Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can You Get Worms From Cats

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Keep Your House Clean


To avoid cat worms, you should clean your house regularly. Cat worms can live in carpets, curtains, bedding, clothing, furniture, and other fabric.

They are transferred from the pets to humans by contact with soiled items or surfaces. Cleaning this material will help to remove any eggs or larvae that may have been left behind.

Symptom Of Worms In Cats

Depending on which type of worm a cat may have, there are several symptoms manifesting. Some are similar. Some others are different. Here signs you can expect a cat to have if there are worms problems:

  • Soft stools
  • Excessive licking of the anal area
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Tarry feces
  • Difficulty breathing

What To Do If Your Cat Has Worms & How To Avoid Them

Think your cat has worms? Find out how to tell for sure and how to treat them is she does.

The bad news: Intestinal worms in cats are very common. The good news: Theyre relatively easy to treat, and most cats make a full recovery. Plus, there are simple steps you can take to prevent worms in cats and help protect your pet from these parasites.

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Veterinary Treatment For Your Cat

If you suspect that your cat or kitten is suffering from any of these types of worms in cats, it’s best to get veterinary advice or treatment immediately to prevent the infestation in your kitty from becoming worse. This will help protect other pets and the humans in your life who can get worms from your cat.

If caught early, many of these parasites are easily gotten rid of with conventional worming medication or natural homeopathic remedies.

Presence Of Mucus Or Blood In Cat Stool

Fleas &  Ticks &  Worms

The existence of worms in cats is largely determined by the presence of mucus, blood, or worm segments in your catâs feces.

As a defensive mechanism against parasite invasion, the intestines create mucus, which makes your catâs feces sticky.

Tapeworm segments, as well as roundworms, may break off and wind up in your catâs feces.

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The Most Common Types Of Worms In Cats

Heres a list of the most common worms found in felines:

You may also have heard of ringworm. Despite its name, ringworm is not actually a worm. Its a fungal disease that affects the skin and hair of a cat.

In this remainder of this article, well mostly focus on intestinal worms: roundworms, tapeworms and hookworms.

Types Of Tapeworms In Cats

Please be aware that there are two different types of tapeworms found in cats.

The most common tapeworm is called Dipylidium caninum. These are easy-to-treat tapeworms in cats, and they are not contagious to humans.

Dipylidium is something veterinarians see every day. These worms can be very longup to 20 inches! They are flat with mouthparts that can attach to the lining of a cats intestine, where they feed.

When these worms are mature, they drop small segments , which then pass through the intestinal tract into the feces. These are the wiggling white pieces that you might find on the cats anal area or bed.

As gross as these worms are, fortunately, they rarely cause any significant harm to your kitty. However, the sight of a long, flat worm is certainly enough to turn the stomach of most cat owners!

A second form of tapeworm that can be seen in cats in some parts of the US, although very rarely, is called Echinococcus.

This form of tapeworm can be contagious to humans and is considered to be dangerous, but it is extremely uncommon. You can discuss with your veterinarian whether this form of tapeworm is of concern where you livebut keep in mind that it is very rare.

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My Cat Has Worms Can I Get Them

Yes, you can get worms from your cat including hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms.

When it comes to treating worms, most pet owners solely consider their pets well-being.

However, you should be aware that worms might constitute a health danger to you and your family.

Thats why its critical to recognize the signs of worms in cats, deworm your pet, and keep up with a regular deworming program as needed.

A zoonotic illness is a disease that can be spread from animals to humans.

There are a number of zoonotic external and internal cat parasites, some of which are more dangerous to humans than to their cats.

This is because humans are an odd host for feline parasites, and when they cant make their way to a specific feline organ, they get lost and confused in a human body and do strange things.

External parasites such as fleas and mites such as Notoedres mites and Cheyletiella mites can infect people and cause severe itching of the skin, which can be accompanied by a rash.

These little creatures, on the other hand, only stay on people for a brief time.

Ticks can harm both cats and humans. Cats are not as sensitive to ticks as dogs, but ticks can attack both cats and humans.

Humans, on the other hand, are more likely to be preyed upon by a hungry tick lurking in the surroundings, waiting to jump onto a passing human in search of a blood meal. Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are both transmitted by ticks.

How To Treat Tapeworms In Cats

Your Cats can give you Parasites! How to get Rid of Human Parasites-Rebel Grandmaster Bill Dixon

Treatment for adult tapeworms is given on an outpatient basis in the form of an injection or oral medication. Deworming medications are effective at removing tapeworms and very safe for your cat.

After treatment, the tapeworms will normally dissolve in the cats intestines. You dont usually see an expulsion of the tapeworms into the feces unless it is an unusually high worm load.

You need to administer the full course of the prescribed medication to ensure that the tapeworms are removed from your cat’s body.

