Preventing Common Urinary Problems In Cats
You may have heard of a cat parent who struggled with their cat urinating inappropriately or perhaps you’re a bit more acquainted with this yourself than you would like. Sometimes called feline lower urinary tract disease , this refers to a spectrum of different diseases that result in inappropriate urination from our feline roommates, explained the Cornell Feline Health Center. No one fully understands why these conditions develop or how to always successfully treat them. Here are two broad categories you can experiment with to prevent your cat from developing feline lower urinary tract signs .
Eating Something Bad Or A Switching To A New Food
Bloody poop can be a consequence of something affecting your dogs digestive tract .
Common conditions affecting the digestive tract include inflammation thats called gastroenteritis, or hemorrhagic gastroenteritis when blood is also present.
Either of these can occur when your dog has eaten something he or she should not have. This can include non-food items, such as:
My Cat Is Constipatedwhat Should I Do
Cats who are straining to go to the bathroom or arent going at all are likely constipated. This can be caused by lots of factors, such as:
- Too little fiber in the diet
- Not drinking enough water
- Over-grooming, which can lead to hair blocking the digestive tract
- An obstruction caused by a swallowed object
- A tumor or other blockage in the intestines
- An illness, such as diabetes
If your cat is constipated, give your vet a call for advice, especially if you suspect some sort of blockage or illness. Your cat may need surgery to remove the obstruction or treatment for the specific ailment. To help alleviate constipation, your vet may prescribe a stool softener, laxative, or other medication. Constipation can also be helped by:
- Feeding your cat a high fiber diet
- Trying to coax more water intake
- Encouraging more exercise
Adding fiber-rich fruits and veggies to your cats diet can be useful as well. Check out our Infographic of pet-safe fruits and veggies for ideas.
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Cat Stool Color Guide
While examining your cats stool may seem a bit odd, it is a great way to ensure that your cat is getting everything they need. Changes in their stool color can be a sign that its time to visit your veterinarian. They can help you figure out what could be causing certain health symptoms. To help you better understand your feline friend, lets discuss each poop color in cats and what it can mean for their health.
Light Brown Cat Poop: Diarrhea
Among the types of cat poop we have soft cat stools. These poop types could result from different things from gastrointestinal conditions to feline parasites to diet problems.
If one day your cats stool is softer than normal, theres nothing to worry about. If, however, your cat has diarrhea for longer than one day, take note. Once your cats poop begins to look like liquid, consult your veterinarian.
Does your cat have diarrhea and is vomiting? Generally, soft stools that indicate a digestive disorder will be accompanied by other digestive symptoms such as:
- Vomiting
- Anorexia
- Apathy
Liquid poop, diarrhea in cats or soft stools may also be caused by intestinal parasites in cats. This is more common in younger cats. For more, we recommend taking look at our article where we discuss intestinal parasites in cats.
Sudden changes in feeding or inadequate food can also disrupt a cats digestive function. In addition, soft stool in cats may indicate other pathologies such as liver problems in cats.
Either which way, a veterinarian will be the one who, after examining your cat, will diagnose and treat the condition accordingly.
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Why Do Cats Poop On Rugs
If your floor is covered with a rug, then this is an additional reason for your cat to choose the place to poop. Out of all the places in a home, it appears that carpets are popular targets for unsuitable elimination. Theres something about the fabric that attracts cats. Possibly its the fact that carpets are easy to knead and paw at like litter, or maybe its the scent. The absorbency is likely an aspect also. You may never understand for sure why your cat seems to prefer the carpet, however lots of feline owners report this exact same issue.
What If I See Mucus In My Cats Poop
While blood in a cats poop appears as fresh red streaks or dark brown coffee grounds, mucus in a cats poop is a slimy, slippery discharge. Generally the more mucus you notice, the worse the condition.
In a healthy cat mucus is no cause for alarm its a normal secretion from the intestinal tract to help aid along feces. It is not unusual to observe either greasy or slick coatings in the feces of your cat. What is abnormal, though, is an excess of slimy, clear or pale yellow-green liquid in your cats feces.
It is not uncommon for a cat to excrete mucus with blood in poop.
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Causes Of Blood In Urine
If reading these signs has sent you into a panic, take a deep breath. Some of these signs are not typically associated with blood in cat urine and are seen only with rare diseases. Most cases of hematuria in cats are the result of urinary illness and your veterinarian is the best person to help identify what and where exactly that source of illness is.
