Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is Areca Palm Toxic To Cats

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Best Soil For Areca Palm

The right type of potting mix for an indoor areca palm is essential to its proper care. The perfect soil for palms should be well-draining soil that does not hold a lot of moisture. An ideal potting mix for palms would be a peat-based mix with perlite to create a lighter medium.

If the water is to drain well through the soil and not collect, there should be drainage holes in the pot. Peat is an ideal addition to the potting soil. The organic material holds enough moisture without becoming overly damp or soggy. The worst thing you can do to a butterfly palm is to have it sitting in waterlogged soil.

The right soil is also essential when talking about our next care tiphow to water an areca palm.

Will Cats Eat Poisonous Plants


Cats are usually alert creatures and stay away from poisonous plants thanks to their olfactory powers. However, it is the younger kittens that you must supervise thoroughly and ensure their protection from toxic plants. Its usually grass that cats like to nibble on, but theres no telling what theyre in the mood for so better be safe than sorry and keep only non-toxic plants.

Keep reading below for the full list of safe plants that you can enjoy gardening around a house with cats.

Plant Portrait: Indoor Palms

Palm trees are underrated. Theyre readily available at stores like IKEA and Lowes, safe and non toxic to cats, dogs, and birds, grow quickly, and are easy to take care of. While Instagram is flooded with Monsteras and Fiddle Leaf Figs, I, for one, would love to see some #palmlove. 

Harold is my first Majesty palm, and one of my first indoor plants. Hes been through a mealybug infestation, scorching summer heat and a careless mom moment when I left him outside in freezing temperatures. Somehow he bounced back. Palms are pretty hardy and as long as you listen and love them, theyll be your favorite pet-safe large plant. Plus, they are one of the top air purifying plants for your home. 

How I Stopped My Cats From Eating Houseplants

Keeping our pets safe is the number one priority of all pet owners. If you have a love for plants but also a pet that likes to chew on anything green, you might want to consider to bring into your home pet-friendly houseplants.

In my experience, dog owners will have it easier in this situation. Dogs will rarely play with your plants and chew on them, but cats on the other hand.. they will play with the foliage, chew the tips of the leaves and maybe even play with the soil of the plant.

What plants my kittens like to eat

My two kittens are only attracted to long narrow leaves like the ones of the Areca palm, Dracena Marginata, Ponytail palm or Spider plant. You see where I am going.

They never chew on large leaves like the ones of the Monstera Deliciosa or Ficus Elastica, but they also like unfurled baby new leaves from whichever plant, and so I have to keep close attention to this.

How I control my cats from eating my plants

If you are like me and have cats that really like to chew greens, the best way I found is growing their own separate grass. The love eating grass.

At first I would bring them grass from the yard, but when the lawn is freshly mowed I have to find other solutions. So I just took a planter, poured in some soil and grass seeds.

Now, they have served fresh grass all day long and I find that this satiates their desire for chewing my plants.

Place the plant your pets like to eat out of their reach

Danger Zone: Plants Toxic To Dogs And Cats

Are Areca Palms Safe for Cats or Toxic?

You might be surprised to learn that common plants such as Aloe Vera, Azalea/Rhododendron, Babys Breath, Begonia, Chrysanthemum/Daisy, English Ivy, Lily of the Valley, and Tulips are toxic to dogs and cats. Furthermore, Lilies are toxic to cats . The ASPCA provides a list of the 17 most common household plants that are toxic to pets and UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine provides a list of plants most responsible for their vet visits.

 Clockwise From Left: Lily of the Valley, Chrysanthemum/Daisy, Tulips, and English Ivy.

What to do if your pet eats a toxic plant If you suspect your pet has ingested something poisonous, contact your veterinarian or the Animal Poison Control Center 24-hour hotline at 426-4435.


Sago Palms And Cats Cycas Revoluta

Cycas revoluta, also known with common names such as king sago, Sotetsu, sago cycad, sago or Japanese sago palm is an ornamental plant native to the Ryukyu Islands and other parts of Southern Japan.

So as not to confuse it, this plant does not belong to the Family Palmae but rather the family Cycadaceae. The only similarity or relation being these two families is that both are seed-bearing plants.

Is sago palm poisonous to cats? Yes. Its leaves can cause severe damage to the liver, the damage of which can potentially lead to death when the plant has been ingested by a cat, notes PetMD.