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Identifying Worm Symptoms In Cats And Humans

According to, common symptoms of worms in felines include:

  • Distended looking belly
  • Diarrhea or blood in stool
  • Worms visible in feces or on or near cat’s anus

Though some people may not show any symptoms, the symptoms that cats face are the same as the symptoms humans may face when infected with worms.

Zoonotic Illnesses You Can Get From Your Pet

These are a few of the more common diseases you might get from your pet. People with weak immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS, may be more vulnerable than healthy individuals and should take special care.


Caused by a virus and spread through bites, rabies is a disease that affects the nervous system and is generally fatal. Early signs may be fever or headache. This can quickly develop into symptoms of confusion, sleepiness, or agitation. Although rabies can be spread from pets such as a dog or cat, you are more likely to get it from a wild animal.

Reduce the risk of rabies:

  • Keep your pet’s vaccinations up to date.
  • Do what you can to prevent your pet having contact with wild animals.
  • Have animal control remove any stray animals. Don’t try to care for them yourself.
  • Tell your doctor right away if an animal bites you.


Caused by a protozoan organism, toxoplasmosis may cause flu-like symptoms in some people. If you’re pregnant or getting ready to become pregnant, it is particularly important to be aware of this disease, as it can infect a fetus and cause a miscarriage or serious birth defect. You are most likely to get toxoplasmosis from eating partially cooked meat or from contact with animal feces while gardening. But you can also get it from contact with contaminated cat feces. It is important to change a cat’s litter box daily if it is cleaned within a 24-hour period, it is likely not infective.


Reduce the risk of toxoplasmosis:

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How Is Toxocariasis Treated

A child with mild symptoms might not need treatment because the infection will go away on its own when the larvae die. Kids with symptoms that affect the lungs, eye, or other important organs may be treated with anti-parasite drugs that will kill the larvae.

Doctors sometimes also give steroids to ease inflammation in the damaged organs. They also might refer a child to a specialist .

How Can You Tell If Your Cat Has Worms

Cat Worms

The signs and symptoms of worms in cats vary by parasite and can also depend on how many worms the cat has. Often, however, cats with intestinal worms dont show any signs.

Roundworms. Some of the common signs of a roundworm infection include diarrhea, weight loss, low energy, poor haircoat, failure to thrive , and sometimes vomiting. Kittens will often have a potbelly appearance, and cats that are heavily infected will sometimes have dead worms in their poop or vomit, Nichols says. Cats with a high number of worms can also suffer from anemia and blocked intestines. However, she adds that many catsespecially adultsdont show any signs.

Tapeworms.More often than not, cats with tapeworms dont have any signs, Nichols says. The most common clinical signs seen by pet owners are the presence of tapeworm segments in their cats poop or on their cats rear end. Vomiting, diarrhea, and blocked intestines can occur in cats with a high number of worms.

Hookworms. According to Nichols, beyond the typical signs of infection such as diarrhea, the blood-sucking parasites can cause severe anemia and even sudden death. Kittens are most at risk. Another unique feature of hookworms is that they can cause wounds and infections where they burrow into the skinmost commonly on the paws and belly, Nichols says.

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Can Humans Get Worms From Cats

Worried cat owners always ask can humans get worms from cats, in this post, we will be discussing that and much more so stay tight.

Concerns about health are one of the most common reasons why people dont want to have a cat as a pet.

One of the most common medical concerns is worms. Will your cat give you worms? Bacteria and parasites live inside the intestines of animals, including cats.

These bacteria and parasites can pass through an animals feces and cause diseases in humans.

However, not all animals that carry these bacteria or parasites pass them through their feces, so it is important to know which type of animal you are dealing with before determining if it will make you sick.

The question of whether humans can get worms from cats is not an easy one.

There are many different types of intestinal worms, and they all have different life cycles.

You can become infected with intestinal worms in a number of ways, including by ingesting the worms eggs or larva, or by coming into contact with contaminated soil, food, water, or other people.

Some parasites that live in the intestines of humans include roundworms, whipworms, tapeworms, and hookworms.

Cats are known to carry roundworms and tapeworms, but not whipworms or hookworms.

Can Humans Get Roundworms From Cats

So named for their spaghetti-like appearance, roundworms are white or brown, and they feed off an animal’s intestines. These parasites are passed through water, food, vomit, or feces that are infected with roundworm eggs. If someone accidentally ingests any of the eggs that person can become infected. Though uncommon, it is possible for a person to pass these parasites to another person for example, if an infected person did not wash their hands after going to the bathroom and then prepared food for someone else.

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Why Is It Important To Know The Signs Of Worms In Cats

Its because these intestinal worms may be passed on to you. You can get it from contaminated soil each time you do your gardening. The most vulnerable are pregnant women. Children who play outside and do not wash their hands after playing can get infected, too.

