Saturday, July 27, 2024

Do Cats Get Spayed Or Neutered

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Should You Get Cat Spayed or Neutered? | Cat Care

When you opt to have your cat spayed or neutered, the total price is ultimately determined by your chosen method. Of course, you can take your cat to your trusted veterinarian for the procedure. But there are plenty of low-cost options for you if you cant afford high fees.

Private veterinary facilities can range quite a bit in price.

Spayed Females Can Live Longer

Did you know that spaying your female pets can actually increase their lifespan? When you have your pets spayed, they will be much less likely to develop breast cancer or uterine infections. For the best chance of protecting your cat or dog against these diseases, you should have their spayed before they go into heat for the first time. However, if you have older pets, you will still be reducing the risks of these diseases by spaying your pets now.

When Should I Spay Or Neuter My Animal

To decide an accurate time to spay or neuter your pet, you should reach out to an animal hospital and veterinarian to determine this for your animal. According to the ASPCA, puppies are typically spayed or neutered between six and nine months, but can be as young as eight weeks if your veterinarian decides they are healthy. Cats are usually spayed or neutered any time between eight weeks and five months old.

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What If I Think My Cat Is Already Pregnant

Most cats dont display physical symptoms until two or three weeks into a pregnancy. If you suspect a pregnancy, get in touch with your vet as soon as possible. Some vets neuter female cats while theyre pregnant, ending the pregnancy and preventing future pregnancies at the same time. To find out more, ask your vet about their policies regarding spaying.

For Community Cats Sterilizing All Cats In A Colony Through Trap

A Roundtable Discussion on Cats for Spay/Neuter Awareness ...

TNR is the only effective and humane approach to community cats. It involves humanely trapping the cats, taking them to a veterinarian to be vaccinated, neutered, and eartipped , and then returning them to their outdoor home. Ending the cats breeding cycles will allow them to live out their natural lives without having to worry about the constant stress of pregnancies and mating. Plus, TNR doesnt cause colonies to disappear overnightthe cats live out their natural lifespans and the colonies slowly decline in population over years.

Studies confirm that once TNR stops reproduction and mating behaviors, the cats relationship with residents improves. Colonies become quieter as behaviors like yowling and fighting stop, calls to authorities about the cats decrease significantly, and community morale improves.8 In a 2002 study conducted by prominent researcher Julie Levy, DVM, community cat caregivers reported that cats tended to roam less after neutering, which is beneficial for their safety and reduces conflict with neighbors.

With decreased competition for mating, the cats are also less likely to suffer injuries. A study of a feral cat colony in London conducted by leading cat biologists and TNR pioneers Dr. Jenny Remfry and Peter Neville found that cats were more affectionate toward each other after neutering, spending more time in groups and fighting less.

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What If My Cat Is Constipated After Neuter Surgery

It is normal for cats to have some constipation after neuter surgery. Monitor the stool being passed, and if you notice 48-72 hours of no feces, contact your veterinarian, since dehydration and other factors may be at play.

Do not give over-the-counter laxatives, supplements, or enemas to cats. Many of these products are toxic and can cause serious and life-threatening side effects.

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When Is The Best Time To Spay Or Neuter Your Cat

When to Spay or Neuter Your Cat. There are three general options: Early or pediatric spay/neuter is done at six to eight weeks of age. Standard spay and neuter at five to six months. Finally, waiting until after the first heat, somewhere between eight to twelve months of age, he says.

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Top 5 Reasons For Spaying Or Neutering

  • It helps to reduce companion animal overpopulation. Most countries have a surplus of companion animals and are forced to euthanize or disregard their great suffering. The surplus is in the millions in the United States. Cats are 45 times as prolific, and dogs 15 times as prolific, as humans. They do not need our help to expand their numbers they need our help to reduce their numbers until there are good homes for them all.
  • Sterilization of your cat or dog will increase his/her chance of a longer and healthier life. Altering your canine friend will increase his life an average of 1 to 3 years, felines, 3 to 5 years. Altered animals have a very low to no risk of mammary gland tumors/cancer, prostate cancer, perianal tumors, pyometria, and uterine, ovarian and testicular cancers.
  • Sterilizing your cat/dog makes him/her a better pet, reducing his/her urge to roam and decreasing the risk of contracting diseases or getting hurt as they roam. Surveys indicate that as many as 85% of dogs hit by cars are unaltered. Intact male cats living outside have been shown to live on average less than two years. Feline Immunodeficiency Syndrome is spread by bites and intact cats fight a great deal more than altered cats.
  • The capture, impoundment and eventual destruction of unwanted animals costs taxpayers and private humanitarian agencies over a billion dollars each year. As a potential source of rabies and other less serious diseases, they can be a public health hazard.
  • Why Should I Get My Cat Neutered

    Differences Between Neutered & Un-Neutered Cats : General Cat Health

    There are lots of reasons why its a good idea. Heres just a few:

    For male cats:

    • Neutering reduces their chance of catching feline immunodeficiency virus , an incurable disease similar to HIV in humans which is spread by saliva usually from bite wounds during fights.
    • Unneutered cats that are confined can become frustrated and may try any escape route including out of your top floor window.
    • Neutering cats reduces their urge to roam and fight so theyre less likely to go missing, get hit by cars, or get hurt.

