Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can You Declaw A Cat In Ny

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What To Expect After Declawing Your Cat

Bill would make NY first state to ban cat declawing

After your cat goes through the declawing procedure, you must provide the best care because the cat will most likely be in pain. Caring for a declawed cat requires looking for signs of any health problems and considering all the health precautions so that they can return to their normal activity. Declawing or onychectomy does not exactly change your cats behavior, however, it is important to look out for some post-surgical signs that may be concerning. These signs include:

  • Reluctance to put pressure on their paws. .
  • Painful swelling. Redness and swelling  in the paw, followed by pain.
  • Lethargy. Lethargy or lameness that is noticeable in the cats posture that is also an sign of pain.  
  • Excessive licking and chewing of the paw.
  • Irritability. Changes in behavior, or displaying aggression. Moreover, displaying litter box avoidance is also a sign. 
  • Bleeding. Bleeding from paws and toes.

If you notice that your cat exhibits any of the behaviors stated above, then your cat needs immediate veterinarian attention. Post-operative dysfunctionalities such as lameness is an indication that your cat needs veterinary medicine. More than anything else, understand that your cat is feeling pain, and utmost care and understanding is needed from you as their parent.

New York Is One Step Closer To Becoming 1st State To Ban Cat Declawing

Effective immediately, the new law prohibits the amputation procedure unless done in an effort to treat a medical condition that’s affecting the cat. Cases that warrant the procedure might include injury, tumor or an untreatable infection. Otherwise, veterinarians will face up to $1,000 in fines if they perform the operation for any other reason.

Some people think that declawing is a simple procedure that removes a cat’s nails similar to having your fingernails trimmed. But in reality, it’s far more extreme than a manicure.

The surgery, which takes anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, involves an amputation of the last bone in each of the cat’s digits, Peter Soboroff, owner and director of the New York Cat Hospital in Manhattan, told NPR.

Specifically, declawing involves the removal of all or most of the last bone of each of the toes of the front paws, including tendons, nerves and ligaments.

Although veterinarians supply pain management so the feline undergoes as little distress as possible, Soboroff said, “Even with our best efforts, there’s no question this is a painful surgery.”

Although most cats heal normally after surgery, there’s a possibility that they will experience some orthopedic problems. Lisa Alter, with the Long Beach, N.Y., Humane Society/Kitty Cove Adoption Center, said declawing essentially disfigures a cat’s natural anatomy, which affects its balance and everyday behavior.

What Does The Bill Ban

The new law is made to protect cats from owners who are declawing them for cosmetic or aesthetic reasons or reasons of convenience. Cat declawing is still legal but only for reasons that are medically beneficial to the cat.

The bill states that no person shall perform an onychectomy , partial or complete phalangectomy or tendonectomy procedure by any means on a cat within the state of New York, except when necessary for a therapeutic purpose.

Therapeutic purpose is defined by the bill as the necessity to address the physical medical condition of the cat, such as an existing or recurring illness, infection, disease, injury or abnormal condition in the claw that compromises the cats health.

The way the law is written, veterinarians will have to prove that they removed the cats claws due to health reasons or face $1,000 fines.

New York Becomes First State To Outlaw Declawing Cats

ALBANY New York has become the first state in the nation to ban the declawing of cats, a route taken by some people to stop their cats from destroying furniture.

The measure, which passed in June in both houses at the State Capitol, was signed into law Monday by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo. Its provisions took effect immediately on Monday.

Though opposed by a veterinarians trade group, lawmakers gained the political steam necessary to pass a bill that had been stalled in Albany since 2015.

Its a wonderful day for the cats of the state and the people who love them, Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, a Manhattan Democrat and sponsor of the bill in the Assembly, said in a written statement.

Cat declawing, known as an onychectomy, is already banned in some three dozen countries, as well as a number of cities in the United States, including Los Angeles, San Francisco and Denver. Other states are considering similar laws to outlaw a practice advocates say is barbaric.

