Saturday, July 27, 2024

What You Need For A Kitten

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What Do You Need for a Kitten? : Pet Tips

Don’t give milk to your kitten many cats are lactose intolerant and it can give them stomach upsets. You can buy special low lactose cat milk if you want to give this to her, but it isn’t necessary.

Some people will say you need to buy your kitten a collar, but for many reasons this is not really a good idea. Collars, even the quick release kind, can sometimes snag on branches, and cats can get a paw stuck in them too. Nasty injuries have been caused this way. It is essential to get your kitten microchipped, so that you can be reunited with her if she gets lost, and this is far safer than a collar.

Thinking About How To Prepare For A New Kitten Our Guide Tells You All You Need To Know

Whether youre adopting a kitten from Cats Protection or youve found one from a local breeder, bringing your new arrival home is an exciting experience. Kittens can be entertaining and playful not to mention undeniably cute! Already thinking about the fun youll have? Now is the perfect time to prepare for a new kitten.

Helping Your Kitten Settle In

Restrict your kitten to one room for the first few weeks, then gradually let it explore the rest of the house. Put your kittens bed and toys in this room, as well as the litter tray and its food and water bowls, advises Maeve. Tuck the litter tray into a quiet corner, as far away from the food bowls as possible, because cats and kittens are super-sensitive about hygiene.

If your kitten seems distressed, a cat-appeasing pheromone diffuser, such as Feliway, can help. Finally, if you have other pets, make sure your kitten meets them for the first time in a safe, supervised environment. Letting them smell each others toys or bedding before they meet can help, adds Maeve.

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What To Think About Before Getting A Kitten

If youre thinking of getting a kitten, make sure youre fully prepared to take on the responsibility. Youll need to make sure you can meet your new pets welfare needs and think about:

  • Cost can you afford everything your cat needs ?
  • Your home is it cat appropriate? What will need to change to become cat-friendly? Can they access quiet rooms and will they have a safe outdoor space? Do you already have other pets who might not get on with a kitten?
  • Time have you got the time to spend with your new kitten? You may find that an adult cat would better suit your current lifestyle.
  • Vets do you know where you would register your kitten? You can find a local vet online and pop in before you get your kitten as your vet can advise you on what theyll need once theyre home.

You can read more about everything you need to think about before deciding to get a kitten on our pet care pages. You can also for getting your furry friend.

To Do This Wet A Warm Washcloth Or Paper Towel And Gently

Be prepared when you bring home your new adopted cat with ...

Your newborn or very young kitten needs to be stimulated to go just after he is fed. When the newborn kitten starts eating solid food, after about 6 to 8 weeks, she stops her . Just lift them into the tray as soon as you see that they want to go. Get ready for the joy of seeing your kitten’s firsts . Gently and without fuss, lift your kitten up and place them in the tray first thing in the morning, straight after meals, and last thing at night. Wondering when to start litter box training kittens? Kittens may naturally understand the box, but there are many things you can do to ensure that their litter training experience is safe and . Delgado recommends keeping kittens confined to a smaller space when they’re young to help them learn to use the . To do this, wet a warm washcloth or paper towel and gently . How to train a kitten to use the litter box. If orphaned, kittens will need to be stimulated with a soft tissue or baby wipe . You can also help by placing them in the tray early in the morning, last . The mother cat cleans its baby during the first weeks of its life.

If orphaned, kittens will need to be stimulated with a soft tissue or baby wipe . You can also help by placing them in the tray early in the morning, last . Kittens may naturally understand the box, but there are many things you can do to ensure that their litter training experience is safe and . The mother cat cleans its baby during the first weeks of its life. How to train a kitten to use the litter box.

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How To Care For A Newborn Kitten

A mother cat will provide everything a young kitten needs until he is about 4 weeks of age. All you need to do is keep the family warm, dry, and in a dark, private location. Mom will do all the feeding and cleaning. Sadly, however, sometimes the mother of a baby kitten is not around or unable to care for her little ones. If that’s the case, you’ll need to step in to help keep the kitties warm and fed.

One of the most important things you can do to keep a kitten alive in his first few hours is by keeping the kitten warm. If a young kitten has cold ears, lips and paws, slowly raise his temperature by wrapping him in a blanket and holding him close to your body. Once he warms up, you can begin feeding him milk replacer formulated for kittens.

