Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Introduce A New Kitten To A Dog

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How to introduce cats to dogs

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Hello Virma,First, I suggest a trip to your vet to check her for potential parasites, an infection, or a virus like parvo. She may have even picked something up from the kitten – it is very possible she is sad and won’t play because she doesn’t feel well.If there is nothing wrong with her health , then whenever the kitten is around give her a treat when the kitten enters the room and when the kitten comes over to her to help her associate the kitten with something good.I also suggest spending time teaching her new tricks and commands with treats and lure reward training in an area where the kitten cannot come. If she is feeling stressed about the kitten, then give her times to do something that will build her confidence without her having to worry about the kitten coming over… such as practicing tricks or easy agility courses you set up outside. Just be sure that these areas outside are somewhere where other dogs cannot come to avoid diseases while she is on the ground – she can be carried other places too but should only be set down on the floor or ground in places where other adult dogs or un-vaccinated puppies have not been.I suggest a trip to your vet first though.Best of luck training,Caitlin Crittenden

Meeting For The First Time

When its time for your kitten and dog to meet for the first time, keep your cat in their box and put your dog on a leash. This way they can see each other without any physical contact taking place. Make your dog sit, and be prepared to take him or her out of the room if they get too excited. This activity should be repeated until both animals can relax when together. Dont forget to reward both of them for their good behaviour by giving them lots of praise and cuddles.

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Hello Chelle,I would start by rewarding your dog for tolerance around the kitten and whenever the kitten first enters the room. Reward with the kitten not in close proximity though because you don’t want pup to get aggressive about the kitten being near treats they want.I would be vigilant about you making the kitten leave pup alone so your dog doesn’t feel the need to defend themselves. I would not just let them work it out at this age. At night, if the kitten is bothering pup when you have gone to bed, I would also separate the animals while you are sleeping, either with crates or by having them sleep in different rooms with doors closed between.Taking the stress off your dog to manage the kitten, and helping the kitten learn to leave pup alone, can help their relationship be better as the kitten gets older. Rewarding pup for tolerance can also help pup have a better association with the kitten and like the kitten’s presence better.Best of luck training,Caitlin Crittenden

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Start When The Kitten Is Young

Unlike an adult cat, its easier to introduce a kitten to a hyper dog, or any dog for that matter, since she wont have any inhibitions or negative past experiences.

If you can, pick the kitten that you find most courageous as shell probably wont run from your dog and reward his chase instinct.

You should introduce your dog and kitten once shes around 5-7 weeks old, because if she doesnt interact with a dog or other pet at a younger age, she might develop fear towards larger animals.

Also, if you can, check if the kitten has already socialized with dogs before, as this could make the introduction a lot easier.

Training Your Kitten To Use A Cat Flap

How to Introduce a Cat to a Dog (and to Another Cat ...

Once your kitten begins to feel confident going outside alone, you might want to think about using a cat flap especially if you dont fancy opening and closing the door for them all day! There are a number of cat flaps to choose from. Some are triggered by your cats microchip, only allowing entry for them, while others have in-built infrared systems. Of course, there are the traditional cat flaps too.

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Let Them Get Used To Each Others Scents

If possible, try to feed your kitten and dog on either side of a door, so that they can smell each other before meeting face to face. Your dog shouldnt be allowed to whine, scratch or bark at the door, as this can be very intimidating for your new arrival.

Another way to introduce the animals to each other is to swap their blankets or a put a towels with their scents on it in each others bed. This will help them pick up the scent and become comfortable around it before coming into contact. You can also introduce each animal to the others space , and let them have a good sniff. Just remember not to let your dog eat your kittens food or scratch in their litter box.

How Do I Deal With Inappropriate Behavior

Cats can be demanding creatures so its important to instill good manners early on. Inappropriate behavior such as swatting, excessive vocalization, and biting should not be tolerated. If your kitten begins to exhibit these behaviors, quickly and quietly leave the area and cease all interactions. Once the kitten is calm and quiet, resume interactions. The goal is for the kitten to learn that calm, quiet behavior warrants attention while aggressive actions do not. Make time daily for appropriate interactions with your cat that include play and petting.

Disciplining a young kitten may be necessary if its behavior towards people or property is inappropriate, but punishment should be avoided. A sharp, No! may be all that is needed to stop your kitty in his tracks. However, remote disruption that associates the consequences with the action may be considered. For most kittens, hand clapping or rattling a can of beans can divert attention and be intimidating enough to inhibit undesirable behavior when you are present.

