Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why Is My Cat Hiding In The Closet

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Check Your Cat For Fleas

Why is my cat hiding in the closet?

Cats will try to hide from fleas.

Fleas will usually nest in cosy places like your cats bed or in the carpet underneath the furniture, where you dont usually vacuum.

If your cat is suddenly hiding on elevated surfaces like shelves, the top of your fridge or closet its time for a visit to the vet .

Tempting A Cat Out Of Hiding

If your cat insists on hiding in dark places, you may need to move them on occasion. Hiding under blankets, for example, is potentially dangerous. Its easy to accidentally hurt a cat that you did not realize was in such a position.

Convincing a cat to come out of hiding requires delicacy. This table explains which techniques are acceptable and which are not:

Keep your distance so that the cat feels safe Physically drag the cat by the paws or tail
Provide tempting treats and toys Shoo the cat with a broom handle
Speak softly and calmly to reassure the cat Scold or yell at the cat
Go about your business as normal Spook the cat with loud noises

Once you have tempted your cat out of hiding, watch its general demeanor. If the cat goes about its business as normal, the hiding was a one-off. If it immediately attempts to return to the hiding spot, learn why it is so uncomfortable in the open and resolve the problem.

Do Cats Hide When They Are Sick

It is very common for cats to hide when they are sick. While humans tend to want some TLC when were sick, cats are the opposite. Although cats are predators, in nature larger predators will prey upon them. Since sick or old animals make an easy target, any obvious sign of illness will alert other predators that the animal is ill. Therefore, cats have evolved to hide signs of illness and pain, note the experts at VCA animal hospitals.

This makes it easy to understand why it is hard to tell if a cat is sick. Common indicators that your cat isnt feeling well include lethargy, loss of appetite, and hiding. If your kitty tucks in somewhere, is sleeping more than usual, not eating, and refuses to come out, youll want to get her to the vet to find out what is going on.

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What Should I Do If My Cat Stops Eating And Starts Hiding More

My cat is usually really social. Loves to be cuddled, loves being around people, always crawls in my lap. Today, though, he spent the day hiding in my closet and in his cat tree. He didn’t really eat a lot of his wet food breakfast, which is usually a big event in this house. He did eat some treats I brought to him, and cuddles when I come to him, but he doesn’t really come out much. His eyes are clear, his nose feels the same as always,and he doesn’t appear to react at all to me checking his belly and limbs and such for abnormalities .

For reference, he is about three years old, an indoor cat, and the only pet in my house. I don’t have any plants or anything in my house that he could have eaten.

What should I do? Is this a wait and see situation, or a call the vet in the morning one?

  • As it seems the cat is at ease and the only symptom is his hiding and lessened apetite, I would not make a vet call yet.Mar 12 ’14 at 6:44
  • 1If you got the same burst of warm weather that we did over the last 48 hours, I would suspect a bug made a spring outing and your cat ate it. This could give him tummy upset for a few hours.Mar 12 ’14 at 10:42

If your cat is not eating at or near a normal diet the following morning, a call to the vet is definitely in order. You know your pet, and if their diet is significantly changed for more then 24-36 hours a vet exam is indicated.

Note that for some herbivores like rabbits, diet disruption gets critical in less than 24 hours.

Why Would A Cat Suddenly Start Hiding

Help! My new cat is hiding and wont come out! » AdoptaPet ...

Your cat will hide when there is something, or someone, nearby that is causing them concern. They may be frightened or just wary about something unfamiliar and might want to keep out of the way, just in case. The other significant reason why a cat might hide comes from their instinct to be self-reliant.

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Other Health Related Reasons

If your cat has dilated pupils, drools or vomits and is bleeding from the nose, mouth or gums, she may have made the mistake of toying with a venomous snake or spider. She needs to be taken to the vet right away for antivenin.

Bites even from non-venomous creatures can get infected easily and need immediate treatment. Back pain can also cause a cat to walk more stiffly.

Though rare, neurological diseases such as lumbosacral disease and intervertebral disease can affect the way a cat walks. Cancers such as sarcoma and lymphoma can have a limp be the first symptom.

Where Might My Cat Be Hiding

For a cat to choose a hiding place it must feel both private and secure. Some cats will choose an elevated position to hide, such as on top of a wardrobe. This has the added benefit that they can still observe what is going on without being seen. Other cats prefer to retreat to a ground level hiding place, somewhere as far away as possible from any activity, or other cats, usually in a dark, enclosed space.

