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What To Do If Kitten Has Diarrhea

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Kitten Has Diarrhea Due To Food Allergies

Meilyne has cat poop coffee

Another issue related to what a kitten eat may be due to an allergic reaction. This is not the same as poisoning. This can be the case with kittens which eat something we know they shouldn’t because they are toxic to cats. These include:

  • Chocolate
  • Alcohol
  • Onion

However, some cats may have an allergy to something which is otherwise healthy for felines. Food allergies in cats can cause various problems, diarrhea being only one of them. In acute cases, the kitten may go into anaphylactic shock, something which can be life threatening. However, with mild cases, the kitten may have diarrhea, but otherwise seem fine.

To determine the cause of the food allergy, a trial and error system is usually put in place. This requires changing the food and removing certain ingredients until the allergy can be isolated. This needs to be supervised by the veterinarian to ensure the correct protocols are carried out.

How Can I Prevent Diarrhea In My Cat

The best way to ensure that your cat does not develop diarrhea is to limit your cats access to garbage or foods other than their regular diet, and try not to switch your cats food around. Instead, try to be consistent and feed your cat one brand of high quality cat food.

Have your kitten properly dewormed and vaccinated, and take your adult cats and fresh fecal samples in to the vet yearly for examination to check for overall wellness and intestinal parasites.

Most cases of diarrhea in cats resolve spontaneously without treatment, however, if your cat is having bowel problems, do not hesitate to contact your local veterinarian she is there to help.

Veterinary Diagnosis And Treatment

Bring your kitten to the vet if his diarrhea continues for more than a day, or if you observe lethargy, vomiting, fever, dark-colored or bloody stools, straining to defecate, decreased appetite or unexplained weight loss.

Your veterinarian will examine your kitten for underlying illnesses and most likely take a stool sample to check for the presence of internal parasites, overgrowth of bacteria or other fecal abnormalities. Your veterinarian may also conduct blood work to identify other possible causes of the diarrhea.

Other diagnostic tests that might be recommended include X-rays, ultrasound, cultures, endoscopy and biopsy. The diagnostic tests performed and treatment recommended will depend on how the long the diarrhea has been present and the severity of your kittens condition.

If your kitten is dehydrated, supplemental fluids may be given either via intravenous or subcutaneous route. Giving fluids orally may not be sufficient to make up for the dehydration because the liquids pass through the kitten too rapidly to be properly absorbed. To detect dehydration, gently pinch the normally loose skin at the back of the neck. When a kitten is normally hydrated, the skin snaps right back down. If the pinched skin flattens slowly or remains tented, the kitten is dehydrated. If the kitten appears to be dehydrated, take him to your veterinarian right away.

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Food Allergies And Food Intolerances

Food allergies are an unlikely cause of diarrhea in kittens, which typically develop over time, however food intolerances such as giving them cows milk may affect kittens.


Once the problem food is discontinued, symptoms will resolve.

  • Corticosteroids or antihistamines can be prescribed to control itching. Unfortunately, not all cats will respond to this treatment.

What Can You Give A Cat For Diarrhea

What to Do: Kitten has Diarrhea and Worms

Most cats with acute diarrhea usually only have one episode of diarrhea, are fine afterwards and require no treatment. Cats with mild diarrhea may be managed with only feeding a fat-restricted, easily digested food, either homecooked chicken and rice or a therapeutic diet until normal stools are seen.

If this doesn’t clear up the problem within a day, then your vet can prescribe probiotics that can be mixed into your cat’s food and antidiarrheal drugs.

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How Can I Treat My Kittens Diarrhea

If your new kitten has diarrhea, you might be curious about what you can do to help. While some diarrhea is certainly treatable at home, itâs best to get a professionalâs opinion on your kitten’s health status.

In addition to speaking to a vet about your kitten’s diarrhea, you can also take the following steps.

