Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Soothe Cat Allergies

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How to Relieve Allergy to Cats : Treating Allergies

Tips to Reduce Accumulation of Pet Dander in the House Clean Your House Regularly. Clean your home regularly to reduce the accumulation of pet dander. Declutter Your Home. Bathe and Brush Your Pet Regularly. Use a HEPA Filter. Change HVAC Filters Regularly. Use a Hard Flooring Material. Restrict the Pet From Certain Areas.

My Cat Has Flea Allergy Dermatitis Symptoms So Why Can’t I Find Fleas On Them

Because cats are so meticulous, it can be difficult to find fleas or flea dirt on them. And because animals with FAD may experience a severe reaction after only a few flea bites, it can be even more difficult to find the source of the problem. Look for fleas or flea dirt around your cat’s face and neck, where they can’t groom as thoroughly. Or bring your cat to the vet for a closer inspection to determine if FAD is the cause of your cat’s discomfort.

What Causes Allergies In Cats

Allergies happen when the immune system responds in an excessive way to a protein encountered in the environment, called an allergen. The body misinterprets the allergen as being something harmful and sets up an immune reaction against it.

Common allergens for cats include:

  • flea saliva
  • food ingredients
  • chemicals that come into contact with their skin, such as flea products or shampoos.

Different allergens affect different individuals: one allergic cat might be utterly unaffected by pollens but react very severely to eating fish. In contrast, for another cat it might be the other way around. Usually, allergies take some time to develop, meaning allergies can develop against things that your cat was previously fine with. For example, a type of food or a flea control product that you have used for months or years with no problems can suddenly start to cause a reaction in your cat.

There can also be a genetic predisposition to allergies. When animals have a tendency to develop allergies to a range of allergens, this is called atopy. Atopy can be very frustrating because it is often impossible to identify all of the allergens triggering the allergic reaction, much less avoid them all especially allergens inhaled like pollens and mold. In these cases, controlling the responses to dont affect the cat too badly is the goal.

  • A bad odor

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Cat Allergies In Humans: Symptoms And Treatment

There are many things to love about cats: their unique personalities, cute antics, and cuddly naps. But cat allergies are not on the list. Many cat owners and cat lovers struggle with allergies and are looking for ways to treat their allergies so they can continue loving their feline friends.

Luckily, by understanding the symptoms and treatment for cat allergies in humans, you can understand how to manage your allergies and hopefully live a long and comfortable life with your furry friend.

Read on to learn more about cat allergies in humans, including their symptoms, how to know if you are allergic to cats, what can cause cat allergies in the first place, and how to treat and reduce allergens in your home.

Can My Cat Be Allergic To Catnip

Learn How to Help Your Cat

While acat allergic to catnipisnt unheard ofits very rare. It is more common for cats to feel some gastrointestinal discomfort if they consume too much catnip. Cats dont typically get the chance to overindulge in the good stuff, but if they do happen to eat a lot of catnip, they may have some diarrhea or vomiting for a short period of time. These negative effects typically dont last long, and if that is infact the cause, your cat might feel better once the episode is over.

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Can My Cat Have Seasonal Allergies

Hay fever isnt just for humansas you may know if your cat gets wheezy in the spring.Cat allergiescan strike at any time, but they might worsen during the blooming season, when all those lovely trees, grasses and plants release their pollens.

If you notice that your cat comes inside after an outdoor frolic with seasonal allergy symptomsfor instance, a runny nose, wheezing breath, a persistent sneeze, swollen paws or increased instances of scratchingit might be time to look for acat allergy medicine. Consult a veterinarian and check out Petcos selection ofcat allergy relief medicineto find something that will help relieve your cats discomfort.

Other Allergies That Can Affect Cats

Most allergic pets fall into one of the above categories. But there are other possibilities.