    For female cats:

    • Spaying cats, especially if its done when theyre young, greatly reduces the risk of them getting breast cancer and infection of the womb . Both of these can be fatal.
    • Pregnancy and birth can carry significant risks to a cat.

    For you:

    • A female cat can produce up to six kittens, three times a year. Thats a lot of mouths to feed.
    • It can be very stressful trying to make sure your cat doesnt get pregnant and, if she does, youve got the worry of caring for her through her pregnancy, birth and the rearing of her litter. And thats before the challenge of finding good homes for the kittens.
    • Female cats that arent spayed often come into season over and over again, which means they can be almost continuously in heat. This can be exhausting and usually attracts a queue of amorous and vocal tomcats to the house.
    • Unneutered male cats tend to urine-mark their territory, including your house, with a powerful and unpleasant scented urine.

    For cat-kind:

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    Reduces Risk Of Roaming

    When female cats go into heat, both her hormones and instincts are urging her to find a mate. And if she’s your only cat, she’ll try to escape every time you open the door so that she can find one. Remember that males are also driven by hormones and the mating instinct, and will try their best to escape for the same reason. Both males and females are at risk outdoors of being injured as they cross roads and highways to mate. By neutering your cat, you’ll reduce this wanderlust and find they’re happy to stay put in the safe, comfy spot next to you on the couch.

    What To Expect After Cat Spaying Or Neutering

    Cat spaying requires owners to learn a few things about pre-surgical preparation and post-surgical care. Though spaying or neutering are not uncommon, still you need your kitty to remain free from any danger and receive your love and care.

    Cat spaying or neutering is one of the most commonly performed surgical pet procedures. Though the procedure has multiple health benefits for cats, many pet parents worry about its effect on their felines behavior and personality. It is a misconception that spaying and neutering alter a pets personality rather, the procedure of spaying cat helps curb negative behavior. When we refer to cat neutering, it connotes removal of uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries in a female kitty. The most common medical term for ovary and uterine ablation or removal is ovariohysterectomy.

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    Reasons To Neuter Your Male Cat

    1. Reduce unwanted kittens and reduce exposure to disease – Reasons 1 and 3 above apply to males and females. Additionally, new young tomcats in the neighborhood may threaten other cats. Typically, these older Tom cats wont hesitate to fight for territory or other females. This can increase the risk of contracting FIV and/or FeLV from fighting and biting, not to mention receiving a nasty cat bite abscess too. These also require a vets visit so reason number 2 above also applies!

    2. Un-neutered Tomcats will stray further away from home – These cats will risk crossing busy roads to find females and sadly may be the victim of a road accident.

    3. Tomcats may start to scent-mark their home – This stinks and is very hard to remove. Ive heard reports of cats spraying beds, walls, and even a fruit bowl. Yuck!!

    What If I Dont Spay Or Neuter My Cat

    Why Is It So Important to Spay and Neuter Cats?

    Some people choose not to neuter their cats. If you decide to keep your cat intact, bear the following points in mind:

    • Unneutered cats roam away from home more often, so theyre at increased risk of being hurt in a traffic accident if you let your cat outdoors.
    • Male unneutered cats are more aggressive than their neutered counterparts.
    • Female cats go into season once every three months. While in season, theyre noisier, more anxious and far more demanding.
    • Unspayed female cats have up to three litters per year, with as many as six kittens in each litter and that can get expensive.
    • Many unspayed female cats develop mammary cancers by the time theyre six or seven years old. If you decide to leave your female cat intact, check her regularly for lumps and speak to your vet if youre concerned.

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    Benefits Of Neutering Your Male Cat

    Population Control

    While male cats don’t actually have kittens themselves, one unneutered male cat in your neighborhood can make many female cats pregnant. That’s why neutering male cats is as important as spaying females when it comes to population control!

    Health Issues

    Neutering your male cat may help slow the spread of serious cat diseases such as Feline immunodeficiency virus and Feline leukemia virus that are often spread between cats during fights. Neutering can help to reduce cat aggression and may mean fewer injuries from fighting. Neutered males also tend to stay closer to home which helps to reduce their risk of being injured by vehicles.