The new law carries a civil fine of up to $1,000 against any person who performs the procedure on a cat unless there is a specific therapeutic purpose, such as illness, infection or injury that compromises the cats health, according to the two-paragraph change to the states agriculture law.

Therapeutic purpose does not include cosmetic or aesthetic reasons or reasons of convenience in keeping or handling the cat, the new law states.

Why Is Declawing Controversial

Can You Declaw A Cat In Ny

The main reason one would choose to declaw a cat is to prevent the destruction caused by scratching. However, scratching is a normal, healthy activity for cats. 

Opponents of declawing generally believe that the surgery causes unnecessary pain and irreversible trauma that leads to behavioral issues. They consider declawing to be an act of animal cruelty.

Supporters of declawing often think the surgery is routine and that cats are unchanged by the procedure. They also feel it is better to allow declawing than to have people abandoning their cats because of destructive scratching.

Some veterinary professionals oppose anti-declaw laws because it takes the decision outside the veterinarian-client-patient relationship. This relationship is the basis of veterinary care. Veterinary professionals recognize that there may be times declaw surgery is the only remaining option to keep a cat in its current home. They often feel that decisions about a pet’s best interest must only be made within the confines of this relationship.

When Is Cat Declawing Necessary

Cat declawing is controversial because many animal-rights activists and veterinarians feel that declawing only exists to appease a human owners desires. As in, the only point of making a cat endure an elective declawing surgery is so that a human doesnt have to deal with the scratching. There is no benefitonly harm, reallyfor the cat.

However, there are some instances when cat declawing is necessary. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association , declawing may be necessary when a cats excessive or inappropriate scratching behavior causes an unacceptable risk of injury or remains destructive despite conscientious attention to behavioral modification and alternatives.

Dr. Ochoa gives one compelling example of when declawing a cat is necessary. If an older person owns a cat and also has a medical issue where they need to take blood thinners, these cats can scratch their owner and cause them to have a lot of issues. These are instances when declawing the cat may be beneficial.

Another reason why an owner may choose to declaw is because of the cats health. Should your cat be experiencing an infection in the bone or toe or be diagnosed with cancer in that area, a vet may opt to declaw.

The decision of declawing a cat is up to the owner , but generally, declawing should be considered a last resort for dire, dangerous circumstances only.

Related: 50 Cat Jokes

Alternatives To Declawing Cats

The penalty for declawing your cat in New York is $1,000. You could take the risk and still get the procedure done, factoring in the $1,000 as part of the cost of the procedure. I dont personally think this is a good plan, and isnt really an alternative, since it continues to make cat ownership expensive. 

So are there ways to continue having a cat without declawing them, all while avoiding increased pet fees and deposits? 

I sure hope so. Here are some of the ideas that I would entertain as a landlord to mitigate this issue: 

Will New York Landlords Continue To Allow Cats

The question stems from the likelihood of increased damage that a cat with claws can do. Last year, I installed new cabinets and flooring in several of my units. I expect those enhancements to have a decades-long useful life. And I also imagine that a cat can do a lot of damage, ultimately reducing the life of my investment. 

I wasnt sure if I was alone in this thinking, so our team reached out to landlords across the U.S. to find out their thoughts on New Yorks declawing legislation.

Not too surprisingly, feedback varied. But most of the landlords we spoke with already had cat policies and would keep them in place, even in the face of new laws.

Patrick Britton, who owns 10 units in Chicago, said he allows cats in his rental units now and will continue to do so.

I think declawing is a viciously cruel thing to do, and I would never insist on an owner doing that to their pet, Britton said. So quite frankly, Im for the New York law, but I always charge extra for pet owners and get a larger damage deposit, he added.

On the other hand, some landlords who already dont allow cats wont be more inclined to do so if legislation like this passed in their home state.

I dont allow any pets, cats especially, said Darin Collins, who owns 2 units in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. But its mostly because of the mess they leave.

New York Becomes First State To Ban Declawing Of Most Cats

Cat declawing ban passes New York Legislature

New York has become the first state to ban declawing cats in almost all cases, a practice that Gov. Andrew Cuomo called “archaic … inhumane and unnecessary.”