Contact allergies affect some cats. For example, a fairly common condition happens when a cat is allergic to plastic. For these kitties, plastic food bowls lead to chin acne, or skin lesions caused by their chin touching the plastic while they eat. Certain fabrics, laundry detergents, cleaning products, etc. can also cause contact allergies.As described above, anaphylactic reactions are also possible.

And some pets may suffer from reactions to other inhaled substances like perfume, scented kitty litter, or smoke.

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How To Decrease Cat Allergies

  • No more cats sleeping on the bed. Sorry, this is a small price to pay for allergy relief. If you get your symptoms under control, by all means, invite them back, but give yourself a break while you are trying to abate your symptoms.
  • Keep them out of the bedroom altogether. Close the bedroom door to try and keep the cat allergen down in the bedroom. Your bedroom should be a sanctuary from allergens. So tempt your cats to sleep elsewhere during the day.
  • Wash all bedding in 140-degree hot water at least twice monthly. This eliminates both dust mite and cat allergen .
  • Use HEPA air filters in rooms where your cats frequent. Since cat allergen is so difficult to remove, a good HEPA air purifier is essential for cleaning the air in your home. HEPA air purifiers do require continued filter replacement, but when push comes to shove and you are in need of allergy relief, a good HEPA filter will do it for you.
  • Vacuum up cat allergen with a high-grade HEPA vacuum cleaner twice weekly. Vacuum walls, carpet, flooring, chairs, and furniture … everywhere. Use the hand tools on the vacuum. Cat allergen particles are very small and invasive so you really have to do a thorough job. Good hand tools on your vacuum cleaner are the answer here. Also, installing a central vacuum will help pick up the rest.
  • Wash your hands immediately after petting your cat and do not rub your eyes. Rubbing your eyes can result in itchy eyes for hours. Use a strong anti-bacterial soap to avoid this problem.
  • Manage Irritation With Other Remedies

    How to Relieve Allergy to Cats

    If youre wary about giving your pet a pill, there are other ways to soothe your pets symptoms, including natural remedies.

    • Flea and tick preventative. Ensure your best friends skin wont be irritated by fleas.
    • Anti-itch sprays or creams. Topical treatments will provide temporary relief, giving your pet a break from all that scratching. Only use products that are made for pets, as products marketed for humans may be ineffective or toxic to your furry friend.

    If your pets allergies are severe, your veterinarian may prescribe steroids to help control inflammation. We know watching your animal suffer from allergies can be just as difficult as dealing with them yourself. No matter what method works best for you, we hope your pet is back to wanting extra belly scratches for pleasure not allergy relief in no time!

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    What Are The Symptoms Of A Pet Allergy

    Cat and dog allergens can land on the membranes that line the eyes and nose. Reactions include swelling and itching of the membranes, stuffy nose and inflamed eyes. A pet scratch or lick can cause the skin area to become red. It is common to get itchy eyes after petting an animal then touching your eyes.

    If allergen levels are low or sensitivity is minor, symptoms may not appear until after several days of contact with the pet.

    Many airborne particles are small enough to get into the lungs. For some, this exposure can cause severe breathing problems. Highly sensitive people can begin coughing, wheezing and have shortness of breath within 15 to 30 minutes of inhaling allergens. Sometimes highly sensitive people also get an intense rash on the face, neck and upper chest.

    Contact with a cat can trigger a severe asthma episode in up to three in ten people with asthma. Cat allergies also can lead to chronic asthma.

    Look For Other Allergens

    Treehugger / Jordan Provost

    Your cat could be allergic to other things besides pollen and flea saliva. Cats can have food allergies, and they can also be allergic to cigarette smoke and perfumes, as well as cleaning products, certain fabrics and scented litter. Talk to your vet. If she suspects a food allergy, you’ll likely be asked to feed a prescription or hydrolyzed protein diet. Switch to dust-free, unscented litter to see if that helps. Try unscented cleaning products and avoiding perfumes.

