Saturday, July 27, 2024

Symptoms Of Distemper In Cats

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Can Panleukopenia Be Treated

How to tell if a cat has distemper

As with most viral diseases, there is no specific treatment for FPL. Antibiotics do not kill viruses but help control the secondary bacterial infections that commonly develop due to the lack of white blood cells and the resulting reduced immunity. Dehydration and shock are life-threatening components of FPL, and intravenous fluid therapy and intensive nursing care are critical. If the cat receives aggressive supportive care through the initial stages of illness, the prognosis for a full recovery is good.

“…intravenous fluid therapy and intensive nursing care are critical.”

Do Indoor Cats Need A Distemper Shot

All kittens and cats should receive initial primary courses of vaccination against Feline Distemper because the viral particles are excreted from ill animals, and they can live in the environment for a protracted period of months or years. This means that there is a risk of a human bringing the virus back to the house with them, which is why a basic level of protection is important for all cats, even if living indoors.

What Is Feline Panleukopenia Virus In Cats

Feline Panleukopenia Virus, otherwise known as Feline Distemper, is a highly contagious, life-threatening infectious disease in cats. It mostly affects kittens and unvaccinated cats, and it can be fatal if not appropriately diagnosed and treated. It is closely related to canine parvovirus .

The feline panleukopenia virus infects and kills the rapidly growing and dividing cells in the body, including cells in the bone marrow, intestines, and skin, and in a developing fetus.

The virus suppresses the production of all white blood cells in the bone marrow. These cells are important to the immune system and are used to fight infection. Without them, the cat is vulnerable to spreading the virus.

Infected cells in the intestines eventually lead to diarrhea, decreased appetite and vomiting. Severe dehydration ensues and the safety barrier between the intestines and the rest of the body breaks down, leading to secondary bacterial infections. The virus spreads quickly and is fatal, if left untreated.

Feline distemper virus is found everywhere in the environment it is strong and can live for years. The virus can survive in the environment it was shed into or be carried on shoes, paws, bedding, bowls, litter boxes, etc. It can survive at freezing temperatures and room temperatures, and it can also survive the use of certain disinfectants, including iodine and alcohol.

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Recovery And Management Of Feline Panleukopenia Virus In Cats

Luckily, there is a vaccine for feline panleukopenia virus, and it is part of the core vaccine series for cats. This vaccine is so effective that a cat often requires only one dose for lifelong immunity, though it is still recommended to be administered as a series with other core vaccines.

Most vaccine protocols recommend at least two doses given two to four weeks apart, with the last vaccination received when the cat is 14-16 weeks old. This vaccination is usually repeated every one to three years, depending on your cats lifestyle and the protocols set by your veterinarian. Discuss vaccination with your veterinarian for more details and recommendations.

Since feline panleukopenia is hardy and can remain in the affected environment for a long time, all cages, food/water bowls, toys and bedding should be replaced or thoroughly disinfected. This virus can live on the hands and clothing of humans who encounter it, so washing your hands with soap and water after handling an infected cat minimizes transmission to other cats.

To ensure safety, unvaccinated cats should not be placed in an environment frequented by a cat with suspected feline panleukopenia.

Diagnosis Of Distemper In Cats

Distemper in Cats

It can be challenging to conclude that your cat is infected because many of the symptoms can be mistaken for poisoning or other kinds of medical conditions. To avoid misdiagnosis, a vet will conduct thorough exams and history of travel .

Blood tests, stool tests, and urinalysis are some of the tests that need to be performed to come up with a conclusive diagnosis.

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About Dr Pete Wedderburn Dvm

Dr Pete Wedderburn qualified as a vet from Edinburgh in 1985 and has run his own 4-veterinarian companion animal practice in County Wicklow, Ireland, since 1991. Pete is well known as a media veterinarian with regular national tv, radio and newspaper slots, including a weekly column in the Daily Telegraph since 2007. Pete is known as “Pete the Vet” on his busy Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages, regularly posting information on topical subjects and real-life cases from his clinic. He also write a regular blog at His latest book: Pet Subjects, was published by Aurum Press in 2017.

Feline Distemper Symptoms Signs Treatment And Prevention

Feline Panleukopenia virus , also commonly referred to as feline distemper, is a highly contagious and life-threatening viral disease that is found in cats, raccoons, and mink.

This virus affects the rapidly dividing blood cells in the body, primarily the cells in the intestinal tract, bone marrow, and in the stem cells of the developing fetus.

Because the blood cells are under attack, this virus can lead to an anaemic condition, and it can open the body to infections from other illnesses viral or bacterial.

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How Is The Virus Transmitted

Not only life-threatening, but feline distemper is also contagious. The FPV is present in everything excreted or secreted by infected cats. For instance, it is present in their feces, urine, saliva, and vomits. As a cat comes in contact with the contaminated fluids, the virus enters her body by the oral-fecal route.

The virus can also be transmitted to the cats through their owners hands, who have not washed their hands properly after handling multiple cats.

