Saturday, July 27, 2024

When Can I Take My Kitten To The Vet

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Preparing For Your Kittens First Vet Visit

How to Take Your Cat to the Vet (the Stress Free Way!) – Cat Health Vet Advice

The day is upon youyoull be taking your new pal to the vet tomorrow. What should you do?

  • Follow the instructions regarding kitten dry food or wet food and water from the vets office. .
  • Give yourself an hour to 1 ½ hours for that first vet visitbring a book or your tablet! Just like your doctors office, emergencies with other pets can happen, and your vet may not see you at 10 a.m. on the nose.
  • Bring all of the documents you received with your kitten.
  • Be able to answer some important questions about your kittens life history, such as travel , diet , environment , and any medications that were or are being administered.
  • Complete the registration form before your visit. Most clinics will have downloadable forms on their website. It will save you time!
  • One thing about cats is that they know when you will be placing them in their carrier! Im not sure how they know, but they do. Whether its your body language or how you approach them when you call here kitty, kitty, they know and they will hide.

    The most popular hiding spot will be under the bed, directly in the middle so you cant get to them, or theyll go through some tiny opening to get behind a cabinet. Try to not tip them off! Ideally, get them used to the carrier before the big day. Leave it out so they can investigate and feed them treats, or even their meals, inside.

    Can Vet Tell If Cat Has Had Kittens

    As far as whether your cat has had kittens, it is a little trickier to tell. In general, if a cat has queened in the past and successfully nursed her litter, her nipples will be slightly enlarged when she dries up. If she was spayed after having weaned a litter there may be a way for the vet to examine the uterus, if the owner was interested.

    How Can I Tell If My Kitten Is Happy And Healthy

    Happy and healthy kittens have fun and energetic behaviors. They’re curious and constantly playing. You don’t need a television anymore when you get a kitten, as they are so fun. It’s mostly about setting them up for correct boundaries in the household so that we can make sure that their behaviors are consistent with a happy life for everybody.

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    How To Get Your Cat To The Vet If Your Cat Is Unmanageable During The Exam Itself:

    If even carrier habituation, pretreatment with pheromones and anti-anxiety medications from your veterinarian arent enough, be kind to your cat and allow the veterinarian to administer sedation or other medications so its not fearful, Dr. Brunt says. A cat with arousal and heightened anxiety is causing harm to itself far more than by administering medications to sedate or even anesthetize them. Additionally, those medications can be reversed once the exam or procedure is complete.

    After trying a lot of pretreatments and having them fail , we now have Gabby sedated at every vet visit. I admit that it made me a little uncomfortable at first, but its effective, not too costly at our vet and very worth it. Remember if your cat is sedated, make sure that you or someone you trust can monitor him for a few hours following his vet visit. Cats who are sedated are sort of drunk and dont have their regular motor functions. Sedated kitties need to be kept in their carriers for a bit and then slowly reintroduced into their surroundings as sedation wears off. Make sure a sedated cat doesnt have access to anywhere or anything where he could accidentally fall keep him away from any high furniture, cat trees and stairs.

    Want more advice on taking your cat to the vet? Heres even more advice on how to get a difficult cat to the vet calmly > >

    Tell us: Do you have a cat who hates the vet? What tips and tricks work for you?

    Thumbnail: Photography by pyotr021/Thinkstock.

    When Should I Take My Cat To The Vet

    Can I take my cat to the vet just for a check

    Repetitive vomiting is a sign that something is wrong with your feline companion. If your cat continues to do its normal routine like eating, drinking, and using the litter box, then contact the vet and discuss his symptoms. However, if your cat does none of those, then bring your cat to the vet for a case of medical emergency.

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    How Do I Stop My Cat From Suffering

    Therefore, a simple and practical dose is 1 mg of Benadryl per pound of your dogs weight, given 2-3 times a day. For example, a 10-pound dog might receive a 10 mg dose in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Most diphenhydramine tablets are 25 mg, which would be the appropriate size for a 25-pound dog.

    Once A Year Until She Is A Senior Then Go Every Six Months

    After youre done with all of the initial kitten checkups and vaccinations, you should start taking your cat into the vet for an annual wellness visit. This visit should include a nose to tail examination, boosters of any vaccines that are needed, and bloodwork. Honestly, the visit should only take about 30 minutes max, but will leave you with invaluable peace of mind.

    The exception to this yearly rule for wellness visits is for senior cats, who should go to a vet checkup once every six months. This is because senior cats health can rapidly decline if an issue goes undiagnosed and untreated. By taking your older cat to be examined more often, your vet will be able to help you find and address any minor problems before they become majoror even life-threatening.

