Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is Lavender Plant Safe For Cats

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Cats And Lavender Essential Oils

If you have a lavender plant on your windowsill and your curious kitty confuses it for a chew toy, don’t rush them to the vet. Chances are, they will be just fine. It’s the pure form of lavender essential oil that can be threatening and even deadly for cats.

This is because essential oils vaporize quickly and are easily absorbed into the skin. While a few drops on your wrists may make you feel relaxed, felines don’t have the enzyme needed to metabolize lavender oil. If consumed or applied to your kitty’s skin, lavender essential oil can cause stress and damage to their liver.

When diffusing lavender for aromatherapy, the concentration of oils being humidified is relatively low. Still, resist temptation to diffuse around your cat. The diffused oils can still cause respiratory problems. And, if any droplets land on your cat, they can get sick from licking their paws later.

Lavender contain linalyl acetate and linlool, compounds that are toxic to cats. If absorbed or ingested, these compounds can cause lavender poisoning. 

Symptoms Of Lavender Poisoning In Cats

Many of the symptoms of lavender poisoning in cats are similar to those caused by most toxins. They include:

  • Gastrointestinal distress such as diarrhea and vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Drooling
  • Low energy levels

In addition to those outward signs, your cat will also experience symptoms that are not so obvious, such as nausea, dizzy spells, respiratory distress, and a low heart rate.

Unfortunately, as you might be well aware, cats are not good at displaying symptoms of distress. It is an evolutionary trait among predators, as showing weakness in the wild can put you in a very precarious position.

This means that you might not always be able to tell that your cat is suffering from lavender poisoning. However, drooling and excessive licking are two common indicators of a sick cat. If you notice those signs, observe the animal closely to look for the other outward indicators of lavender poisoning, such as a lack of appetite, low energy levels, and diarrhea.

You could also hold the kitty to look for an erratic heart rate and rapid breathing, as these are signs of a distressed cat.

Therapeutic Uses Of Lavender Essential Oil For Dogs

A handful of products and websites claim that lavender essential oil when inhaled by your dog rather than ingested can reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. Some suggest adding a few drops of the oil to your dogs collar or in their bedding, or simply diffuse the scent throughout your home.

While the scientific literature on this is still pretty scarce, a few scientific studies have concluded that lavender aromatherapy may, indeed, help dogs relax. For example,this study from 2006 states that dogs spent significantly more time resting and sitting and less time moving and vocalizing when exposed to the scent.This study from 2005 reported similar findings.

At the end of the day, mild exposure to lavender aromatherapy will not hurt your dog, and it may even provide positive effects. That said, its possible that other treatments may be more effective if your dog struggles with anxiety or restlessness on an ongoing basis, and its worth talking to your vet about which options are available to you. Also, your dog should not have direct access to the oil itself and should not ingest it.

The Most Obvious Cat Safe Outdoor Plants

While it probably really isnt necessary to call out these two plants because they have the word cat in their name, Im gonna do it anyway.

Catnip  While probably the most obvious and the most likely to pop to mind when asked what cats go nuts for, it is definitely a go to choice worth calling out. Catnip is easy to acquire at places like Home Depot and looks respectable in any garden. Itll also make your cat either really hyper or really happy, my experience is that it depends on the specific cat!

Cat Grass Cat grass is one of the most common types of plants youll see made available for cats because they love to eat it. If youre curios why you can check out my article on cat grass here and you can also find out how to. You can buy a great cat grass starter kit here:

Or if you’d prefer to grown your own you can read my article on how to grow your own here. Cat grass is super easy to grow and it grows really quickly too so it makes a nice filler in a pot or right in the garden!

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What About Lavender Lotions And Diffusers

Purple Passion Plant Care: How To Grow Gynura Aurantiaca ...

But back to my goodies. I wasnt planning on feeding lavender to my cats. I dont even have a lavender plant. I want to use my room deodorizers and reed diffuser. I want to wear the lavender scented lotion. What about those? And what about that calming collar?

Dr. Melissa Shelton, who has pioneered the use of essential oils to treat animals, has used lavender in diffusers for years. When she first started, she watched her kitties closely and did lots of blood work to make sure they were healthy. She continued to monitor them to make sure no abnormalities were developing. Based on this and her observation of her cats behavior, she went on to explore further the use of essential oils for cats.

I feel pretty comfortable that my reed diffuser is fine to use around my cats. Of course, I have made sure they cant get to it where they might ingest the oil and they can leave the room to get away from it.

If my cats dont like the way something I have used smells, they let me know by moving away from me or it. It is unlikely that any hand or body lotion would contain enough lavender to create any kind of a problem but, to be safe, some recommend you wait until it is completely absorbed before touching your cat. I do that with any lotion anyway.

