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My Cat Is Congested And Sneezing

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How Do Vets Determine The Cause Of Cat Sneezing

My Kitten Is Sneezing & Congested – Here’s How to Help!

Although treatment for sneezing cats is typically not costly, achieving a diagnosis certainly can be expensive.

You would think that testing for bacteria or a virus would determine the cause. However, because the nasal cavity is not a sterile location, a culture that is positive for certain bacteria does not prove that the bacteria are the primary cause of the sneeze, or even that they are causing disease .

Nor does testing positive for viruses confirm this as the underlying cause, since even asymptomatic cats will often test positive for either herpesvirus or calicivirus.

Here are some ways your vet can determine the cause of cat sneezing:

Does My Cat Have Allergies Or A Cold

The symptoms of allergies and a cold are very similar. Both can include symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, and wheezing or coughing. Typically if your cat has allergies rather than a cold it will be a chronic issue that you might notice consistently popping up over time or occurring during a specific instance. For example, if they are allergic to a component of their litter, you might notice they sneeze while using the litter box. In addition, allergies can often be accompanied by symptoms such as digestive upset or skin irritation and itchiness, two things not commonly seen with colds.

If your cat is experiencing symptoms and you are unsure of the cause, it is always best to bring your cat in to be seen by a vet.

When Should I Call The Vet For My Sneezing Cat

If your cats sneezing is persistent or accompanied by other symptoms like nasal discharge, labored breathing, loss of appetite or fever, call your vet. Sneezing accompanied by other symptoms could be a sign your cat is suffering from an upper respiratory infection or other underlying condition that may require veterinary care.

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Is Sneezing A Symptom Of Covid

If your cat is sneezing, its unlikely that its a symptom of COVID-19. COVID-19 is primarily spread from human to human, and although there were cases of animals contracting the virus, its not likely that your cat has it unless they were exposed. However, it is important to note that cats can contract their own variation of coronavirus, a term used to describe a large family of viruses. The main coronavirus symptoms to watch in your pet are respiratory illness and diarrhea.

Can Cats Get Colds

My cat sneezing in 2020

The short answer is yes.

The explanation is a little more complicated.

So, what is a cat cold, anyway?

The cold is defined as a viral infection of the nose and throat the upper respiratory tract. Its pretty much the same illness that we experience as humans.

While colds arent a cause for alarm, if upper respiratory symptoms worsen or are ignored, then things can progress negatively. Infections that advance to the lower respiratory tract are the real danger, possibly causing pneumonia in cats if left untreated.

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So What Can I Do At Home

Buy a humidifier.

If your cat sleeps with you, consider using a humidifier in the bedroom to help hydrate the nasal passages. This will make it easier to wipe away the nose crusts!

Bring your cat into the bathroom with you when you shower.

When you go to shower, let your cat lounge on the bathroom floor and skip the ceiling fan. The humidified, warm, steamy air will help keep your cat breathe better.

Yummy canned cat food, please!

When your cats nose is occluded with discharge or cat boogers, your cat cant smell food. If your cat cant smell their food, they wont eat their food. Youll need to tempt your cat to eat with something super palatable human meat-based baby food or INABA Churu cat food works in a pinch to tempt your cat to eat. Keep in mind that you should not feed human baby food to your cat long term, as its not balanced and can cause severe amino acid abnormalities. Alternatively, try microwaving a small amount of different types of cat food for a few seconds to make it more enticing for your cat . Also, try hand feeding your cat as it may help encourage them to eat just no force feeding as thats a huge no-no.

Quarantine time!

If you have more than one cat, its pet quarantine time. You want to keep your sick cat indoors only , and keep them away from other feline family housemates since URIs are so contagious.

Give them nursing care.

Go ahead skip the Lysine.

Why Does My Cat Cough

Coughing can occur because of the overproduction of mucous, which drains down the throat. However, just because your cat coughs does not mean they have an upper respiratory infection.

Like people, cats can cough for other reasons besides an infection, such as allergies or clearing something from the throat. If youre concerned about your cats cough, see your veterinarian, who can help diagnose the problem and recommend the appropriate treatment.

On a side note, you should know that cats dont cough because of hairballs. Hairballs develop in the digestive tract, not the respiratory system, and are vomited up. Both vomiting and coughing can cause cats to heave and make similar sounds, so it can be challenging for cat parents to tell the difference.

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How Is The Cause Diagnosed

In order to determine the extent and nature of the disease it is important to get an accurate history. Any past respiratory or eye infections, previous trauma such as an accident or fight, or dental disease should be reported. Details such as the onset and progression of the problem and the color and consistency of the discharges are important. A thorough physical examination may also require blood work, swab samples for laboratory microscope examination and culture, radiographs, and tissue biopsy. Culture of the discharge may reveal a variety of bacteria, but these are often secondary invaders. Anesthesia may be necessary for a thorough nasal examination or to acquire certain diagnostic samples.

