Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Take Care Of A Kitten

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All About Kittens: What To Expect

Kitten Care : Kitten Care Tips

Raising a kitten is an entirely different experience from having an adult cat. Kittens have boundless energy and curiosity, which means they require a lot of your time and energy. Your new kitten needs not only lots of affection and playtime in order to be properly socialized, but also a ton of supervision to keep her out of trouble. The truth is that kittens, while charming and lovable, can be exhausting. Keep in mind that the kitten stage doesn’t last forever, and your cat will never be this small or cute again. Enjoy this stage, and remember, the bond you form with your kitten will last her entire life.

Schedule A Kitten Care Appointment With Cat Care Center Of Baton Rouge Today

Caring for a kitten can certainly be one of the most fun and rewarding experiences you can have as a cat owner, however, if you are under-informed about the needs of your kitten during this time, you can leave them at a developmental disadvantage.

At Cat Care Center of Baton Rouge, kitten care is one of our greatest joys. Our veterinary staff would be delighted to spend some time with you and your kitten, ensuring that your relationship will be a healthy, happy, and rewarding one for many years to come. Schedule your first kitten care appointment today!

Create A Safe Atmosphere

Your kitty may hide at first, but it will explore when no one is watching, becoming more comfortable in their new home. Making sure the room has hiding places will help your furball feel secure. If there isnt furniture to hide beneath, place paper bags or cardboard boxes near the walls or cut holes for doorways into them they wont notice the difference.

One of the best new kitten tips youll get is to resist snuggling and petting as soon as you welcome them into your home. You need to let them come to you, and avoid overwhelming them with emotions in the beginning. Sure, it wont be easy resisting cuddles with a cute kitty, but hey, nobody said that learning how to raise a kitten is all fun and games!

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How Do I Deal With Inappropriate Behavior

Cats can be demanding creatures so its important to instill good manners early on. Inappropriate behavior such as swatting, excessive vocalization, and biting should not be tolerated. If your kitten begins to exhibit these behaviors, quickly and quietly leave the area and cease all interactions. Once the kitten is calm and quiet, resume interactions. The goal is for the kitten to learn that calm, quiet behavior warrants attention while aggressive actions do not. Make time daily for appropriate interactions with your cat that include play and petting.

Disciplining a young kitten may be necessary if its behavior towards people or property is inappropriate, but punishment should be avoided. A sharp, No! may be all that is needed to stop your kitty in his tracks. However, remote disruption that associates the consequences with the action may be considered. For most kittens, hand clapping or rattling a can of beans can divert attention and be intimidating enough to inhibit undesirable behavior when you are present.

Wait To Bring Him Home

First time cat owner? Check out this guide on how to ...

Never take a kitten away from his mother and siblings before he is 8 weeks old. The early months are fundamental in starting his life off healthy and naturally.

Kittens receive some protection against disease from their mothers through nursing, according to the American Animal Hospital Association. Experts recommend kittens stay with their mothers until they are weaned, which is around 8 weeks.

They also learn how to socialize with each other by interacting with their mother and littermates. Proper socialization can help prevent behavioral issues down the road. More on that later.

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Shop For Quality Food

Feeding a kitten isnt as easy as grabbing a bag of cat chow at the nearest convenience store. Growing kittens need as much as three times more calories and nutrients than adult cats. Thats why its important to find a good quality food designed especially for kittens. A name brand food, formulated for kittens, is the simplest way to ensure that your kitty gets the proper nourishment without supplements. Also, check to make sure your kittens food includes a statement from the Association of Animal Feed Control Officials displayed on the packaging, ensuring the food is nutritionally complete.

Faq About How To Take Care Of A Cat

Is cat behavior predictable?
Can you tell me how to take care a of a cat thats scared of humans?
How do I get a cat to come out of hiding?
What is the average lifespan of an indoor cat?
Do cats hate dogs?
Is a cat safe to have around my infant?
Should I get a kitten and a puppy at the same time?

If you want more than one pet at once, we recommend getting the same species. Two kittens or two puppies can be the greatest companions to each other, and also will keep each other occupied, which frees up more of your time.

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Love On Your New Kitten

Every interaction you have with your new kitten helps socialize him, says Carlene Strandell, Director/Founder of Smitten with Kittens, a non-profit, foster-based kitten rescue that operates in Tallahassee, Fla. “Hold your kitten, play with , interact with ,” she says. Consider adopting multiple cats so your kitten has a friend. “Two kittens are better than one,” says Standell. “Kittens don’t like being alone. They love companionship,” she says. “We encourage people to adopt two.”

