Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why Does My Cat Keep Hiding

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The Most Common Hiding Places For Cats

ð?± My cat keeps hiding | Behaviour guides: Episode two

If your cat has suddenly disappeared and you have no idea where they might be hiding, here are their favourite areas to hide in at home:

  • Under the bed.
  • Inside a cardboard box, one of their favourite places.
  • Under blankets, bedspreads or rugs.
  • Under furniture.
  • Inside open suitcases or backpacks.
  • Behind a tree, shrub or a large pot, although they can also hide themselves inside empty pots.

Not all hiding places are safe. Some are dangerous areas where cats can usually hide:

  • Inside empty bags.
  • Behind or under any appliance that emits heat, such as a refrigerator or washing machine.
  • In the washer, dryer or dishwasher.
  • Inside fireplaces or stoves.
  • Under the bonnet of a car. You must be especially careful if your cat lives outside and you park your car outside in the winter. Cats are attracted by the warmth that the engine of the car emanates and they enter the car and sleep under the bonnet. Always check your car before starting it up in case there is a cat hidden next to the engine.

Let Your Cat Warm Up To Guests

Whether you have a temporary visitor or a new person living in your house, give your shy cat time to warm up to the new guest and never force the interaction. Cats learn by feeling out their surroundings and you should let them do this in their own time. Rushing the interaction will only make your cat more stressed and likely to hide.

Cat Care: Providing A Safe Space For Your Kitty

Whether you have an older cat or a new cat, all kitties need a safe place to call their own. This is especially true if you are moving to a new home with your pet.

If you want the best for your little hider, providing a safe space in their current or new environment contributes to their overall wellness. Ohio State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine stresses the importance of providing a “refuge” for your cat:

“The refuge is a place your cat can retreat to when she needs quiet time alone. Your cat should be able to come and go freely from her refuge.”

Keep a bowl of water handy in your cat’s refuge as well as a calming pet bed. Put a soft blanket in the cat carrier when traveling. Pet huts and cat caves are even better. A pet hut is a perfect hideaway that gives your hider complete coverage, privacy, and security.

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Keep Your Cat Well Fed

Your mother cat needs to get its nutritional needs met, especially before it gives birth and just after. These are crucial times for your cats overall health. Youll want to get a good wet food that is packed with all of the nutrients your pet needs.

The kittens will be getting nourishment from their mothers milk, so she needs to be very healthy. Take the time to find the right wet food to give your cat. This will benefit both the mother and its kittens.

Why Is My Cat Hiding Suddenly & Acting Strange

Is Your Cat Hiding? Heres Why  And What to Do

It can be super confusing when your cat wants to be alone all of a sudden.

You usually enjoy spending loads of quality time with your cat, but now your cat is acting weird. Whats changed?, you might ask. Why is my cat acting strange and scared?.

Here I run through the three most common explanations to this question. See which you think applies to your cat and follow my recommended advice on what to do next. With a little help and care, your cat will be back to their usual old selves in no time!

Before I start, its important to note that this list only applies to cats who have suddenly started hiding. Some cats are naturally more private and reserved, and simply enjoy spending their time curled up in small spaces. However, if your social cat suddenly shows major behavior changes, you need to get each of the following checked out.

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Create A Safe Hiding Place For Your Cat

If you have a cat at home, the first and most important thing is to try to create spaces that your animal prefers to hide in so they avoid hurting themselves. For example, it is appropriate to leave adequate space behind the refrigerator if your cat has hidden there before. However, you should also always check the washer, dryer, dishwasher or chimney before use to ensure that your animal is not there.

Prepare a place under the bed where your cat can quietly rest. If you place an empty cardboard box there, we’ve no doubt that they will feel very happy. What’s more, it is worth identifying the places where your cat likes to hide to check they are safe. Once your animal has chosen a place to hide, they’ll usually always use that one, so this task will not be too difficult. By following these suggestions, you’ll ensure that your pet is not at risk when they are seeking shelter.

If you want to read similar articles to Why does my Cat Hide?, we recommend you visit our Pets category.

Give Your Cat Time To Stop Hiding On Their Own

The best, most useful suggestion is to give your new kitten the time that they need to get acclimated to their new home. It is not recommended that you pester your kitten or try to force them out. This could actually have the opposite effect and make your cat want to hide away more.

Therefore, if your cat wants to hide, you should let them. Give them ample amounts of space and time, and let them explore on their own timeline. They wonât be like this forever, but you should be sure not to overwhelm them more by forcing them to spend time in an uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation.