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To Teach Your Kitten To Use The Cat Flap Try The Following:

  • Ensure treats are close by youll need them to reward your kittens progress as you train.
  • Keep the door open, luring them to the cat flap with a treat.
  • Hold the treat on the other side of the cat flap and call their name to encourage them to go through. Each time they do, give them a treat.
  • Repeat the process until they go through the cat flap happily.
  • Keep encouraging them as they go through the cat flap theyll soon learn how to use it properly!
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    What Should I Feed My Kitten

    If you know what your kitten has been eating in their previous home, it is advised to keep feeding them the same food at the same times. Familiar scents and tastes will help your cat to settle in gradually and theyll be more likely to eat what youre providing them with!

    If youre unsure, you might feel overwhelmed at the numerous cat food brands at your local supermarket! Remember to choose food designed for cats, staying away from dog food or food intended for humans. Opt for a complete food formulated specially for kittens. This will provide all the nutrients and minerals that your kitten needs for growing.

    Training And Socializing Your Kitten

    New Kitten? 10 things you NEED to know!

    Litter box training should be near the top of your priority list on your kitten’s first day home. Kittens that stay with their mothers until they are fully weaned usually learn a litter box’s purpose by watching their mothers. Typically, your kitten will already know what to do, and your only job will be to show her the box. You may need to remind her where the box is and use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, until she gets used to using it on her own without any prompting. At this stage, it might be helpful to have a couple of litter boxes around the house, just to make sure she has easy access to one while she’s figuring things out.

    Beyond potty-training, training a kitten is usually about establishing and reinforcing boundaries and household rules. Again, rely on positive reinforcement to train your kitten, and avoid punishing her or speaking to her harshly. Never, ever hit or shake your kitten. Instead, ignore her when she’s behaving badly and give her affection, treats and praise to reward her good behavior. If ignoring isn’t an option, redirect her attention to something else. For example, if your kitten bites or scratches your hand, give her a toy to play with instead. If she scratches the furniture, patiently redirect her to a scratching post or pad. If all else fails, give her a time out by confining her to base camp until she calms down.

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    Medical Milestones To Follow The First Year

    Start your kittens life off right by hitting all the medical milestones with prompt veterinary care. Youll want to make sure you address any health concerns youve noticed with your kitten. The first year of veterinary care consists of vaccinations, flea and heartworm prevention, and having your kitten spayed or neutered. You should also decide if youd like to have your kitten declawed. This is a decision youll want to have with your vet and determine earlier on as there can be complications associated with waiting to declaw.

    How Can I Help My Kitten Enjoy Physical Contact

    Depending on his personality and early experiences as a kitten, your cat may either enjoy or dislike certain types of handling. In order for the cat to learn to accept and enjoy physical contact from people, it is critical that the human hand only be associated with positive experiences and that physical punishment is not used.

    Begin with those types of handling that the cat enjoys like scratching him behind the ears. Speak to him in a kind voice while petting him. For reluctant cats, you may consider giving a treat during the petting sessions. This technique can be applied to other types of handling and can help the cat become accustomed to, and perhaps eventually enjoy, petting, grooming, teeth brushing, nail trimming, and even bathing.

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    Get The Most Out Of Your First Vet Visit

  • Have your vet recommend a type of food, how often to feed, and portion sizes.
  • Discuss kitten-safe options for controlling parasites, both external and internal.
  • Learn about possible signs of illness to watch for during your kittens first few months.
  • Discuss how to introduce your kitten to other household pets.
  • Schedule future visits and vaccinations to establish a preventive health plan for your kitten.
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    All you need is cat ð?±

    Youll want to provide a cozy bed with high sides to help your kitten feel safe. You can place a rolled-up blanket in a larger cat bed to help give them a secure feeling.

    While kittens sleep a lot , there will be times when you cant supervise them. Kittens are known for being curious but you wont want to test out the nine lives tale by leaving them unoccupied for too long.

    If youre going to be out of your home or sleeping, its best to place your kitten in a kitten-proofed room of your home or in a large crate. This will give them the space to access water and a litter box but not too much space that they can get into trouble.

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    To Provide Your New Kitten With A Safe Happy And Healthy Home There Are Things You Should Prepare In Advance Heres Our Guide To The 10 Things You Must Do Before The Arrival Of Your New Kitten

    Bringing a kitten home can be a wonderful and joyous experience, but if youre unprepared, it can be overwhelming. A kitten can be just like a baby, as they need lots of attention and consideration of their every need. Your kitten depends on you so heres how you should prepare your home for a new pet.