This is why we recommend that you stay up-to-date with the deworming program of your cat.

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Can Humans Get Worms From Their Cat

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There are ways for humans to get worms from cats. Typically, worms would get expelled through cat feces or produce eggs that will also get out with feces. Commonly, contaminated feces or soil should be ingested by a person to get worms from a cat.

Fleas are another way to transmit worms to humans, but again, one must ingest a contaminated flea. A garden or grass can contain feces from dogs or other animals that have worms. Therefore, one must be alerted to what is being touched and not put hands near the mouth if there are accidents.

Common methods of transmission include:

  • Children playing in sandboxes where cats have defecated
  • Walking barefoot through contaminated soil
  • Gardening in soil without wearing gloves

As a general rule, it is essential to avoid contact with animals feces and get rid of fleas. Today, cats are treated for worms by vets, and there are deworming treatments a cat owner can do easily at home, even as prevention. Therefore, it is not so common for a cat owner to get worms from a cat. Many preventive measures are taken by vets, especially if your cat goes for a check-up routinely.

But, it can still happen. Therefore cat owners need to know what they can do to prevent their cats and themselves from becoming victims of worms.

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A Swollen Or Distended Belly

Swollen/distended stomach in extreme instances Is especially evident in kittens. Many cats will exhibit no signs of tapeworms at all.

The most typical symptoms are increased appetite, dragging the bottom along the ground owing to worm discomfort, and spending more time cleaning the wormâs anal region.

Pets Parasites And People

Dogs and cats are not just pets. They are treated like members of the family. And like any member of your family, its important to keep your companion animal healthy and free of parasites.

It is fairly common for a dog or cat to become infected with an internal or external parasite at some point in its lifetime. Parasites can affect your pet in a variety of ways, ranging from simple irritation to causing life-threatening conditions if left untreated. Some parasites can even infect and transmit diseases to you and your family.

Your veterinarian can help prevent, accurately diagnose and safely treat parasites and other health problems that not only affect your dog or cat, but also the safety of you and your family.

For more information on how parasites affect your dog or cat, the health risks to people and prevention tips, please visit us at

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What Happens If Worms Go Untreated In Cats

Worm infestations that are left untreated can be dangerous, even fatal, for your cat.

Migration of larvae through the organs and tissues of the body as they make their way to the intestine could result in severe skin infections, blindness, convulsions, or pneumonia, depending on the path of larval migration.

Ongoing losses of blood and vital nutrients, which should be absorbed by the intestines, can result in progressive anemia, weight loss, dehydration, and death.

Feline Hookworms Can Eat Their Way In Your Skin

The Persistence of Parasites: How Do Cats Get Worms?

Humans can also be infected with feline hookworms. As with roundworms, eggs are excreted in the feces of infected cats. These become infectious after five to 10 days in the environment when they have developed into larvae or juvenile worms capable of penetrating the skin by eating their way in.

They migrate under the skin leaving intensely itchy, red, swollen winding tracks in their wake. This is known as cutaneous larva migrans.

“Humans are an abnormal host for feline parasites, so the parasites become lost and confused in a human body and do some unusual things when they cannot find their way to a target feline organ.”

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How To Prevent My Cat From Getting Worms

Cats are prone to getting worms due to a variety of reasons. However, you can always have some preventive measures in place. These small steps will help you assure better safety for your cats against worms.

  • Make sure your cat stays indoors. This will prevent them from coming in contact with the feces of other cats or dogs or rodents, fleas and birds. These are the primary carrier for the worms that infects the cats.
  • Keep the home, lawn and surrounding area clean. It is quite difficult to make your cat stay indoors at all times. This is the reason that you must keep these areas clean as your cat can get worms from these places too while roaming around.
  • Always use preventive measures like wearing gloves while cleaning the litter. Make the cat practice good hygiene as well.
  • Make sure you visit the vet at regular intervals. Do not try to treat your cat by yourself at all times.

Worms in cats are quite common. However, it is preventive as well. Gaining information is the first step towards guaranteeing your cat a safer life.

How Do Cats Get Worms

Cats most commonly contract worms after coming into contact with parasite eggs or infected feces.

A cat may walk through an area with eggs or infected feces, and since cats are often such fastidious groomers, they will then ingest the eggs or fecal particles as they clean their fur and feet.

This can occur in indoor cats as easily as it can in outdoor cats, particularly if multiple cats share a litter box that is contaminated with infected feces.

Cats that live outdoors and regularly hunt small rodents are also at a higher risk of contracting worms because the worms can live in the muscle tissues of their prey.

After eating a rodent thats infected with worm larvae, a cat can develop a worm infestation as those larvae develop to maturity in the cats intestines.

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