Supplies Needed Prior To Bringing It Home

Kitten Care : Taking Care of Newborn Kittens

The supplies that you will need before your kitten comes home are:

  • Kitten Food ask your veterinarian which is best
  • Food and water dishes
  • Stow away fragile objects that you dont want broken
  • unplug power cords when not in use
  • Tie a knot in drapery cords
  • Keep the toilet lid down
  • Secure the screens on windows and doors

Further ReadingNewborn Foster KittensCaring for Your Breed of CatSigns of a Sick Kitten

Recommended Reading: 6 Years In Cat Years

How Do I Feed A Newborn Kitten

Kittens under 4 weeks of age cannot eat solid food, whether its dry or canned. They can drink their mothers milk to get the nutrients they need. The kitten will rely on you to survive if their mother isnt around.

You can feed your newborn kitten a nutritional substitute thats called kitten milk replacer. Its essential that you avoid feeding a kitten the same milk that humans consume. Typical cows milk can make cats very sick. If youre unsure of which kitten milk replacer to choose, talk to a veterinarian. They can help you select the right one.

For many dry milk replacers, refrigeration is not always required. But if extra milk is prepared, it should be stored in the fridge. To feed your kitten, follow these steps:

Prepare the formula. Warm the kitten formula to slightly above room temperature. Test the temperature of the formula right before you feed your kitten. Do this by placing a few drops of the formula on your wrist to ensure its not too hot.

Keep things clean. Before and after each feeding, you should wash your hands and the bottle that you used to feed your kitten. Its also recommended that you use a kitten gown. This could be a robe or a shirt that you only wear when youre handling or feeding your kitten. Using a kitten gown helps reduce the possibility of spreading germs.


If for any reason you cant get your kitten to eat, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Bond With Your Kitten

If you want to raise kittens to become loving, happy members of your family, human contact is important from an early stage. Nap with your kitty, hold it while watching TV, or find other times to snuggle. Handling and playing with your kitten a few times a day will help your furry little friend form a strong emotional bond with you. And, lets face it, kitten love and snuggles will be good for you too!

Make sure that all human interactions with your cat are gentle. Kittens are especially fragile before 12 weeks of age. If you have children, monitor their introduction to the new pet to make sure its a positive experience for both the cat and child. Your kids might not know how to care for a kitten, but they need to know they have to be careful. When your furry bundle of joy is comfortable, it should start purring. Thats when you know youve got a winner.

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How To Take Care Of A Kitten: Pre

As your kitten grows up, youll notice him becoming more aware of his surroundings. Hell start exploring more, jumping to higher heights and squeezing himself into tighter spaces. Hell begin to realize what hes capable of, as wellthats why youll find him biting and scratching playfully. Hes becoming aware of his position in the world and trying to test his limits.

Hell also have lots of energy and want to play constantly. Its important that you set aside time each day to play with your kitten. Playing helps him curb his insatiable energy, and encourages the bond you two share.

Toilet Training Your Kitten


Cats are very hygienic pets and can easily be housetrained with the right encouragement. Kittens usually pick up on how to use litter trays by watching their mothers, but they may also need a helping hand from us.

Your kitten might want to go to the toilet after meals, waking from a sleep, just after sniffing the floor, scratching or beginning to crouch and generally looking as if they are about to go! If your kitten is inclined to mess elsewhere in the house, confine them to one room with a litter tray until they learn to use it regularly.

You will require a plastic litter tray, which can be filled with cat litter available from all pet shops and supermarkets. Earth from the garden should never be used as it may harbour diseases from other cats. The tray should be placed on newspaper to catch any litter pushed over the side during digging, but make sure it is not too deep for your kitten to climb in. If you intend to let your kitten out to use the garden in the future then a simple open tray will suffice for the few weeks. If you intend the cat to continue to use the tray, you may want to purchase one of the covered types which gives the cat more privacy, stops smells from escaping and prevents mess.

If your kitten is reluctant to use the tray it could be because:

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Microchipping And Identifying Your Kitten

When your kitten is over six months old and ready to go out alone more often, you are advised to fit a collar holding some form of identification and perhaps to carry a magnet or key to an electronic cat flap. Collars must be fitted carefully as kittens are active and inquisitive while growing up. Injuries could occur if the collar gets hooked on a tree branch or fence, or the kitten gets its foreleg caught up in the collar. Quick-release collars, which snap open if they become caught on anything, are the safest option for all cats. For a young, rapidly growing cat, remember to check the fit of the collar often and increase its size accordingly.

It is a really good idea to get your kitten microchipped. This is a permanent form of identification using a microchip , which is injected under the skin between the shoulder blades. The chip carries a barcode read by a scanner. The code number is registered along with your details on a national database so, if your kitten gets lost, you can be reunited quickly. Your vet will be able to advise you about microchipping.