Cats are territorial creatures by nature, so when your kitten arrives in their new home, theyâll probably feel unsettled until itâs established that this is their new abode. Give them time, and when theyâre more comfortable, theyâll begin to come around.

Pawp lead veterinarian Dr. Laura Robinson says that it âIt can take awhile for cats to adjust to their new environment. Be patient, let them come out in their own time. If they donât want to come out, provide food and water in the area of their hiding place and a litter box close by.â

While a cat hiding is not an immediate concern, Dr. Robinson recommends that âif it has been longer than a month, it may be worth a visit to the veterinarian to make sure there is not a medical reason for hiding, such as pain or nausea.â

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How To Provide Safe Hiding Spaces For Your Cat

Since hiding is a normal behavior in cats, instead of stopping your cat from hiding, it’s best to provide safe spaces for your cat to hide. This way they won’t hide in unsafe spaces, such as the washer and dryer or behind appliances. Most cats like being high up off the floor. So providing cozy spaces, such as a cat bed on a sturdy bookshelf or a cat tree with a built in cube space, can be an alluring hiding spot.

Older cats can be arthritic, even if they don’t show it, so older cats may appreciate hiding spaces down low. This can include cardboard boxes, either homemade or commercially produced scratcher houses, but it can also include their carrier. In fact, leaving your cat’s carrier out all the time with comfy bedding inside can make it easier for you when it’s time to take your cat to the vet. If your cat sees their carrier as a safe hiding spot, it will be easier to place them in it when it’s time to go somewhere.

Hiding is a perfectly normal behavior for your cat to have. You really only need to be concerned if they are hiding more frequently or if they are hiding in unsafe areas. For more ideas on how to create safe hiding spots for your cat, or for more information on when you should be concerned about your cat’s hiding, speak to your veterinarian.

  • Hiding behavior in cats. Feline Behavior Solutions – Cat Behaviorist.

    Hiding Behavior in Cats

  • My Cat Is Hiding Under The Bed And Acting Weirdis That Normal

    How To Coax A Scared Cat Out Of Hiding

    The answer to this question depends largely on the situation. There are certain contexts in which hiding under the bed and acting skittish could be a completely normal response. If you just recently adopted your cat, for example, and they havent yet had time to acclimate to you and your home, hiding is an expected behavior.

    Cats are sensitive to change within their environment, so even something that seems exciting to you could be hugely stressful to them. Some of the most common scenarios include home renovations, house parties, the arrival of a new baby, dog, or family member, and moving house. In stressful situations like these, your cat hiding under the bed is somewhat predictable and expected. While it may not be ideal, its not uncommon. In most cases, situational hiding behavior should resolve when your home settles down or after your cat has had some time to adjust to long-term changes. If your cats behavior doesnt improve, however, its important to seek advice from a veterinary professional.

    In other situations though, you may have no clear explanation for why your cat is hiding. Perhaps there havent been any known changes in your home environment and your cats hiding behavior seems to have come on out of the blue.In these situations, its important to investigate further.

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    How Should I Respond To My Cat Hiding Its Kittens

    You should try to avoid moving the kittens from wherever the mother has hidden them, as this can cause her to become very aggressive. Make sure that you do not let any pets or small kids near this area. If you do have children in the house, you will need to teach them how to go about handling your cat for this period of time.

    Keep your distance for a while until your cat isnt exhibiting such protective instincts towards her kittens anymore. This can last anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, so you need to be prepared. It is definitely not the kind of process that you want to try rushing your cat through.

    My Cat Wont Come Out Of Hiding

    If all the tricks have failed and your cat wont come out of hiding, then you have one distinct issue. The cat still believes the danger is present. When faced with that supposed truth, cats are more willing to hiss, bite, and scratch than emerge from their hiding spot. In this case, you will need to reassure the cat that its safe. That can be done by:

    • Removing strangers from the area, such as having guests or helpers go back inside
    • Limiting noises, such as by waiting to lure the cat out when cars arent flying by on a nearby street
    • Staying with the cat for as long as you can, especially if its scared by a persistent storm
    • Offering it food and water, even as you try to coax the cat out by hand
    • Removing other pets or animals, which might be threatening the cat by their very presence

    If all these options fail, you may have to use force. Although not recommended, there are times where its more dangerous to leave the cat outside by itself, especially for long periods of time. If you are not within reach of the cat, such as when its up in a tree, then you will need help. You can contact the fire department, a vet, or even animal control. If the cat is within reach, such as underneath a bush or deck, then you can handle this yourself. Youll need to:

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    Where Do Cats Hide

    When many cats are frightened, they tend to retreat to the master bedroom.

