Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is It Humane To Declaw A Cat

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Humane Alternatives To Declawing A Cat

‘It’s Cruel to Declaw a cat’

In the past, getting a cat declawed was a fairly common practice. However, it is widely known now that this is a major procedure and it can result in serious complications for the cat. It has even been banned in many places. Declawing a cat can potentially cause the inability to walk properly and could result in refusal to use the litter box. Cats may also become more aggressive if they feel threatened and cannot defend themselves as they normally would. Many people think that declawing a cat means theyre just getting the claws removed which is not the case. The entire first joint ends up being removed when cats get declawed. This is why its suggested to try all alternatives to declawing a cat before considering declawing.

Even if your cats know better than to use their claws on their human friends, your furniture may not be so lucky. As such, many cat owners look for alternatives that allow cats to keep their claws but still prevent accidental cat scratch injuries or ripped furniture.

Important Facts About Cat Declawing

Cats scratch for many reasons. It is normal feline behavior to help them maintain their nails, preserve muscle tone, defend themselves and mark their territories.There is a common alternative procedure to declawing called tenectomy. This involves cutting and disconnecting the tendons that extend the claws out. This also has medical consequences, however.Cats, even felines with troublesome scratching tendencies, calm down significantly as they age. So if your cat is exhibiting these behaviors, give it time!There is a rapidly growing number of veterinarians who are refusing to declaw cats. They consider it cruel and inhumane, the unnecessary form of mutilation.

Cons Of Declawing Cats

  • Weakened Self Defense

  • Cats that have had their claws removed may feel extremely cornered because their main line of defense was taken. This level of hostility can actually make them act out even more.

  • Behavior Issues

  • The hostility and pain that cats typically experience after this procedure can cause severe troublesome behavior problems. Not using the litter box is the most common. This is due to the pain that they feel in their feet, the litter box may make it worse. They will stop using it and this will become habit.

  • Its An Amputation

  • When a cat is declawed it is not just the claw that is removed. In order to remove the claw the actual toe is also shortened at the knuckles. This is equal to removing your fingertips.

  • Still Aggressive

  • If a cat has serious behavior problems, then declawing may not solve these issues. Cats still have their teeth and back claws to defend themselves or attack with.

  • Arthritis

  • The tendons that are cut during the medical procedure of declawing can cause a cat to develop arthritis in their paws. This is a very painful injury for the cat.

  • Continuing Problems

  • The bones that are left in the paw after the procedure can continue to dig into the skin. This digging is extremely painful and can cause serious problems like infections.

  • Let Cats Be Cats

  • Scratching is a completely necessary and natural trait of cats. This feline behavior is normal and should not be altered.

  • Avoidable

  • Complications

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    Redirect Your Cats Scratching

    Cats are going to scratch no matter what. It is part of their normal, healthy behavior. The trick is to get them to scratch where YOU want them to. In order to do this, youll need to provide the cat with places to scratch that are even better than your favorite upholstered chair or brand new rug. Invest in a good, sturdy cat tree with built-in scratching posts. Additionally, have at least a couple of other scratching posts and pads around the house so your cat has plenty of options for places that are OK to claw. You cant expect your cat not to scratch up your furniture if you dont provide him with any alternatives.

    Some cats prefer to claw vertical surfaces, some prefer horizontal surfaces, and some seem to be OK with both. Pay attention to your cats scratching habits so you can select the best products and maximize your chances of success. If you see them scratching an unwanted surface, redirect them to one of the scratching posts. Eventually, they will develop a routine and scratch in the appropriate places. Of course, nothing is 100% but this method has a high success rate and works great for my cats at home.

    Houston Humane Society Declaws Cats

    5 Humane Alternatives to Declawing  2 Cats and a Blog

    UPDATE 2021

    Houston Humane Society updated their declawing info to this. Houston Humane Society Declawing info

    Houston Humane Society took the declaw information off their website.

    We wanted to know if they had stopped declawing but unfortunately, according to 3 employees who work there, they are still performing this inhumane amputation procedure in their WELLNESS Clinic. They say that the cat has to be over 6 months and under 3 years old. A declaw with a spay/neuter is $145 and a declaw on its own is $200-$210. When asked if declawing is ok long term for a cat, they said thats why they have an age limit because its harder for them to heal. They said that they havent had any complaints about their declaws. They said that Dr Kevin Scruggs does the declaws with a scalpel. One employee said that they highly recommend against declawing but will do it if you ask for one.

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    Cats Claw For Several Reasons:

    to stretch their spines and muscles to exercise to shed old claw tissues to sharpen claws to alleviate boredom to mark territory

    In addition, scratching offers psychological comfort through its rhythmic action and the reassurance of self-defense by the contraction of the claws.

    The consequences of declawing are often pathetic. Changes in behavior can occur. A declawed cat frequently resorts to biting when confronted with even minor threats. Biting becomes an overcompensation for the insecurity of having no claws. Bungled surgery can result in the regrowth of deformed claws or in an infection leading to gangrene. Balance is affected by the inability to grasp with their claws. Chronic physical ailments such as cystitis or skin disorders can be manifestations of a declawed cats frustration and stress. A declawed cat may also quit using its litter box. This can happen soon after declawing or years later.