Common symptoms of the poisoning include vomiting, blood-stained feces, bloody diarrhea, increase urination and thirst, depression, circling, seizures and paralysis, coma and death.

Therefore, if you have it, ensure your kitties cannot access it. Alternatively, go for other ornamental plants that are safe to your kitties.

How To Feed Areca Palms

Butterfly palms need a moderate amount of fertilizer to prevent yellow leaves and promote growth. But too much feeding could lead to a buildup of mineral salts that can be damaging for your palm. Use a palm fertilizer or a houseplant fertilizer at half strength. Feed every two months during the growing season.

Too much fertilizer is yet another reason for brown tips on the leaves. Even if you feed your areca palm correctly, fertilizer can still build up in the pot. To prevent this from happening, flush the soil every few months.

To flush the soil, this is what you should do:

  • Take the palm pot to the bath or shower.
  • Let the water run through the potting mix for two or three minutes.
  • Allow all the water to drain.
  • Place your areca palm back in its bright location, away from direct sunlight.
  • Feed your plant just after the next watering.

Getting the right balance of nutrients for your plant can be tricky. The golden cane palm likes magnesium, potassium, and iron. However, they can be sensitive to a buildup of fertilizer.

As a general rule, dont feed your palm more often than every two months and avoid feeding during winter.

Is Areca Palm Toxic To Cats

4.6/5Areca Palmpalmpalmcat’sareca palmtoxiccats

They include indoor and outdoor plants and flowers, with a couple of fruits and veggies as well, courtesy of the ASPCA. Bamboo, Majesty Palms, Miniature Fishtail Dwarf Palm, Dwarf Palm, Parlor Palm, Good Luck Palm: Palms are hardy plants for indoors or out, depending on climate.

Additionally, what plants are non toxic to cats? The following plants are non-toxic to both cats and dogs:

  • Blue Echeveria.
  • Burro’s Tail or Lamb’s Tail.
  • Christmas Cactus.
  • Cliff Brake or Button Fern.
  • Hens and Chickens.
  • Pearl Plant.

Also to know, are Palms toxic to pets?

True Palms:There are many varieties of palms that can be safely kept with pets. Some of these varieties include Pony tail, Parlor and Areca palms. They Sago palm is is a cycad, not a true palm and it is extremely toxic to pets.

Is the prayer plant poisonous to cats?

According to the ASPCA, prayer plants are non-toxic to dogs and cats.

  • The ASPCA’s list of 17 top toxic plants to steer your kitty away from.
  • Lilies. Members of the Lilium family are considered to be highly toxic to cats.
  • Marijuana.

Top 10 Indoor Plants Safe For Cats

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If you’re like most feline folks, you’ve sacrificed having any plants inside your home for the health and safety of your cat .

Great news, though many beautiful plants are non-toxic to your cat and will add some greenery to your home. And in some cases a little additional color as well!

That’s why we’ve put together a list of plants that will not only enhance your living space but also keep you from making an unexpected trip to the vet’s office. Remember, even “pet-safe” plants can still cause an upset stomach or an obstruction depending on how much is eaten. Check out our article on Keeping Your Cat Out of Your Houseplants.

Ponytail Palm And Cats

Beaucarnea recurvata, often referred to as ponytail, bottle or elephants food palm is one of the family Asparagaceae plant native to Eastern Mexicos Veracruz, Tamaulipas, and San Luis Potosi.  Contrary to what its names suggest, it does not belong to the family Palmae or Arecaceae.

This ornamental plant can grow up to 16 feet. Wikipedia notes that it has a single palm-like stem produces terminal tufts of strap-shaped, recurved leathery leaves, sometimes hair lock-shaped in the ends. This plant flowers after 10 years with branched inflorescence of small white flowers.

In dry-frost free regions, Beaucarnea recurvata makes a great houseplant that can be moved out of the house whenever necessary.

Is it toxic to cats? No. ponytail palm is not poisonous to cats, i.e., it is safe or ok for cats, dogs, and horses.

Therefore, you can have it or other houseplants such as Gloxinia, African Violet, baby tears, spider, Calathea, friendship plant, orchid, among many others which are safe to these pets.

What Other Popular Houseplants Are Toxic To Cats

Dieffenbachia and Philodendrons, together account for over 500 species of plants, several of which have been cultivated as houseplants. Included in these is the ever-popular, Monstera Deliciosa.