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    More About How To Get Rid Of Cat Allergies:

    Sensitivity to pet dander from cats and dogs are on the rise. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, they can affect as many as 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children. Conventional medicine has a few solutions such as over-the-counter and prescription antihistamine drugs, which can alleviate symptoms for some individuals, but at what cost? Many drugs cause drying of mucus membranes, which will just put you at an increased risk of developing other illnesses such as colds and sinus infections. Rather than pharmaceuticals, we hope this article will help you learn how to get rid of cat allergies naturally.

    The best medicine for cat/dog allergies is to expose children to pets before the age one. Babies raised in homes with cats/dogs as household pets had reduced risk of developing allergies by a wide margin over the childs entire life. Not only this, but it is now commonly accepted in the medical literature that exposure to pet dander as a baby also helps build up a healthy immune system in infancy.

    Checklist: Prepare These Answers Before You Visit Your Vet For The Pollen Allergy

    Cat Food Allergy Skin Problems
  • When did they first appear?
  • Has your cat had them before?
  • Did you make any changes to the catâs food, outdoor privileges or other routines recently?
  • Your vet will give your cat a thorough examination to rule out common colds and food allergies.

    After excluding the possibility of food allergies, the vet will conduct a blood test to check for antibodies, just like in a human allergy test. As a result, the expert should be able to not only tell you if your cat has a pollen allergy but also what specific types of pollen your cat is allergic to.

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    How Is A Flea Allergy In Cats Diagnosed

    The easiest way to diagnose a flea allergy in your cat is to run a flea comb through his fur. If youve noticed your cat scratching at himself more often than usual, it may point to a flea allergy. Combing through his fur may reveal fleas, and if so, you can likely deduce that they are the cause and treat accordingly.

    However, sometimes cats have groomed away the majority of the issue and you wont find any fleas when you comb through their fur. This doesnt necessarily mean that a flea allergy is not the cause, despite the fact that many allergens and other substances can cause similar symptoms.

    If this is the case, you will need to have your veterinarian conduct allergy testing to determine what it is in your cats environment that is causing the reaction, or perhaps even something like a feline food allergy. Your vet will test your cats sensitivity to flea saliva as well as to other allergens.

    You may even move forward and treat your cat for fleas even if no fleas are found during your physical examination. If the symptoms improve, youll know it was indeed a flea allergy that was causing the reaction. But if not, you will need to keep searching to find the cause.

    Delegate Dusting Vacuuming & Litter Box Cleaning Duties

    If all the above fails or just isnt feasible for any reason, the only thing left to do is delegate cleaning duties to someone whos not allergic. Offer up a trade, if you need to.

    While theyre vacuuming and cleaning the litter box, you can be handling some other chore that doesnt affect your allergies.

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    What Causes Us Cat Allergies How To Treat Your Symptoms

    Living with cat allergies can be difficult, I know. Even if you dont own any cats, some friends or co-workers might. Going over to their house can be an issue, even if they put the cat away, and do a quick clean, you could still suffer the symptoms from cat allergies.

    Fortunately, there are now ways to help manage your cat allergies. Fingers crossed you wont have to avoid that friend or colleagues house with these helpful tips.

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    So What Causes Cat Allergies

    Home Remedy for Cat with Itchy, Inflamed Skin * Allergy Relief!

    Most people dont realize, cats fur alone doesnt make people suffer from allergies, its also a protein that cats bodies produce. Thats then expelled through saliva, urine, and dander .

    Our bodies have a natural immune system thats designed to fight off nasty viruses or bacteria. You can read about a cats immunity here. People with allergies to cats tend to have an overactive immune system. It treats the protein that cats give off as a dangerous invader and attacks it as such.

    This is why when youre around cats or anything thats touched a cat, you may experience the same symptoms as a cold or flu.

    Therefore, even hairless Sphynx cats may not be the answer, because its not just cat hair that makes you allergic, its their dander or saliva also.