    Remember, it is always important to have an alternative scratching area for your cat. When your cat is caught scratching the furniture, chastise using the suggestion in alternative #5 and then place the cats paws on the alternative scratching post or board.

    Scratches to humans can be avoided by always handling cats gently and respectfully and leaving them alone when necessary.

    Home furnishings are expensive but a cats well-being is priceless. Your cat should trust you and depend upon you for protection. Dont betray that trust by declawing your cat.

    The Horrifying Truth About Declawing Your Cat

    September 4, 2020 by Patricia Rummel

    Imagine going to a salon and asking to have your nails trimmed, and they take out a large pair of clippers and cut your nail off at the knuckle. This is the horrifying truth about declawing your cat.

    As described by Cats International, the term declawing makes people think only the claw is removed, but a more appropriate description would be amputation/mutilation.

    Declawing fits the dictionary definition of mutilation to a tee. Words such as deform, disfigure, disjoint, and dismember all apply to this surgery. It doesnt matter how the procedure is preformed, scapula, guillotine or laser. The end result is the same EXCORIATING PAIN. This is the barbaric reality of declawing your cat.

    Sensory and motor nerves in the cats paw are cut, damaged, and destroyed. Recovery from the surgery is a slow and a painful process. The pain from declawing is life-long and normal cat behaviors are forever gone. This procedure keeps our cats from enjoying pain free things such as walking, running, springing, climbing, and stretching. This crippling procedure keeps our cats from a life of fun energetic normal cat behavior.

    So what are the alternatives to this horrible act of mutilation? There are four options to choose from, which are known to be successful.

    Cat Scratching Posts Cats will always scratch, it is in their nature. The key is to provide your cat with a post that he/she prefers over your furniture.

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    Manicure Your Cats Nails

    If you dont wish to declaw your cat you can go for trimming her nails.

    It is less expensive than surgery and also wont hurt your cat. You can simply book an appointment with the groomer for a manicure session or do it at your house. But, ask the veterinarian for tips and the right technique.

    Well, clipping her nails at home could be stressful, but if you rub her paws and legs it will make her relax, and then you can trim your cats nails. You can even use treats to control the situation.

    Or get a helping hand to trim a cats nails regularly for the safe side.

    How Much Does It Cost To Declaw A Cat

    Cat recovering from botched declaw, chemical burns

    How much does it cost to declaw a cat is one question asked amongst feline parents who want their cats sharp fingers taken away for one reason or another.

    You, like many, often think that declawing is a fast fix for unwanted scratching or attacking. Remember, claws are the first-line defense of cats, and clawing is a healthy and natural behavior of cats.

    Cat declawing alternatives would be to train your cat to behave in the desired manner. Declawing should be used as a last resort.

    Even then, you may be wondering how much does it cost to have a cat declawed, as your cat is very naughty and will make you work too much. Cost varies widely, and many veterinary hospitals are hesitant to give a rough estimate as the charges include charges of the recovery period. Let us see the average cost of the surgery.


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    We Can Help That Scratching Cat

    Every year, thousands of cats suffer the painful and humiliating experience of being declawed. People hastily declaw cats hoping to protect their furniture, as well as themselves, from potential scratches.

    It is natural for a cat to scratch, but with a little human effort you can direct that energy so that you, your cat and your furniture can comfortably live together.

    Is Declawing Cats Humane

    New York State recently made headlines for potentially becoming the first state to ban declawing cats.

    Current estimates suggest pet parents declaw about a quarter of all cats.

    While some encourage legal measures banning declawing, others think declawing is a necessary last resort for some pet parents.

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    Animal Humane Society Position On Declawing Of Domestic Cats

    Every year thousands of cats and kittens undergo unnecessary declawing procedures in an effort to eliminate natural scratching behaviors.

    Animal Humane Society opposes the elective declawing of cats and other surgical procedures performed for purely cosmetic or convenience reasons, that provide no health benefit, or subject the animal to unnecessary pain or health risks.

    Scratching is a normal and necessary feline behavior. The goal is not to eliminate the behavior but to manage it in the safest and least destructive way possible.

    We believe that veterinarians and animal welfare organizations have a responsibility to educate their clients about reasonable, effective, and humane alternatives to declawing that can reduce destructive scratching. Those alternatives include:

    • Scratching posts
    • Making furniture and other items undesirable
    • Synthetic nail caps

    Make Her Favorite Objects Less Enticing

    Can You Declaw A Cat In Missouri

    Cats scratch various things due to a variety of reasons but making it less desirable can help. They will stop spoiling your things. When she doesnt scratch things up you basically dont have to declaw her right!

    So, there are various things which can help you to make her things less appealing and attractive.

    Aluminium Foil Can Work

    Foil lacks good scratch quality. Therefore, cats dont like to scratch on foil. This can become a bonus point for us.

