Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Far Can A Cat Fall Safely

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What Should I Do When She Finishes Delivering Her Kittens

How This Cat Survived A 32-Story Fall

Once delivery is completed, the soiled newspapers should be removed from the queening box. The cleaned box should be lined with soft bedding prior to the kittens’ return. The mother should accept the kittens readily and roll over on her side for nursing.

Your veterinarian should examine the mother and her litter within twenty-four hours after the delivery. This visit is to ensure that there are no undelivered kittens, and to determine if milk production is adequate. The mother may receive an injection of the hormone oxytocin to contract the uterus and stimulate milk production.

The mother will have a bloody vaginal discharge for several days following delivery. If it continues for longer than one week, your veterinarian should examine her, since she might be experiencing postpartum complications such as a retained placenta.

Trimming A Cat’s Claws

Trimming a cat’s claws every few weeks is an important part of maintaining your pet’s health. Not only does a quick trim protect you, your pet and your family, it can also save your sofa, curtains and other furniture. Nail-trimming is also a fast and effective alternative to declawing, which involves surgical amputation and can cause behavioral and health issues.

If the idea of trimming a cat’s claws has you biting your nails, know that all it takes is some patience and a bit of practice to sharpen your skills.

Fast Facts: Feline High

Its easy to assume that because cats love high places and seek them out regularly that they are safe and sound wherever they climb. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. While cats can generally hold onto tree branches and wooden surfaces with their sharp claws, other surfaces such as concrete or plastic are more challenging. Declawed cats are at even greater risk for the same reason. 

Another common misconception is that falling from a lower height isnt dangerous to your pet. However, a fall from a one- or two-story window can actually put your cat in more danger than a higher fall. It takes a little time for your cat to twist themselves around to land on their feet; short falls may not give them enough to do this, leading to injuries. 

Luckily for pet owners, cats are unlikely to ever jump from a high window unless they trust that they will land safely. Cats have excellent survival instincts, after all. This means that many cases of high-rise syndrome happen when a cat falls accidentally from a high window or fire escape. 


While cats have excellent survival instincts, they also have a tendency to hyperfocus on anything that interests them. A bird or bug flying around just beyond their reach can distract them enough that a loud noise or strong breeze startles them and causes them to fall. 

How High Can Cats Fall & Survive

In terms of the highest cats have fallen from and survived, word around the block seems to be: 32 storeys. A cat has fallen from an apartment 32 storeys high and lived to clean her tail.

Since a storey is roughly 14 feet, or 4.3 meters in height, this means cats have survived falls round about 448 feet or 136.6 meters crazy!

Where do I get this number? And is it just one cat?

Oddly enough there seem to be a number of cats who have fallen from 32 storey apartments in particular. Heres the story of one who was thrown , and still lived, albeit losing the use of her hind legs, poor thing In terms of the details of the falls aftermath:the resilient feline survived the fall, which fractured her spine, and after four major operations in six months the eight-month-old kitty she is able to get around again using a wheeled brace. Not a small feat considering such a terrible accident from so high.

There was also at least one other cat whos fallen from a 32nd storey window: 32 stories above the streets of New York City, a cat fell from a window and lived. After vets treated the cats chipped tooth and collapsed lungs, the feline was sent home two days later. So 32 storeys and a few non-fatal injuries, all patched up at the vets clinic, and off to live back at home literally two days later? Crazy. Cats are awesome.

Time to reiterate. These cats all fell from higher than two stories, thats above 28 feet / 8.5 meters, and over 90% survived.

Ill let that sink in.

The Significance Of Congenital Defects

Can Dogs Eat Pumpkins, Sweet Potatoes and Nuts?