 Sadly, they are a danger to humans and pets. 

They produce toxins in their sap, known as calcium oxalates. These in turn form raphides, which are small, spiked structures.

Dumb Cane and Mother-in-Laws Tongue may give clues as to the effects of this substance. 

If taken in by mouth, the substance will cause small abrasions, irritation and subsequent swelling of the tongue and the area around the esophagus. This could lead to difficulty breathing, and possibly respiratory distress. 

Treatment includes washing out the mouth and eating a soothing snack such as ice cream or frozen yogurt to counteract the irritation. 

If the toxins come into direct contact with the skin, they will cause irritation and a burning sensation. Washing or rinsing the area thoroughly will alleviate the symptoms. 

You do not want to get this substance in your eyes! 

Common House Plants That Are Toxic To Cats

If you have pets at home, its important to be aware of which plants can cause problems if they eat them. We are going to talk about some of the most common houseplants that are toxic to your cats and which ones they are most attracted to eat.

There are plants that appeal to cats more than others because of their leaf shape and I will point those out as I list them.

Its probably easier to do a non-toxic plant list, as most of houseplants are toxic some less than others, but still toxic.

All plants listed here are considered to be toxic by the ASPCA and can cause oral irritation and vomiting along with other symptoms.

Cats & plants

There are different cats.. some may not be at all interested in plants, some may like to play with them, some may want to eat them, some only like to play with dirt etc.

If your cat likes plants and its often around them research which of the plants you have in your home are toxic. If you notice they like a certain plant, be sure to place the plant out of their reach.

I have two cats and they reaaaly like to eat fresh grass and I noticed that when they want to nibble on some plants, they are actually craving grass. So, I go outside and pick a handful of grass from my garden. They eat it like crazy!

Now, lets jump to the list of toxic plants that are most commonly found in our homes.

Can You Grow Areca Palm From Cuttings

6 Beautiful Houseplants Safe For Cats And Dogs That You ...

PropagatingrootinggrowingrootingAreca palmsYou canpropagate areca palms

Anca Dietterich

10 Best Plants for Cleaning Indoor Air

  • Bamboo Palm. Chamaedorea Seifrizii.
  • Peace Lily. Spathiphyllum ‘Mauna Loa’
  • Spider Plant. Chlorophytum Comosum ‘Vittatum’
  • Mass Cane/Corn Plant. Dracaena Fragrans ‘Massangeana’

Benardino Uhin

snake plantplant

Badara Helena

Are Areca Palms Toxic

palmpalmtoxicareca palm

Also known as coontie palm or cardboard palm, the sago palm contains cycasin, a toxic compound that is poisonous to dogs, horses and cats. Sago palm is also poisonous to humans if ingested in large amounts, potentially causing vomiting, dizziness, headaches, diarrhea or seizures.

is Areca palm safe for dogs? Areca PalmYou might be dying to add some tropical greenery to your interior, but finding that more often than not, a quick research attempt reveals that your plant of choice is toxic to cats and dogs. Known for its air-purifying effects, the areca palm is fairly easy to care for.

Additionally, are Palms toxic to dogs?

Sago palms Ingestion of sago palm plants can cause liver failure and death in dogs and cats. All parts of the plant are toxic, with the seeds having the highest concentration of toxin. One seed can kill a dog.

Can areca palm grow in shade?

They grow to heights of 10 to 20 feet. Areca palms can be trained to grow in full sun, but they do better in areas with partial shade. In full sun the leaves are often yellow rather than green.

Which Palm To Pick

There are many types of palms and to be honest they all look pretty similar. Typically big stores like  and IKEA sell the Majesty Palm, which is the most common and completely non toxic to cats and dogs. The latin name on the tag should read ravenea rivilaris. The Majesty Palm acclimates to both hot and lower temperatures, and is happy in medium to high light. Harolds a Majesty Palm and has been trucking along for 4+ years, despite poor parenting. 

Areca Palms and Parlor Palms look similar to Majestys but are a bit more elegant. Their fronds are thinner and lighter, but they still grow tall and are non toxic to cats and dogs. 

Ponytail Palms are more petite varieties, although they can grow to be huge, and are also pretty common in stores. Unlike the three listed above, Ponytail palms arent in the palm family, but they do look like one, and are safe for pets. 

