Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Long Do Cats Live Up To

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How To Help Your Cat Live Longer

How Long Do Cats Live? You can make a difference!

There are six simple steps you can take to help increase the life expectancy of your cat.

  • Get them neutered ;Neutered cats tend to live longer as it prevents them from picking up diseases through mating and they are less likely to roam far from home which decreases the chance of road traffic accidents and cat fights
  • Have regular vet checks Taking your cat to the vet for a check-up at least once a year will help you to catch any health issues early so they can receive effective treatment
  • Get them vaccinated Making sure your cat is up-to-date with all their vaccinations will help to protect them from any nasty diseases that could shorten their life
  • Encourage exercise Whether your cat goes outdoors or not, try to spend a little bit of time each day encouraging them to play so they can get some exercise and stay physically fit
  • Feed a healthy diet Make sure your cat is eating a complete cat food suitable for their age as this will contain all the nutrients they need for a long and healthy life. Avoid giving too many cat treats as these can be high in calories and cause them to put on weight
  • Keep then indoors at night The risks of your cat being involved in a road traffic accident or fight with another cat are higher at night, so we recommend keeping them indoors when its dark
  • For more advice on keeping your cat healthy, visit

    What Age What Stage

    Cats can live for an amazingly long time considering their small size. In general, smaller mammals have shorter lifespans, but cats are a little different. For example, although cats are smaller than most dogs, they generally live longer. Also, they are only slightly larger than rabbits, yet again live a great deal longer. The average lifespan for a pet cat is probably around 13 to 14 years. However, although their lifespan varies, a well cared for cat may commonly live to 15 or beyond, some make it to 18 or 20 and a few extraordinary felines even pass 25 or 30 years of age.

    How Do Cats Age

    As you can see, the common 1:7 ratio is very misleading cats age much more quickly in their first two years of life and then the aging process slows down and continues more steadily after that.

    How did veterinarians settle on this cat age to human age calculation?

    When it comes down to it, the AAHA states that their guidelines are based on the physical and behavioral changes that occur at different stages of a cats life and then these stages are matched to stages of human life.

    In other words, a one-year-old cat is physiologically similar to a 15-year-old human in their own respective ways, both the cat and the human are at similar stages of growth and development.

    Of course, as with humans , there will be some variation in the way your individual cat ages. But unlike dogs, there seems to be much less variation with different cat breeds and the way they age. With dogs, youre much more likely to see smaller breeds live longer. Even when we look at cats by breed, the variations dont seem large enough to contribute to these kinds of age differences.

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    Lifespans Of Popular Breeds

    Are you thinking about adding a cat to your family? Here are the average lifespans of some of the most popular breeds:

    • Siamese: 12 to 20 years
    • Calico: 12 to 15 years
    • Bengal: 14 to 16 years
    • Burmese: 16 to 18 years
    • Savannah: 12 to 20 years
    • Ragdoll: 15 to 18 years
    • Russian Blue: 15 to 20 years
    • American Shorthair: 15 to 20 years
    • Sphynx: 10 to 15 years
    • Manx: 8 to 14 years
    • Persian: 10 to 17 years
    • Maine Coon: 10 to 13 years
    • Munchkin: 12 to 15 years

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    Dont Smoke Around Your Pet

    How Long Do Cats Live?

    Secondhand smoke affects cats, too! VCA Hospitals says that cats who live in a smoking household are at a much higher risk of developing lung cancer. Cats living in smoky homes are also 2x more likely to develop lymphoma , which is often fatal. Because cats spend so much time grooming themselves, licking off toxic particles that land on their coats are also likely to develop tumors in their mouths.;

    If you are a smoker and want to protect your cat from secondhand smoke, avoid smoking inside the home. The longer cats live in a home with smoke-filled air the more likely it is that they will develop any of the above-described cancers. Help your cat live a long, happy life by giving them a smoke-free home!

    Our furry friends cant live forever. But, we can do everything we can to make sure their time with us is the best it can be! Along with the above tips, take your cat into the vet for yearly checkups. Early detection of dental disease, kidney disease and other common maladies is another great way to extend the life of your pet and increase their quality of life to boot!;

    Check out how old your cat is in human years with this cat age calculator!

    Madeleine Brown is a student at the University of Chicago studying English literature. When shes not studying, her passions are reading, baking, and spoiling her two kitties, Harper and Mr. Bingley.

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    Assessing Your Cats Age

    Cats obviously mature much more rapidly than people, but once they are fully developed physically and behaviourally from about 3 years of age for many years their outward appearance changes very little. They usually still appear very youthful, and it can actually be very difficult to tell the age of an adult cat.