Kitten Diarrhea And Vomiting

Kitten diarrhea andvomiting is not normal in young cats. Because young kittens dont havethe resilience that older cats do, these symptoms are a very clearmessage that something is not right. Even if the cause of the diarrheaand vomiting is not life-threatening, dehydration from the conditioncan be. Any time a kitten is persistently vomiting or experiencingstomach upset, it should be cause for alarm.

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Why You Should Use Extreme Caution With Imodium

Imodium is a synthetic opioid. All opioids are known to cause constipation. They work by slowing down gut motility which allows for more fluid and salts to be drawn back into the body system.

It should only be given under the guidance of a veterinarian. The use in cats is extremely controversial and should only be used with extreme caution.

Imodium, when administered at safe levels, is not helpful for pain and, therefore, will not relieve any abdominal discomfort your cat may have.

In some cases, it can cause extreme excitement in some cats. Additionally, it can cause respiratory suppression in some cats.

You should never give Imodium to your cat if:

  • If your cat has ingested a toxin or has an infection. The diarrhea is a way for their body to flush itself out and remove toxins and infections.
  • If your cat has any medical conditions that can make them more susceptible to the negative side effects of the drug. Some health conditions are:
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • If your cat is vomiting, has abdominal pain , and is weak.
  • If your cat is very young or old.
  • If your cat is pregnant or nursing.
  • Be Prepared To Answer Your Veterinarian’s Questions

    Poop 101

    Being able to answer your vet’s questions about your cats diet, environment, habits, behavior and knowing the details about your cats diarrhea will aid in narrowing the list of possible causes.

    There are different characteristics for when diseases cause small intestinal diarrhea versus large intestinal diarrheas, and the diagnosis and treatment for both are generally different. Here are some details to pay attention to when you suspect your cat has diarrhea.

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    Home Remedies For Cats With Diarrhea

    By: Shanna Freeman& Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley | Updated: Apr 14, 2021

    Diarrhea is a problem that most pet parents might not want to talk about, but it can be even more serious for cats than for humans. If you’re cleaning your cat’s litter box and notice that her stools have been loose lately, it could be cause for concern.

    When the body needs to get rid of something quickly, it speeds up the action of the intestines and cuts down on water reabsorption from the gut. Diarrhea is actually a defense mechanism. Once the cat’s body has expelled the suspect stuff — and no more is taken in — diarrhea usually clears up by itself. So it’s possible that your cat has just eaten something that didn’t agree with her stomach and there’s no real reason to worry.

    However, certain viruses and diseases, a change in diet or a food allergy can also trigger diarrhea. If it’s one of these causes, the diarrhea may not clear up for several days. Because it also removes a lot of fluid from the body, bouts of diarrhea lasting more than 24 hours may cause dehydration, which is a potentially serious condition.

    Start by making a mental checklist of the previous 24 hours. Did your cat rummage through the garbage? Drink some milk ? Have a snack of “people” food? Eat a new food of any kind? Have a major stress or trauma ? Now think about the past week. Has there been an increase in stress for the cat? Did she eat some nonfood item? Has she been showing other symptoms of illness?

    Kitten Diarrhea At A Glance

    About: Diarrhea is the passage of loose and watery stools. Diarrhea is common in kittens, but should always be taken seriously as they can dehydrate quickly.


    • Protozoal infection
    • Viral infection
    • Bacterial infection
    • Intestinal worms
    • Poisoning
    • Fading kitten syndrome

    Treatment: Observe kittens at home for 24 hours if they appear otherwise well. If diarrhea persists longer than that, or if your cat is exhibiting other symptoms such as lethargy, if he has consumed a toxin, loss of appetite or blood in the stool, seek veterinary attention immediately. If possible, bring along a stool sample.

    Prevention: Introduce new foods slowly. Keep toxins, poisonous plants, medications out of reach of your kitten.

    Worm kittens every two weeks, from two weeks of age and vaccinate at 6-8 weeks.

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    Diarrhea In Cat Puppies

    Cat puppies up to 5-6 weeks of age, at which time weaning begins to consolidate, are especially vulnerable to diarrhea as a consequence of the transition from the milk-based diet to the introduction of the new semi-solid food. Your stomach is not ripe and it may take time to get used to it.