    That said, someone with only mild allergies might be okay with a Peterbald or any other cat listed as hypoallergenic because although they still produce dander, they produce much less than the average cat.

    However, if you have severe reactions to cat dander, getting a cat that produces less dander is not going to help you.

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    How Does A Doctor Diagnose A Pet Allergy

    Your doctor will diagnose a pet allergy based on your symptoms, physical examination, medical history and test results. Your doctor can use either a blood test or skin test to aid in the diagnosis. Allergy testing will show if there is allergic sensitization to the animal.

    Some people find it hard to believe that they could be allergic to their pets. The doctor may tell you to stay out of the home where the pet lives to see if your symptoms go away. It does not help to remove the dog or cat, because the allergen will remain. Pet allergens still in the home can cause symptoms months after the animal is gone.

    Flea Allergy Dermatitis In Cats And Dogs

    Heres something you probably didnt know: There are more than 2,000 species of fleas. But the cat flea is the one most often responsible for the misery of cats and dogs. And for some pets, fleas are not only an annoyance, they are also a source of an allergic reaction called flea allergy dermatitis . A pet that is allergic to flea saliva might scratch and chew at flea bites, and eventually suffer skin inflammation, hair loss, and sores. In addition to attending whatever sores or infections have resulted from the bites, treatment involves removing fleas from the pet and the pets environment and keeping them off the pet and out of the pets living and play spaces.

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    Is My Cat Allergic To Fleas

    Youll never meet a cat who enjoys hosting a flea infestation, but fleas are even worse for felines with flea allergies. For these cats, flea bites are particularly unpleasant, as theyre dealing with the regular itch from the bites as well as their allergic reaction to the fleas saliva. If you think your cat might have a flea allergy, look at the fleabites. They may be especially inflamed, red or oozing. Pay attention to whether your cat is scratching more heavily around their tail and hind legs and whether theyre losing fur in these areas.

    The best flea treatment for cats is preventive care. Its important toconsult your veterinarian andget yourcaton a good year-round flea medicine to help stop infestations before they start. And if you suspect your cat is allergic to fleas, its even more crucial to prevent irritation.

    Pet Seasonal Allergy Symptoms To Look For

    Cats with Allergies

    Dogs and cats show similar allergy symptoms as humans, yet they experience them most through their skin. Excessive scratching likely means itchy, irritated skin. Here are a few more symptoms to watch out for:

    • Scratching and biting their coat or skin
    • Red, inflamed, or infected skin
    • Excessive shedding
    • Compulsive paw licking in dogs
    • Boot scoots or licking their anal glands
    • Chronic ear infections or red, waxy ears
    • Respiratory issues, such as difficulty breathing, coughing, or wheezing

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    Cat Allergy Types And Plant

    You may want to do whatever it takes to get rid of the allergen before actually finding out what it is. But if you toss your cat’s food, litter, and grooming products all at once to start from scratch, you’re missing out on the opportunity to learn what you’re up against. Products powered by nature are undoubtedly better for your cat’s health, but take a methodical approach to introduce them to prevent future allergic reactions.

    Let’s start with this basic question: is the reaction caused by fleas, food, or environmental allergies?

    Flea Allergies

    You might think that in order for a pet to have an intense reaction to fleas, they would need to be visibly covered in droves of the wingless creatures. But in reality, it only takes one or two nibbles to set off an itching frenzy. This is called flea allergy dermatitis – a hypersensitivity to flea saliva. Even intermittent flea bites can cause intense itching that leads to scratching, gnawing, and licking.

    When you notice your cat scratching, examine him/her for fleas – but don’t rule out flea dermatitis if you don’t spot any. Consider that fleas are a more common problem in the summer, and can be a year-round problem in warmer climates. If your cat’s skin is irritated in the middle of a cold winter, it’s more likely to be dry skin. However, flea allergy dermatitis is the number one allergic reaction among cats, so be thorough before you write off fleas as a possibility.

    Food Allergies

    Environmental Allergies

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