, cats have many strange quirks and this might be one of them.

So how do you know when its concerning?

Cats may chase their tails if its causing them discomfort, for example, from an infection or allergies.

This behavior could also be a symptom of hyperesthesia syndrome, a condition caused by overactive nerve endings. Signs of hyperesthesia include frenzied scratching, biting of the tail base area, and rolling of the dorsal lumbar skin.

So, if the tail-chasing starts to seem like less of just another quirk, see what her vet has to say about the matter.

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How To Treat A Cat’s Broken Tail

This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 95% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 442,043 times.

Cats frequently get into mischief, whether they live inside, outside, or go back and forth. It’s not surprising then that cats can end up with a variety of injuries, including damage to the tail. If your cat comes home and will not lift his tail or it seems bent or broken, your cat may have a tail injury or even a broken tail. You may even see an open wound, blood or bone. Cats most commonly damage their tails from crushing , pulling , or both.XResearch sourceLussier, Bertrand: Tail Paralysis. In Cote, E. : Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats Ed 1 St. Louis, Elsevier, 2007, pp 1063-1064. Once you’ve determined whether the cat’s tail is broken, learn to care for the cat during the healing period.

Hot Spots On Your Cat’s Tail

In cats with long or dense fur, bacteria that accumulates and does not have enough exposure to air cannot breathe, and infections can result. PetEducation states these moist areas on the skin that become inflamed due to infection are known as hot spots.

  • Warm area with redness or pinkness
  • Oozing or crusted over pus
  • Intense itching

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Can A Cat Survive Without A Tail

Sure, theyre an adorable fixture to your felines rump, but a tail is not necessary for a cat to live a long, healthy, happy life.

Its true cats use their tails for many practical purposes: balance, communication, looking cute. But after an injury or amputation, they do learn to compensate for its loss.

As a matter of fact, the Manx cat breed survive just fine without one. However, their owners might miss it!

How To Treat A Cat Tail Injury Properly

Breaking Cat Tails

Made up of many small bones also known as vertebrae as well as ligaments, tendons and nerves, and connected to the spine, your kittys tail is incredibly important in several different ways. It aids in balance, helps keep them warm, and plays a role in bowel control. On top of this, a tail is a communication tool in the feline world. Needless to say, injuries to the tail can have an adverse impact on some or all of these functions. Unfortunately, accidents and injuries do happen even when pet parents are doing everything they can to prevent them. If your kitty has turned up with an injured, bitten or fractured tail, you will need to treat it properly as quickly as possible to prevent further damage and complications. Heres how you can do just that.

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I Think My Cat May Have A Broken Tail

upstate NY
Wellington City, NZ

Originally Posted by snobrrdrAm I the only person that thinks you should go see your vet…immediately? I just noticed my cat’s tail was hanging down today. 10 minutes later, we were in the car on the way to the vet. It was, in fact, dislocated & it needed to be set. It’s now bandaged up, she’s medicated to manage her pain, and it was a wisely spent $350 in my opinion. She’s one of the family & I hate to see her in pain…what would you do if your kid’s arm was dislocated? Would you just HOPE it would fix itself automatically?Oh, also…a simple dislocation in a cat’s tail can stretch out the nerves and cause serious damage such as bladder and bowel malfunctions. PLEASE go see the vet!


What To Do If Your Cat Injures Its Tail

Whether you witness a tail injury or not, youre most likely going to be able to identify that something is wrong with your cats tail. Here are the steps you should take to get your cat the help it needs.

  • Calm your kitty down: Cats that are in pain can be severely distressed and may end up injuring themselves more. Try to calm your cat down as much as possible before you take a look at the tail. Give it a calming, pain-relief supplement, try to pet it or put it in a safe place where it can relax.
  • Visually examine the tail: Check your cats tail for any cuts, signs of bleeding, strange angles or kinks and signs of movement. Try to avoid touching the tail, as this might cause your cat pain. If you must touch it, be extremely gentle and move slowly. Do not manipulate it or you may end up worsening the injury.
  • : If you believe your cat is suffering from a tail injury, you should contact your vet right away. They will be able to ask questions about the trauma and your cats symptoms to deduce whether you should bring the cat in for an examination. Usually, fractures and serious tail injuries are not visible to the naked eye and will require X-rays and other examination for final diagnosis.

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Treatment Of A Broken Cat Tail

A broken tail may heal without a splint by applying ice and administering pain medication prescribed by your veterinarian for discomfort. However, some cases require surgery. If you see any signs of a break, you should bring your cat to the vet as soon as possible so she can assess for nerve damage. A veterinarian may be able to tell if there is a break or dislocation just by looking at the tail, but she will likely want to x-ray your cat’s tail. If there appears to be nerve damage, further treatment may be necessary.