If the cat has been inoculated with the feline distemper vaccine, the viruses will not do any harm to your cat. Otherwise, it will lead to the development of oral infection, and then the disease will develop as the virus starts replicating in the mitotically active cells such as lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, thymus, and the intestinal tract.

As a result, the leucocytes, commonly known as white blood cells, may rapidly decreaseoften by 90 percentresulting in panleukopenia. These white blood cells are responsible for defending the body against infections. Consequently, cats with panleukopenia also become more prone to many other deadly infectious diseases.

What Type Of Illness Is Distemper In Cats

Pet owners need to watch out for distemper symptoms

Feline parvovirus is serious and life-threatening, with a high mortality rate among kittens.

Feline Distemper, or Feline Panleukopenia, is a highly contagious disease caused by the Feline Panleukopenia virus, with a high mortality rate for unvaccinated cats, especially kittens aged between 2 and 5 months.

The virus is similar to Canine Parvovirus, and the clinical signs are similar too, with the intestinal tract being a focus for viral damage. Infected cats have a high temperature, dullness, inappetence, as well as vomiting, diarrhea, and a range of other systemic signs. As its name suggests, the virus causes significant suppression of white blood cell production in the bone marrow , with the consequently suppressed immune system making affected cats even more vulnerable to serious complications of the illness, including bacterial infections.

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Common Symptoms Of Feline Distemper

Recognizing the common symptoms of Feline Panleukopenia Virus is essential in order to seek early and prompt treatment. Many of the symptoms of Feline Panleukopenia Virus can mimic the symptoms of other common conditions. If you notice that your cat is not behaving normally or is developing symptoms that worry you, it is important to immediately seek out the care of a licensed veterinarian to get a diagnosis and subsequent treatment plan in place. Below are the most common symptoms of Feline Panleukopenia Virus.

  • Low white blood cell count
  • Complete loss of interest in food
  • Rough hair coat
  • Hanging head over the water or food bowl without attempting to eat or drink
  • Tucking feet under the body for extended periods of time
  • Attempting to hide themselves for a day or two
  • Resting their chin on the floor for long period of time

In addition to the above symptoms, in some cats the Feline Panleukopenia Virus may attack the brain. If Feline Panleukopenia Virus attacks the brain, the cat will begin to develop neurological symptoms. The most common neurological symptom associated with Feline Panleukopenia Virus is a lack of coordination.

Can Kittens Get Feline Distemper

Kittens can acquire this disease in utero or through breast milk if the pregnant or nursing mother should be infected.

The virus can also be passed along by people who have not washed their hands appropriately between handling cats, or by materials such as bedding, food dishes or equipment that has been used on other cats.

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Feline Distemper In Cats: Symptoms Treatment Vaccinations

Feline distemper is very scary and dangerous viral disease. This virus attacks the red blood cells, marrow cells, gastrointestinal cells and even fetal stem cells. This disease is the hardest for the kittens under the age of six months, pregnant cats and animals with weakened immune system. In these cases without urgent treatment the probability of animal death is very high.

The disease is highly contagious and can be transmitted by contact with the blood, urine and faeces of an infected animal. Also it is transferred by fleas that move from an infected animal to a healthy . Even a man who was in contact with sick animals and did not washe his hands can become a reason for your cat distemper infection. Household items can also be a source of infection if a sick animals contacts them before healthy one. Besides feline distemper can be passed from mother to kittens through the milk and blood when they are still in the womb.

What Is The Distemper Vaccine For Cats

Feline Distemper On The Rise in Regina  Regina Cat Rescue

Hypersensitivity reactions can occur with any medication, but tend to be very rare for Albon use in cats.

The vaccine for Feline Distemper is included in the standard combination vaccine thats given to all kittens, otherwise known as the FVRCP vaccine.

Read More: FVRCP Vaccine for Cats: What You Need to Know

This vaccine includes Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis and Feline Calicivirus, upper respiratory infections are known generally as cat flu, whose signs include sneezing and nasal discharge. These are all known as core vaccines, meaning that vaccinating all cats against these diseases is recommended under the World Small Animal Veterinary Association and American Association of Feline Practitioners feline vaccination guidelines.

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Early Stage Symptoms Of Distemper In Cats

It is always best to diagnose any illness in its earliest stages. When treatment is begun early in the progression of the illness, your pet’s immune system can be supported in many ways. This will help her immune system fight the disease while she is still strong. That is why it is important to observe your cat carefully for the first signs of distemper in your cat and behavioral changes.

Diagnosing Feline Distemper / Fpv

Feline panleukopenia can look like many other conditions, such as feline leukemia or feline immunodeficiency virus. Any kitten showing signs of fever, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, and a decreased appetite is a feline panleukopenia suspect. A thorough medical history can be helpful with diagnosis, especially if your cat was recently adopted, has been outdoors frequently, is unvaccinated, and/or has been around other cats.

Your veterinarian will likely do bloodwork to help with the diagnosis. Feline panleukopenia is suspected when exposure history is correlated with very low white blood cells and possibly low red blood cells .