Often not being able to see the threat is enough to reassure your cat, so you may see your cat thinking they cant be seen when they simply have their head under a towel. You might see this behaviour when you take them to the vet, for example!

Your cat might also use their hiding places as sleeping or resting areas when they are relaxed and not feeling in any danger. Its a good idea to follow some basic cat etiquette and not to disturb your cat while they are using one of their hiding places and to avoid disrupting or cleaning the areas too frequently.

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Should I Take My Cat To The Vet For Limping

You may see your cat holding up his/her paw or hopping on three legs from time to time, or you may see your cat consistently not putting any weight on his/her paw at all. Severe lameness needs prompt veterinary attention, as your cat is likely very uncomfortable and in need of medication to relieve pain.

What Changes Should I Look For In Breathing

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Breathing difficulty such as shallow breathing, mouth breathing, or panting may indicate a problem with the airways or lungs. Cats with breathing problems often will have their head and neck extended or may be unable to sleep in a normal position. Repeated bouts of sneezing or coughing are signs of health issues.

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Why Is My Cat Hiding From Me

Wheres the strangest place youve ever found your cat hiding? From the smallest nook in a closet to the most unlikely places of comfort , cats are masters of concealment. Usually, cats hide simply because theyve found a safe, warm, and comfortable place to snooze away the day. But if you have a cat for whom hiding is not a normal behavior, who suddenly starts hiding and does not want to come out, it could be an indicator that something is wrong.

Is Cat Limping An Emergency

It can be hard to know when a gimpy pet means an emergency. It never fails, your dog or cat always gets hurt at the most inconvenient time. Your regular vet may not be open, or you might have a long list of things to do. Simply inspect the cause of the limp, if pet is in pain, it is best to see your vet.

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Clean The Litter Boxes

Earlier in this article, I mentioned that cats soil the house because the litter box could be dirty. Cats have quite a strong sense of smell. It means that he can pick up even the slightest stench coming from the litter box.

And because cats are clean creatures, he will opt to go somewhere else than the dirty litter box. Now, as I mentioned, ensure that you scoop clumped litter every day. If you can, scoop soiled litter every time your cat eliminates.

Also, change the litter at least once a week. This means you empty and washes the litter box before putting in fresh litter. Your cat will be able to enjoy using the box when it does not stink of stale waste.

Why Is My Cat Hiding

Cats hiding in the closet

There are lots of reasons why a cat might hide. Cats hide to feel safe, and in order to protect themselves from things they perceive as dangerous or stressful so it’s important to find out the reasons why your cat is hiding.

Cats as a species are self-reliant, so when faced with a difficult situation your cat would naturally prefer to avoid it rather than charge in and fight.

Your cat will hide when there is something, or someone, nearby that is causing them concern. They may be frightened or just wary about something unfamiliar and might want to keep out of the way, just in case. If you leave them to it you will usually find that they will come out of hiding once the threat has gone or they have realised that whatever it was they were frightened of isnt actually scary at all.

However, if your cat is hiding for prolonged periods of time this could be an indication that they are distressed about something more permanent in the environment. This could be anything but is often other cats in the home or even a person who is over-enthusiastic in the way they interact with them. Take a look at our advice on stress relief for cats for more information to help you identify potential sources of stress for your cat.

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Is Your Cat Stressed Or Afraid

Small events like a loud family gathering or a trip to the vet or even just you feeling stressed can temporarily stress your kitty out.

Cats are predators, so they see the world as either a predator or prey.

If a cat feels threatened their first response is to avoid the threat by hiding from it. If theres more than one cat in your household, one will always dominate the others.;

If one of your cats is hiding, they might be bullied and are trying to avoid that.

Most often cats feel stressed because of a sudden change in their environment. Babies, new roommates, new pets, new furniture or a new home are all major stressors.

Cats run on instinct and usually Change = Bad.

Dont force them to come out of their hiding place, but slowly coax them out with treats or a toy or better yet, let them decide when its safe to come out.

Stress-related hiding usually only happens for a short period of time and if it continues, it might be time to check for other possible causes.

