Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cedar Oil For Fleas On Cats

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Does Cedarwood Oil Help Kill Fleas

Cedarwood Oil Is NOT Safe For Cats!!

Yes, cedarwood kills fleas. It is one of the primary additives in many flea repellent sprays. You will need to dilute your cedarwood essential oil and spray it on your pets. Cats are a possible exception here consult your vet before using ant essential oils on cats as most have been known to induce toxic reactions.

Cedarwood essential oil works by leaching moisture off fleas and bugs. The fleas dry and later die. The oil disrupts pheromones that help to regulate bodily functions in critters.

If cedarwood oil is used at the earlier stages of an insects life, the pest simply dissolves and dies right away. Cedarwood also works through emulsification .

After using the oil on pets and people, you can spray your whole house with a cedarwood oil-based spray. Use a commercial one or dilute your essential oil with water. This way, you clear out the infestation both on persons and surfaces.

There are indoor and outdoor formulae for the usage of sprays and oils. Ensure you dont substitute their uses. For DIY flea control applications, use higher concentrations of the oil outdoors.

Cedar Oil For Fleas Ticks And Mites

Ear Mite Treatment

Cedar Oil Factory’s Happy Pet Formula is a cedar oil based flea, tick and mite spray for dogs, cats, horses and other livestock and pets. Our All-in-One Ear Wash & Ear Mite Treatment, kills ear mites and their eggs. This Ear Wash formula is gentle enough to use as a weekly ear wash to prevent ear canal fungus and other pet ear infections.

Recommended by Prudent Vet’s, Holistic Vets, Groomers, Top Breeders, Animal Shelters, Kennels and 1000s of dog owner around the world as a replacement to toxic and non effective Frontline, Advantage and other SPOT DROP PET MEDS that compromise your pets immune system and promote dry skin, itching sensations, erratic behavior, convulsions, illness and premature death. DO NOT USE ON OR AROUND RABBITS, MICE, RATS, FARROTS, GINNIE PIGS, EXOTIC BIRDS

Are you accidentally poisoning your pets and dont even know it with one spot treatments & out-door fertilizers? Read the follow links, print them out and give them to family, friends & your neighbors to educate them on information the Chemical Pet Industry doesnt want you or them to know about. Not only are you poisoning your pets, these same products have a devastating effect on your children & their friends health

Our Cedar Oil products perform three critical functions for controlling insects organically in your environment.

  • It kills, neutralizes or repels the existing adult insect population.
  • Dangers Of Essential Oils Around Pets

    Its important to remember that while essential oils are completely natural that doesnt make them safe under all circumstances. You need to do research and also know your own family and pets sensitivities.

    Remember to use extreme caution with essential oils around cats. Cats can be sensitive to oils in their environment too- so be careful what you spray on their bedding and sleeping areas.

    Allow your dogs to smell the oil before using. If you notice any adverse reaction, maybe try another option.

    Start small- with just a drop and only place in a small area. This means only place a small amount topically or only spray one common area in your home to check for any reactions before spraying the whole home or rinsing your entire dog.

    If you notice any reaction discontinue use immediately.

    And dont forget, essential oils are only a small part in repelling fleas. You also need to be sure to vacuum often, wash bedding, and use other natural options to reduce the fleas in your home. Check out my article on ways to Get Rid of Fleas Naturally for other ways to help a fleas infestation.

    This article is for informational purposes only and is based on my own research.

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    Drops Thyme Essential Oil

    Thyme is a natural flea repellent. Thyme essential oil can repel mosquitoes, gnats, fleas, and ticks. Add 15 drops of thyme essential oil to 1 cup of water in a spray bottle. Spray your cats coat thoroughly with your homemade spray every 2 to 3 days. The scent of thyme will naturally deter ticks, fleas, and other pests from biting your cat and will effectively discourage them from coming back around searching for food or shelter. To further prevent infestation by these pesky insects, combine 10 drops each of eucalyptus, lemongrass, and citronella essential oils with 1 cup water add 20 drops of cypress oil if you have cats that are frequently outdoors or often bitten by mosquitoes.

    Why Do You Need To Repel Fleas

    Cedar oil flea, tick and mite spray for dogs and cats gallon

    A single flea carried in by your pet can turn into a full-blown infestation. Because fleas have a very rapid reproduction cycle, your house can quickly become overrun with these pests.

    Theres a large number of reasons that you need to keep fleas out, and many of those reasons are commonly known. However, there a few other things about fleas that you may not know, and knowing these will help you keep them out for the long haul!

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    Does Cedar Oil Kill Fleas

    Cedar oil is an effective flea killer. If your dog is dealing with a flea infestation, a cedarwood oil fleas treatment can help get him flea-free and comfortable again quickly.

    One way cedar oil works to kill fleas is through dehydrating them. When fleas contact cedar oil, the oil pulls moisture away from them. After a while, the flea will dry out and die.