A post shared by Meagan Rosson on Jun 11, 2018 at 5:46am PDT

Fishtail palms, Fan palms and Sentry Palms are gorgeous. I always see them in fancy greenhouses in mansions and botanical gardens, but never find them available. Like other palms, their non toxic, air purifying, and humidity lovers. Side note: If you ever do find these available to purchase, please buy one and send me a clipping. Please.

Is Majesty Palm Safe For Cats

Scientifically known as Ravenea rivularis this variety is a common houseplant cultivated and sold mainly in subtropical and tropical regions. It resembles the Queens palm. Although you will find it marketed as a house or pot plant, it can grow up to 30 meters tall.

Being popular, you will definitely be curious to know whether it is toxic or safe to cats? Is this Ravenea poisonous or dangerous to kitties

The good news is that it is majesty palm is not toxic, poisonous or harmful to cats, dogs, or horses. In fact, it is one of the indoor palms safe for cats and joins ranks with other cats safe indoor plants such as Kimberly queen and birds nest ferns, fittonia, bunny cactus, among others.

While it is not toxic, if your feline eats a lot of its leaves, it might present digestion problems. However, these pets usually nibble only a small amount of plants. Therefore, you do not have to be worried if you see your kitty eating it.

A Quick List Of House Plants That Are Non

Since you have discovered that bromeliads are not poisonous to your cats and dogs, you may already be considering growing other house plants.

If you are a house plant explorer and you want to grow other house plants, the following are non-toxic plants you can propagate which would not affect your cats and dogs:

  • African violet

Is The Areca Palm Dangerous For Dogs

The areca palm is an evergreen palm notable for its elegant pinnate leaves and panicles of cheery yellow flowers. Because the palm is widespread in tropical climates and often grown indoors as a houseplant, some pet owners may fear that the palm poses a health risk to their dogs. Fortunately the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals lists the areca palm as being nontoxic to dogs, as well as cats.

Stylish Houseplants That Are Safe For Cats And Dogs

When my cat adopted me last year, the last thing on my mind was checking to make sure my houseplants were safe for pets. Then I accidentally came across an article on pet-safe greenery and the light bulb came on: time to make sure the plants are up to code! This post is dedicated to all you cat and dog owners out there. Keep in mind that todays featured plants are safe for cats and dogs, but even non-toxic plants may have less-than-ideal effects if ingested. In fact, its never a bad idea to check with your local nursery or vet for verification that a plant is in fact pet-safe, and Ive found the ASPCA website to be incredibly helpful. Here are 6 unique plant finds that will help you create a stylish, pet-friendly interior

Which Palms Are Safe For Cats

Ponytail Palms

People Also Asked, Are cat palms toxic to cats?

Cat palm is probably not poisonous to cats; the ASPCA lists miniature fish tail palm , which belongs to the same genus as cat palm, as non-toxic to cats, as well as dogs.

Also know, Are bamboo palms toxic to cats?Bamboo Palm Its waxy green leaves might be tempting for a plant-partaking pet, and thats perfectly fine. Bamboo palm plants are safe for dogs and cats, Dr.


Which Houseplants Are Safe For Cats

Areca Palm Tree

It soon became clear that not all plants are suitable for pets and that some would be extremely toxic to Noggins & Binkles, if ingested. This post has been written to try to help humans to find suitable indoor plants that help to purify the air and that are not toxic to cats. Readers are encouraged to do their own research because different breeds of cats, dogs and other domestic animals react differently to different plants. If in doubt, or if your pet has an adverse reaction to eating plant parts, consult your veterinarian as quickly as possible. One of the most comprehensive and reliable websites for checking whether a plant is toxic to pets is the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or ASPCA for short. 

Additional Poisonous Plants I Need To Point Out

There are two more plants I really want to point out. They may not be that common to have indoors, but they may find a way into your house. Im talking about Lilies and Sago palm, and both are extremely toxic to cats.

Most palms that are commonly grown indoors are not toxic to cats, like the Areca palm and Ponytail palm, but the Sago palm is really toxic, it can even cause death. I dont have it in my house and even if my cats wouldnt be attracted to it, I still wouldnt have it!

Lilies are also really toxic to cats. They may not be commonly grown indoors, but they are a really common cut flower that you can easily receive as a gift. So, just be aware of its toxicity if you have a cat at home.

