Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why Is There Blood In My Cats Poop

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When You Should See Your Vet:

Why is there Blood in Your Cat’s Poop? – and how to treat it
  • If there is blood or mucus in the stool
  • If there is diarrhea for more than 2 days
  • If there is string or dental floss in the poop
  • If your cats poop and temperament change
  • If your cat is constipated for more than 2 days
  • If your cat continues to poop outside of the litter box
  • If your cat has hairballs in their stool
  • If your cat has worms in their poop

Keeping tabs on Fluffy and Peanuts poop can be stinky business, but its one of the best ways to be on top of their overall health. Our Meowtel sitters know that monitoring poop is just as important as scooping poop! Its actually not uncommon for our sitters to ask about Fluffy and Peanuts litter box activities during Meet & Greets. They care about every aspect of Fluffy and Peanuts life and are focused on making sure your kitties stay happy and healthy while youre away.

  • Lock, Cheryl. What Should My Cats Poop Look Like? . Retrieved from

  • Purina. Fecal Scoring Chart. Retrieved from

  • Why Is My Cat Bleeding From Rectum

    Numerous health conditions can cause your cat to bleed from its rectum, such as constipation, inflammation, and even diarrhea. Blood, in these cases, might be hard to identify, because the litter can either change the color or create some changes in the appearance as well.

    Possible causes your cat is bleeding from its rectal are:

    Tips For Changing Your Cats Diet

    If the vet pinpoints your cats diet as a source of the blood in his stool, here are a few tips:

    • Dont change your cats diet suddenly. Slowly phase out one food and replace it with the new food.
    • Your cat may have a food intolerance. An exclusion diet may be the best way to find the food ingredients that are causing the irritation to his system. Your vet can recommend the best way to go about an exclusion diet.
    • Dont make any changes without your vets approval. Cats can not only be finicky, but they can also be sensitive to changes in their food. You dont want to make the situation worse.

    So, the bottom line is: If you see blood in your cats stool, take him to vet right away. It might or might not be a serious illness but its definitely a sign that something is wrong and your cat needs help to heal!

    In the meantime, you can learn more about how to keep your pointy-eared buddy happy and healthy through our cat blogor cat page! We hope you found this article helpful and if your cat ever gets any cuts, abrasions, ear infections or;ringworm, we hope you keep Banixx Pet Care in mind.

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    Treating Blood In Cat Poop

    As mentioned above, eliminating stress and a quick tweak in your cats diet can provide fast results when the blood in cat poop isnt that serious. Your animal medical professional will provide the prescriptions required to tackle parasites and infections.

    Unfortunately, tarry stools can mean inpatient treatments and ongoing care. In some instances, surgery will be needed, like for a blockage. The most critical factor you can control is how soon you get your kitty to the veterinarian once you notice blood in cat poop. Only your veterinarian can determine the best treatment for the range of illnesses causing this discovery.

    Our cats rely on us to be their health advocates . Inspecting their litter box gifts is one of the surest ways to thwart any medical issues like blood in cat poop; before they become irreversible.

    This post was originally published in 2018.;

    Why Does My Cat Stink

    Blood in Cat Poop Causes and Effects For Cats

    Jenna Stregowski, RVT has worked in veterinary medicine for more than two decades. Her veterinary experience ranges from routine wellness care and preventive medicine to emergency and specialty care, where she has performed duties ranging from specialized nursing to clinical administration. Jenna has been writing about pet care for over 10 years, including for publications like DVM 360 and DogTime.

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    Do you have a stinky cat? Cats are generally known for their cleanliness. Most are fastidious self-groomers, which keeps them free of dirt and odors. However, you may sometimes find that your cat smells bad. Although some cat odors are harmless or easy to fix, others can mean there is a health problem.

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    What Does Blood In My Cat’s Poo Mean

    Finding blood in your cats poo can be a frightening sight and its normal to think it always indicates something serious. But there are actually lots of different reasons why there might be blood in your cats stool and many of them are easily treatable. Causes of blood in cat poop include food allergies or eating something unsuitable, infection, parasites, reaction to some medications, anal gland issues and colitis . Even stress can cause blood in your cats poo, for instance if youve recently moved house or its fireworks season. Other possible reasons include pancreatitis, toxicity , cancer or blood disorder. While many of these causes are mild, others are life-threatening and will need emergency treatment so always speak to a vet to be safe.

    Top 6 Causes Of Blood In Your Dog Or Cats Stool

    • 23 Dec, 2016

    Blood in the stool of your dog or cat can be a very scary thing to see. In humans, this is often a serious issue. However, bloody stool of dogs or cats can be from a variety of causes, not all of them serious. It is helpful to determine if the stool has blood mixed within it or is only streaked on the surface, and if it is normal or soft. These clues will help your veterinarian determine what may be happening. The following is a list of the six most common causes of bloody stool in dogs and cats.