    When To Let Your Kitten Go Outside

    Keep your kitten safe inside until at least a week after finishing the first course of vaccinations . Choose a dry day and a quiet time and accompany your kitten outside, allowing them to explore their new environment. Continue to accompany your kitten until they are used to your garden and can find their way back to the house without difficulty. Although your kitten is likely to have been neutered before rehoming, it is best to wait until they are at least five months old before you leave them unattended outside as they are still young and vulnerable.

    Cats like to come and go as they please, and a cat flap is the best way to allow them to do this. You can teach your kitten to use a cat flap by propping it open initially and enticing your kitten through with some tasty food. Gradually close it so that the kitten learns to push the flap in order to get through. If you already own a cat which is using the flap, be aware that the kitten may watch and learn to let itself out before you are ready. Kittens learn quickly by watching other cats.

    To prevent neighborhood cats from coming into your house, you can buy a cat flap that is operated by magnetic or electronic keys on your cats collar and will only open for your cat.

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    How To Introduce Kittens To The Outdoors

    Is your kitten ready to go outside? Before you let them venture out to explore, youll need to make sure of the following:

    • have they been neutered? We recommend neutering or spaying your cat before they are four months old, as this is when they can become pregnant
    • have they got a microchip? Making sure your cat is microchipped means that if they were to go missing, youd have more of a chance of a happy reunion
    • have they had their vaccinations? Because of potential infection from diseases like cat flu or feline enteritis, your kitten shouldnt be allowed outside until a week after they have finished their first course of vaccinations usually around 13-14 weeks old, depending on the vaccine

    When letting your kitten out for the first time, youll need to keep them company as they explore. Avoid picking them up and placing them outside – it is much better to let them make their own way out.

    Planning their first trip out for a quiet period during the day is a good start and should help them to feel confident with the unfamiliar scents, sounds and smells of the outdoors. It is advised not to leave your kitten outside unsupervised until they are six months old. Try letting your kitten out before a meal – inquisitive kittens are much more likely to return if they’re expecting food. Remember to keep the door or cat flap open to ensure they have the option to go outside or retreat back inside.

    How Do I Deal With Inappropriate Behavior


    Cats can be demanding creatures so its important to instill good manners early on. Inappropriate behavior such as swatting, excessive vocalization, and biting should not be tolerated. If your kitten begins to exhibit these behaviors, quickly and quietly leave the area and cease all interactions. Once the kitten is calm and quiet, resume interactions. The goal is for the kitten to learn that calm, quiet behavior warrants attention while aggressive actions do not. Make time daily for appropriate interactions with your cat that include play and petting.

    Disciplining a young kitten may be necessary if its behavior towards people or property is inappropriate, but punishment should be avoided. A sharp, No! may be all that is needed to stop your kitty in his tracks. However, remote disruption that associates the consequences with the action may be considered. For most kittens, hand clapping or rattling a can of beans can divert attention and be intimidating enough to inhibit undesirable behavior when you are present.

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    Choose A Veterinarian For Your Kitten

    Your kitten will need veterinary care throughout their life, so select a veterinarian before your kitty arrives. Schedule a well-kitten checkup right away, so your new pet gets off to a healthy start. Depending on your kittenâs age and where they came from, they may need vaccinations or deworming right away. The shots given at the first veterinary visit are especially important to protect other pets living in your home.

    Toys Scratchers And Kitty

    Kittens are natural predators that like to chase and scratch. Teething too, can leave them feeling a little itchy. As a first time your job is to ensure that your kitten is safe, happy, and healthy.

    One of the best ways to do this is with the right kitten necessities, like a litter box and some toys to scratch.

    Without the proper supplies, a week-old kitten can easily find him or herself up a tree or locked in the linen closet.

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    Adjusting Your Home To Provide The Right Temperature For Your Cat

    Kittens are not able to regulate their own body temperature during the first weeks of life, which makes them vulnerable to experience hypothermia or lung problems.

    This is why its fundamental to provide a comfortable temperature in your home before bringing a kitten into your home. Its best to keep the household temperature between 21 and 24°C.

    One excellent option for providing your kitten with heat is to buy them an electric cushion with controllable temperature.

    Letting Your Kitten Go Outside

    Adopting a Cat

    Your kitten should stay indoors for at least a week after its second injection, and definitely until it has been neutered. Most cat experts recommend keeping a kitten inside until its around four months old, and letting it go outside alone from around six months. Until then, you should tag along while it explores.

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