The collar ingredients state pheromones 6% and inert ingredients of 94%. Theres no mention of the lavender or chamomile so I called the company. They should be getting back to me in a day or two and I will update this post.


Is Dried Lavender Safe For Cats

Table of Contents

Is Dried Lavender Safe For Cats? The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals states the common lavender plant contains linlool and linalyl acetate, two compounds toxic to cats . Basically, in any form, lavender can make your kitty sick as heck.

Is lavender safe for cats? Unfortunately for cats, lavender is toxic. Lavender essential oil is perhaps even worse for a cat than the plain plant. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals states the common lavender plant contains linlool and linalyl acetate, two compounds toxic to cats. Cats can also get sick from licking lavender essential oil diffuser sticks or licking your hand if youve just rubbed lavender essential oil on something. The safe thing to do is avoid using lavender essential oil in these diffusers if you have one. Treating a cat suffering from lavender poisoning totally depends on how much said cat ingested and which symptoms are presenting themselves. If she lapped up a giant pool of lavender essential oil or chomped down on a bunch of lavender sprigs, its best to reach out to the ASPCAs Animal Poison Control Center or your vet ASAP. Whatever you do, dont induce vomiting or administer medicine before speaking to a vet or poison control center employee.

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Feline Friendly Essential Oils For Cats

Humans and cats have a natural understanding that goes way back in time, as far back as 3,600 BC. It has only improved with time. Today there are well over 500 million domesticated cats worldwide with the US claiming up to 88 million of those.

That makes them the most popular pets, and not just because they are really cool but also because 90% of their brain is similar to that of a human. That explains why Stubbs the Cat was a very successful mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska; leading people for a whopping 15 years.

But owning a cat goes beyond just the social and good understanding. There is strong evidence suggesting that owning a feline the risk of heart attack and stroke by a third. Additionally, cat owners are generally more open to new experiences and are 17% more likely to be college/university graduates with at least one degree. That is to say there are endless reasons to keep and love a cat.

Even so, taking care of a domestic feline is totally different from taking care of other pets, especially when essential oils are concerned. If you are a cat owner who also enjoys the occasional scent of essential oils you may want to read on and learn how you can get the best of both without risking the safety of your cat.

Plants That Deter Cats Citronella

Also referred to as the mosquito plant as it helps keep mosquitoes at bay, Citronella also works to help repel cats. Citronella is a geranium that emits a pleasant citrus-like scent that humans enjoy, but cats, mosquitoes, and other insects do not.

Citronella works in garden beds or containers placed throughout the patio and along walkways where they are brushed up against to release its scent.

Do not over-fertilize these plants, as the excess nitrogen reduces the leaves fragrance. Although a perennial, Citronella is a fragile plant and does not do well in cold climates.

Always move indoors before the first frost hits, or treat it as an annual. The plant prefers part shade and requires well-draining, light soil that is kept on the drier side.

Are Cacti Safe For Dogs

I think everyone has owned a cactus at some point, since theyre so easy to care for and make a nice structural decorative plant. But are cacti safe for dogs? Well, surprisingly they are not toxic to dogs, although the sap of certain species can cause gastrointestinal trouble. However, the spines will definitely cause pup-set, either pricking your pups nose or causing internal injury if eaten. So keep your cacti collection out of reach of any curious canines and you should be okay.

Some more dog-friendly houseplants include:

Plant name
Areca palm Dypsis lutescens
Banana plant Musa
Boston fern Nephrolepis exaltata
Calathea Calathea
Dendrobium orchid Dendrobium gracilicaule
Holiday cacti Schlumbergera
Peperomia Peperomia
Polka dot plant Hypoestes phyllostachya
Ponytail palm Beaucarnea recurvata
Purple waffle plant Strobilanthes alternata
Rabbits foot fern Davallia bullata
Spider plants Chlorophytum comosum
Hoya carnosa

Are Diffusers Bad For Cats

Most essential oils pose a toxic risk to cats. A cats liver is short of an essential enzyme which means they have a problem getting rid of certain toxins.

In particular they are sensitive to both phenols and phenolic compounds which are both found in essential oils.

Always leave a door open in the room you are using your diffuser so the cat has an escape route. Keep your essential oils in a high cupboard where prying paws and tongues cannot reach.

Avoid essential oils known to be highly toxic to cats. These include but arent limited to:

  • Pine oils
  • Peppermint oil
  • Clove oil

Symptoms of toxic poisoning in cats include tremors, vomiting, drooling, unsteady on their feet, struggling to breathe, feeling cold, low heart rate and liver failure.

Essential oils that are known to cause poisoning in cats include oil of wintergreen, oil of sweet birch, citrus oil , pine oils, Ylang Ylang oil, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, pennyroyal oil, clove oil, eucalyptus oil, and tea tree oil.