Your vet will start by taking a medical history of your cat and a physical exam. Some basic labwork for a cat peeing blood may include blood tests, such as a serum biochemistry panel and complete blood count , as well as an analysis of the urine. Depending on the potential underlying disease, your vet may recommend more specific lab tests, such as a panel to check for abnormalities in blood clotting. If your vet suspects a urinary tract infection, a urine culture test can help identify the specific bacteria that may be present. Abdominal X-rays or an abdominal ultrasound are often recommended to help identify urinary tract stones, tumors or other abnormalities that can cause a cat to peed blood, such as an inflamed bladder.
Most cases of hematuria in cats are due to FIC . Urinary tract infections are actually pretty rare among cats.
Cat Peeing Blood: Treatment
As with many diseases, treatment for blood in the urine varies depending on the exact cause. For example, kidney or bladder stones may sound like a complete diagnosis, but your vet needs to know what type of stones they’re dealing with. Certain stones can be treated noninvasively with a therapeutic food that is capable of dissolving stones entirely. Some stone compositions are resistant to dissolution and will require surgery. Knowing as much as possible about the illness is critical to solving the problem.
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What Causes Intestinal Bleeding In Cats
Diarrhea can cause irritation of the lining of the lower gastrointestinal tract, leading to bleeding. If your cat has diarrhea or soft stools, they may start to appear bloody after a couple of days. Constipation often makes a cat strain to defecate. This sometimes leads to ruptured blood vessels in the lower GI tract.
What About Mucus In Stool
Mucus in your cats stool isnt necessarily worrisome. Unlike blood, mucus is a normal secretion from the intestines. Its slippery texture helps facilitate the flow of waste from the intestine down to the rectum. Usually, its just small amounts and colorless. You should only take it into account if its excessive or if its in shades of green and yellow.
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What To Do If Cats Poop Is Black
If your cats poop is black, the first thing you must do is visit your vet and get her diagnosed.
Most of the time cats black poop means she is having melena.
Youll need to provide a detailed history of your cats health, including the beginning of symptoms and any incidences that may have contributed to this disease.
Your veterinarian may be able to figure out where the blood is coming from based on the information you offer.
Your pets doctor will perform a thorough physical examination after taking a detailed medical history.
A complete blood count , biochemistry profile, and urinalysis are all common laboratory tests.
The underlying cause of the issue will determine the outcome of these tests.
Anemia with smaller and paler red blood cells than normal red blood cells may be discovered through blood testing.
Anemia is frequently nonregenerative in cases of chronic blood loss, meaning the bone marrow does not typically respond to the bodys increased demand for red blood cells.
Anemia is primarily regenerative in acute cases, as the bone marrow responds to the bodys growing needs by producing new red blood cells.
Other anomalies include a decrease in the number of platelets , an increase in the number of neutrophils , and a decrease in the number of both red and white blood cells.
Besides intestinal causes of melena, such as those of the kidney and liver, a biochemistry profile may reveal abnormalities connected to a sick state.
Kitten Diarrhea: Common Causes Symptoms And Treatment
Much like human babies, kittens can be sensitive to sudden changes in environment or diet. They can even suffer from food allergies. These factors can cause diarrhea, a condition in which the kitten will release frequent, liquidy stools. If you notice loose stools, you should monitor their bowel movements to make sure the condition is not chronic or a sign of a more serious problem.
When it comes to kitten diarrhea, it could be just a reaction to new foods, but it could also be a sign of a more serious, underlying illness.
If your kitten is suffering from diarrhea, its not time to panic. Dr. Erick Mears, a BluePearl veterinary specialist who is board certified in internal medicine, points out that kitten diarrhea is usually a treatable condition. Its pretty common and tends to be very responsive to treatment. Most of the time the things you look for are dietary causes or parasites, he says.
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What Is The Treatment For A Dog That’s Pooping Blood
Since there are several reasons why a dog might poop blood, the treatment will depend on the presumed cause.
After examining your dog, the veterinarian will provide a list of possible causes. They might need to do blood, urine, and poop testing, as well as x-rays or ultrasound, to identify the cause.
Identifying Blood In Cat Poop
Normal cat poop is brown, cylindrical and firm. A change in diet or health can alter any of these factors. While many abnormal conditions will right themselves quickly, some conditions wont. Blood in cat poop requires immediate attention.