  • Parasites;are the most common cause of bloody stool in puppies and kittens. Different parts of the world will have different parasites and risk of exposure to your pet. All puppies and kittens should receive deworming medication every two weeks until they are fourteen weeks old to help with roundworm infection.
  • Cancer in dogs;and cats is most commonly seen when they are older and can also cause blood in their stool. These pets might also have a difficult time passing stool or pass flattened stools.
  • Dietary indiscretion ;is more common in dogs than cats, but the irritation or damage to the colon caused by what they have eaten will sometimes cause blood in the stool of your dog or cat.
  • Stress;can cause bloody stool in dogs more often than cats. This may be a pet that has an underlying disease that worsened by the stressful event and should be examined by a veterinarian.
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    Diagnosing Blood In Cats Stool

    If your cats issue is not getting better on its own after a day or two, take them in for further testing with a professional. No matter what is causing your cats problems, a complete health exam is the only way your cat will be able to be properly diagnosed. From there, your vet will start off the diagnosis process with several exams including a microscopic fecal examination and blood work. This is the perfect opportunity to inform your vet of all prior symptoms or issues your cat has been suffering from thus far. Make sure to also inform them if your cat has recently had a change in diet or intolerance to specific products.

    In the case that your vet assumes your cats condition is due to parasites or other intestinal infestations, they will need to run a fecal smear. This test will help to identify any lingering parasites that may be present in your cats stool. By examining your cats prior health history, their recent physical testing, and current symptoms, they will be able to accurately diagnose your cats issue and provide a recommended treatment plan.

    When To See A Vet


    If you notice blood in your cats stool, there are a few things you can try at home to boost their digestive health:

    • Switch to a hypoallergenic diet
    • Try a pet probiotic
    • Reduce your cats stress levels as much as possible
    • Help your cat stay active with regular playtime

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    If their bloody stool is accompanied by other symptoms, or shows no sign of improvement after a few days, though, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible.

    When you take your cat to the vet for bloody stool, they will most likely use the following tests to get to the root cause of the problem:

    • Fecal tests, especially for parasites
    • Blood tests
    • Ultrasound imaging of the digestive tract
    • Endoscopy
    • In some cases, exploratory surgery in the abdominal area

    The treatment prescribed will depend upon the results of these tests. Fortunately, many feline digestive problems, like parasites and allergies, are very easy to treat.

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    What Does It Mean If My Cat Has Runny Poop

    Runny poop is not a good sign. If you changed Fluffys food without a gradual changeover, thats likely the cause. However, chronic diarrhea can be a symptom of hyperthyroidism, pancreatitis, cancer, IBD, or irritable bowel syndrome . Ongoing diarrhea can lead to dehydration, so its important to keep an eye on how long the bout is lasting. If it lasts longer than 48 hours, contact your vet.

    Symptoms Of Inflammatory Bowel Disease:

    The symptoms of IBD differ from one cat to another, and it depends on the severity of the disease and the cats condition? It also depends on the frequency of this disease in your cat and the area of the gastrointestinal tract that is infected.

    • Vomiting
    • Traces of blood in your cats poop
    • Crying sounds whenever using the litter box
    • The cats inability to control its bowel movements much
    • Using the litter box less, and defecating less

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    My Cat’s Pooing Blood But Has No Other Symptoms What Does This Mean

    Remember that cats are very good at hiding signs of illness so just because you cant see any other obvious signs it doesnt mean you should ignore the blood in their poo. Dont wait for other signs to appear, the blood itself is enough to warrant a call to the vet. While the cause might be mild and not a massive cause for concern, its always better to be safe than sorry.

    Emergency Situations And Your Cat

    Cat Bloody Stool

    Certain situations may be considered urgent. You shouldn’t wait for an appointment at your vet when your cat is experiencing an emergency. Keep information about after-hours veterinarians handy in case you need to rush to one. If you see the signs of an emergency, do not delay. Go to the closest open veterinarian immediately.

    • Trauma
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Gums that are blue, white, or very pale
    • Collapse, unconsciousness, or unresponsiveness
    • Exposure to a poisonous substance
    • Severe pain
    • Body temperature over 104 or under 99
    • Hasn’t eaten properly in 24 hours

    If you notice anything else your cat does that worries you, it’s better to be safe than sorry. You can call your vet or the emergency vet if you need help deciding if something is an emergency.

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    Litter Box Health Matters

    Sure, it seems silly to scope out your cats litter box. But theres a lot of information in your cats stools. You may find a warning of a brewing problem. And while bloody cat stools are frightening, they may not signal a serious issue. Keep an eye on your cat first before you hit the panic button.

    Editors’ Recommendations

    Black Blood Or Hair In The Feces Of Cats

    The other type of blood that you can find in the cats feces is that which is dark or black.;That this color means that it has originated in the upper digestive tract ie from the mouth through the stomach to the small intestines.

