Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why Is My Kitten Peeing In My Bed

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Anxiety Is Often The Culprit

Why Does My Cat Pee on the Bed?

Most often when a client consults with me regarding her cats inappropriate urination on her bed, I can usually identify an anxiety-related issue. We try to identify the stressors that are contributing to the cats inappropriate behavior. Is there an issue related to the litterbox, location of the box or substrate that is causing the cat to stray away from the designated toileting area? Or are we dealing with a social issue either tension in the relationship with the owner or with another cat, family member or pet in the household?

First, we need to assess the conditions of the litterbox. How often is the litterbox cleaned? A litterbox should be cleaned at least once daily. Make sure you are providing the most ideal litter, box type and location for your cats toileting area. While the ideal litter may vary according to a cat’s individual preferences, previous studies have indicated that the majority of cats prefer finely ground substrate, such as clumping clay litter. Although manufacturers may make scented litter to appeal to humans, some cats may prefer unscented litter.

How Can I Stop Cat Peeing On A Dog Bed

If the problem does have a medical origin, the most common cause is going to be a urinary tract infection . This can easily be fixed through some medication. However, there are some more serious, less common reasons why your cat is peeing inappropriately. These can include kidney stones, tumors, or inflammation, among others. You might also need to change your cats diet to one that provides more moisture, depending on what the vet says.

When you are trying to find a reason as to why your cat is doing this, you must always rule out a medical reason first. Medical reasons are something that your cat physically cannot help themselves with. Punishing a cat for having a medical issue is cruel and it will teach your cat nothing but resentment. Once you have ruled out medical issues as a reason why your cat is peeing on the dog bed, you can consider looking at a behavioral reason.

They May Not Like The Location Of Their Litter Box

Bedrooms are usually one of the quietest places in the house, so consider the location of your cats litter box in comparison. Most cats prefer to do their business in peace and quiet , so if their litter box is in a high-traffic area, they may just not be comfortable using it.

Placing your cats litter box in a quiet area of the house that theyre comfortable spending time in will help encourage them to use it. Placing it next to appliances like furnaces or dryers that suddenly make loud noises can startle your cat, discouraging them from using the litter box.

Make sure the litter box isnt placed in a corner, where your cat may feel trapped if another cat or your dog comes over to see what theyre doing.

Its a good idea to place a few different litter boxes in a few locations around the house and pay attention to which ones seem more popular when youre cleaning them out.

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Stressed Out Or Anxious Cats May Pee Everywhere

A cat who is anxious, nervous, or stressed may pee outside the box. This isnt revenge-peeing or holding a grudge though many humans blame passive-aggressive kitties.

A distressed cat can forget routines or legitimately have difficulty with bladder control. They also may not feel comfortable using the box due to whatever is stressing them out. Some factors to consider:

  • Did you get a new pet, lose a pet, or foster some kittens? Did you have a baby or adopt a child? Your cat may feel uncomfortable and as if their territory has been invaded. New pets and children also make loud and unexpected noises, which no cat is a fan of. Repeated loud noises and erratic behavior can create underlying kitty stress that leads to peeing outside the box.
  • Did you have a change in routine? A new work schedule or visitors to the home, an illness or injury? What about home renovations or a new appliance installation? Cats get nervous about changes to their home structure and may respond by inappropriate urination until they feel safe again.

Your veterinarian can help if you have a stressed-out kitty, with advice and behavioral modifications or perhaps with medication. If you can identify the likely cause and its something that wont continue , you can re-establish routine and see if the behavior clears up on its own once things are back to normal.

Frightened Cats Pee On Beds Resolving Litter Box Issues

Why does my cat pee on my bed?

As we saw, if your cat thinks that there is something wrong with the litter box, they will seek alternative sites. Its almost like they have a mental checklist they work through when they want a suitable toilet.

  • Is it in the right place? Check
  • Do I like the litter? Check
  • Is nobody else around? Check

And so onfail even one of these tests, and they might just pee somewhere they shouldnt!

Luckily, most of your cats criteria are pretty easy to fix. We can resolve her objections to her litter box and look forward to pee free pillows.

First, why dont we take a little diversion and ask why the heck some cats love peeing on the bed.

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How To Stop Your Cat From Peeing On Your Bed

Last Updated: August 26, 2020References

This article was co-authored by Brian Bourquin, DVM. Brian Bourquin, better known as Dr. B to his clients, is a Veterinarian and the Owner of Boston Veterinary Clinic, a pet health care and veterinary clinic with three locations, South End/Bay Village, the Seaport, and Brookline, Massachusetts. Boston Veterinary Clinic specializes in primary veterinary care, including wellness and preventative care, sick and emergency care, soft-tissue surgery, dentistry. The clinic also provides specialty services in behavior, nutrition, and alternative pain management therapies using acupuncture, and therapeutic laser treatments. Boston Veterinary Clinic is an AAHA accredited hospital and Bostons first Fear Free Certified Clinic. Brian has over 19 years of veterinary experience and earned his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Cornell University.There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 109,527 times.