Congenital defects that are obvious at the time of birth, and may be involved in dystocia, include:

  • Severe hydrocephalus with marked skull enlargement
  • Anasarca or generalised oedema
  • Spina bifida or incomplete development of the dorsal body wall
  • Hernia or incomplete development of the ventral body wall
  • Gross deformity or absence of limbs

Many serious inherited abnormalities are not obvious at birth and abnormalities of the eyes, hearing and heart fall into this category. Suspected abnormalities of joints and limbs should be viewed with caution unless utterly self-evident such as severe shortening of a limb. Joints at birth are very incomplete structures and most apparent double-jointedness or rotation of limbs right themselves by the time the kitten is really becoming mobile. The most difficult decision usually concerns the kitten persistently rejected by its mother, despite its apparent normality. The choice, in this case, lies between hand rearing, fostering or destruction, and in this connection, it should be remembered that the completely hand-reared kitten will be at a disadvantage in its behavioural responses to its own species. The decision can only be made by the breeder after full consideration of the circumstances. An additional consideration is that the rejected kitten may well be a defective kitten in which case hand rearing will not be successful.

How Cats Survive Such High Falls

Something interesting came of those studies. Researchers found that cats landed differently depending on the height from which they fell. Cats that fell less than five stories almost always landed on their feet, resulting in higher numbers of limb fractures, though fewer injuries overall than cats that fell from over five stories. But the injuries were different in cats falling from more than seven stories, and they werent landing on their feet.

As it turns out, when cats reach terminal velocity, instead of landing on their feet, they spread their appendages apart and land flat on their stomachs. This is why such a high percentage of the cats that fell from great heights had chest trauma while the cats falling from an average height of four stories had more broken limbs.

For a cat, terminal velocity is achieved at approximately 60 miles per hour, which is about half the speed of terminal velocity for the average-sized man. When a cat falls less than five stories, it doesnt ever reach terminal velocity. But cats falling from five stories or higher do reach terminal velocity, and this is when the change in landing occurs.

Can My Cat Or Dog Go On The Balcony

Provided youre willing to take steps to prevent mishaps and watch her closely, your cat or dog can enjoy time on the balcony. Before you head outside, take a good look at your balcony setup.

The safest balconies are those with screened-in enclosures , says Olson. These enclosures wont be effective, however, if she can escape from it, so inspect it carefully for tears or gaps. Pets are ingenious escape artists,” she adds.

If you do opt for a screened-in enclosure, Olson recommends making sure your companion has an approved cat or dog door so they can get back inside the home. Also, make sure they have food, water and shelter from the sun.

Look carefully at any other items that may be potentially hazardous to animals, such as grills. Additionally, Consider the ornamental plants that may be placed on the balcony and make sure they are not toxic plants, Olson says.

Youll also want to move furniture away from balcony edges to prevent animals from using it as a way to jump over the railing, Bierbrier says.  

Finally, consider keeping your pet in a harness or on leash when theyre on your balcony, says Olson. So if they suddenly pursue that bird flying by or the squirrel in the tree nearby, they do not fall off the balcony railing or go through the balcony slats.

Regardless of any precautions you take, experts stress the importance of supervising your companion while on the balcony. It takes just one moment of not being vigilant for an animal to harm herself.

What Are The Signs Of A Cat In Heat

If your female cat is not spayed and seems to be acting a bit strange, she could be in heat. Here are common signs that female cats are in heat:

  • Excessive vocalizing. If your cat is normally quiet and will not stop yowling, chances are shes calling out for a mate.
  • Super affectionate. If your female cats affection level has risen, it could be a sign that shes in heat. Cats in heat will rub up against any surface, including you, to spread their individual scents. Cats scents change when theyre in heat. Kitty is letting every tomcat know shes looking for a sire.
  • She wants out of the house. Indoor female cats who all of a sudden are incredibly determined to get outside may be in heat. She may smell a possible mate outside, or she wants to continue spreading her scent to advertise her availability. If you have an outdoor cat, she may not return as frequently.
  • Excessive licking of the genitals. Cats who are in heat may have a swollen vulva or a slight discharge. If your female cat is spayed, this could be a sign of an infection.
  • She assumes the position. Cats in heat will present themselves for potential mates by flattening the front of their bodies on the ground and sticking out their rear ends. This makes it easier for male cats to mate with them.