Got A Cat Hiding In Your House This Might Be Why

Anyone who has shared their home with a cat knows that cats love to hide. They love to tuck themselves into small spaces in your closet, under your bed, or in a cardboard box or paper bag left lying on the floor. Sometimes it can take a long time and a keen eye to find your cat when she is hiding.;

There are many reasons why cats hide but mostly its because they feel safe and secure when hidden. Part of this stems from the fact that cats are not only predators, they are also prey animals. So hiding is a behavior that keeps cats safe from being discovered by a predator while sleeping.;

You will also notice that your cat often curls up in places where there are soft things to snuggle into like a pile of bedding or clothing. This is because cats like to be warm so curling up in a soft blanket helps cats conserve body heat.

Lastly, cats instinctively hide when they are sick a behavior that reduces their vulnerability when they dont feel well. So if your cat suddenly starts hiding and its not normal for your cat to do so, you might consider getting a medical exam to be sure there isnt a health issue.

Kelley Bollen is a Certified Animal Behavior Consultant. She lives in Reno.

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Help My New Cat Is Hiding And Wont Come Out

There she is, under the bed, in the farthest darkest corner. Her eyes are round and big like twin yellow glowing moons, and she cowers away when you reach towards her.; What happened to the outgoing, confident, super affectionate cat you adopted at the shelter yesterday? Dont worry! Hiding behavior in cats is a TOTALLY NORMAL and healthy response to a new home! But we have some tips to help you and your new kitty relax and adjust, so youll have your new loving purring cat back in your lap in no time at all.

1. Give her time to adjust. Your cat may have been happy & relaxed in the shelter or their foster home, but since then, they may have been examined by a vet, put in a cat carrier, taken a car trip, and now are in a total alien universe filled with strange sights, sounds and smells. Every cat is different, just like every home is different. It can take a day, 5 days, a couple of weeks or more for your new cat to relax.; 2 weeks is an average adjustment time for most cats.

As long as your cat is eating, drinking, using the litter box and not showing any signs of illness, it is generally safe to leave them in their hiding spot. Many cats will venture out at night when you are sleeping and the world is quiet. If shes hiding in a closet, you can dust flour on the floor in front of the closet door to look for paw prints in the morning, to see if shes ventured out. See our previous article on Cat Hiding Behavior for more on this topic.

Cat Sleeping In A Ball

Best Place for Kitty Litter Box – The Cat Closet

A cat curled up in a ball is a common sight in colder months. This position is how a cat remains cozy.

Low Body Temperature

As Science explains, cats lose heat through their eats and footpads during sleep. This position protects these extremities.

If you find your cat in this position, check the ambient temperature. Cats need a room temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit to remain comfortable. If necessary, apply more heat sources to a cats bed.

If a cats body temperature drops below 100 degrees Fahrenheit, it is at risk of hypothermia. Do not check a cats temperature while it sleeps. Illnesses that lead to low body temperature in cats include:

  • Respiratory infections
  • Consumption of toxins
  • Heart failure

These symptoms vary from moderate to severe. Warm your cat up as they cannot sustain a body temperature below 100 degrees Fahrenheit for long. Left untreated, this can lead to fatal hypothermia.

Experiencing Pain

Cats will rarely reveal that they are in physical discomfort. Unlike other animals, cats hide in dark places to avoid detection. In the mind of a cat, pain is a sign of weakness.

This resting position is a means of relief. If your cat is sleeping curled in a tight ball and displays any of these physical traits, it is in pain:

  • Short, shallow breaths
  • Ears pinned forward on the head

Loud purring is another warning sign. Cats dont just purr for pleasure; its also a way to self-soothe when in pain.

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Give Your Cat A Safe Space

Its not uncommon for cats to be fearful of visitors or changes in their environments or routines. Fear in cats is often marked by prey behavior, which includes running away and hiding.

Dilara G. Parry, a certified cat behavior consultant, says safe spaces are an easy way for the owner to make sure that the hiding thats taking place is healthy and safe.

A sturdy cardboard box, turned on its side with a nice blanket placed inside, can be an alluring hiding space that is safe, Parry says.

Milani adds that cutting a cat-sized hole in an upside-down cardboard box is another great DIY safe space because the cat can face the opening and know nothing is coming up behind her.

Is He Regurgitating Or Vomiting

If your cat regurgitates food soon after eating, he may have a problem. Vomiting food after its been in the stomach can indicate poisoning, blockage or a host of other problems. If your cat vomits for more than a few hours or vomits repeatedly for more than a day, she probably needs to see a vet. And if any vomiting episode is accompanied by lethargy, diarrhea or reluctance to move, you should seek medical attention. When in doubt, it is always better to call the vet instead of waiting to see what will happen.

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