Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Old To Declaw A Cat

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Can You Declaw A 5 Year Old Cat

Should I declaw my cat? – Ask A Vet

Can you declaw a 5 year old cat? Declawing is best done when the cat is under 6 months of age. Young, immature cats declawed at less than 6 months of age heal fastest, experience the least pain, and have the lowest risk of complications. I do a few cats aged 4 and 5 years, but Ive only done maybe a handful over 6 or 7.

Is a cat ever too old to be declawed? No cat is too old to be declawed. However, the younger the cat is when surgery is perform ed, the faster the recovery. 12-16 week old kittens are often running all over the house the very next day after surgery.

What happens if you declaw an older cat? Declawed cats are more likely to have a difficult time walking because with the ends of their toes removed, theyre forced to walk on the soft cartilage that was previously a part of their joints. Theyre also known to chew at the stubs of their paws, and may suffer from chronic pain.

Is it safe to declaw a 6 year old cat? And in older cats which we dont recommend declawing there is greater chance of infection and the need for ongoing pain medications.

Cat Declawing Cost Breakdown

  • Pre-Anesthetic Health Checks

Depending on your cats age, it may need diagnostic testing before it can go under anesthesia. Young adult cats will likely require a CBC and basic blood chemistry panel, which has a cost of about $80 to $120.

Older cats, on the other hand, typically need a more extensive chemistry panel, a CBC, and a urinalysis, which cost roughly $175 to $250.

The morning before the procedure, an exam will also be performed to make sure your cat is feeling well enough for the anesthesia. This costs about $30 to $50.

  • Anesthesia

The price for anesthesia will normally range from $25 to $75.

  • Procedure

A technician will shave and sterile scrub your cats paws as best possible. Due to the nature of the area, the procedure is not sterile. Once the area is ready, the doctor will go ahead and remove the claws.

There are two methods to declaw a cat. In one method, the veterinarian will use a scalpel to cut the joint and remove the first bone of each toe. In another method, the veterinarian will use a trimming tool to cut through half of the first bone of the toe.

Veterinarians charge roughly $400 an hour for their time in surgery. After going under anesthesia and preparing the feet, the declawing process takes roughly 30 minutes.

With either method, tissue glue and bandages will be used to stop the bleeding and cover the wound. These bandages must stay on overnight. Proper bandaging is quite complicated and can cost $20 to $50.

  • After Care

How Long Are Cats Paws Sore After Declaw

Your pet may be reluctant to walk around, jump up on things or act sore. Some degree of discomfort is expected. In younger cats, pain experienced after the procedure should lessen within 10 days and lameness should improve within one week. In older cats, this time frame may be longer.

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How Is A Cat Declawed

The standard method of declawing is amputating with a scalpel or guillotine clipper. The wounds are closed with stitches or surgical glue, and the feet are bandaged.

Another method is laser surgery, in which a small, intense beam of light cuts through tissue by heating and vaporizing it. However, it’s still the amputation of the last toe bone of the cat and carries with it the same long-term risks of lameness and behavioral problems as does declawing with scalpels or clippers.

If performed on a human being, declawing would be like cutting off each finger at the last knuckle.

A third procedure is the tendonectomy, in which the tendon that controls the claw in each toe is severed. The cat keeps their claws, but can’t control them or extend them to scratch. This procedure is associated with a high incidence of abnormally thick claw growth. Therefore, more frequent and challenging nail trims are required to prevent the cat’s claws from snagging on people, carpet, furniture, and drapes, or from growing into the cat’s paw pads.

Because of complications, a cat who has been given a tendonectomy may require declawing later. Although a tendonectomy is not actually amputation, a 1998 study published in the “Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association” found the incidence of bleeding, lameness, and infection was similar between tendonectomy and declawing.

Laser Surgery May Be Safer Than Other Methods

How Old Does A Cat Have To Be Declawed

The newest practice of laser declawing may prove safer than surgically removing the bone with a Rescoe clipper or scalpel, and this makes it the preferred method for declawing in many cases. Laser declawing can seal up small blood vessels during the surgery and lessen blood loss during and after the procedure. Recovery time may be faster and less painful for the cat. However, you will want to make sure that your veterinarian is experienced with the laser method. Extensive training is required in order to perform this laser procedure. The cost for laser declawing can be as much as $500.00 on average.

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Is Pacific Rim Suitable For 6 Year Old

CONTENT: IS PACIFIC RIM SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN? There is very little blood or gore resulting from the action scenes apart from the Kaiju, whose blood is a fluorescent blue colour and therefore not designed to be distressing for kids. The Kaiju are vicious and use their horns and claws to rip through the Jaegers.

What To Do About Your Cats Scratching Habit

Before resorting to declawing your cat, use these tips for calming their habit instead:

1. Trim your cats claws regularly. If youve tried to do it yourself and found your cat too uncooperative, your vet should be happy to cut them for you.