Declawing, a procedure known as onychectomy, involves amputating the first segment of a cat’s toes. The procedure was widely popular in the United States for decades to prevent damage or injury from cat scratches, but in recent years animal rights activists and some but by no means all veterinary groups have called for its prohibition.

The New York legislation, which Cuomo signed on Monday, isn’t a total ban, as has been widely reported. The law carves out exceptions for veterinarians who perform the procedure “for a therapeutic purpose” like treating a cat’s existing infection, disease or injury. Declawing a cat for any other reason including the health or “convenience” of the owner is subject to a $1,000 fine.

“Declawing is a cruel and painful procedure that can create physical and behavioral problems for helpless animals, and today it stops,” Cuomo said in a signing statement on Monday. “By banning this archaic practice, we will ensure that animals are no longer subjected to these inhumane and unnecessary procedures.”

Will Pet Fees And Deposits Increase

Like a lot of the landlords we spoke with, Im not entirely ready to stop allowing cats. Pets are part of the family. But I have to weigh that against the reduced lifespan of my investment. So to me, that means likely increasing the monthly pet fees I charge, or adding more to the non-refundable pet deposit I require. 

Aaron Marshall, a property manager and landlord in Salt Lake City, said about half of his owners dont allow cats, and he personally never allows cats in the rental properties he owns. Claws arent the only issue Marshall has with cats its also the mess that cats are notorious for leaving behind.

We charge additional pet rent and an increase in rent for animals, Marshall said.

But before you hike up fees and deposits for cats in your rental, be sure to research your state laws. In some states , non-refundable pet and security deposits are illegal. And if youre planning on increasing the security deposit, know your legal limits many states have strict guidelines on how much you can charge your tenants.

Cat Declawing: New York Just Became The First State To Ban It

ALBANY Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill Monday banning the declawing of cats, making New York the first state in the nation to prohibit the procedure decried by animal-rights advocates as inhumane.

State lawmakers approved the measure in June despite opposition from some veterinary groups who feared it could lead to more house cats being euthanized.

But Cuomo signed the bill Monday afternoon, calling it an “archaic” procedure that is “inhumane and unnecessary.”

“Declawing is a cruel and painful procedure that can create physical and behavioral problems for helpless animals, and today it stops,” Cuomo said in a statement.

The ban took effect immediately upon Cuomo’s signature.

Declawing is a procedure that results in the permanent, surgical removal of most of the last bone and tendons, nerves and ligaments on the front feet of a cat.

Cat owners often elected to have their cats declawed as a way to protect furniture in their homes.

But for years, animal-rights advocates led by Manhattan Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, a Democrat had fought to have the practice banned in New York, arguing it was inhumane and cruel.

Lawmakers finally approved the bill in early June, buoyed in part by a Democratic takeover in the Senate in last November’s elections.

Under the new law, declawing procedures are prohibited unless medically necessary.

Under the new law, anyone who performs a declawing procedure would face a fine of up to $1,000.

New York Is First State In Us To Ban The Declawing Of Cats

Cats are like family, without question. If youre a cat lover then you know there is nothing you wouldnt do to protect your baby, and just the thought of somebody doing anything to hurt them makes your blood boil. Even the things you have to do for them can sometimes make you wince because you know they absolutely hate it when they have to be groomed or have their claws trimmed. Nonetheless, you have to do what needs to be done.

Prohibition Goes Into Effect Immediately And Cat Owners Could Be Fined Up To $1000

Can You Declaw A Cat In Missouri

New York becomes the first state in the nation to ban the declawing of cats.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday signed into law a bill that bans cat declawing, making New York the first state in the country to prohibit the practice.

The prohibition goes into effect immediately, and cat owners who violate the law could be fined up to $1,000.

Declawing is a cruel and painful procedure that can create physical and behavioral problems for helpless animals, and today it stops, the governor, a Democrat, said in a statement.