    Despite the youthful outward appearance, inside the cat will be getting older. It is much easier to understand how to manage our cats lives, health and behaviour if we can associate their age with an equivalent of our own human years. It has often been suggested that we simply need to multiply a cats age by 7 to get a comparative human age. However, this is very crude and does not take into account a number of aspects of how cats mature and age. A much more appropriate method is to take the;end of the first year of the cats life to be equivalent to 15 human years, the end of the second year to be approximately equivalent to a 24-year-old person, and;thereafter to consider each year of a cats life to equate;to approximately 4 human years.

    The chart we have provided can be used to easily determine approximately how old your cat is in human terms. It should be remembered that this is just an estimate though as each cat, just like each human, is an individual and rates of maturation and ageing will vary.

    Select your cats life stage;below to find out more about your cat and the preventative;healthcare it should be receiving.

    Top 10 Cat Breeds That Live The Longest

    For cat lovers, cats can ended up more than being a pet. They could become our loyal friends or even family. We definitely want them to stay with us as long as they can. Though most domestic cats dont usually live long, some breeds tend to have longer life span compared to the others. If you are looking for an especially long-lived cat breed and want to enjoy its company for a long time to come, you can consider to keep the following breeds.

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    The Oldest Cat Of All Time

    According to the Guinness Book of World Records, an Austin, Texas cat named Creme Puff lived longer than any pet cat in history. Born in 1967, the American Shorthair was a devoted family companion for more than three decades, living to a whopping 38 years of age. The elderly catâs doting family reported feeding him an unusual diet including such items as asparagus and heavy cream.

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    Orange Tabby Cats Facts Personality And Genetics

    Animal LifeSpan | How long do animals live

    Jim Davis, creator of Garfield, once said In my head, the sky is blue, the grass is green and cats are orange. While Davis’ famous comic strip has also included cats that were gray, yellow and even pink, blue and purple, it’s big orange Garfield that everyone remembers. Orange cats just seem like a lot of fun!

    Is it because they vaguely resemble a basketball? Is there just something daring about keeping what looks like a baby tiger in your house? Maybe that orange color is just warm and exciting.

    And those freckles are just so darn cute! The orange cat is also known as the red tabby cat, marmalade cat or ginger cat.

    Do ginger cats live up to the fiery temperament ginger haired humans are rumored to have? What is the orange tabby cat personality? What other things can we learn about the orange cat?

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    Read Also: How Long Do Shorthair Cats Live

    How Long Do Dogs Live

    Dog ownership is one of the great joys of life. Our furry friends provide us with unconditional love, companionship, and more smiles than can possibly be counted. There are pitfalls associated with dog ownership, however. We can deal with the messes and other passing aggravations; its the undeniable fact that people live longer than dogs that eventually brings most owners to tears.

    Thinking about the inevitable loss of a beloved pet often compels owners to ask, How long will my dog live? Of course, there is no way to specifically answer that question when it comes to a particular individual, but averages are available for many well known breeds, including the Golden Retriever, Bulldog, Dachshund, German Shepherd and Pug.

    Reference: Dog Longevity, Dr. Kelly M. Cassidy

    Tips For Helping Your Cat Live A Long Life

    If you want to increase your cats life expectancy, there are things you can do as a loving cat owner.

  • Keep your cats annual wellness checkup. Your veterinarian can detect possible issues early and treat them before they become more serious.;
  • Keep them on a healthy, balanced diet at the right portion for their size.
  • Avoid too many treats and people food, as these can pack on unnecessary pounds and lead to pancreatitis and other health problems. A good weight is a must for cats to have a good chance at growing old gracefully.
  • Exercise and enrichment play a role in overall health and general well-being.
  • Spay or neuter your cat, as this can extend their life and control the homeless pet population.
  • Take care of your pets teeth. Ideally, brush your cats teeth and follow up with any dental cleanings needed. Good dental care reduces inflammation in the body and can extend your cats life.
  • Remove all toxic plants and products from the home and yard, or store them in areas that are off limits to your cat.
  • Keep your cat indoors. If you take them out to the yard, use a catio or harness and leash.
  • Since we are also cat owners, we can attest to the desire to want our sweet friends to live forever. Since they cannot, its encouraging to know our cats can live a very long and happy life through the use of excellent care and veterinary medicine.

    For more information on the lifespan of cats, or to schedule an appointment, please contact us.;

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    Cat Nutrition And Lifespan

    Cats primarily eat meat, so they are considered obligate carnivores, and this should be reflected in the food we feed them. A lot of research has been done to determine the dietary needs of a house cat, so the food options that are available to cat owners are plentiful.