How Do You Treat A Sneezing Cat

Kitty Cat Coughing and Sneezing

Treatment for cat sneezing is typically targeted at the underlying cause where possible.

While a wide variety of treatments are available, owners should be aware that the goal in most cases, especially chronic cases, is to reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms, not to cure them.

More research is needed to fully understand the role that infections play in cat sneezing, but repeated or prolonged courses of antibiotics have proved to be effective in controlling clinical signs.

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Treatment For Your Cats Nose Dripping

If your cats nose is constantly dripping, you need to talk to your veterinarian and make an appointment.

There are many possible causes of runny nose in cats, including:

  • Nasal polyps and tumours
  • Irritants & allergens

So, while a drippy nose could just be something temporary like a cold, it could also be much more severe. If the cause of the runny nose is more serious, taking early action is vital.

Cat Has Stuffy Nose And Wont Eat

A stuffy nose is terrible for a cat but even worse is when the cat will not eat. Where this happens, keep treating the cat for the case of stuffiness. Be gentle on the pet and if they keep on not eating act. For kittens, you can opt for milk replacements and use a feeding syringe. Most powders last long and when the cat is fed every four to six hours it will last them long enough.

In most cases these come with manufacturer directions to guide through the feeding process. In case your pet is experiencing diarrhea and not eating at the same time, you need to visit your vet as soon as possible.

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Keep Your Cat Comfortable

When your cat is under the weather, its more important than ever to make sure theyre comfortable. You can do this by keeping the temperature in your home at a warm but not hot level. Don’t let your cat outdoors until theyre feeling better.

Its also important to ensure that your cats feeding area and litter box remain clean. The presence of bacteria can cause your cat’s symptoms to worsen. Utilizing a self-cleaning litter box can help you ensure that your cat always has a clean place to go to the bathroom.

What Exactly Is A Feline Upper Respiratory Infection Aka Uri

Cat Sneezing For 3 Days

Feline upper respiratory infections are a common cause of sneezing, runny eyes, discharge from the nose, and even pink eye in cats. Some cases of cat colds can be mild . Others may be more severe and manifest as decreased appetite , lethargy, fever, and acting aloof or hiding.

A feline URI is similar to a common cold in a human . In humans, common colds are typically due to viral infections and typically seen more in the winter. Thats different from cat colds, which can be seen all year-long. As a veterinarian, I usually see more sneezing cats in the spring and summer, which likely coincides with kitten season, when shelters are overwhelmed by pet overpopulation.

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What To Look For

In addition to monitoring any excessive sneezing, you should also pay attention to your kitty’s nasal discharge. “Sneezing and nasal discharge can appear together or can occur as separate problems. They are associated with disorders of the nasal cavity, nasal sinuses, or both,” explains VCA Animal Hospital. “While an occasional sneeze is perfectly normal, repeated bouts of vigorous sneezing suggests irritation of the nasal cavity.” In addition to sneezing and nasal discharge, symptoms including eye discharge, loss of appetite, lethargy and coughing may indicate your kitty is suffering from an infection.

My Cat Is Coughing & Sneezing What Could Be Wrong

If your cat suddenly starts sneezing and coughing more than normal, you may start to wonder if something is wrong. After all, cats are notoriously good at hiding illness until it has become severe. At what point should you start to worry?

Much like humans, the occasional cough or sneeze is completely harmless. Its likely something small like dust up the nose, fur in the throat, or some other foreign matter.

If, however, the symptoms are more frequent and last a while, there may be cause for concern.

So, how do you know when it is time to call the vet?

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Cat Runny Nose Treatment

If you have concerns about your cat’s runny nose, then you should always consult your veterinarian. While sometimes a runny nose is just a runny nose, the potential of it being a greater health concern is worth getting an expert opinion to help keep your kitty feeling happy and healthy.

As with any cat health issue, the vet first needs to determine the cause before making treatment recommendations. Your cat’s vet can pinpoint what’s causing their runny nose by conducting nasal discharge analysis and blood tests. If they determine that treatment is necessary, they may prescribe an antibiotic or another medication to help clear the nasal passages and alleviate congestion. They may also recommend using a nebulizer machine that delivers medicine through a vapor.

While runny noses are often harmless, know that even severely snotty cats can often be effectively treated.

Final Notes: How To Treat Your Cats Sneezing

Congested Cat

Dealing with a sneezing cat is frustrating and worrisome. You never know when your cat is going to break out into a sneezing episode, and all you can do is sit there and watch. This is why its so important to take a sneezing cat seriously so you can know how to treat them.

Its easy to overlook a cat sneezing we all sneeze, right? While thats true for a few sneezes here and there, persistent sneezing shouldnt be taken lightly. Sneezing could be a symptom of a serious underlying health condition, which is why its necessary to take your cat to the vet if their sneezing persists.