The bill, co-sponsored by state Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal of Manhattan and state Sen. Michael Gianaris of Queens, passed in the assembly and senate in June.

The bill makes an exception for cases where declawing is medically required. Declawing, which removes all or most of the last bone of each toe on a cats paws, is already banned in some cities around the country, including Los Angeles and Denver.

Declawing In Cats: Why It Is Unacceptable

09th September 2019

Declawing has been back in the news again, with New York becoming the first US state to ban cat declawing. International Cat Care already has a clear view of declawing and considers it to be an act of mutilation and to be unethical for anything other than genuine therapeutic medical reasons. We have recently published an article in our nursing journal Feline Focus, written by veterinary technician Jenny Stanslaki from the USA, which looks in-depth at declawing and what it can mean for the cats involved. Here we summarise the article and why declawing remains unacceptable and unethical.

Scratching is part of a cats normal territorial behaviour and is important in maintaining claw condition. In many places in the world, declawing is seen by some as a simple solution to the problem of destructive scratching . But declawing is the amputation of toes, removal of which can lead to long-term pain and behavioural changes suggestive of reduced welfare. In many countries, it is considered unethical to declaw cats for anything other than a medical condition such as infection or cancer.

International Cat Care is clear that declawing should not take place for anything other than genuine therapeutic medical reasons.

Recognising pain in cats

Cats manifest pain in a wide variety of forms, including, but not limited to, inappropriate elimination, flinching, increased body tension, excessive licking or chewing of fur.

Key point

Useful links:

Without Declawing How Can You Keep A Cat From Scratching

The main reason people have their cats declawed is to keep them from damaging items in the home by scratching. Luckily, if you create a great cat scratching environment, your kitty won’t need to be declawed to keep the furniture safe.

Cats need to scratch. It’s good for their mental and physical health. Learn more: “Why Cats Scratch.”

Start by choosing excellent cat scratching posts that your cat will love to scratch. Cats like strong, sturdy posts that don’t wobble when they stretch out and push against them. They like to scratch sisal fabric, which doesn’t catch and pull on their claws and feels satisfying. They want tall posts they can stretch up onto and work their shoulder and neck muscles.

Next, you’ll want to choose great spots to put your quality scratching posts. Cats use posts to mark their territory, and they want to do that in highly visible areas of the home where there’s lots of traffic. So, don’t hide your post away in the corner. Choose a beautiful one that matches your home décor and put it in a high-traffic area.

Cons To Cat Declawing

The main pro to cat declawing is that it impedes the cats ability to scratch. For some humans, this may be considered desirable, especially if a cat is scratching furniture or aggressively scratching its owner. Another pro is that declawing cats may mean fewer cats end up in shelters. However, the cons of declawing far outweigh the benefits in most cases.

Declawing a cat removes their natural ability to climb, jump, fight, and ultimately, protect themselves. Outdoor cats should never be declawed. If a cat is declawed, the general consensus is that the owner should then make the cat an indoor cat only. Should a declawed cat escape and have to fend for itself on the streets, it sadly, may not survive.

Parade Daily

Has Declawing Been Banned Anywhere In The Us

NYS passes law to ban Cat Declawing

New York is the only U.S. state to ban the practice of declawing. However, there are cities and towns throughout the country that have passed legislation banning declaw surgery. There have been several attempts to pass anti-declawing legislation in various states throughout the U.S.

Nearly every state has had petitions and movements started by its citizens to get legislators to develop anti-declaw legislation. Some state lawmakers have introduced bills to ban declawing, but none have passed and been made into law.

Looking To Declaw Your Cat Dont Look In New York Anymore

ALBANY, N.Y. New York became the first U.S. state to ban the declawing of cats Monday, joining most of Europe, several Canadian provinces and a growing list of American cities that already prohibit a procedure animal advocates call cruel and unnecessary.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, signed the New York ban. Supporters of the new law, which took effect immediately, predict it will lead to similar proposals across the country.