Tail Injuries In Cats


If you spot a problem with your cats tail, such as if it appears to be painful, not supported by the muscle, or has a new visible kink in it, your cat may have injured or even broken their tail. Tail injuries in cats can be caused by many different things, and can range from serious and very painful, potentially affecting the spine, bowel and bladder as well, to the minor and not particularly problematic that may ultimately heal by itself.

The cats tail is an extension of their spine, and along much of the length of it, contains bone and vertebrae that are nerve-rich and an important part of the anatomy. If you spot a problem with your cats tail or suspect that they might have broken their tail, you should seek veterinary advice sooner rather than later.

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Injuries To Cats Tails

Impact trauma can render cats unable to lift their tail. Typically, this symptom will arise from dislocation of the tail or a broken or fractured bone. In some rare cases, the issue may be with the cats spinal cord. Cats tails are delicate and can be injured in many ways. Common reasons for cats to experience tail trauma include:

  • Slammed in a door
  • Stepped on by an owner
  • Yanked, usually by a playful child
  • Bitten or pulled in conflict with another animal
  • Degloved

At the first sign of tail trauma, apply first aid. As per Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, tail injuries frequently lead to pelvic issues. Your cat will be in pain and may not heal appropriately without assistance.

Clueless When It Comes To Cat Tail Injuries Heres What To Do

There are a number of possible causes anytime your cat seems to be experiencing discomfort with their tail. The various tail afflictions are easy to identify if you know what to look for. Once you identify what the problem is with your catâs tail you can treat it accordingly. This post will help you do that by covering:

  • How to recognize a cat tail injury
  • Bites and cuts
  • Dislocation and fracture/break

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Will My Cats Tail Be Amputated

The healing of a cats tail injury is a notoriously slow process. It can take up to 6 months before your cat makes a full recovery. If this will dramatically reduce your cats quality of life, a vet may recommend amputation for the cats safety.

Youll know if a cat is set to recover in full within a month. It may not have full control over its tail after four weeks, but at a minimum, pain and discomfort should subside. This timeframe will also reveal any long-term nerve damage.

If a cat is experiencing fecal or urinary issues beyond a month, it is unlikely ever to cease doing so. At this point, amputation is often considered the best course of action.

If a cat cannot lift its tail and has difficulty eliminating properly, it will regularly soil its tail. This will be stressful for the cat, in addition to being dangerous. The odor will attract flies, leading to the risk of flystrike.

A cat that undergoes tail amputation will live a full and normal life. It may take the cat a few weeks to fully master its balance without a tail. With time and patience, the cat will eventually forget that it underwent this major surgery.

If your cat cannot lift its tail, check its general mood and demeanor. This should reveal if the issue is emotional or physical. In the latter case, ensure the problem is rectified. Tail trauma can have long-term repercussions if ignored.

How Can I Help My Cat With An Amputated Tail

Calm down tail [Cat can’t control its tail]

Think about the last surgery you had and, more importantly, what you craved during the recovery process. A lot of rest, a lot of doting, and a lot of comfort, right?

Sure, your cat may not be jonesing for saltines and How I Met Your Mother marathons, but a little extra loving can go a long way.

The average amputated tail recovery time is around two to four weeks, although this can also depend on your cats age, weight, and other health conditions. In that time, be loving and understanding of your fur babys needs. Healing could be slower than you anticipated .

Dont try to speed things up on your own, but do celebrate the small victorious milestones.

And of course, be sure to regularly remind your ailing feline that shes a beautiful, perfect cat even without a tail. Yes, she is, yes she is, yes she is!

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How To Spot A Broken Cat Tail & Other Tail Injuries

As pet parents, we sometimes take the behavior of our cats curious appendage, the tail, for granted. For instance, while well quickly notice if our cat is limping, we dont necessarily notice when something is wrong with their tail. Learn how to recognize a broken cat tail and other common cat tail injuries.

Diagnosis For Broken Tail

If you suspect that your cat has a tail injury, take them to the vet immediately. A vet can determine if the tail is definitely broken very quickly and will then look to confirm which part has been affected, how extensive the damage is and if there is any impact on the spine and other parts of the body. This may involve x rays, a physical examination and manipulation of the tail.

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Detrusor/urethral Sphincters Pharmacological Modulation

In order to understand the medical management of the bladder, it is important to know its innervation as each nerve will control micturition differently.

The mechanism of micturition is complex and implies the correct functioning of the detrusor muscle and urethra , which act in synergy during the storage and voiding phases.

Innervation of the bladder

External sphincter control

Flaccid bladder with poor detrusor tone due to damage to the pelvic nerve or its sacral segments is often observed in cats with tail pull injury. Instead, the urethral tone may vary, due to the fact that the external urethral sphincter tone is generally lost as a consequence of pudendal nerve lesions, but the internal urethral sphincter tone controlled by the hypogastric nerve is generally intact . This increased resistance from the internal urethral sphincter, often makes manual expression of the bladder very difficult.

The following drugs are the most commonly used to reduce the urethral tone, facilitate expression of the bladder, and to improve the detrusor muscle tone:

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