Cats’ Amazing Ability To Survive Falls

‘Lucky’ Feline Survives Fall

May 07, 20183 min read

Does your cat look like a daredevil acrobat when she’s playing alone?

It’s common for cats to perform feats that dogs, birds, and other household pets could never hope to accomplish. The cats themselves, however, never seem to think twice about taking a gravity-defying leap.

Why can some cats survive high falls without hurting themselves? Do cats really have nine lives? Or does the answer lie in a combination of genetics, physics, evolutionary biology, and feline physiology?

Science offers an explanation for cats’ amazing ability to survive falls.In the wild, cats are frequent tree dwellers. Like monkeys, snakes, squirrels, and other arboreal residents, cats take the occasional tumble from a limb. Nature prepared them to handle it.

Cats possess a righting reflex. They can twist in midair so their feet are under them when they land. This reflex keeps them from grinding into the ground face first or back first. Plus, cats have no working clavicles, flexible backbones, powerful back legs, and low body weight. These things work together to minimize the impact of a fall.

Can cats really survive a high fall?Yes! In fact, the higher the fall, the more likely a cat is to survive it.

The BBC tells us that “In a 1987 study of 132 cats brought to a New York City emergency veterinary clinic after falls from high-rise buildings, 90% of treated cats survived and only 37% needed emergency treatment to keep them alive.”

Why? The answer lies in terminal velocity.

What Should I Expect During Pregnancy

Pregnancy or gestation ranges from 64 to 71 days; most cats deliver kittens or queen between days 63 and 65. The breeding date should be recorded so that the delivery date can be predicted. A veterinary examination three to four weeks after breeding will usually confirm her pregnancy.

“If pregnant cat is fed a premium brand of kitten food, no calcium, vitamin, or mineral supplements are needed.”

A pregnant cat should be fed a premium brand of growth and development diet for the duration of the pregnancy and for a month after the kittens are weaned. These diets are generally available through veterinary hospitals or pet stores. Kitten diets provide all the extra nutrition needed for the mother and her litter. If the mother is eating one of these diets, no calcium, vitamin, or mineral supplements are needed.

During pregnancy, the mother’s food consumption will often reach 50% more than her level before pregnancy. By the end of the nursing period, it may be more than double the pre-pregnancy amount. You may need to increase the number of feedings per day to help allow her to eat enough to meet her needs and those of the kittens.

How Does The Height Of The Fall Affect The Landing

The height of the cats fall has a large part to play in if cats always land on their feet. A study done in 1987 by the New York City Animal Medical Centre analysed vet records of cats that had fallen from multi-storey buildings and found some incredible statistics. Most of them landed on concrete, and yet 90% of all the cats studied survived the fall, and only 37% of those required emergency care.

But it was the height of the fall that most affected the outcome. Cats who fell from between 7 and 32 stories suffered less injuries, while those who fell between 2 and 6 stories sustained more injuries. Amazingly, a cat that fell a whopping 32 stories and landed on concrete was released after 48 hours with only a chipped tooth and a minor lung puncture.

Scientists think that the higher the fall, the more time cats have to be able to right themselves. Its also believed that they reach a maximum velocity of around 60mph, which is much slower than humans at about 120mph. Once they reach this stage they begin to relax and stretch their legs out much like how a flying squirrel does which expands their body size and creates air resistance. Its almost like cats can turn themselves into little parachutes, which increases drag resistance!

How Can A Cat Survive A High

Sometimes a cat will fall out of a window or balconya byproduct, no doubt, of a doing cat things. If you have a house cat, your feline’s propensity for aerial shenanigans probably doesn’t worry you that much: Cats falling from low windows can use their righting reflex to land on their feet like nothing even happened. Fall from a higher story, thoughin what researchers call high-rise syndromeand they may not be as lucky.