    But not all foods are created equal. Adult cats cannot digest large amounts of carbohydrates or lactose, so these are unnecessary ingredients in their food. Carbohydrates can even decrease how much protein is digested, so they are, in fact, harmful to a cat. Proteins, on the other hand, are very important to a cat. Cats require a large amount of protein when compared to a dog, due to their unique digestive system. Adult cats should receive at least 5.5 g/kg of protein a day. This means the average eight-pound cat needs to consume at least 20 grams of protein each day and often much more.

    Essential amino acids are also very important to a cat. Taurine, methionine, and cystine are some of these essential amino acids, and without them, important vitamins, and the proper amount of protein, a cats health may suffer greatly.

    Cat Lifespan In Conclusion

    How Long Do Indoor Cats Live?

    It isnt nice to think about the death of our favourite feline but there are things that we can learn to provide our cats with the longest, happiest and healthiest life possible. If you have lost your cat and are struggling I am so sorry and please do know that there is a Blue Cross Pet Bereavement Support centre.

    Far less research than I would have expected has been done in the area of how long cats live. However, the work that has been done shows that average cat lifespans are on the increase thanks to medical advances. Everyday we learn more about how to keep our cats healthy and remember nothing can take the place of an attentive and loving owner.

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    How Can I Help My Cat Live Longer

    If youve just brought home a kitten, you might be amazed to think that this ball of fluff could be with you for at least 15 years! But how can you help a cat to live longer? Firstly, its important not to be swayed by some of the things you read on the internet. A lot of people will try to sell you some miracle cure that extends life, or will tell you that a particular diet will help your cat live longer. Its best to remain sceptical about these claims.;

    Anecdotal evidence is persuasive, but theres no way of knowing if the medication or supplement truly caused the increase in lifespan without some serious clinical trials. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

    On the other hand, studies have shown some similarities between cats that have a long life. Looking at these, we can come up with some recommendations for how to help your cat live longer.

    Thanks To Better Care And Veterinary Treatments Our Pet Cats Are Living Longer Than Ever Before But What Is A Cats Average Lifespan

    If youve got a pet cat, or are thinking about getting one, you might be wondering; how long do pet cats live for in human years?

    A cats life expectancy will depend on many factors, including health, diet and their environment, but the average lifespan for a domestic cat is about 12-14 years. However, some pet cats can live to be around 20 years old.

    The world record for the oldest cat is held by Crème Puff, a cat from Texas in the USA who lived to be 38 years and three days old, but thats incredibly rare!

    The good news is that advances in veterinary care and awareness of good cat welfare mean that pet cats are living longer than they used to. According to our Cats and Their Stats 2020 report, almost half of the UKs owned cats are considered old.

    Sadly though, cats in our care aged 11 years and older take an average of one month to find their new forever homes, over three times longer than kittens who take just eight days.

    To show that these senior kitizens still have a lot to give, Cats Protection is launching Mature Moggies Day on 16 June, encouraging people to share inspiring stories of their older cats with #MatureMoggiesDay.

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    How Long Do Cats Live Plus Five Tips To Give Them A Long Life

    ByDr Joanna Woodnutt MRCVS27 May 2021

    If youve ever wondered how long do cats live for?, you might be surprised to hear the answer!

    How long do cats live for? Well, thanks to advances in medical treatment and proper nutrition, our domestic cats are living for longer than ever. In the 1990s, several studies suggested that average life span was increasing rapidly, and whilst this has now slowed, our cats are still living for far longer than they used to.

    Whilst studies have shown the average life expectancy of a crossbreed cat to be around 14 years, its not unusual to hear of cats reaching 18-20 years old. Purebred cats, according to the study, have shorter lives, with an average of 12.5 years. However, this varies wildly depending on breed. The longest-lived cat, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, was Crème Puff, who lived to an incredible 38 years and 3 days!

    How Long Do Cats Live If Theyre Outdoor Cats

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    A number of challenges tend to limit the average cat lifespan of an outdoor cat. Of course, outside means different things depending on where a cat lives and when were answering How long do cats live?

    Do you live in an urban, suburban, rural or remote location? How many neighbors have outdoor cats? Do you live in a place with an abundance of predatory wildlife? Are there feral or stray animals nearby? Is the weather amenable year-round to an outdoor lifestyle? How close do you live to roads and thoroughfares?

    These are all limiting factors, as are increased exposure to fleas, ticks, and other parasites and illnesses. Outdoors, cats can also get into cat fights and scrapes with other cats and are at increased risk of accidents.

    However, they also have the freedom to explore, mark out favored perches and get natural exercise. Because there are so many more unpredictable variables, the numbers are generally not good, and cat lifespan ranges much more widely, anywhere from three to 10 years. The average cat lifespan outdoors is 5.625 years.

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