2. Get scratching posts for your cat and place them in the spots they frequent in your home.

3. Verbally or physically reward your cat when they use their scratching post by giving them affection or a treat.

4. Discourage inappropriate scratching by covering or removing the items they scratch for a temporary period of time, until their habit lessens.

5.Use a firm no or a startling clap when you notice your cat scratching where they arent supposed to. Using a squirt bottle can also be a harmless way to keep them from continuing certain behaviors.

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What Is The Effect Of Declawing On The Cat

There are many myths and anecdotal reports about the dire behavioral and surgical complications of declawing. In the past few years, a number of behaviorists, pet psychologists and epidemiologists have studied the effects of declawing on the car, the owner, and the cat-owner relationship. At least 10 scientific studies have examined the consequences between the pet and the pet-owner relationship. These studies show that it does not alter the cats behavior. In fact, cats may continue to scratch furniture after but cause no damage. There is no increase in behavior problems. Declawed cats are not at greater risk of getting bitten or injured in catfights. Owners of declawed cats report a higher number of good behaviors than the owners of clawed cats.

At least 10 scientific studies have examined the consequences of declawing

There is some speculation about whether declawed cats might be more prone to either biting or house soiling. In a study of biting frequency and intensity, declawed cats did not bite any more often or any more seriously than a control group of non-declawed cats.

The only consistently recognized effect of declawing is a few days of post-surgical discomfort to the cat paw and paw pads. Therefore be certain to discuss pain management options with your veterinarian prior to surgery.

What Can I Do Instead Of Declawing My Cat

Pros & Cons of Declawing Your Cat | Cat Care

Nail caps or claw covers, such as Soft Paws, can be a great and immediate way to protect your surfaces while youre working with your cat to redirect any undesirable scratching behavior. The nail caps can be applied by you, your veterinarian, or a cat groomer, just place adhesive inside the nail cap and slide it on.

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There Are Several Declawing Methods With Differing Costs

According to, there are three different methods used to declaw cats. The cost of each method varies depending on an individual cat’s situation, but the figures provided below will give you a good idea of what to expect. For an accurate quote, you will need to consult with your own vet who will base the cost on your pet’s age and any special requirements that may be involved.

Cats Have A Number Of Very Powerful Biological Urges

Scratching is one of them. They scratch to sharpen their claws, and to mark their territory. It is a powerful urge with many social implications for cats. Cats are, shall we say, more emotionally complex than dogs.

There is some controversy about weather it is ethically and morally right to declaw cats. Most veterinarians agree that when done properly declawing can be a benefit to both the cat and people involved. Without a doubt is a painful procedure, and absolutely must be done in conjuction with excellent pain control.

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Is It Possible To Avoid The Use Of Cliches

While you probably cant avoid clichés altogether, remember: Clichés can be a barrier to communication and clear expression. Clichés can often be reduced to just one or two words that convey your meaning in a clearer or more original way. Clichés can sometimes be removed completely without the meaning of a sentence being affected.

Is Laser Declawing Better

Life with Ragdolls: Onychectomy/The Truth About Declawing ...

It offers many benefits over traditional declawing, including less bleeding and a reduced chance of infection. Laser declawing is a permanent way of declawing cats and assuring the claws do not grow back. Your cats feet are less likely to bleed after the procedure because the laser cauterizes as it cuts.

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Place Scratching Aversions On Unacceptable Scratching Items

If your cat is scratching your couch or a chair, temporarily cover it with something the cat doesnt like the feel of, such as plastic, aluminum foil or double-sided tape.

For cats that scratch carpets, place a plastic mat for an office chair over the carpet with the spikey side facing up. Next to each item you cover, place an acceptable scratching item . You can also sprinkle catnip near the acceptable scratching items to entice your cat. In time, your cat will learn to leave the forbidden item alone and you can uncover it.

What Is The Procedure

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, declawing is the surgical amputation of all or part of a cats toe bones and the attached claws, and it is a painful procedure. It is not a simple trimming of the nails.

Immediate physical complications can include:

  • An adverse reaction to the general anesthetic, and this can include death.
  • If bandages are wrapped too tightly, the foot may become gangrenous and necessitate amputation of the leg.
  • When bandages are removed, many cats continue to profusely bleed and require rebandaging.

Later physical complications can include:

  • In instances in which the entire nail bed was not removed, one or more claws can grow back misshapen and useless.
  • If a surgical nail cutter was dull, and because cats nails are brittle, many cats experience shattered bones in their feet which can become seriously infected. This can be corrected only with a second general anesthetic and surgical procedure.

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Cats Need Special Care After Being Declawed

Cats undergoing declaw surgery are given medications for pain and inflammation before and after surgery. They stay one night in the hospital. For optimal recovery, it is recommended that cats be kept confined to a large crate or small part of the house for 14 days after surgery.