    Cedar oil can work especially quickly on flea eggs, larvae, and pupae. When fleas in these stages come into contact with cedar oil, it can actually dissolve them. This is important, since the flea infestation wont continue if the new flea eggs cant hatch.

    Another reason cedar oil for fleas on dogs is effective is that it can stop fleas from breathing. As the flea tries to prevent the cedarwood oil from penetrating their skin, they close the openings on the skin. These skin openings are where fleas breathe from. So, by closing them off to stop the cedar oil from getting in, theyll eventually suffocate and die.

    Use A Cedar Oil Spray For Fleas On Your Cat

    Cedar oil is one of the essential oils that are actually non-toxic to cats but despised by fleas. Fleas dont like the smell trouble is kitty might be none too fond of the aroma either. However, if your cat doesnt seem put out by the odor then there are a number of cedar options available.

    You could spray the cedar oil directly on your cats fur. It should act as a repellent to fleas. Alternatively, you could comb the oil into the fur when you are generally flea combing. A third method of utilizing cedar oil which we have touched on would be to put the cedar oil on a cotton collar as a homemade natural flea collar.

    If your cat just cant abide the stuff your last option using cedar might be to use cedar chips sprinkled in the garden and around cat bedding as a deterrent to the little blighters.

    Many owners report cedar oil for fleas and cedar shampoos to be highly effective flea remedies and actually quite pleasant smellingif you can get kitty to go along with your plan!

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    Cedarwood Oil For Hair Loss

    Alopecia areata is a disease that causes the immune system to attack hair follicles, leading to hair loss. Cedarwood is one of several essential oils that may improve hair growth.

    A small 1998 study reported in Archives of Dermatology indicated that people with alopecia areata experienced significant hair growth when given a daily scalp massage of cedarwood, thyme, rosemary, and lavender essential oils, along with a carrier oil. This mixture was applied directly to the scalp for a seven-month period.

    Use A Pet Shampoo With Natural Flea Repellents

    How to Use Cedarcide Original on Cats

    You can get shampoos that contain natural flea repellents for cats online from quite a number of suppliers. Used in conjunction with the combing and bathing outlined above the shampoo will leave your pet smelling good to you but appallingly repellent to fleas!

    The shampoos to look out for are those with low concentrations of cedar, lavender, eucalyptus or citrus oils included. These are natural flea repellents that can help keep you cat invisible to fleas. Now the more proactive of you should not just go buy some essential oils and started banging out mixtures of your own.

    Many of these natural insecticides are pretty dangerous to cats unless concentrations are really low. This is because a cats liver cant cope with some of these toxins like a human or dog might be able to as they are missing some critical enzymes. You can read more here. Stick with using store formulated shampoos that have been tested for safety.

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    Flea Bites On Dogs & Cats

    There are more than 2,500 different species of fleas that have been identified around the world, all of which belong to the Siphonaptera order. When they attack the fur or feathers of an animal host, they burrow down next to the skin and their sharp mouth organs pierce the skin to suck out the animals blood.

    Fleas reproduce extremely quickly and also have specialized legs that allow them to leap huge distances onto or off the hosts. For people with domesticated pets, such as cats and dogs, fleas can be an irritating problem that is difficult to eliminate once they have come into your home. Fleas may also bite humans, even spreading disease in some parts of the world.

    When these fleas bite your dog, cat or even you, the bites are very irritating, which is why one of the most common symptoms of fleas is itchiness, and the urge to scratch. They can form red welts and are prone to secondary infections, particularly if animals or people scratch the sores. Hives, blisters and other forms of rash may appear near or on the site of a bite, even if you no longer can see the insect.

    While fleas tend to live on animal hosts, they are more likely to bite and irritate human hosts before leaping off to find easier prey or hide in bedding, floorboards, or clothing. Many people turn to pesticides to eliminate fleas, but this is dangerous to use on or around your pets , which is why using essential oils for fleas is such a popular strategy.

    Apple Cider Vinegar + Water

    Mix one part apple cider vinegar with two parts water and spritz away. There is a reason why veterinarians recommend that their clients use a diluted apple cider vinegar solution to repel fleas. This solution is not only completely natural, but it also smells good and will keep your home smelling fresh and clean as well. Your cat may not enjoy being sprayed down with ACV, but there are plenty of ways to entice them into letting you help them if you play your cards right!

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    Vinegar Can Keep Fleas Away

    Vinegar, when used properly, can keep fleas away due to its harsh aroma. Most insects and pets get easily repelled by strong scents such as vinegar since the aroma to them really IS that harsh.

    To us, vinegar may smell just fine in normal amounts, but for fleas, the scent of vinegar will be magnified heavily.