    However, in this vital stage, diarrhea alerts us to possible dehydration that can be deadly for the puppy. Therefore, if you have young cats with diarrhea, do not delay visiting the vet.

    Recognize The Signs And Symptoms Of Diarrhea In Kittens

    What To Do When Your Cat Has Diarrhea or Runny Poo

    You should know that it’s normal for kittens to have softer poop, Demos says. A kitten’s stools are not quite as dry and hard as an adult cat’s. But if your kitten’s poop is consistently shapeless and mushy or is liquidy, then it’s diarrhea.

    Kittens with diarrhea may have accidents outside the litterbox. You may also notice diarrhea on their paws or around their tail .

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    How Is Diarrhea Treated

    Initially, and often in advance of an in-depth work-up, a non-specific approach may be adopted. For otherwise healthy adult cats, your veterinarian may advise you to withhold food for 24 hours or to feed small quantities of a light, easily digestible diet. Water should be offered at all times. The best diets are often veterinary supplied diets specifically formulated with a balance of fibers that feed the good bacteria found in your cats intestine. In some cases, a bland, home-prepared diet such as boiled rice or pasta with boiled skinless chicken may be recommended.

    Antidiarrheal agents, dewormers, and/or probiotics may be prescribed in some cases. Metronidazole and tylosin are commonly prescribed anti-diarrheal agents that decrease the intestinal inflammation that often leads to diarrhea. Dewormers commonly used include Profender®, Panacur®, and Drontal®.

    “Antidiarrheal agents, dewormers, and/or probiotics may be prescribed in some cases.”

    Food Allergies And Intolerances

    Diarrhea can be a sign that your new kitten’s diet needs to be changed.

    If your kitten has diarrhea or is vomiting after they eat, it can indicate that their system is not agreeing with a particular ingredient. Your vet can help you choose appropriate food for your kitten to ensure they’re getting all of the nutrients they need without causing GI upset.

    Diarrhea can also be caused by your kitten consuming a non-food item.

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    Will Cat Diarrhea Go Away On Its Own

    Sometimes diarrhea occurs because your cat ate something he shouldnt have or because youve introduced something new into your cats diet. In these cases, diarrhea is usually transient and self limiting, and resolves on its own within 24-48 hours.

    Be sure to monitor your cats stool closely during this time and be on the lookout for any other signs of illness. If your cats diarrhea does not resolve within 48 hours, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, fever, or other changes in health or behavior, dont wait see your veterinarian right away.

    Chronic Diarrhea From Poisoning

    Kitten Nacho has dramatic cry while gently stimulated to pee #short #shorts #cat #kitten #pets

    Your cat may have chronic diarrhea that is caused by an ongoing poisoning, such as lead toxicosis.

    We cannot stress enough how important it is to identify the underlying cause of chronic diarrhea. In cases of lead poisoning, its likely that the pet owner and other family members are also be affected, perhaps unknowingly.

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    Why Is It Important To Treat My Cat For Diarrhea

    Diarrhea can lead to dehydration so your cat must continue to drink plenty of water. Offer a bland diet that is easily absorbed and digested in the intestinal tract. Diarrhea that doesnt resolve must be investigated. For everyone involved, a swift recovery from diarrhea is preferred! Consulting a vet ensures the most effective treatment plan is made for your cat.

    How Long Does Kitten Diarrhea Last

    How long this lasts depends on the cause. If it’s rotavirus or a change in diet, it could be a few days. If it’s a persistent intestinal infection that has become severe, it could be longer. You’ll need a vet to diagnose the cause and discuss what kitten poop looks like, and then you can ask about how long the kitten might continue to have the problem.

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    Kitten Has Diarrhea Due To Diet

    In this section, we are referring to the food a kitten eats once the weaning process has begun. When the mother cat begins to encourage the eating of solid food, it is up to us to provide the correct type of food. If the mother cat has abandoned her kittens, does not produce milk or is otherwise unable to feed the kitten, then it is up to the human guardian to care for their needs.

