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How To Treat Cat Flu

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Some Common Symptoms Of Cat Flu

Pet & Animal Care : How to Treat Cat Flu

Your cat might experience many of the same symptoms that you have when you have the flu. Some of the most common signs and symptoms include:

  • Loss of appetite

Mostly cases of feline influenza last from 10 days to three weeks. Your cat may feel sick about two to five days after exposure to a virus.

Contact the Veterinarian

Veterinary care is important if your cat is very young or old, has a disease that has compromised the immune system, or a disease or chronic condition, such as kidney failure or diabetes. These animals are more likely to develop pneumonia or other secondary infections and should be carefully monitored and promptly treated for complications.

If your pet develops any of the symptoms of cat flu then consulting your veterinarian is a good idea. Often it is possible to make a diagnosis based on these symptoms and the veterinarian might want to confirm your pets diagnosis with blood and urine tests and X-rays in some cases. If you suspect that your cat is suffering from cat flu, tell your veterinarian when you make an appointment.

Antibiotics are not helpful in treating viruses, however, your vet can offer treatments for your cat to prevent complications and make your cat more comfortable. For example, sore mouth ulcers can force your pet to stop drinking water, which can lead to dehydration. During your visit, your cat may receive intravenous fluids to restore the normal balance of fluids and electrolytes.

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Why Do We Vaccinate

If vaccinated as a young kitten it is unlikely your cat will contract flu, as he or she will already have developed antibodies against the disease. However, if your vaccinated cat does contract flu’ the severity of the virus is drastically reduced.

If your cat is a carrier, vaccination is still recommended for two reasons:

1. Any symptoms that develop will be less severe.2. It is extremely unlikely that your cat would be a carrier of both FHV-1 and FCV, therefore vaccination will prevent your cat catching the other strain of flu.

Vaccinations should continue to be given by your vet once every year.

Is Cat Flu Treated With Antibiotics

There is no cure for cat flu, as there is for a human cold. Antibiotics cant treat the viruses that cause it, but they can treat secondary bacterial infections caused by damage to the lining of the nose and airways, which can cause pneumonia if left untreated.

Cat Flu: When To See A Vet

If your cat begins to exhibit symptoms of respiratory illness, you should consult a veterinarian, as the best antibiotics for cat flu vary depending on the specific strain of the virus. If you suspect your cat has the flu, consult with your veterinarian because antibiotics are more effective against specific strains of virus.

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Treat Cat Flu: Here Are 13 Ways That You Should Know

Treat Cat Flu | Cats are adorable animals. No doubt many people choose to maintain it. However, you will be sad when an animal with funny behavior has a cold. Just like in humans, the flu virus can also spread easily to cats. Especially if you dont pay much attention to your treatment. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat cat flu that can be done, such as the following tips.

What Are Cat Colds

What You and Your Cat Need to Know About Cat Flu

Cat colds or flu can be caused by several viruses or bacteria, the most common are the feline herpesvirus, feline calicivirus, and chlamydiosis. Colds in cats tend to be more serious than human colds, and it is always recommended pet owners seek veterinary attention for a chlamydiosis displaying the following clinical signs:

Senior cats and kittens are at increased risk and can quickly become extremely sick. While viruses cant be treated with antibiotics, supportive care may be required while your cat is fighting off the infection.

Mild infections may be self-limiting, and your veterinarian may recommend home care.

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Are You Worried That Your Catmight Have The Flu Cat Flu Symptoms Can Be Similar To Flu Symptoms In Humansyou May Start To Suspect That Your Feline Caught The Flu If You Notice Himsneezing Or Discharging Liquid From The Nose Or Eyes

Flu in cats is referred to asupper respiratory infection or URI. The common culprits are the feline calicivirus or feline herpes virus. The disease can range from mild to severe, and in some cases,life-threatening. Basic treatments and vaccination would often be enough tohelp your cats recovery. However, kittens, elderly cats, and cats with healthconditions may be more at risk of complications if they get infected with theflu.

Here are some signs that are thecommon indications of cat flu:

Cat Flu How To Treat And Prevent

Cat flu is quite a nasty illness for your pet. If you have never seen a cat with flu then count yourself lucky. It is far worse than cat colds.

Our cats have always been vaccinated and have never caught the feline flu, but because Little Mo came from an animal shelter, we did not know her previous history and she caught the flu soon after we re-homed her.

It really was sad to see, she didn’t eat or drink for days. She could hardly walk and it was pitiful to hear her croaky almost silent mew.

Cat Flu is the common name given to a group of viruses, which affect the upper respiratory tract in cats.

Healthy cats are normally able to cope with the illness and it is not usually fatal, but it can be much nastier and dangerous to kittens and cats with a weaken immune system.

Anyway we all know how unpleasant the flu can be in ourselves, so it is something that we should try and protect our pets from catching it in the first place.

This is a very serious condition which can cause long term damage to some cats such as blindness. It can also kill young cats and which is why vaccination is so important.