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Set Up Their First Meeting

Pick a place thats free of distractions.

Next, ask someone to hold your dog while youre keeping the kitten close to your chest. However, its important that you dont hold her over your dogs head, as this might give him the impression that shes a toy.

Let them see and smell one another. If your dog is calm, make sure to praise him to let him know hes on the right track. In case youre alone and your dog is trying to jump on the kitten, block him with your knee to make it clear that she belongs to you.

When both sides are calm, let them be on the floor together for a few minutes. Then, put them back in their separate rooms and repeat the whole process for a few days. Each day, gradually increase the amount of time your pets spend together.

If you must use a leash, try to keep it loose, and dont restrain your dog unless its necessary.

You can also use a pet crate to keep your pets face to face, but with a barrier.

Introducing Cats And Dogs

How to introduce a new cat or kitten to your dogs

The process of introducing your new cat to your dog should not be rushed. Read our advice on how to ensure the introduction goes as smoothly as possible.

When you arrive home with your new cat, ensure that your dog is not waiting at the door as your cat needs time to recover from the journey and get used to their new surroundings.

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An Adult Dog And A Kitten

This situation calls for a bit more attention. If a puppy can cause harm to a small kitten, imagine the damage a fully-grown adult dog could do. This is further confounded if your new dog has little experience with cats, or all its previous experiences involved chasing. A slow and restrained introduction is vital again, but more than ever it will require you to be extra vigilant. Chances are, once your dog has understood that kitty is here to stay, he or she will become accepting and even protective, but you should never assume this until weeks or even months have passed without incident. Watch for any signs of your dog becoming agitated or over-excited. He or she might enjoy playing with your kitten to teach them their boundaries, but a strong bite, even an accidental one, could be fatal. We also recommend feeding them in separate rooms, at least until your kitten is able to climb to a higher surface. Otherwise, your older, stronger dog might be able to too easily muscle his way over to eat the;kittens food;.

Set Up A Separate Space For Your Kitten

Kittens are more vulnerable than adult cats, so you will want to keep your kitten and dog separated while they get acquainted. Provide a safe space in your home for the new kitten that your dog is not able to access, such as a spare room or bathroom. Make sure the room is stocked with all the essentials, such as bedding, food, water and a litter box. Its up to you to protect your new kitten and set up introductions carefully so that she feels safe and has a pleasant experience getting acquainted with your dog, Miller adds.

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Hello Morgan,My experience is with dog behavior and training, not cat. I would seek the help of someone who specializes in cats as well.With that said, you might try rewarding the cat whenever they are around the dog and being calm and tolerant.If the jumping behavior happens at predictable times, like every time the dog gets up or moves, I would also keep the cat on a long leash, and interrupt the cat any time they fixate on the dog or begin to move toward them or stalk them.Interrupt pup any time you see them fixating on the cat for long periods of time too, and reward pup for ignoring the cat so that pup won’t begin new chasing behaviors due to the cat’s behavior.Best of luck training,Caitlin Crittenden

Consider Your Pets Personality


Dr. Lisa Radosta, a board certified veterinary behaviorist in West Palm Beach, Florida, says that your cat or dogs personality is a good predictor of his or her ability to get along with another pet.

If your cat has lived with dogs previously and is confident around other animals, you are likely to have an easy transition, she said. However, if your cat puffs up, hisses, or runs from other animals, you will have a more difficult time.

Dr. Radosta also says to consider your dogs personality. Is he playful;but not aggressive? Dogs with this temperament will more easily adapt to a cat. The dog who is lunging, growling, and difficult to control may never be safe with your cat. If this is the case, consult your veterinarian.

If your cat is the confident type and your dog is the easygoing type, it is best to let your cat handle things. Even then, however, the meeting should not be free-for-all. Put your cat on a higher surface than the dog and put your dog on the leash for the meeting, Dr. Radosta said.

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Watch Their Body Language

During this phase, it’s very important to observe their body language for signs of;stress;or aggression.3;Does your dog have a prey drive? Is he very focused on your kitten or barking and whining? You’ll need to continue to keep them separate if he displays these behaviors.

Ideally, your dog will watch your cat but not fixate on her. You want him to be able to look away from your cat and respond to you.

As for your cat, she should appear relaxed. If she’s hissing, puffing her fur, growling, or slinking to the ground, she’s feeling scared and not confident. Once both seem pretty chill with each other and can look away sometimes, they may be ready to meet.