Urinating In High Places Feels Safe To Your Cat

What do sofas, beds, chairs and counters have in common? They have surfaces that are higher than the floor and have good views. The elevation is perfect for kitties to identify and escape potential threats and stressors. Survival is a priority its instinctual, cats naturally dont want to be ambushed.

Sometimes, your cat peeing on the bed or the;couch is telling you that these places feel safer than his litter box. Its harder for other animals to corner and trap cats on elevated areas because the perpetrators are easily seen.

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The Litter Box Is Not Well Placed

It pays to think about whether your kitten is able to access her litter box during the night. Without thinking, some owners may place the litter box in a room that is shut off at night. Your kitten doesnt have the ability to hold her pee the way that we might and when she needs to go, she needs to go.

If the litter box is somewhere accessible, there could be a problem with the light. If it is dark, your kitten may not be able to properly locate the litter tray, despite having excellent night vision.

Furthermore, your kitten may simply not like that location of the litter tray. Once again, this could relate to anxiety, especially if the litter box is placed next to a noisy object such as a dishwasher or tumble dryer.

Wash The Bed More Often

Why is my cat peeing on my bed?

Litter boxes and dog beds are quite similar. Theyre both the same shape and about the same size. Luckily, they smell somewhat different, and one of the critical senses a cat uses to tell where to pee is the smell.

However, if the bed gets smelly, your cat may mistake it for a litterbox. Some cats are more sensitive to smells than others, so this largely depends on your cat as well. Some cats will consider a smelly bed to be a litter box, while others will not.

If your cat pees on the dog bed but then stops after you wash it, they likely used it as a litterbox because it was smelly like one. In the future, wash the cat bed often and ensure that it isnt smelly.

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Ruling Out Medical Issues Check With An Animal Psychologist

Your cat might have certain medical issues that cause your cat to pee on your bed or other items, such as your clothing. They might have a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, or feline diabetesall of which can cause your cat to pee outside of their litter box.

Stress can also lead to a medical condition known as Idiopathic Cystitis, otherwise known as an inflammation of the bladder with an unknown cause. This condition is likely caused by hormonal imbalances, stress, or something else entirely. A cat with this condition is more likely to go more often, and if they cant make it to the litter box, they will pee on your bed.

Bladder issues, urinary tract issues, and other medical issues need to be ruled out by your vet before you continue tracking down the root of the problem. And while you might want your cat to stop peeing on your bed immediately, this might be a problem that will take a while to solve.

An animal psychologist or behaviorist can help you determine other reasons that your cat is not using the litter box instead of going outside of it. They will look at how your home is set up, where the litter box is, how clean and tidy it is, and how much activity goes on in your house daily.

They will also work with you to help de-stress your cat so that it feels comfortable using the litter box once more.

The Discussion Is About Litterboxes

Many of your comfort-seeking tendencies make your cat pee on your bed, taking away all the comfort you think you deserve. Sounds creepy?

Yeah, but thats true.

You want them to pee where they are completely out of your sight, you want their litter boxes to be covered so to avoid odour.

But what if they become uneasy peeing miles away from their playing area?

What happens then? Obviously, they get spoiled. Then they pee on your bed. How straightforward!!


Do you have a thorough cleanliness inspection of the litterbox?

Do you wash it often?

Well its extremely important. Try to wash it at least twice a day.

Switching from one type to the other may also cause trouble here.

Even little changes i.e. in the physical shape of the box might also force her to pee out of it. ;

Moreover, Bad light and noise also have bad effects in this regard.

Psychological importance

Cats develop an emotional attachment with everything they have contact with.

List also features their litter box, thats why even colour changes might cause distress.

Subsequently, they choose to pee at such a place where they feel home. And most probably, its your bed.;

Size andnumber

If we talkabout size, the best size for the box is at least double to that of cat.Anything shorter than that means a compromise in the ease for cat.

Cats like to eliminate in their own litterbox, so, if not provided as many litter boxes as a number of cats in your house, at least one for each, they might divert.


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How To Stop A Cat Peeing On Bed Covers And Soft Furnishings

If your cat keeps peeing on your bed, his bed, or the dogs bed its worth remembering that each cat is different. There is no one-size fits all solution to the problem, and you have to try a few things.