Symptoms that develop depend on the type of oil involved in the exposure and can include drooling, vomiting, tremors, ataxia , respiratory distress, low heart rate, low body temperature, and liver failure.

Using Essential Oils For Cats

Diffusion and highly diluted topical uses will be addressed in this article as both have received support on their safety from various resources.

If you are using the diffusion method, here are additional safety measures to consider:

  • There must be good ventilation
  • The oils must be diffused for a short period of time
  • The cat must be exposed to the oils in a space that allows for easy access to be able to escape the room if needed
  • If applying directly to your cats coat, do not use the oils around their eyes, ears, nose, or genitals. It is very important to dilute essential oils if you are planning to use them topically to best avoid any adverse reactions.

    Essential oils are only safe at highly diluted levels of at least 50:1 . Some carrier oils that can be used are coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, or almond oil.

    Some adverse reactions to look out for are:

    • Distress

    Does A Plant Have To Be Deadly To Be Classified As Toxic

    This is where the confusion and varying opinions come in to play. The answer is a resounding NO! Plants dont have to be deadly to be classified as toxic. Toxic can mean anything from a little will kill to a whole lot will cause an upset stomach. A toxic plant list tells you nothing about how much is dangerous.

    Lavender falls into the a whole lot will cause an upset stomach category. Ingesting the plant or flowers may cause a mild GI upset with nausea and vomiting, according to the ASPCA. Moderation is the key and I think most cats are good at the moderation part on their own.

    Keeping Your Cat Safe In The Garden

    [Feline 101] Cat

    It’s harder to protect your cats outdoors as they will have a greater territory than just your garden. However, thankfully, as cats are discriminate eaters, they are unlikely to try eating anything unfamiliar and will most likely spend their time nibbling on safe grass or watching everything else going on out there.

    To help keep your cat safe outdoors:

    • Familiarise yourself with outdoor plants poisonous to cats and avoid having these in your garden altogether
    • Promptly clear up any prunings
    • Keep bulbs such as tulips and daffodils out of reach

    Outdoor plants dangerous to cats

    First Aid For Poisoned Cats

    As well as hazardous plants and flowers, there are items around the house that can cause poisoning in cats. If you can see the poisonous substance, take your cat away from it and call your vet for advice. They may want to see your cat immediately. Making your cat sick may not be helpful.

    If you have evidence of what your cat has eaten, take a sample to the vet. Even a sample of vomit may help diagnosis, particularly if it is an unusual colour or contains plant matter.

    Most importantly, don’t panic. Seek advice from your vet immediately and they’ll be able to help.

    Is Lavender Toxic To Cats

    Health & NutritionPet Products

    I love lavender. I love the flowers, the scent, the color. I love everything about lavender, so imagine my delight when I recently won a gift bag full of lavender scented items. There was a lovely reed diffuser, body wash, moisturizer, even some laundry detergent.

    Then someone said, I hope you dont have cats! Oh, but I do. I have three cats. Then I had a little flicker in the back of my mind that reminded me I heard recently lavender is toxic to cats. So I put all those treasures away and didnt think much more about them.

    Then I also remembered that I have been using lavender scented air fresheners around my cats for years. What harm might I have done?

    Is Lavender Safe For Dogs

    • Lavender contains a small amount of linalool, which is toxic to dogs and cats.
    • Lavender poisoning is possible and results in vomiting, reduced appetite and other symptoms.
    • However, mild exposure to lavender is not generally harmful and may help with anxiety, depression and stress.
    • Aromatherapy is safer for dogs than giving your dog lavender essential oil to ingest.

    Even if youre not fully integrated into the essential oils trend, you may already be well versed in the soothing, calming powers that lavender can have on people. Numerous scientific studies have even been conducted to test these claims,such as this one, which conclude that theres evidence for the relaxing effect of inhaling lavender oil. Lavender oil, and the plant itself, can even be safely ingested by humans to achieve similar calming effects.

    The question were addressing today is whether its safe to administer lavender in all its forms to our canine friends and if the same benefits even apply. Heres what you need to know.

    Lemon Juice Cat Repellent Spray

    A quick and simple way to deter cats from your garden is to make up a lemon juice spray. Some people dilute the lemon juice with water, but itll be most effective if you use it neat. Lemon juice is available cheaply from virtually all supermarkets.

    You can, of course, buy some online and have it delivered to you. Or if youve got a supply of lemons at home, you could squeeze the juice out of them instead. In any case, its worth noting that cats abhor the smell of citrus.

    Sure, you could substitute lemon juice with orange juice or citronella, for example. But, lemon juice is a quick, easy, and cheap way to make a homemade cat repellent spray.

    Dont be afraid to coat everything outdoors with the spray, such as fence panels, paths, soil, and so on. For a start, you could focus on the entry and exit points for cats in your garden. Doing so will most likely keep the cats away. But, you can spray other areas where they frequent as well.