Introducing The New Kitten To Your Other Pets

Although some kittens may show fear and defensive postures toward other pets in the home, most young kittens are playful and inquisitive around other animals. Therefore, it is often the existing pets that can pose more of a problem. If you know or suspect that your adult dog or cat might be aggressive toward the kitten, then you should seek professional behavior advice before introducing the pets to each other.

The kitten should be given a safe and secure area that provides for all of its needs and introductions with the existing family pets should be carefully supervised. At the first introduction there may be no immediate problems, and reinforcement of desirable responses may be all that is required.

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What Is The Best Way To Introduce My New Kitten To My Home

A new home with new sights, new sounds, and new smells can be a scary place for a young kitten, but there are things you can do to make the transition easier. Your new kitten likely left behind a loving mother, playful siblings, and a familiar environment, so he needs a little special care when being introduced to his new surroundings and new family.

Getting started

Your kitty needs to feel comfortable with you as soon as possible, so start your relationship by interacting with him on his own turf where he feels safe and secure. Spend time playing and cuddling him before taking him away from his familiar environment. Bring home the comforting scent of his current home by petting his mother and siblings if they are present. Better yet, bring along a towel and rub his family members or even the inside of his kennel to carry these old scents to your kittys new home. Familiar smells warm the heart and steady the nerves.

Going home

The ride home should be as pleasant as possible. Place the scented towel in a cat carrier and gently place your kitten inside. If he resists, remove the top of the carrier rather than nudging him through the door. Cats prefer cozy spots so they usually like being in a carrier. By encouraging your kitten to ride within the confines of a carrier, you are providing safety and security, as well as starting a good routine that you can maintain for future car rides.

Arriving home

Staying home alone

Preventing problems before they start

Pet’s Teach Us A Lot About Love And Loss

Villa La PAWs – How to Introduce Your New Cat to Your Dogs

Part of having pets is saying goodbye to them. The sad fact is, dogs and cats do not live as long as humans. When I look back at the stages of my life, I think of the companions I had with me. It’s hard saying goodbye, but the joy they bring to my life is worth that pain of letting them go.

The flip side of that is, when I lose a pet, it’s usually not too long before I find another animal that needs my love and care. Introducing new pets to the existing members of my household is an ongoing process. They are all special in their own unique way, and they all add something to our lives that nobody else could.

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Provide The Cats Separate Space At First

Keep your new kitten in a separate room from your resident cat. That way, they can begin getting used to each other’s scent without having to confront each other face-to-face. Then after a few days, put the kitten in a carrier or a room with a screen door so they can see and smell each other from a safe space. Don’t worry if your older cat hisses and yowls and runs away . Eventually curiosity will win out and your cat will slowly approach the kitten again.

How Do I Ensure That My Cat Is Well Socialized

The prime socialization period for cats occurs between two and twelve weeks of age, so much of the cats socialization will have taken place while he is still with his mother and siblings. During that time, the kitten is very impressionable. If he has good experiences with people, dogs, or other cats, he will likely continue to accept them. If he has no experience at all, or unpleasant experiences with any of them, he may become apprehensive or adverse to them. Therefore, during the period of socialization, we encourage you to expose your cat to as many types of social situations and influences as possible. Use positive reinforcement and make your kitty feel secure during the introduction of any new experience.

With a little work and patience, you will quickly become your new kittys best friend and hopefully, you will gain a great friend, too.

Contributors: Debra Horwitz, DVM, DACVB, Gary Landsberg, DVM, DACVB, DECAWBM, & Lynn Buzhardt, DVMEdited by: VCA Inc. This article has been modified from its original text as supplied from LifeLearn and may not reflect any views of, or is certified to be accurate by, LifeLearn.

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Hello Betheny,I suggest a trip to your vet. While stress may cause some dogs not to eat, the other symptoms indicate that there is likely something medical going on also. – I am not a Vet.If your dog doesn’t feel well he won’t feel up to being around the new cat, which would make him not want to interact. There may have been something going on before the cat and it’s just gotten worse lately.First, rule out any medical conditions with your vet. Don’t force the animals together right now. Reward your dog whenever the cat is present in the room and your dog stays calm, and keep the kitten from pestering your dog – let them learn how to simply calmly coexist. Keep the kitten in another room when you cannot supervise the kitten around your dog.For right now I suggest visiting your vet and keeping the animals apart. If something medical is ruled out, then you can also try the suggestions I mentioned above to decrease stress and let them warm up to each other gradually. Until your dog is well though I wouldn’t push any interactions.Best of luck training,Caitlin Crittenden

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