For the best results, youll need to deny your cat access to your bed or other areas where he has been peeing inappropriately

At the same time, make his litter box area attractive to him.

With time and patience, you should be able to restore your cats proper house manners. If you continue to have problems, dont hesitate to consult a qualified cat behaviorist. Theyll be able to give you some great advice on how to stop your cat peeing on pillows.

Anyway, good luck. Why dont you let us know how you get on in the comments section.

When Stress And Fear Lead To Bad Habits

Why Does My Cat Keep Peeing on My Bed?

On the other hand, if your cat is healthy then psychological reasons are probably behind these episodes of peeing in your bed. Dont worry, it isnt always due to a deep psychological trauma but can be down to what may seem like small details. Cats are creatures of habit and are very sensitive. Even small changes to its daily life, routine or surroundings can make a cat feel stressed and want to seek refuge in your bed. A renovated or rearranged room, a new piece of furniture or getting rid of the old sofa, a new, strange-smelling rug or an out of the ordinary experience such as fireworks on New Year’s Eve can upset your cat and frighten it. Sometimes even a freshly washed blanket that doesnt smell like it used to or a scented candle at Christmas can be enough to bother your cat. There are, of course, bigger, unmissable incidents that can cause your cat lots of stress, such as, moving to a new house, a family member moving out, a new baby arriving or a new pet moving in. Furthermore, changes in your behaviour can unsettle these sensitive creatures. For example, you might have less time for your cat because you have a new job or a new partner. Sometimes boredom or being alone often can cause strain on the cats psychological wellbeing.

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Why Do Cats Wet The Bed

In actual fact, there is usually more to it than just an unpleasant habit. When your cat suddenly starts to use the bed as a litter tray, this is often a sign of stress, insecurity or illness and must be taken seriously. In these cases, the cat will deliberately seek out its owners bed to go to the toilet. This might seem surprising but there is a reason behind it. For the cat, the bed is the perfect alternative litter tray that is not only absorbent and soft but is also a safe retreat where it can do its business. The scent of its owner is reassuring and makes it feel safe and secure. The fact that the bed is high up instead of on the floor like a normal litter box, makes this sensitive creature feel safer. But why does your cat suddenly feel unsure about its litter tray? Why is your cat looking for security in your bed?

What Behavioral Reasons Are There

Your cat might also be peeing on the dogs bed for reasons similar to how teenagers and toddlers tend to act out in ways that they know they shouldnt. Provided that your cat knows where the litter boxes are and has used them in the past, your cat knows that it shouldnt be relieving itself in the dog bed.

Your cat could be trying to mark its territory. Many cats enjoy being able to sleep on the large, comfortable beds that most dogs use. If your cat doesnt get along all that well with the dog, it might try to claim the bed as its own.

The way that all cats claim their territory is by marking it with urine. While this isnt a pleasant situation to be in, it is relatively easy to fix. You could consider one of two options: getting a dog bed that your cat doesnt want or retraining your cat to use the litter box.

If your cat is just generally peeing everywhere and that just happens to include the dogs bed, then after ruling out a medical problem as the cause, you will need to retrain your cat to use the litter box. To do this effectively, you should isolate the cat for about a month before letting it back out into the rest of your house.

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Why Cats Potty On Beds

Cats are natural born clean freaks, with kittens using the litter box by the age of 3 weeks. Hit or miss bathroom behavior, though, is a wake-up call that something has gone wrong. It’s bad enough when she leaves nasty “gifts” under the piano bench, but truly disgusting if she targets your bed.

Peeing or pooping on your bed has very specific triggers. While every cat is different and combinations of reasons may be involved, here are the top reasons why cats turn beds into a litter box.

Why Cats Potty On Beds

  • Cat urine is a smelly name tag that also works as a stress buster. Stressed cats use urine like cologne to make themselves feel better so any kind of stress may lead bed-wetting or poopy cat behavior.
  • Cats also identify you and your scent as safe and comforting. Sleeping 8+ hours each day means the bedroom smells the most like you. That’s why kitty pee-mail gets special delivery to your pillow, especially when she misses you. In fact, while dogs chew up furniture or crash through windows, cats often potty on the owner’s bed when they suffer from kitty separation anxiety.
  • Other times, cats may target the bed when wrangling over social status. Since you are the most important part of her territory, a cat may decide to “mark” you and your bed as “owned” by her to warn away other cats.
  • Finally, beware of bleach in the laundry. For some cats, smelling bleach is invitation to urine mark on top of the bleach smell.

How to Stop the Mess

Get a Vet Check;

Out the Odor

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