    Is Lady Palm Safe For Cats

    Lavender seems to be everywhere — in kitchen cabinets, soaps and sachets, herb gardens and even medicine chests. Humans just cannot seem to get enough of this beautiful, aromatic plant. But does lavender pose a threat to our beloved felines? Reliable authorities indicate that lavender, in moderation, is safe.

    What Is Lavender Poisoning

    While a lavender plant itself isn’t toxic to your cat, formulations from the plant can be. Your cat can eat a lot of lavender and may suffer only an upset stomach, but on the other hand, lavender essential oil can be deadly for your pet because of its concentration. A cat’s liver lacks several specific enzymes that helps it to safely process the volatile compounds in essential oils, so these should be kept far away from your cat.

    Lavender Poisoning Average Cost

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    How Can Cats Enjoy Mint Safely

    You should always keep in mind that the ASPCA has listed both garden mint and catnip as toxic plants for cats. With that said, not all cats will be adversely affected by catnip. Consult your veterinarian for the safety risks of exposing your specific feline to catnip.

    If your vet determines that it is safe for your cat to play with catnip, then you should continue to take the proper precautions. As a responsible pet owner, you should always be in control of your cats environmental surroundings.

    Never let your feline ingest a significant amount of catnip. Instead of presenting the catnip as a potted plant, consider letting your cat play with toys that have catnip securely hidden inside. This allows your cat to enjoy the smell of the plant without being tempted to consume it.

    Related Questions

    Why Do Cats Love Mint?About 75% of cats experience a great attraction to mint, stemming from the organic compound called Nepetalactone. This organic compound occurs naturally in catnip, and it can act as a stimulant or sedative, depending on the cats tolerance and sensitivity levels.

    Is Peppermint Oil Safe for Cats? Because essential oils feature highly concentrated substances, they are not recommended for use with cats. This includes peppermint oil and other mints that are presented in the form of essential oils.

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    Rosemary Plants That Keep Cats Away

    10 Plants Poisonous to Cats and Dogs

    Rosemary is a woody perennial native to the Mediterranean. The perennial not only helps repel cats from your garden but is also extremely useful in cooking. When planting Rosemary, keep in mind that it prefers a dry and relatively warm climate, and it does not do well in soggy soil or cold temperatures.

    Use a high-quality compost with a pH of 7 as these plants prefer neutral to alkaline soil. For those living in areas colder than Zone 9 based on the US hardiness map, Rosemary works best when planted in a container as you can move it indoors when the weather changes.

    Rosemary may also work as a summer annual rather than a perennial plant. Containers alongside the patio or near flower beds can also help to repel cats, as it is the smell the plant emits that chases them off.

    Can Cats Eat Lavender

    Its one thing to let your cat sniff around a lavender plant, but its another to let them actually eat it.

    Curious kitties will likely try and nibble any plants that you keep in the home, including lavender. While its not as toxic as some other plants, such as the truly deadly lily, lavender may cause digestive upset in your cat if they ingest too much.

    While lavender isnt generally listed as a toxic plant for cats, lavender contains two chemicals called linlool and linalyl acetate, both of which may cause nausea and vomiting in cats. So how much is too much? Here are some tips:

  • Only let your cat nibble lavender-they should never take huge bites.
  • If your cat is obsessed with your lavender plant, move it someplace where your cat cant reach it.
  • If you notice your cat eating lavender, be careful and monitor them for any signs that its making them ill, such as drooling, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • The key with lavender and any other nontoxic herb is moderation. Tiny tidbits may be fine, but cats that eat too much may become seriously ill.

    Cinnamon Rosemary And Vinegar Spray

    Heres a recipe that is not used as often but should be because its got a high success rate!

    To create this cat repellent spray, you first need to boil half a litre of water. Once the water has reached boiling point, add in a couple of teaspoons of cinnamon and dried rosemary. Mix it all together and leave it to stand overnight.

    Next, add half a cup of apple cider vinegar and pour the contents into a spray bottle. Give it a good shake, and then you are good to go.

    This combination is potent And thats why it works!

    What Plants Are Unsafe For Dogs

    If youre worried your garden is home to something toxic to dogs, you can check our poisonous plants for dogs guide. Some plants are only known to be mildly toxic, so they could be paw-fectly safe in your garden as long as they fenced off or in a raised bed and your dog isnt able to snack on them.

    Your dogs habits are just as im-paw-tent to consider when deciding what is safe and what isnt. For instance, if your pup considers the garden their paw-sonal salad bar, then you should avoid anything thats known to cause sickness or toxicity in dogs because your pup is simply much more likely to explore the garden through their mouths and make themselves ill.

    Most dogs usually wont eat anything that seems unappetising, which helps to keep them safe from anything that could make them sick.

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