    Now, this scent may not be for you- as it depends on how much you really like the scent of vinegar. White vinegar, in particular, will provide the harsh aroma youre looking for to keep fleas at bay.

    Youll want to make a diluted mixture of vinegar and water, and spray it around the cracks and crevices of your home. Vinegar itself, especially diluted wont eliminate fleas but it CAN help to repel them when the scent is present and consistent.

    Do Essential Oils For Fleas Work On Cats

    NaturVet Herbal Flea Spray with Essential Oils for Dogs and Cats, 16 oz ...

    Fleas are tiny ectoparasites that thrive off the warm blood of their hosts. Since fleas dont have specific requirements when it comes to their host preferences, virtually any warm-blooded creature can become a fleas new home. This means that once your feline friend brings a flea into your environment, they can bite you as well.

    Fleas will often find a hiding spot on your cats body and survive by biting the skin and ingesting their blood in tiny increments.

    These flea bites can result in agitation when they move across the skin, severe skin irritation and itching, anemia, and even flea-borne disease that is transmitted through their bites. With so much risk involved with their presence, its important to try your best to prevent these tiny critters from making your cat their home.

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    Fleas Hate The Smell Of Mint

    Its quite important to keep the perimeter of your home protected with scents of all sorts.

    People may find the smell of mint and peppermint refreshing, but fleas dont feel the same way. They tend to avoid areas that smell of mint. Many other critters dislike the scent of peppermint as well, which is great news for homeowners and gardeners alike!

    The easiest way to use mint to repel fleas is to plant it around your house. Mint is easy to grow and can be planted in pots around the house. Try planting them near any possible openings in your house. This may actually work better than a spray, as sprays must be applied every so often.

    Again, if youre going the spray route, you want to go with a pre-formulated product here, Wondercide also has a Peppermint Natural Indoor Pest Control Spray with, you guessed it, peppermint oil as the base.

    Other Ways To Safeguard Your Pets

    Aside from using essential oils, you can adopt a few measures to ensure that ticks and fleas have no business with your pets. Yard maintenance is a way to keep the ticks and fleas at bay. Ensure that you mow your grass frequently, discard piles of leaves which could be breeding place for these pests, and also clean up bushes around.

    Ultimately, if you are making use of an anti-tick product for your pets, ensure you carry out a regular check up on them, the same way you would assess yourself for ticks after going on a hike.

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    Cats And Essential Oils: What You Need To Know To Keep Your Pet Safe

    by Elyse Hauser | Aug 2, 2018 | Safety

    When it comes to cats and essential oils, do you know how to keep your pet safe? You might love using essential oils around the house, but these seemingly harmless oils can spell danger for your cat. However, not all essential oils pose the same risks some can even be beneficial for pets.

    Before you decide to mix cats and essential oils, read this definitive guide on how to keep your furry friend safe. Well go over everything you need to know to use an essential oil diffuser around the house without putting your pets at risk. Read on to make sure your cats stay safe!

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    Essential Oils And Cats: What You Need To Know

    How to Make Flea Spray From Peppermint Oil, Cedar Oil & Purified Water : Growing & Using Herbs

    When it comes to using essential oils, whether it is for yourself or your pets, the quality of the oil is very important. Safe essential oils are unadulterated, genuine, and pure. Many oils are marketed as organic natural or even certified pure but you still need to be careful of the oils you choose, as there is no oversight for essential oils. Essential oils are not regulated by the FDA like some medications are. The brand of essential oils we recommend using is Young Living, as we know that these are high-quality pure oils that are very safe to use for yourself and your pets. The Doterra brand oils are high-quality that are safe to use as well.

    For cats in particular, you need to be careful about what oils you use on them or expose them to because cats do not metabolize things the same way as dogs . A cats liver is different, as it lacks the P450 cytochrome metabolic pathway. This means that the liver in cats cannot break down or metabolize certain drugs, medications, and even some essential oils.

    If you are interested in using essential oils for your cat, you should do so only as directed and/or supervised by your veterinarian. In general, the essential oils you should AVOID using with your cat include oils that are high in salicylates or phenols, such as:

    • Basil
    • Thyme
    • Wintergreen

    A few common essential oils that are SAFE to use for your cat include lavender, copaiba, helichrysum, and frankincense.

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    How To Use Essential Oils For Flea Removal And Repellent

    • Oils that are safe for topical use should be diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut or grapeseed oil before application. Do not put undiluted essential oils on your dogs. Do not put any oils topically on cats.
    • Mix oils with water and/or Apple Cider Vinegar and shake well. Use this mix to spray household surfaces and pet bedding.
    • Dip your dogs brush into a water with a few drops of oils added
    • Add a couple drops to the final rinse when washing your pets bedding
    • Add a few drops of oils like lavender and cedar to your dogs collar
    • Dilute topically safe oils in ACV and use as a final rinse after bathing

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