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    Why Do Indoor Cats Need To Go To The Vet

    Indoor cats can develop many illnesses and conditions that have nothing to do with the outside world, such as issues with weight, hormone problems, genetic conditions, and tumors, among other maladies, so its important for them to see the vet for regular check-ups.

    Plus, even if they never leave the house, indoor cats can be affected by the outside world, particularly if theyre exposed to any other pets that go outside, such as your dog someone elses pet who comes to visit the occasional stray who wanders into the backyard or a foster pet. Rodents can also become part of the household without your knowledge. Finally, even you and your family members may inadvertently bring in dangers from outside.

    Also, as you know, pets cant talk to us, and cats in particular are very good at hiding pain and illness. They have a natural instinct to hide any signs of weakness, a skill that would keep them from being easy targets for predators and competitors in the wild.

    However, the fact that theyre so good at keeping problems hidden means that by the time they show any symptoms, the problem has likely already become advanced.

    Prevention is often far easier, less expensive, and more effective than treatment when it comes to health issues, which is why its vital to keep abreast of any changes in your indoor cats health through annual vet visits.

    Even subtle changes could signal diseases that could be developingdiseases you should catch and handle before its too late.

    Should A Vet Visit Always Be Your First Response

    Tips for taking your cat to the veterinarian

    You might be wondering if its really necessary to leap to the worst conclusion and contact your vet stat if you see any quirks and issues with your cat. Sure, its better safe than sorry, but should it always be your first response? Rotman says to use your judgment. Some signs or symptoms may not require an immediate in-person vet visit. If the situation seems to be less serious, such as slow weight gain or mild short-term changes in behavior, monitor your cat carefully to see if the change persists. And, of course, you can always save yourself some time and worry by just calling your vet, rather than immediately taking Kitty for an in-person visit. Next, learn more things your veterinarian wont tell you.

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    Weight Evaluation And Nutrition Advice

    Indoor cats have the tendency to become overweight. This may lead to various health concerns such as diabetes, heart disease, and problems with the joints. Not every cat owner is aware of how much to feed their cats, how to properly exercise them, or to determine if their cat is already overweight.

    So a visit to the vet will surely do you and your cat some good since the veterinarians are able to identify the signs that dictate whether your cat is overweight or not and theyll also give you counseling as well.

    How Often Should Indoor Cats Go To The Vet

    How often your indoor cat needs to visit the vet may vary depending on your cats age.

    • Young kittens should visit the vet once a month until they are 4 months old. This is around the time they should finish all of their necessary kitten vaccinations. Once they become six months old its a good time to consider bringing them in to get spayed or neutered. After that, they usually wont need another wellness visit until they turn 1 year old and are considered an adult cat.

    • Adult indoor cats should ideally visit a vet for wellness exams every 6 months. This will help your vet get to know your cat, its normal behaviors and weight. This way the veterinarian is more likely to notice illnesses early if there are any fluctuations in these. Monitoring your cats health is essential to catching problems before they become a major health issue.

    • Senior cats, those from 7-9 years of age and older, should get a check-up at least every 6 months, and more frequently if they suffer from any health issues. Many diseases become common in older animals, such as obesity and kidney or liver issues, so its important to have them checked frequently so your veterinarian can monitor and treat them as soon as possible. Once your cat becomes 15 years of age and older, they are considered geriatric and should visit a vet every 3 months.

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    Should I Take My Cat To The Vet

    If I notice something unusual, should I take my cat to the vet? The answer is yes. You know your cat the best, so if something seems strange, its worth the peace of mind to schedule your appointment. We recommend visiting the doctor as soon as possible if you start to notice the following warning signs:

    • Coughing, sneezing, runny nose
    • Changes in eating, drinking, elimination
    • Changes in activity, grooming, sleeping habits
    • Vomiting or weight loss

    How Often Should I Take My Adult Cat To A Vet

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    Adult cats will need fewer regular visits than kittens. The general rule of thumb is that cats should see a vet at least once a year, even if they are in perfect health. But if your cat is showing any abnormal behavior, you can always ask for vet help online and get professional advice on the matter in no time. Petcube offers a 24/7 Online Vet for every pet parent to get round-the-clock vet consultations.

    It isn’t always easy to see if your cat is unwell as they tend to hide it well, so regular visits can help pick up any hidden problems, or even those symptoms that seem normal to the untrained eye but may indicate something more worrying.

    An annual wellness check is essential to catching any potential problems early, receive any vaccine boosters required, and provide an excellent opportunity for you to chat with the vet about any concerns you may have. These annual checkups will also ensure your cat’s teeth and gums are in good health.