But here’s the weird part: Cats falling from super high floors can survive. A RadioLab episode on this falling cat issue states that cats falling between five and nine stories are the ones most likely to be injured. Fall from a higher story, though, and your odds of survival are better.

But how? How is it possible for a cat falling from a higher height have a greater chance of survival? The answer depends on two things: air resistance and apparent weight.

I don’t know all the values, so I’m going to estimate some quantities , but here is my numerical model for a cat falling from a crazy tall building . You can click the “pencil” icon to see and change the codedon’t worry, you won’t mess it up. Oh, I also added an object with no air resistance just for comparison.




Injuries Cats Sustain From Falling Out Of Windows

Catster Tips: How to Keep Your Cat Safe This Fall

Back when the term High-Rise Syndrome was first coined, a study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association found that, of the 132 cases reviewed, a whopping 90% of the cats had some form of chest injury . And more than half had breathing troubles after their falls large falls can often result in lung bruising in cats.

Other injuries include:

  • Urinary bladder rupture
  • Internal bleeding

Amazingly, many cats can still survive and do quite well. However, the treatment process can be long, painful, and expensive and sometimes the true and full extent of a cats injuries isnt seen until 48-72 hours after their fall. Costs for treating severe High-Rise Syndrome cases are often in the range of $2,000 to over $5,000, and these pets are typically in the hospital for several days. These poor guys require true intensive care and monitoring, often requiring supplemental oxygen therapy, serious pain control, surgeries, and temporary feeding tubes.

How Tuna Can Affect Cat Nutrition

A well-balanced meal plan for cats includes protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. When your kitty eats too little or too much of certain nutrients, health complications can arise.

Tuna on its own is not nutritionally balanced. For example, tuna has too much unsaturated fat and is not supplemented with Vitamin E or other antioxidants. Therefore, tuna should not be fed as your cat’s primary source of nutrition.

If tuna is part of your cat’s meal plan and you notice them acting out of sorts, consider taking them into your veterinarian for a wellness visit it’s always a good idea to get a baseline reading to ensure nothing serious is going on.

Tuna Is High In Mercury

Tuna is high in mercury, a toxic metal. Frequent consumption of tuna may also lead to mercury poisoning explains Cailin Heinze, a veterinary nutritionist at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. Symptoms of mercury poisoning include dizziness and loss of coordination and balance. Pet parents should keep albacore tuna, in particular, away from cats because it “is from a larger species of tuna with mercury levels almost three times higher ,” says Heinze.

So, can cats eat tuna? Tuna is not nutritionally balanced and should not be fed as a large part of your cat’s meal plan. Even giving canned tuna as a treat can lead to health issues, especially if it is given in large amounts or frequently. To ensure your feline friend is getting the balanced nutrition they need without extra calories or toxic metals, choose a healthy cat food that uses tuna in a way that still meets their nutritional needs and satisfies their taste buds.

Cat Falling From Tree

There are multiple reasons why you might find cats on trees. 

  • Branches are a good spot to watch prey 
  • Trees provide a good hiding spot from dogs and humans 
  • Cats love falling asleep on trees
  • Curiosity 

Falling from trees may be a bit troublesome for cats. This is because they wouldnt normally jump from high up when they can slowly shimmy their way down backward. 

When cats fall from trees, theyre either startled by a sudden noise, lose balance when catching prey, or fall while sleeping. This makes it dangerous for cats, as itll give them less time to build momentum to fall safely on their feet. 

It also increases the risk of them falling on their head, belly, or back. 

Most trees are too high to safely jump down from, but not high enough to achieve terminal velocity. If you find a cat stuck in a tree, its best to attempt to rescue them before they jump or fall.  