First off, its important to remember that not all blood in cat poop looks the same. And usually its not a huge bloody stool that youll find. Blood in cat poop is often much more subtle it appears as flecks. The degree and color of the mottling depends upon how much, and precisely where, the blood is coming from in the digestive system.
Bright or light red comes from the lower intestinal tract, says Dr. Justin Molnar, DVM and medical director at Shinnecock Animal Hospital. Dark red or blackish colored blood comes from further up the intestinal tract and can signify a serious issue.
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A Change In Your Cats Diet:
If your cat is used to a specific food, and then you change it, especially without consulting with your vet first, it might lead to complications with your cats health. Your cat might develop food tolerance, or it might have an allergic reaction to one or more ingredients in the new diet.
Allergies in cats are most commonly related to protein sources in their diet, such as beef, dairy products, and different types of fish. There are certain breeds, which are likely to have food intolerances more than others are, however, for all kinds of cats, it can happen at any age. This can disturb their digestive system, causing internal damage, which would lead to rectal bleeding.
Preparing Cat Stool Samples
At each annual visit, your vet will ask for a stool sample so the lab can perform tests on the fecal matter. Samples are best collected in approved plastic containers, which your vet’s office will provide. But you also can pick up a container at the office before your appointment, or purchase one online or at a pet supply store. Just remember: The lab will need a fresh sample, so it’s important not to collect your treasure from the litter box until the day that you drop it off at the vet. Once you scoop the fecal matter into the approved plastic sample container, refrigerate is its possible and make sure to jot down the date and time of collection so the vet’s office has accurate information.
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The Importance Of Examining Your Cats Poop
Before we discuss each poop color in our furry friends, lets first talk about the importance of examining your cats stool in general. A healthy gut and digestive tract should create formed brown stool, meaning anything that falls outside of this description should catch your attention. Many medical complications in cats can affect their digestive health, and may even be the first clue of developing illness.
Cleaning your cats litter box gives you the perfect opportunity to stay on top of their digestive health, and make note of any changes in their stool color or consistency. Fast action in many situations can offer your cat the best chance at a swift recovery, and may even introduce you to a developing complication you wouldnt have noticed otherwise. Staying on top of your cats poop appearance is more important than you may think.
Can Worms Cause Blood In Stool
A person with intestinal worms may also experience dysentery. Dysentery is when an intestinal infection causes diarrhea with blood and mucus in the stool. Intestinal worms can also cause a rash or itching around the rectum or vulva. In some cases, you will pass a worm in your stool during a bowel movement.
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Can Stress Cause Blood In Cat Poop
Severe stress can cause blood in cats poo. Situations like moving house, boarding your cat when you go on holiday or around fireworks night can all cause your cat stress. Its a good idea to seek advice from a vet if you suspect your cat is pooping blood due to stress as they may be able to offer ways to help. Theres also a chance that your cats symptoms are due to an underlying condition which your vet will be best placed to diagnose and treat.
Can Worms Cause Blood In Cat Poop
Worms and other parasites are one of the possible causes of blood in your cats poo. But even cats that seem healthy can have worms, so its important to regularly worm them, even if they arent showing signs. Worms can make your cat very unwell so its important you make worming a regular part of your routine. Find out more about how to treat worm in your cat here.
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Black Blood Or Hair In The Feces Of Cats
The other type of blood that you can find in the cats feces is that which is dark or black. That this color means that it has originated in the upper digestive tract ie from the mouth through the stomach to the small intestines.
Being this dark color can sometimes be more difficult to see but it can be perceived with a dark reddish color which may seem tar. Have a look on leukemia in cats and its signs.
In both cases, in addition the stool smells especially bad since the hemoglobin which is the red pigment of the blood in decomposition emits a very characteristic and unpleasant odor. So when your cat pooping blood it gives a bad smell.
Causes Of Hematochezia In Cats
There are many potential causes of hematochezia. The most common causes are usually associated with the gastrointestinal tract, although in some cases, the cause is completely unrelated . It is important to determine the cause of hematochezia, as specific treatment is often necessary for these patients.
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Can My Dog Die From Pooping Blood
Yes, if the loss of blood through the digestive tract is significant, or its combined with significant loss of fluid through vomiting or diarrhea, it can be life-threatening.
Severe dehydration and loss of blood can lead to serious consequences for your pet.
This can include shock, having difficulty breathing, internal organ damage, and death if it goes untreated. It is always best to check with a veterinarian if you are unsure of the status of your dog.
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