Fecal testing for feline panleukopenia virus can be performed . If the cat received a panleukopenia vaccine 5-12 days prior to testing, this form of test is often falsely positive. Virus isolation , antibody levels and PCR testing are also available to help confirm suspicions of feline panleukopenia.

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What Are The Clinical Signs Of Panleukopenia

There is some variation in the clinical signs, but cats typically experience depression or listlessness, which may progress to collapse. Since the virus infects and destroys rapidly growing cells, the intestinal tract is often affected. Vomiting and diarrhea are frequent, and diarrhea may contain blood. The hair coat quickly becomes dull and rough and the skin loses its elasticity due to dehydration.

Often, cats with panleukopenia develop other infections because their immune system is weakened. They may have purulent discharge from the eyes and nose. In young kittens with severe infections, sometimes, the only clinical sign is sudden death.

How Can I Prevent My Cat From Getting Feline Distemper

Signs of Feline Panleukopenia

Luckily, there are multiple vaccines available to protect your cat from feline distemper. The vaccine should be given initially at 6-8 weeks of age and repeated every 3 to 4 weeks until 16 weeks of age. Then the vaccine is given at 1 year of age and every 3 years thereafter. Adult cats with unknown vaccine history should be given an initial dose, then a booster in 3-4 weeks, then 1 year later, then every 3 years thereafter.

If your cat survived an infection with feline distemper, they can shed the virus for up to 6 weeks after recovery, so be sure to keep them isolated from other cats that are not vaccinated.

You can kill the virus in the home with a 1 to 32 bleach solution and let it sit for 10 minutes. Since you may not be able to treat all items with this solution, assume the virus will be present for a year indoors, and be sure all new cats are vaccinated completely before being introduced to the home.

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Distemper In Cats: Causes Symptoms And Treatment Of Panleukopenia

Panleukopenia is a severe, extremely contagious viral disease of felines, kittycats, raccoons, and mink. The panleukopenia virus has the tendency to get into cells which are quickly growing such as those of the digestive system, bone marrow , lymph tissue, and establishing nervous system. This discusses the common symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, low leukocyte count, and seizures. A vaccine is readily available to safeguard against the disease.

What Are The Attributes Of The Feline Panleukopenia Infection

Panleukopenia is brought on by an infection really similar to the one that causes parvovirus disease in dogs. It is really steady in the environment and can survive years at room temperature. It survives well in lower temperature levels too, and is not killed by a lot of the typical disinfectants. Contact with a bleach solution of one part bleach to 32 parts water for 10 minutes will suspend the infection.

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Symptoms Of Feline Distemper

If your cat is infected, the first few signs you may see could be the same as with the other health issues like poisoning. This is where vigilance comes in, a simple sign like lethargy should not be taken with a grain of salt.

If the disease is diagnosed early on and the treatment is done while the feline distemper is at the early stage, your cats immune system can be beefed-up with supplements, and hopefully, it can fight off the virus. This is why it is important not to ignore the symptoms because, for all you know, your pet is already manifesting the signs of a contagious viral infection. Let us now look at the symptoms

Feline Distemper: What You Need To Know

Help in Understanding Feline Distemper

Because distemper is a highly contagious disease, cats and dogs may die as a result. It can be transmitted by coming into contact with infected saliva, blood, or other bodily fluids, or by being exposed to contaminated objects. A cats first symptoms are lethargy, loss of appetite, and diarrhea that quickly becomes severe, sometimes bloody, and vomiting. If untreated, distemper can kill you. Because distemper is not contagious to humans, dogs can contract it and die if they are exposed to an infected animal. Distemper is curable in cats if the immune system is strong enough and the medical staff is aggressive enough. If you suspect that your cat has distemper, you should consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.

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What Causes Panleukopenia

Panleukopenia is caused by a virus very similar to the one that causes parvovirus disease in dogs. It is very stable in the environment and can survive years at room temperature.

It survives well in lower temperatures as well, and is not killed by many of the common disinfectants. Contact with a bleach solution of one part bleach to 32 parts water for 10 minutes will inactivate the virus.

Are There Side Effects

The modern vaccines for distemper in cats are generally safe and the side effects are uncommon. But, not all cats have the same response to vaccines, some may show signs of lethargy for a day or two.

Severe allergic reactions are like anaphylactic shock are rare. In case, you see adverse reactions, we recommend that you contact the vet immediately.

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Distemper In Cats: Symptoms Causes And Prevention


The information contained in this article is for educational purpose and should not be taken as a substitute for your vets opinion, as much depends on circumstances and history peculiar to each pet.

The information contained in this article is for educational purpose and should not be taken as a substitute for your vets opinion, as much depends on circumstances and history peculiar to each pet.

Feline infectious enteritis , commonly known as cat or feline distemper, is a contagious and deadly viral disease in cats. Distemper in cats is caused by the feline panleukopenia virus .

The virus attacks the rapidly dividing blood cells in the cat bodyskin, intestinal tract, and bone marrowweakening the defensive mechanism. This makes infected cats more susceptible to other deadly feline diseases. There is no proper cure for this life-threatening viral disease. But worry not! Distemper in cats can easily be prevented by vaccination.

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