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Keep Them Fed And Hydrated

Cats can easily become dehydrated when they have cat flu because they lose their sense of smell and taste. This leads to them eating and drinking less.

To keep them hydrated and fed its best to mix in foods to their usual meals that are easy to eat and have strong smells. We suggest warm foods like:

As well as keeping them hydrated, encouraging your cat to drink also helps to loosen catarrh .

Cats that cannot eat may need to be hospitalised for treatment.

What Are The Long

How to Treat Cat Flu

The good news is that most cats wont experience any long-term effects after having cat flu. Some cats become asymptomatic and it can return if your cat is stressed.

In more serious cases, a cat may suffer from eye damage caused by ulcers or inflammation of the mouth . To give your cat the best chance of staying fit and healthy, we recommend having them vaccinated from being a kitten, and contacting your vet as the first signs of cat flu develop.

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How Long Are Cats Contagious With Cat Flu

There isnt necessarily a set amount of time that cats can be contagious with the cat flu as this can vary. Some cats may remain as lifelong carriers of the cat flu, showing no long-lasting signs or symptoms of the virus whilst still being contagious to other cats. If you suspect that your cat has been exposed to the cat flu, you should isolate your cat from other cats and consult your vet.

Q: Can Cat Flu Be Prevented

A: Yes, theres a simple way to protect your pet from cat flu: a yearly vaccination, which cats can have from nine weeks old. To help prevent your cat from ever catching the condition, though, youll need to make sure she receives her immunisations every year. Unfortunately, the vaccine wont be effective if your cat has already contracted the flu virus.

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How To Make Your Cat More Comfortable

It is not surprising that cats with cat flu are often miserable. You can make your cat more comfortable by trying some of these tips:

  • Use a cool mist spray to facilitate breathing. .
  • Clean the discharge of eyes and mouth with a damp cloth.
  • Provide a variety of foods to encourage your pet to eat.
  • Move the cat little closer to your cats favorite resting place.
  • Install a warm bed in a quiet part of the house away from drafts.
  • The vaccination of your cat can provide protection from the flu. Although the vaccine is effective against the most common flu strains, your cat may still be ill if she is infected with a less common or new strain of influenza.
  • Are you worried that your cat is suffering from cat flu or other illness? Immediate veterinary treatment can help your pet recover and avoid serious complications. Contact us today for a practical appointment.

    Can A Cat Be Tested To See If He/she Is A Carrier

    Tiny sick kitten dumped by roadside

    In most cases, diagnosis of cat flu is made by assessing the clinical signs.

    A test is available and needs to be conducted whilst the cat is showing clinical signs . The cat’s mouth is swabbed and the swab is then sent to a laboratory. There, the virus can be grown in a culture and identified. Unfortunately this service is generally not commercially available the testing is often unreliable and the whole process can be very costly.

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    Cat Flu Upper Respiratory Infection

    17th August 2018

    Cat flu, or upper respiratory infection is a very common disease that can vary considerably in severity, and on occasions can even be life-threatening.

    In the vast majority of cases, disease results from infection with feline calicivirus or feline herpes virus . Clinical signs include sneezing, nasal discharge, conjunctivitis , ocular discharge, loss of appetite, fever and depression. Mouth ulcers, coughing, excessive drooling of saliva and eye ulcers may also be seen. Very young, very old and immunosuppressed cats are more likely to develop severe disease and possibly die as a result of their URI, usually due to secondary infections , lack of nutrition and dehydration.

    Typical ocular and nasal discharges of cat flu

    Infection with feline herpes virus can cause serious eye damage

    What Is A Carrier Cat’

    Most cats that have been infected with cat flu enter what is called a carrier state’, where the virus remains in the system, but symptoms are not always apparent.

    FHV-1 carriers are only infectious when they are shedding the virus. Viral shedding can be continual or intermittent. Carriers most commonly start shedding the virus during periods of stress e.g. re-homing, boarding, new family member, early weaning.

    FCV carriers continue to excrete the virus for 3-18months after they are initially unwell. FCV carriers excrete continuously so are always potentially infectious to other cats, particularly unvaccinated ones.

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    Is Raw Honey Good For Puppies

    Honey is safe for dogs to eat in small quantities. It contains natural sugars and small amounts of vitamins and minerals, and is used as a sweetener in many foods and beverages. Raw honey should not be fed to puppies or dogs with compromised immune systems, as it may contain the presence of botulism spores.

    Can Cats Get Flu From Humans

    Episode 67: How We Treat Cat Flu

    The human flu is not a disease that can be transmitted from humans to animals. If youre sick with the flu, you cannot spread the illness to your cat.

    However, you can spread an upper respiratory infection from one cat to another cat. If you are exposed to a sick cat, you could transmit the infectious organisms to another cat through contact with your clothing, shoes, or unwashed hands.

    Ways to avoid spreading disease between cats include changing your clothes and shoes, and thoroughly washing your hands after being in contact with a sick cat.