    Being this dark color can sometimes be more difficult to see but it can be perceived with a dark reddish color which may seem tar. Have a look on;leukemia in cats and its signs.

    In both cases, in addition the stool smells especially bad since the hemoglobin which is the red pigment of the blood in decomposition emits a very characteristic and unpleasant odor. So when your;cat pooping blood it gives a bad smell.

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    Physical Injury Or Trauma

    Your cat could swallow small sharp objects by mistakes, such as needles or cooked chicken bones. This latter would tear up through the tissue while passing through the cats intestinal tract alongside feces, and consequently, causing the cat to bleed from its rectum, primarily when it used the litter box.

    Diagnosis Of Blood In The Stool In Cats

    Blood in CAT and KITTEN stool/Blood in Your kitten or cat Poop / how to treat a cat /Dr.Hira Saeed

    Diagnosis of blood in the stool of your cat will require your veterinarian to diagnose the underlying condition that is causing the signs. During the initial veterinary exam you should provide your veterinarian with a complete history of your cats signs. Noting whether your cat is also suffering from diarrhea and vomiting, whether they have been eating regularly, and any other behavioral changes will be important. You should provide your veterinarian with information on the type of food your cat eats, as well as if there have been any dietary or lifestyle changes in the household that may have induced the signs.;

    Your veterinarian;will then use the information you have provided, the results of the physical exam of your cat, and possible lab tests to come to a possible diagnosis.;

    Your veterinarian will most likely perform a fecal smear of your cats stool in order to check for parasites that may be irritating your cats intestine. This is typically performed quickly in your veterinarians office. Your veterinarian may order blood work, which will give a detailed report on your cats white blood cell count and may help identify the presence of any infection.

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    Cat Stool Color Guide

    While examining your cats stool may seem a bit odd, it is a great way to ensure that your cat is getting everything they need. Changes in their stool color can be a sign that its time to visit your veterinarian. They can help you figure out what could be causing certain health symptoms. To help you better understand your feline friend, lets discuss each poop color in cats and what it can mean for their health.

    Types Of Blood In The Feces Of Cats

    Before explaining the possible causes of why my cat makes bloody stools, we describe the meanings of the different types of this.

    Both notice that there is;blood in the cats anus;and that this makes feces or even cat has diarrhea with blood is an indicator that something is not right in your pet digestive system or even in other parts of their body.;The presence of fresh or not blood in the feces can be one of the main;symptoms of parasites in cats, colitis, food problems among many other possible causes.

    Thus it is not normal to find;blood in the feces of cats as it is not in ours because it is a sign of disease or health problems.;Therefore, the first thing to keep in mind is that a;visit to the veterinarian;will be necessary especially if there is also;mucus in the cats feces. As we have said before there are different types of blood in the feces of cats because it can be fresh or not.;Specifically you can find red or black blood in cat poop and its meaning is as follows.

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    Recovery From Blood In Cat Poop

    The outcome of the treatment will vary depending on the cause of the problem. If the cause of the infection is something more severe, your vet may choose to treat your cat and let it recover in his office, where it can receive 24-hour medical care. The sooner the treatment begins, the better your pets chances of recovery.

    In most cases, a bloody cat stool will clear up shortly after treatment or a change in diet. If not, your cat will recover with time and proper care. Give your cat more attention and love while he is recovering, it will help speed up the healing process and help him return to a normal, happy and healthy life.

    Why Does My Cat Have Bloody Stools

    My Cat Is Pooping Blood

    Cats can develop bloody stools for a variety of reasons. Paying attention to the litter box will help you determine whether the problems mild or severe. So, while your cat may wonder why youre studying their poop, youre doing them a big favor.

    When you see a few drops of fresh blood, make sure to check your cats hind end first. The blood may not be coming from their GI tract after all. You may find trauma or abscesses around the rectum instead. These will require veterinary attention.

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    What To Do If My Cat Makes Bloody Stools Tips

    Now that you have more idea about the reasons that answer your question;about why my cat defecates with blood, surely you wonder what to do in this case.;So if you have questions about;what to do if your cat makes bloody stools or bloody diarrhea take note of these tips:

    • If you can take a sample in a plastic jar or bag.
    • It allows the specialist to perform the necessary tests so that he can find the basic cause and the best treatment.;These tests can go from a stool analysis so we have told you to collect a sample first, until a blood or urine test among other tests such as x-rays or ultrasound.
    • Try to explain all the details to the veterinarian about the behavior and physical condition of your cat in recent days.;It will be very important that you emphasize if you have seen any other symptom of illness in him for example if he eats or drinks less, if he is weaker, if you have seen parasites in his bowel movements and so on.
    • Follow all the advice of your veterinarian and return for the control visit after having given all the treatment to your feline.
    • Change your felines diet if the veterinarian tells you, for a softer diet.
    • Do not give medications or diet changes on your own only under the prescription of the veterinarian.

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