    We declaw our cats due to scratching problems right.

    But, if we work on preventing scratching behavior we can reduce the chance of declawing too!

    So, you can use tin foil or aluminum foil as it lacks rough texture. And, cover the surface to prevent unnecessary scratching cats behavior.

    Apply Deterrent Spray

    Similarly, you can apply a deterrent spray to avoid scratching. Due to the smell of the spray, they will stay away from the places where they used to satisfy their scratching urge.

    So, if you simply apply deterrent spray on your and her favorite things there are fewer chances of declawing your cat.

    You can use 3-in-1Kitten & Cat Training Aid it is effective to train her to keep her stay away from treated areas. It tastes bitter so if your cat scratches the carpet and then lick her claws she will not feel like coming back to the place again. One single spray can last for many days.

    Use Double Side Tapes

    You can make things unattractive for your feline friend by using double-sided tape.

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    Get Nail Covers For Your Cat

    If your cats continue to play too rough or you have a little human in the home who might get scratched, soft nail covers may be the answer. These soft caps are glued directly to the cats claws. They prevent the sharp tip of the claw from scratching. When the claw is shed, the nail cover goes with it. All you need to do is apply a new nail cover.

    It can be a bit intimidating to put the nail covers on the cats claws for the first time. A veterinarian or groomer may be able to do it for you if your cats have ticklish toes. Further, the cats claws will need to be trimmed before the nail covers can be applied. The caps last approximately 30 days and they come in a variety of colors,. So, you can have fun with it if you choose to try this as one of the alternatives to declawing a cat.

    Also Sounds Like They Dont Want To Hear From Any Of Us Or Let The World Know About This Injustice Since They Just Keep Deleting Every Single Comment On Their Social Media Pages That People Post That Are Respectful And Educational Then They Also Block The People Who Write These Inspiring Comments

    Its sad that these kind of people just dont want to do the right thing when it comes to declawing cats at their humane society.

    If you post a respectful and educational comment on their instagram or fb page then please get a screenshot of it and send it to me. Here are some of the many examples of what people are writing and then they are deleting.

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    The Truth About Cats And Scratching

    Scratching is normal cat behavior. It isn’t done to destroy a favorite chair or to get even. Cats scratch to remove the dead husks from their claws, mark territory, and stretch their muscles.

    Cats are usually about 8 weeks old when they begin scratching. That’s the ideal time to train kittens to use a scratching post and allow nail trims. Pet caregivers should not consider declawing a routine prevention for unwanted scratching. Declawing can actually lead to an entirely different set of behavior problems that may be worse than shredding the couch.

    Alternatives To Declawing Cats

    Cat Declawing Debate

    There are several alternatives to declawing cats, although effectiveness may vary depending on a cat’s age and temperament. Some of the more prevalent alternatives to declawing cats are:

    Here is a link to the American Association For Feline Practitioners brochure about alternatives to declawing your cat:

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    Protecting Furniture From Cat Scratching Damage

    So if declawing is inhumane, how can you protect your belongings from cat claw damage? Luckily, there are several things you can do to ensure that your cat’s claws can exist in harmony with your furniture and other household items. These include:

    Providing enough cat scratching surfaces that have the qualities that are important to cats is one of the most important and effective ways for you to minimize cat scratching damage to your home. A cat that has access to scratching posts that meet their needs for marking territory, stretching muscles, and relieving stress will almost always choose to use them rather than the less attractive options of furniture and carpet.

    Training your cat to use a scratching post involves making the post as attractive as possible for scratching while simultaneously rendering undesirable any unacceptable surfaces that he may be using. You can learn exactly how to do both things in the article “How to Train Your Cat or Kitten to Use a Scratching Post.”

    Introducing Cats & Dogs Faqs

    How do I prepare to introduce my new cat to my dog?

    Its up to you to properly introduce your new cat to your dog, and to set up introductions carefully so that the cat feels safe and has a pleasant experience getting acquainted with your dog.

    At first, confine your new cat in a room with her food, water and litter box. You can start to introduce your cat and your dog by the doorway to that room. Fill your pockets with treats for the dog, like bite-sized pieces of chicken or cheese, and treats that your cat loves as well, such as bits of meat or tuna.

    Keep the door open but block it with a baby gate. Walk the dog slowly by the doorway several times each day for a couple of days. Praise and treat him for calm behavior, and then toss the cat a treat as well. This way, your cat will associate your dog with delicious treats. If your dog overreacts to the cat, distract him and get his attention focused on you.

    Avoid accomplishing this by using leash corrections. Instead, get your dogs attention by asking him to do basic obedience skills, like Sit and Down. Use delicious treats to reward him for his obedience in the presence of something as tempting and distracting as the cat!

    Your cat should be free to approach the baby gate to get closer to the dog or to retreat if she wants to. Reward her any time she approaches the baby gate by tossing her treats.

    What if my cat seems scared?

    What if my cat doesnt seem afraid?

    Should my dog be on a leash during the introduction?

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