    Our AnimalWised guide on how to feed a newborn kitten will help you along with this process.

    A common problem when we take over the feeding of kittens is knowing what type of milk to provide. Some people give kittens cow’s milk, thinking this will provide adequate nutrition. However, felines cannot digest cow’s milk in the same way and it can be a cause of diarrhea. A temporary kitten milk formula can be made, but you will need to purchase some specially formulated artificial kitten milk eventually.

    When the kittens are weaned onto solid food, they will need food which is formulated for their development. Both wet and dry kitten food is available, but the wet food will be needed initially as the kittens may struggle even to chew dry feed. If we do not provide food which is specifically formulated for kittens, it can result in diarrhea. However, they will still maintain some nutrition, so they may otherwise appear normal.

    Tips For Cleaning Up Diarrhea

    My Cat Has Diarrhea but Seems Fine: What Should I Do?

    Wear gloves and use a good disinfectant to clean the litterbox or any other areas.

    • Try to wash your cats bottom if it has become soiled. Using an antibacterial soap such as Dial is okay if you dont have an antibacterial dog/cat shampoo.
    • If you can, collect a sample of stool. Its likely your vet will want to test it for common parasites.
    • Be cautious if you have other cats or children. Occasionally diarrhea will be caused by an infection that can be passed on to others. Practice strict hygiene and keep them separated if possible.

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    What To Do If Your Kitten Has Diarrhea

    Its important to speak to a vet as soon as possible if your kitten has diarrhea. Your vet will likely run a test on a fresh stool sample to screen for parasites. Parasites such as giardia and coccidia are very common causes of diarrhea in young kittens. In certain pedigree breeds such as Bengals, a parasite called Tritrichomonas Foetus can be involved.

    Your vet will request further information about the health of your kitten, specifically whether she is vaccinated for diseases such as panleukopenia. Although this is uncommon, it causes a high mortality rate. The diarrhea is usually profuse, and the kitten may have other signs of disease.

    Other things to consider include a recent change in diet, environment, or addition of treats to encourage good behaviors. These are much more common causes of diarrhea in kittens. The symptoms are mild and usually, your kitten will appear well and happy if these are the cause.

    Your vet will be able to determine whether your kitten needs further diagnostics or if some simple remedies can be tried at home.

    Kidney Or Liver Disease

    You probably already know the importance of the liver and kidneys. These detoxifying organs are essential for your cats health.

    When theres something wrong with the liver or kidneys, diarrhea may be one of the first symptoms that develop. However, your vet will not be able to diagnose liver or kidney dysfunction only on the presence of diarrhea.

    Other tests will have to be administered to check liver and kidney function. With kidney or liver disease, a timely diagnosis is of utmost importance to slow down, or even stop, disease progression.

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    When To Contact Your Vet

    If your cat has had mild diarrhoea for less than 24 hours, but is otherwise fine , you may want to try settling them at home before contacting your vet . However, if he/she doesnt improve within 24 hours, gets any worse, or develops any other symptoms you should contact your vet for advice. Always speak to your vet if you have an elderly cat or kitten with diarrhoea because they are more at risk of becoming dehydrated.

    When To Go To The Vet

    My Cat, The Poop Master | CatManJohn

    There are a few things that pet owners should consider when deciding if its time for a vet visit.

    First, what is the general condition of your cats health? Is your cat very young or old? Do they have any preexisting health conditions that will make them more susceptible to dehydration or other illnesses?

    Next, is your cat experiencing any other worrisome symptoms, such as vomiting, lethargy, depression, or pain?

    Additionally, how often are the bouts of diarrhea? Is the diarrhea extremely watery?

    Finally, what does your cats diarrhea look like? Is it the color of normal, healthy feces or is it black and tarry? Black and tarry feces often points to internal bleeding, which must be treated immediately. If your cat is experiencing black, tarry stools, seek veterinary medical care right away.

    Its okay if you dont have the answer to all of these questions. If your cat is looking unwell overall and their feces look abnormal, take your cat to be examined by your veterinarian.

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