This is a real triumph for cats and the people who love them, said Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, D-Manhattan, who pushed for years and who yielded to temptation when it came feline-themed puns on Monday. This has catapulted New York to a leadership position when it comes to cruelty against felines.

Declawing a cat involves slicing through bone to amputate the first segment of a cats toes. The operation was once commonly performed to protect furniture and human skin from feline scratching but has in recent years come under scrutiny by animal welfare advocates, cat owners and many vets.

While many vets urged lawmakers to pass the ban, the states largest veterinary organization opposed the bill. The New York State Veterinary Medical Society argued that declawing should be allowed as a last resort for felines that wont stop scratching furniture or humans or when the cats owner has a weakened immune system, putting them at greater risk of infection from a scratch.

Why Is There A Push To Make Declawing Illegal

Research has shown that declawing cats can lead to an increase in behavioral problems as well as cause short-term and long-term pain for cats. In terms of cat behavior, scratching is a normal, healthy behavior for cats.

Many people do not understand that declawing is an amputation of the last bone of each of a cats toescutting off each bone at the knuckle. Using the human body as an example, declawing is analogous to cutting off the last bone in each of your toes, and then walking on them for the rest of your life. It is worth noting that, in humans, amputations are only done for medical reasons or to save a person’s life.

This has led many cat owners and veterinarians that might have previously seen declawing as a viable option to reconsider their position on the practice.

Keep Litter Box Close By

You do not know whether the stress and the trauma of the surgery is bringing about different chronic pain in your cat. This chronic pain can also make your cat unpredictable, therefore, you do not want it out of your sight. In this case, you will benefit from keeping your cat in a confined space with all the resources close by.  Whether it is the cats litter box, food or water, make sure that your cat does not have to overwork her paws inside the house as well for at least a week. The paw needs to recover until it heals fully. Not resting her paws will result in soreness. A swollen paw is susceptible to infections and may worsen the injury. Therefore, keep your cats litter box close by, along with all the other essentials. This is especially important if you own a kitten, because a smaller paw is even more fragile and sensitive after surgery. 

Where Is It Illegal To Declaw A Cat

Cat Declawing Ban Passed By New York State

Many countries ban declaw surgery in cats. Declawing is outlawed in the United Kingdom, much of the European Union, Australia, and at least ten other countries around the world. It is still legal to declaw a cat in most of the United States. 

The American Veterinary Medical Association does not oppose declawing in cats. However, they do urge veterinarians to educate pet owners about the risks and alternatives.

Lawmakers Look To Ban Cat Declawing In New York State

ALBANY, N.Y. Legislation in New York to ban declawing cats is singling out a once-common procedure that veterinarians say is now on the decline.

The measure has divided veterinarians. Some say declawing is cruel because it involves amputating the first segments of a cats toes. But others say it must remain legal as a last resort for troubled felines whose scratching behavior cant be controlled.

New York State Senate Bill S5084 would prohibit declawing of cats and other animals.

Backers of the bill say declawed cats are prone to developing behavioral problems that lead to them being surrendered to animal shelters and for the most part, not adoptable.

New York lawmakers are also considering eliminating sales taxes on pet food. They have already voted to allow dogs to join their owners on restaurant patios. Many states have banned a controversial procedure that removes a dogs vocal cords, and all 50 states now have laws making severe animal cruelty a felony.

Declawing is currently banned in nearly 10 cities in California. Its also banned in countries around the world including Switzerland, Israel and the United Kingdom.

According to the New York State Senates website, the status of the bill is in committee.

The Associated Press and PIX11 Digital Producer Alyssa Zauderer contributed to this report.

Ramifications Of Cat Declawing

The biggest consequence of cat declawing is chronic pain. Cats are very good at hiding signs of pain and discomfort, so they can be uncomfortable for many years without you knowing, Dr. Richardson explains. Its important to monitor mobility for changes in gait or obvious signs of discomfort, as declawed cats may be more prone to degenerative joint disease and arthritis as they age, due to the change in the way they must bear weight on the paws after this procedure.

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