    Its scent-heavy and often smells a lot like the owner, Johnson says.

    The closet is appealing because its dark, and because there are lots of soft articles of clothingplus an option to climb up high: Some cats like to climb and scope things out from above, said Johnson.

    Ive Tried Everything And My Kitten Is Still Hiding What Should I Do

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    If youâve tried absolutely everything and your kitten is still hiding out, it might be time to reevaluate your tactics. The best thing to do in this case is to have a vet take a look at your pet. This could effectively eliminate any anxiety that there is something medically wrong with a kitten.

    When looking at concerning behaviors, itâs better to be safe than sorry. Your vet will be able to check that there are no additional or underlying health conditions that are leading them to hide away.

    It is always suggested that you err on the side of caution â especially with a young kitten. This is even more important if your cat appears to be extremely anxious or if theyâve quit eating or drinking. In that case, act immediately and get your pet seen by a vet.

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    Helping Your Cat Adjust To A New Home

    Adjusting to a new home can be a tense and frightening experience for a cat. Your patience and understanding during his initial adjustment period can do a lot to help your new cat feel at home.

    The ride home

    Riding in a car can be traumatic for cats. Your cat or kitten should be confined to a carrier during the ride home as well as during subsequent trips to the veterinarian. Do not let your new cat loose in a moving car or allow children to excite him. Do not leave the cat unattended in the car or stop to visit friends, shop, etc. Keep your cat in his carrier until you are safely inside your home.

    The new home

    Consider your companions past experiences. Your kitten may have been recently separated from his mother and litter mates. The kitten or cat has had to cope with the transition of a shelter and the stress of surgery. The adult cat may have been separated from a familiar home and forced to break a bond with human companions or other animals. Now he must adjust again to totally new surroundings.

    Its not uncommon for cats to display behavior problems during the first days in a new home, but these usually disappear over time. New cats and kittens often bolt under furniture. Some may spend hours or even days hiding. Sit and talk quietly to the cat. If you must take the cat out of his hiding place, carry him gently to a quiet protected area where he will feel secure. Be sure food, water and litter box are nearby.

    How To Stop A Cat Hiding Under Bed

    ByCatherine Barnette DVMpublished 29 August 21

    If your feline friend is a scaredy-cat, read on to learn strategies that may help reduce hiding behavior

    At some point, many cat owners find their cat hiding under bed frames and bedding. Under your bed is apparently a very tempting place for a cat to hide! If your cat hides on a rare or intermittent basis, you can probably just ignore it and move on with your life. But if your cat spends much of their time in hiding, you may need to dig a bit deeper in your search for possible causes and solutions. Hiding can have behavioral or medical causes and identifying the cause plays a significant role in successfully managing this behavior.

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    Why Is My Cat Hiding

    There are lots of reasons why a cat might hide. Cats hide to feel safe, and in order to protect themselves from things they perceive as dangerous or stressful so it’s important to find out the reasons why your cat is hiding.

    Cats as a species are self-reliant, so when faced with a difficult situation your cat would naturally prefer to avoid it rather than charge in and fight.

    Your cat will hide when there is something, or someone, nearby that is causing them concern. They may be frightened or just wary about something unfamiliar and might want to keep out of the way, just in case. If you leave them to it you will usually find that they will come out of hiding once the threat has gone or they have realised that whatever it was they were frightened of isnt actually scary at all.

    However, if your cat is hiding for prolonged periods of time this could be an indication that they are distressed about something more permanent in the environment. This could be anything but is often other cats in the home or even a person who is over-enthusiastic in the way they interact with them. Take a look at our advice on stress relief for cats for more information to help you identify potential sources of stress for your cat.

    Introduce New Pets Slowly

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    If you are going to introduce a new cat, do it slowly to get both pets used to their new roommate. Cat behaviorists recommend introducing a new feline friend one sense at a time.

    • Before you put the two cats together completely, start by giving them each a toy or piece of clothing that you rubbed on the other cat so they can get used to their scent.
    • Then, create a barrier so they can see each other but not touch each other .
    • Lastly, introduce them together and supervise them to make sure both cats are safe.
    • Create positive associations with each cat by rewarding them after spending time together.

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