Areca Palm And Cats Can The Plant Harm Your Pet

Ive heard dozens of times that some plants may do harm to pets. My granny grows areca on her window-sill. She also has two cats. I cannot tell you exactly how many leaves those cats have consumed, but they have experienced terrible feelings: vomiting, diarrhea and something like depression.

We Released The Areca HandBook

My granny took them to a veterinarian who used medications and told her to prevent cats from eating areca as it was toxic to cats.

The thing is that areca palm and cats are better not to be kept in one room. Of course, you cannot explain your cat not to eat the areca palm plant or another grower, but you can keep this poisonous plant on the balcony or veranda where your pet commonly doesnt reside.

The case with my dear granny shows that if a cat ingests leaves of areca, it will not die, but suffer from mild gastrointestinal distress. Take care of your little friend!

Beautiful Houseplants Safe For Cats

If youve got a cat at home, youll know they often like getting in amongst your plants and maybe even having a little nibble on a few leaves or flowers. Whilst you might be a bit upset if your houseplants lose some leaves or blooms to a hungry or curious kitty, its even more important to pick houseplants safe for cats.

Ive brought together a collection of my favorite and most beautiful houseplants that are entirely safe for your cat, regardless of whether they admire them from across the room, or like to snack on some leaves.

Ive confirmed the safety of all these houseplants from the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. Ive tried to include a variety of flowering and non-flowering houseplants that will bring joy and beauty to your home and live in harmony with your cat and the rest of your family.

Are Areca Palms Poisonous To Humans

palmpalmpalmtoxicpoisonouspalmpoisonous to humans

While many species of palm trees and palm tree seeds are toxic to domestic animals, the areca palm is considered safe if consumed by cats or dogs, states the American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals or ASPCA.

Also, are ponytail palms poisonous to humans? Under normal conditions indoors, though, they probably won’t flower, or reach more than about 3 feet tall. The ASPCA says that the ponytail palm is non-toxic to dogs and cats .

Regarding this, are palm trees poisonous to humans?

Many different species of palm trees exist, most of which are not toxic. The yellow palm, reed palm, cane palm, bamboo palm, parlor palm and dwarf palm are non-toxic if the leaves or seeds are ingested by animals or humans, notes the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Do areca palms spread?

Areca palms spread by 2- to 3-inch-wide, yellow offshoots or canes that grow from their base. The canes resemble bamboo, hence one of the tree’s common names, bamboo palm. Because of these spreading offshoots, areca palms are considered invasive in the Pacific Islands and parts of Florida.

Other Dog And Cat Safe Houseplants

While these plants do not purify the air as much as those mentioned earlier, they look great and are pet safe! Pony Tail Palm

I was able to find this at a home improvement store.

SunflowerMy favorite 🙂

Other Pet Safe plants include: Alyssum, Bachelors Buttons, Blue Echeveria, Burro’s Tail or Lamb’s Tail, Celosia Plumosa, Christmas Cactus, Cliff Brake, Common Snapdragon, Easter Daisy, Hens and Chickens, Orchids, Pearl Plant and Roses.

The ASPCA suggests that even if plants are non-toxic, you should not allow your pets to chew on them, because they may cause some mild illnesses.

Areca Palm Care: Diseases And Pests

An areca palm can seem to be dying if its affected by pests or diseases. The most common reason for palm diseases is over-watering. Common pests that can infest a golden cane palm include red spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs, and whiteflies.

Root rot is easily avoided by watering only when the soil is partly dry. Avoid sitting the plant pot in water where the soil becomes overly moist and soggy.

How can you spot pests on an areca palm? Here are a few tell-tale signs:

  • Red spider mitesThese pests thrive in dry conditions, so keeping humidity levels high is essential to prevent them. Signs of red spider mites are mottled yellow leaves and stunted growth.
  • Scale insectsThese palm pests look like tiny white bumps on the underside of leaves. You may notice brown spots on palm leaves or leaves that drop for no apparent reason.
  • MealybugsTiny bits of white fluff on your plant are signs of mealybugs. They will suck your plant dry and leave little black spots on the stems.
  • WhiteflyThese pests are easy to spot because the tiny white flies will fly off if you disturb the plant. Try placing yellow sticky tape near your palm to attract the flies and trap them.

To get rid of the pests that can infest your areca palm, you can hose the leaves with a strong jet of water. Do this twice a day until your pests are gone. Alternatively, you can try an organic neem oil solution to get rid of houseplant pests.

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