There are various reasons why your cat may be sneezing. It could be a result of nasal and sinus issues. It could be a symptom of a chronic upper respiratory condition. It could be allergies. But in order to properly diagnose your cat, you need to figure out the root of the problem and whats causing them to sneeze.

Treating your furry friend may require giving them antibiotics or allergy medication, or you may just have to make simple household changes. Removing toxins in your home and keeping your air fresh and clean can help to alleviate some of your cats symptoms. If your cats symptoms continue or worsen, then you should absolutely bring them to the vet so they can get properly treated.

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What Is Cat Sneezing

Sneezing is an explosive expulsion of air from the mouth and nose. Sometimes a shower of discharge is also sprayed out. This can be clear, or it may be bloodstained or even yellow or green if an infection is present.

Cat sneezing is usually a minor occurrence it should expel the irritant in their nose. However, sometimes repeated sneezing may be accompanied by other symptoms which could mean a bigger health issue.

Excessive discharge from the nose or eyes, coughing or wheezing, reduced appetite and fatigue all may be seen in a sneezing cat.

What Causes Cat Sneezing

Cat sneezing can be surprisingly difficult to diagnose, for several reasons. First, your veterinarian will need to confirm that your cat is actually sneezing.

Coughing, gagging, reverse sneezing, hiccupping, retching, and wheezing can all be misidentified as a sneeze, and each of these symptoms come with a separate list of possible causes.

Take a video of your cat during an episode to help your vet confirm whether it really is a sneeze.

Another obstacle in diagnosing cat sneezing is the plethora of underlying causes. Infections, chronic inflammation, dental disease, cancer, and inhalation of foreign material can all cause a cat to sneeze.

Further complicating matters is the fact that in cats, more than one of these causes is usually going on at the same time.

Here are some of the possible causes for sneezing in cats.

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How To Get Rid Of Colds In Cats

Congestion, common in cats, is usually caused by an upper respiratory infection. Such an infection may be brought on by a virus, though it’s possible to be the result of bacteria or allergies. Common symptoms your cat may display she is congested are coughing, sneezing, runny nose and runny eyes. Most of the time congestion will go away on its own after a few days, but if you begin to notice your cat has trouble breathing contact your veterinarian immediately. If you think your cat is suffering from mild congestion, you have many means of treating her at your disposal.

Determine Why Your Cat Is Sneezing

Chronic Nasal Congestion

Still wondering what can I give my cat for sneezing? The most important thing you can do to get your cat over their sneezing is to determine the root cause of the behavior. No matter what, its important that you continue to monitor your cat’s habits and stay in contact with your veterinarian. Appliances like the Litter-Robot 3 Connect and Feeder-Robot can help you monitor your cats feeding and litter box habits, which you can report back to your vet along with all of their pertinent health data. This will help provide a bigger overall picture of your cat’s health.

Do cat colds go away on their own?

If your cat has a cold, otherwise known as an upper respiratory infection, it will typically go away within a week or two. However, you should schedule an appointment with your vet to treat more severe signs. These include excessive discharge from the eyes or nose, not eating, squinting or holding the eyes shut, or drooling a lot.

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Cat Sinus Infection Symptoms

Kitties suffering from sinus infections may be asymptomatic, but cats often show some cold or upper respiratory infection signs.

Common symptoms of sinus infections in cats:

  • Nasal Congestion

Why is my cats snot bright green?

While a viral infection may cause a runny nose and congestion, the nasal discharge will be clear. On the other hand, a bacterial infection will come with bright green or yellowish mucus from the kittys eyes and nose.

When bacteria like bordetella or chlamydophila felis become trapped and breed in pre-existing mucus. This mucus turns yellow to green as the white blood cells work their magic.

And thats why your cats snot is green youre welcome.

Runny Nose In Cats Causes

Why does my cat have a runny nose? This is a common question among cat as well as other pet owners. The most common cause of nasal discharge in cats is an infection in the upper respiratory system. However, there are many other causes for this including the following:

Cat Flu

This involves an infection in the respiratory system of your kitten. It can be caused by either bacteria or viruses. With this you will notice the cat exhibiting cold like symptoms such as eye discharge, sneezing and a runny nose.

Nasal Polyps

Although this is rare in cats, it can happen. Polyps are growths of a benign nature that results from the mucus membrane. These can make a cat have a runny nose.


These may be either viral or fungal. They will leave the nasal cavity lining casing irritation and a running nose.


Facial swelling as well as nasal malignant tumors are a common cause of nasal drainage.


Trauma around the head and face can see your cat experiencing nasal drainage. The trauma may be accidental or self imposed through head pressing by the cat.

Foreign Bodies

When there are foreign objects in the nasal cavity, your pet will recognize it and in a bid to fight it a cat runny nose will be experienced. In most cases, such situations will only have one side of the nostril running.

Allergic Reactions

Cleft Palate

With this, there is a congenital deformity in the cat. It occurs when the mouth roof fails to fuse during the development of the kitten.


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