    Deter Undesirable Behaviors

    Unneutered male cats typically spray inside the home more than neutered males and may be aggressive towards their owners. Having your male kitten neutered while young can help to prevent these behaviors from starting. Also, male cats who are not neutered, frequently roam over large areas in search of unspayed females to mate with. These males will spray to mark their territory and often fight with other male cats which can be bothersome, noisy, and smelly.

    What Complications Can There Be With Spaying

    The biggest complications associated with spaying come from the potential weight your cat can gain, which in turn can lead to serious health conditions. Diabetes and joint disease are both linked to obesity in cats, while sedentary or indoor cats can end up with digestive issues due to a lack of movement and lots of time spent grooming themselves.

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    Are There Any Downsides To Spaying/neutering My Cat

    You may have heard that early castration causes male cats to get cystitis, bladder blockages, or even orthopedic problems. Fortunately, there is no evidence to back up those claims.

    Neutering does involve a short general anesthesia. This is low-risk in a young healthy cat. If its done before 5 months, the operation is quicker, and they recover faster. For more information about anesthesia, check out the CatFriendlywebsite!

    A neutered cats metabolism will slow a bit. This may put your cat at risk for becoming overweight. Consult your vet for the best dietary advice. Great diets exist for young neutered pets to ensure they get the right nutrients and correct calorie intake.

    How Can You Pay For Spaying Or Neutering Your Cat

    Everything You Need To Know About Cat Spaying & Neutering

    Having your cat spayed or neutered can feel like an overwhelming expense, but the right pet insurance coverage could help take the bite out of hefty vet bills.

    In addition to our base policy, which covers your cat for accidents and illnesses, Lemonade pet insurance also offers a Kitten Preventative care package, designed especially for young cats. This coverage can help pay for things like: spaying and neutering, microchipping, and their first rounds of vaccinations. Although they cant express it in words, your kitten will be grateful for setting them up for a long and healthy life. Your wallet will thank you too.

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    Why You Need To Spay Your Cats

    In general, domestic cats can hit puberty at around five months of age. However, certain breeds can sexually mature earlier than four months.

    Also, frequent mood swings and irregular pattern of behaviors can take a toll on its mental and physical wellbeing.

    If your feline goes into heat more often than necessary, it can lead to a stressful and unstable life.

    She can develop behavioral issues, lose weight, and may exhibit aggressiveness.

    Having her spayed doesnt only contribute to reducing feline overpopulation, but it also provides health benefits for your kitty.

    Medical studies show that spaying a cat before her first heat cycle significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer.

    Mammary cancers are more common in felines than other species.

    However, the condition becomes less aggressive when there is no reproductive activity.

    Spaying also eliminates the possibility of ovarian and uterine cancers in your kitty.

    How Does Castration Affect Behavior

    The only behaviors affected by castration are those under the influenceof male hormones . A cats temperament, training, and personality are the result of genetics and upbringing, and are generally unaffected by the presence or absence of male hormones. Castration is unlikely to calm an overactive cat or decrease aggression toward people. Since the male brain is masculinized by the time the kitten is born, castration will reduce some, but not all of the sexually dimorphic male behaviors. If performed prior to sexual maturity castration will help to prevent the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as penile barbs, large jowls, and glands at the dorsal part of the cats tail.

    “The only behaviors affected by castration are those under the influence of male hormones.”

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    When Should I Spay Or Neuter My Pet

    As part of the battle against pet overpopulation, it used to be common practice to spay and neuter young pets as soon as it was safe to do so, and sterilization still is routinely performed on shelter puppies and kittens. When it comes to privately-owned pets in secure homes, here are AAHAs most recent recommendations.

    • Cats: Female kittens can enter their first heat cycle as young as four months, but usually not until they are five or six months old. AAHA has endorsed the Fix Felines by Five initiative, which recommends sterilization of cats by five months of age. This recommendation prevents unwanted litters and greatly decreases mammary cancer risks in female cats as well as spraying/marking in male cats, but still allows kittens time to grow. Kittens sterilized at this age quickly bounce back from surgery.
    • Dogs: According to the AAHA Canine Life Stage Guidelines, small-breed dogs should be neutered at six months of age or spayed prior to the first heat . Large-breed dogs should be neutered after growth stops, which usually is between 9 and 15 months of age. The decision on when to spay a large-breed female dog is based on many factorsyour veterinarian can help narrow down the recommended window of 5 to 15 months depending on your dogs disease risk and lifestyle.

    What are the benefits of spaying or neutering my pet?

    • They show or breed the animals
    • Financial constraints
    • Fear of anesthesia
    • Lack of understanding of the benefits

    When Should You Get Your Cat Fixed


    Spaying and neutering kittens at four months, before they reach sexual maturity, offers the best protection against a number of health risks. However, adult cats can be also be spayed or neutered. If you’re unsure about when to get your cat fixed, just ask your vet, they can help you decide when to get your cat spayed or neutered.

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