It is also best to use litter made of paper pellets for 2 weeks after declawing, as it is softer on the cats paws. The pet is sent home with an elizabethan collar to wear so that they cannot lick their incisions.

Every Surgery Carries A Risk

5 Reasons Not to Declaw Your Cat and 5 Alternatives

When the kitty is under surgery, theyre put under anesthesia. Even if it hardly happens , some cats never wake up after being put to sleep for the surgery. Anesthesia should only be used when its necessary for the cats health. Declawing kitties is an unnecessary procedure that brings a risk of not only a bad reaction to the anesthetic agent but also other health issues Ill bring up.

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The Truth About Cats And Scratching

Scratching is normal cat behavior. It isn’t done to destroy a favorite chair or to get even. Cats scratch to remove the dead husks from their claws, mark territory, and stretch their muscles.

Cats are usually about 8 weeks old when they begin scratching. That’s the ideal time to train kittens to use a scratching post and allow nail trims. Pet caregivers should not consider declawing a routine prevention for unwanted scratching. Declawing can actually lead to an entirely different set of behavior problems that may be worse than shredding the couch.

Position Statement On Declawing Cats

The ASPCA is strongly opposed to declawing cats for the convenience of their owners or to prevent damage to household property. The only circumstances in which the procedure should be considered are those in which all behavioral and environmental alternatives have been fully explored, have proven to be ineffective, and the cat is at grave risk of euthanasia.

Cats’ claws are a vital part of their arsenal for both offense and defense. They use them to capture prey and to settle disputes with or escape from other animals or people who are hurting or threatening them.

As part of their daily rituals, cats instinctually pull the claws on their front paws through surfaces that offer resistance. They do this to mark their territory, exercise muscles normally used in hunting, relieve stress and remove worn sheaths from their nails.

A variety of alternatives exist to manage natural scratching behavior and to prevent injury from cat scratches. These include having a cats nails trimmed regularly in order to blunt the tips, providing scratching pads, posts and other appealing structures for the cat to use and employing behavior modification techniques to induce the cat to use them, using deterrents such as double-sided tape to protect furnishings, and covering the claws with soft temporary pads . Owners should also be familiar with cat behavior and proper handling techniques to avoid being scratched.

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What Is Involved With The Declawing Procedure

Overview: Declawing is considered a true surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia. The technical term for declawing is onychectomy. Only front feet are declawed if people elect to have this procedure for their cat. Many people may not realize that the surgery involves amputation of the third phalanx of each toe. This is because the cats claw is actually part of the last bone in the toe. So in order to remove the claw, the bone and associated nerves and tissues around that bone are removed.

Possible Complications: While not always the case, complications are possible after declawing. Older cats tend to have a harder time after declawing than kittens. Post-surgical problems can include pain, bleeding, swelling, infection, and nerve trauma. Unfortunately, some cats may also develop long-term complications such as limping, changes in stance, behavioral problems, chronic pain, chronic draining tracts, or possible claw regrowth if a portion of the last bone is left behind.Pre-Surgical Blood work:

The Night Before / Morning Of Surgery:

  • Your pet should not receive food or water after midnight the night prior to the surgery.
  • If your pet receives medication, be sure to discuss a plan with the doctor ahead of time regarding when to administer those medications.

Surgery Day:

~Author: Dr. C. Noureddine, DVM, MS, MS

There Are Age Limits For Declawing Cats

What Age Is Too Old To Declaw A Cat

The minimum age at which most vets will declaw a kitten is around three months old, although some may prefer to wait until the animal is slightly older. A young kitten’s bones are softer, which makes the procedure a little easier to perform. Kittens also tend to heal quicker than adult cats, so there is some benefit to declawing at an early age if it truly seems necessary to do so.

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Why Spay/neuter Is So Important For Cats

While there might be some differing opinions about the proper age to spay or neuter your cat, theres no disputing that its one of the most responsible things a pet owner can do, not only for the life of a pet, but also to reduce pet overpopulation. Too often, we view spaying and neutering through our own eyes, and how it might affect us, and assume that our pets would look at it the same way. As Coates puts it, physiologically and behaviorally speaking, cats are made to reproduce as frequently as possible. Obviously, we have to put a stop to that. I think it is more humane to surgically eliminate the desire to mate than to block mating but leave the urge intact.

Of course no medical or surgical procedure is without risk, she adds. For instance, neutered male cats are at higher risk for developing urinary blockages, and cats who have been spayed or neutered do have a tendency to gain weight if their diets arent adjusted accordingly. Owners should always talk to their own veterinarian about what is best for their particular pet, but the benefits of spay/neuter almost always outweigh the risks.

It is our responsibility to take care of our pets to the best of our ability, Denish says. They live in our world, our homes and interact with our family and other pets. That means that if spaying/neutering is beneficial, it should be done at any safe time.

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