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    How Can I Treat Cat Flu At Home

    Home Remedies For Cat FluWarm, humid air. Keep a humidifier near your cat, or take them into the bathroom with you as you shower to allow the steam to open their nasal passages.Soft, strong-smelling foods. Cat flu can affect your cats sense of smell and a sore throat can make eating uncomfortable. Gentle face washing.

    Is Cat Flu Permanent

    Can the cat flu kill you? Can you believe that cat flu can be lifelong and that cats that are more prone to it may experience serious complications? What are the signs that your cat is getting cat flu? What precautions are you taking? There is still a chance that cats can catch cat flu, which can lead to death in some cases. Most severely affected cats are those who are under the age of two, those who are elderly, or those with a weakened immune system or other serious illnesses. How long does it take to get over a respiratory problem? URI, like the common cold in humans, is caused by a virus. The disease is particularly common in cats who have been exposed to a lot of other cats, such as those housed in an animal shelter. URI rarely results in death and usually resolves within a few weeks. The primary goal of treatment is to provide supportive care.

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    Can Cat Flu Go Away On Its Own

    Because cat flu is caused by viruses, there is no direct cure, so treatment aims to relieve clinical signs as long as the immune system is unable to eradicate the infection. Pain medication, anti-viral medication, eye drops, and antibiotics are some of the supportive measures that can be taken in the case of secondary bacterial infections.

    Cat flu is a common illness that affects cats in the same way that humans get a cold. If left untreated, it can cause a sore throat and runny nose. Other symptoms include a fever, a loss of voice, and mouth ulcers. The majority of adult cats are not susceptible to cat flu, but anyone who has symptoms should see a veterinarian. A cats nose and eyes are both infected with the virus, which spreads through the cats saliva. Almost all cases of cat flu are caused by this. The infected cat may not show symptoms of illness, but it can act as a carrier, spreading the illness to others.

    It is critical for cat owners who have cats that are carriers of the cat flu virus to take precautions to avoid spreading the illness to their cats. The RSPCA NSW advises against rehomeing new cats alone or with another cat-chooping cat to reduce the risk of passing on cat flu.

    What Is Cat Flu

    Cat flu has many of the same symptoms as human flu

    Cat flu is a common illness affecting the upper respiratory tract in cats, much like a cold or the flu in humans. It is mainly caused by one of two viruses feline herpes virus and feline calicivirus. Once the cat is unwell, bacterial infections can also become involved and often make the illness worse. Cats most likely to be worse affected are the very young, very old or those with a damaged immune system, as they find it more difficult to fight off infections. For these cats, catching flu can be life threatening.

    It is spread much like a cold, through your cat coughing and sneezing then other cats picking up the germs. Once cats have recovered from cat flu, its possible for some cats to continue to harbour the infection and come down with cat flu again, particularly during times of stress or other illness.

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    What Is The Cat Flu Recovery Time

    Cats who have picked up the feline herpes virus will typically display symptoms for five to 10 days in milder cases and up to six weeks in more severe cases. Cats with the herpes virus can suffer ongoing health problems and are also more susceptible to secondary bacterial infections. Its worth noting that cats with FHV are infected for life.

    Feline respiratory disease caused by feline calicivirus is usually milder than the feline herpes form of the disease. However, there are lots of strains of calicivirus, and some are more serious than others. In some cases, cats may show few or no signs while in others they can develop pneumonia and painful ulcers in the mouth and nose. In contrast to FHV, cats diagnosed with FCV are usually able to clear the infection within a few weeks or months.

    How Long Do Upper Respiratory Infections In Cats Last

    In general, upper respiratory infections in cats usually last approximately 7 to 10 days. Healthy and vaccinated adult cats will generally have a good prognosis. However, some older cats, young kittens, and unvaccinated cats and kittens can experience prolonged or more severe illness and may need extra supportive care.

    While acute respiratory symptoms usually resolve in about a week, two common viral infections, calicivirus and herpesvirus, can stay silent in your cats system for years and come out from time to time.

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    Cat Flu And Other Cats

    Knowing what cat flu is and recognizing its symptoms are just the first steps to understanding this health condition. Perhaps the next helpful tidbit for cat parents is to know how their cat can contract this infection.

    Similar to how the flu spreads from one person to another, cat flu can also easily spread from one cat to another. So, if youve been wondering, In the feline world, is the flu contagious to cats? The answer is most definitely yesthis is a highly contagious condition.

    A cat with the flu can come into direct contact with and spread their germs to another cat in multiple ways. These can include playing or sleeping next to one another and sharing toys or food and water bowls. An infected cat sneezing or coughing near a healthy cat may also be enough to pass their germs along.

    While theres no need to fret about your cat passing the flu on to your dog, you do need to take some precautions if you have other cats in the house. Until your sick cat is treated and given the all clear from their veterinarian, you will need to keep your cats, their bowls, toys, beds, and even litter boxes away from one another.

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