So How Many Roof Anchor Points Do I Need

Slow Motion Flipping Cat Physics | Smarter Every Day 58

There is no definitive answer because it all depends on a number of different factors. In order to get closer to the solution, we need to understand the situation in more detail. Here are some questions that you need to answer:

  • What work is being done?

  • How many people are doing the work?

  • How long will the work take place for?

  • Where is the working and walking surface?

  • Do you have a roof plan and elevation drawing available?

Our goal is to design a system that will work specific to your need, as well as keep you safe and in compliance. Without this information, there can be unknown hazards present that are not taken into account. Examples would be:

  • Skylights or other holes in the roof.

  • Loading dock or vehicles limiting the fall clearances.

  • Unprotected ladder access points.

  • Equipment or piping that creates a chemical, electrical, or radiation hazard.

  • Matching improper PPE with work being done.

Though we always want to give a clear-cut, simple answer to your fall protection questions, its not always possible. Safety is the priority. We can tell you to put one or one hundred anchor points on your roof. However, more anchor points does not mean the area is safe.

Let us work with you to create a safe work environment for everyone in your company.

Consult with Our Fall Protection Specialists

to Advise You on Your Rooftop Solutions

What Is The Maximum Height A Cat Can Fall From And Survive

Asked by: Mary Lowell, Southwold

When a cat falls, it reflexively twists its body in mid-air so that its feet face downwards. There are documented cases of cats falling from the 32nd storey of New York skyscrapers and surviving. But landing unscathed is far from guaranteed.

One 1987 study in the Journal Of The American Veterinary Medical Association looked at 132 cats that had fallen an average of 5.5 storeys and survived. It found that a third of them would have died without emergency veterinary treatment. Interestingly, injuries were worse in falls less than seven storeys than in higher tumbles. The researchers think that this is because the cats reach their terminal velocity after falling about seven storeys , which means they stop accelerating. They then relax, allowing better distribution of impact.

Read more:

Chronic Diarrhea From Poisoning

Your cat may have chronic diarrhea that is caused by an ongoing poisoning, such as lead toxicosis.

We cannot stress enough how important it is to identify the underlying cause of chronic diarrhea. In cases of lead poisoning, its likely that the pet owner and other family members are also be affected, perhaps unknowingly.

What Happens If My Cat Has Trouble Delivering Her Kittens

Although most cats deliver without need for human assistance, problems may arise which require professional veterinary assistance. Seek immediate assistance if any of the following occur:

  • Twenty minutes of intense labor occur without delivery of a kitten.
  • A fluid-filled bubble becomes visible at the vaginal opening.
  • The mother experiences sudden depression or marked lethargy.
  • The mother’s rectal temperature exceeds 103ºF .
  • You see a fresh bloody discharge from the vagina that lasts for more than ten minutes.

Difficulty delivering is called dystocia and may be managed with or without surgery. The condition of the mother, size of the litter, and size of the kittens are factors used in making that decision.

So There Really Is No Limit To A Cat Fall

What Everyone Needs To Know About Making Their Home Safe ...

Of course it is, and unfortunately for that matter. In 1988, a study identified and studied 132 cases of falls. These had taken place in 5 months, and the average age of the specimens was between 2 and 3 years. We are therefore talking about adult cats . In this study, the scientists measured the degree of trauma of the cat and the nature of these according to the height of the fall. So :

  • Trauma soars from two to seven stages of fall, reaching a peak between five and seven.
  • From seven floors, on average, the cats injuries are less serious, and will mainly concern two areas: the cats mouth and its chest.

Heres how scientists interpret it: as long as they dont reach a certain rate of fall , the tomcats do everything they can to land on their feet . However, it would take about seven floors for a cat to reach its maximum fall speed. Beyond that, it no longer accelerates.

So what the study and scientists are sayings is that if your pet falls from a great height, know that it has a good chance of surviving. Their feline fearlessness will always surprise us!

If you have ever asked the question how high can cats jump? You must by now be surely impressed with a cats jumping ability and also its landing ability. 

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