How Mother Cats Take Care Of Kittens

Thereâs nothing cuter than newborn kittens. In fact, the entire birth process for felines is incredible. Here at PetPlace, we take pride in providing you with all of the information you need to understand and care for your cat. Today, weâll be exploring how mother cats provide for their kittens.

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Keeping Your Cat Healthy

  • 1Brush your cat depending on it’s coat needs. You may think that because cats seem to groom themselves, you don’t need to brush them. But you do need to brush long-hair cats several times a week and short-hair cats weekly. This will help reduce shedding in your home and also help the cat avoid the dreaded hairballs.
  • For cats that tend to shed , use a comb that has fine strands of metal. This gets deep into the undercoat and eliminates shedding.
  • 2Check the cat for skin conditions as you brush. Be on the lookout for any fleas or other parasites, and for any unusual redness, lumps, bumps, or other skin problems. If you see anything suspicious, let your veterinarian know and ask for advice on how you should take care of it. Make sure to check the under belly of a cat with your hands.
  • Older cats might need to see a veterinarian twice yearly for optimal health.
  • 4Visit the vet more frequently for kittens. Just like human babies, kittens need to see the vet more often than adult cats. Starting at around 8 weeks of age, they’ll need 2-3 visits to have their vaccination series and worm treatments. At minimum, this includes the feline distemper vaccine and a rabies vaccine. Your vet will discuss the benefits of optional vaccinations as well. Ask about the risks of diseases like feline leukemia and make an informed decision about which vaccinations you want.
  • The vet will also check the kitten for fleas and ear mites, and treat them if needed.
  • Bad breath
  • Sensitivity or pain in the mouth
  • Set Up A Feeding Schedule

    Kitten & Cat Care : How to Raise Just-Born Kittens

    To keep up with your kittens appetite, youll want to establish a daily feeding routine. The best way to ensure that youre not under or over-feeding your kitten is to consult with you veterinarian about how much and how often to feed. At 3 to 6 moths of age, most vets recommend feeding your kitten three times a day. Once hes reached six months, you can scale it back to twice a day. Keep stocking your pantry with kitten food until your baby reaches adulthood, 9 to12 months old. In addition, dont forget to keep his water bowl fresh and filled at all times. But hold the milk. Contrary to popular belief, milk is not nutritionally sufficient for kittens and can give them diarrhea.

    Get advice on the best way to litterbox train your kitten.

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    How To Take Care Of A Kitten: The Complete Guide

    Nothing is more adorable than a fluffy little kitten. Kittens are cute, for sure, but they can also be quite a handful. If youve never raised a kitten before, you may be wondering where to start.

    Being a pet parent means providing for your pets basic needs in addition to being a friend and companion.

    For kittens, this means providing a healthy and high-quality diet as well as routine veterinary care. Youll also need to prepare your home for your new kitten and take the time to play with and bond with it.

    If youre considering bringing a new kitten into your home, do your research to learn how to raise a kitten. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about kitten nutrition, behavior, and health.

    Supplies For A New Cat

    Now that weve gone over some talking points about cat ownership, and the decisions that come with it- lets take a look a some of the necessary items youll need for your new cat.

    If youre still committed to cat care and ownership there are a few things youre going to need. They will vary depending on if you are getting a kitten or adult cat, but we will try to get the gist of it down for you if you are a first time cat owner.

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    Simple Tips And Tricks For Raising A Kitten

    In addition to learning the basics about your kittens nutritional needs, behavior, and health, there are some other tips and tricks you might find helpful.

    Here are our top tips for raising a kitten:

    • Take the time to kitten-proof your home before you bring your kitten home this means putting away potentially harmful things like electrical cords, poisonous houseplants, medications, and small objects.
    • Create a safe space for your kitten when you first bring it home youll want to keep it in a small room for a day or two until it gets used to things then slowly expand its range.
    • Avoid leaving your kitten alone for too long not only will your kitten get lonely, but its also more likely to get into trouble if theres no one around.
    • Make sure you use a kitten-safe litter and litter box look for something that is dust-free and made with natural materials that wont irritate your kittens sensitive paws.
    • Provide plenty of toys and scratching surfaces if you provide your kitten with scratch pads and scratching posts, itll be more likely to scratch them and not your furniture.
    • Start grooming your kitten early so it gets used to the treatment spend a few minutes brushing your kitten a few times a week and use different kinds of brushes to get it used to those brushes.

    How To Care For A Kitten 8 Weeks To 6 Months Old

    How To Care For And Take Care Of A New Baby Kitten Like An ...

    By now, your kitten will resemble a miniature adult cat, but he still needs canned and/or dry food formulated for young felines. This is also a great age to get your kitten used to having his nails trimmed, using a scratching post, bathing, grooming, and traveling in a carrier to the veterinarian’s office. The more experiences you introduce to a kitten at a young age, the better. Just do it slowly and calmly.

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