    If your cat is an outdoor cat, there are more concerns, including increased risks for parasites. That doesn’t mean that indoor cats can slack off on their vet visits obesity and weight gain are extremely common in indoor cats, particularly those that have been sterilized.

    Keeping up with regular visits to the vet will also keep your cat in the routine, so it becomes less traumatic for them over time. There are many ways to help your cat through the anxiety of a vet visit.

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    How Often Should I Take My Cat To The Vet

    We always want our cats to stay healthy and strong all the time no doubt, so the question is how often should you take your cat to the vet?. Theres been rumors here and there that cats dont have to be checked up on as often as dogs do, but thats a myth.

    People have this misconception because they think that indoor cats are far healthier compared to cats who strictly reside outdoors. While this may be true to some extent, however, we mustnt ignore the fact that our indoor feline companions need to have their regular doses of vaccines and other treatments.

    Without further ado, this blog is here to answer the question on how often should you bring your cat to the vet, along with other questions like why do some owners not take their cats to the vet, why should you take your cat to the vet, what are the specific medical issues of indoor cats, and other concerns as to why you should bring your cat to the vet.

    How Often Does My Kitten Need To Attend Routine Veterinary Care Exams

    Exactly how often your kitty will need to attend routine veterinary care exams will depend on her age and how healthy she is. Initially, your vet will probably recommend that your furbaby has a check-up every 12 months and annual wellness appointments tend to be standard for young and adult cats. If your kitten hasnt received her full set of vaccinations, you may also need to attend appointments for these to be carried out. You will also need to schedule a visit to arrange to get your kitty spayed/neutered.

    If your furbaby becomes unwell and develops a health condition, your vet will almost certainly increase the recommended frequency of her routine veterinary exams. This will enable your professional to monitor her health more closely so that they can react more quickly should the need for sudden treatment arise. This is also the case for senior cats. Our pets shortened lifespan means that their bodies age much faster than our own and age-related changes can cause health problems to develop quite quickly once your kitty reaches her senior years.

    Routine veterinary care exams form an essential part of your kittens preventative healthcare program. To schedule an appointment for your feline, or to ask any further questions that you may have, please contact our vets in Miramar Beach, FL at 837-7072.

    January 14, 2019

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    How Many Kittens Do Cats Have

    How many kittens do cats have Theres a broad range of how many kittens a cat can have per time. You can expect anything between 3 and 8 kittens. Some cats can give birth to 1 kitten, while others can have about 12! There are a lot of determinantal factors when it comes to the exact number.

    When To Take Your Cat To The Emergency Vet

    My Vet Shares Tips for Newly Adopted Kittens

    Is your cat in the middle of a crisis, leaving you unsure of what to do next? Or are you just trying to do some research to help you better understand how to care for your feline friend if anything unexpected should happen? As a cat owner, you dont want to think about having to rush your pet to the emergency vet. However, this is sometimes an unfortunate necessity, and its good to know which conditions and situations might require a trip to the emergency vet in the middle of the night.

    Check out the information below to educate yourself on cat emergencies. Understand that this list is not a comprehensive one, but it does cover most of the basics and should give you an idea of how to respond if something is going wrong with your cat. This information can help you prepare for the worst, even though you will hopefully never have to face this type of situation.

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    Your Kittens First Vet Visit: What To Expect

    Preparing for a veterinary visitespecially a first oneinvolves more than just calling to make an appointment. We want to share some tips to help ensure that you provide your veterinarian with everything needed to give your kitten the best care and that you get the information you need about caring for her yourself.

    When does your kitten need to go to the veterinarian? Its usually recommended that kittens be seen within the first 48 hours of bringing them home from the shelter, breeder or pet store and some purchase and adoption contracts require that. Its nice if you can give your kitten a couple of days to settle in at your home and become accustomed to exploring her carrier.

    The exception is when your kitten wont be an only cat. If you have other cats at home, your first duty is to protect them. A new kitten should have a veterinary exam to make sure she doesnt spread a respiratory infection to your current cats or share any intestinal parasites in the litter box. She should also test negative for feline leukemia virus and have at least one set of the core vaccinations recommended for cats: feline herpesvirus, feline calicivirus, feline panleukopenia, feline leukemia virus, and rabies.

    This first visit will put your kitten on the path to a happy, healthy life. And thats what Fear Free is all about.

    This article was reviewed/edited by board-certified veterinary behaviorist Dr. Kenneth Martin and/or veterinary technician specialist in behavior Debbie Martin, LVT.

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