Saturday, July 27, 2024

When Is A Cat Not A Kitten

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How Many Cats Can I Have Together

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Its very easy to collect cats theyre addictively beautiful, theyre small and theyre quite easy to care for. Even if they dont get on, they tend to remove themselves from the situation rather than fight. However, there may be a great deal of tension between cats which owners just dont pick up on. Cats originate from a largely solitary species and although they can live in groups these are usually related individuals or are self-selected so that cats are not sharing space with cats that they dont get on with. Cats may start to spray or soil in the house because theyre trying to deal with a situation where they feel under stress because of other cats, and this might be all that owners notice.

If you have two cats living together very successfully then think very carefully before you add more. If you have three cats living well together then thank your stars and quit while youre ahead! The trouble with adding more is that it might not be just the relationship between the resident cats and the new one that causes problems; it may upset the whole equilibrium of the resident cats relationship and introduce difficulties even between the original cats as tension and stress levels rise. Any new cat needs careful introduction.

The best way to have two compatible cats is to choose siblings. These will have grown up together, and this usually bodes well for a good future relationship .

I Is For Indoor Versus Outdoor

Indoor cats tend to live longer than outdoor cats. This is because indoor cats don’t get run over by cars, catch diseases, get into fights that can result in infections, get bitten by snakes or get locked in other people’s garages without food or water. Indoor cats also don’t kill our native wildlife.

That said, cats have not been bred for living indoors and they retain the instincts a territorial solitary hunter, which makes indoor cats at risk of psychological and behavioural problems.

Both indoor and outdoor cats spend a lot of time sleeping and grooming. But outdoor cats spend time patrolling and marking territory, climbing, observing, stalking, chasing, catching . Unless we provide outlets for these behaviours to our indoor cats they can become very inactive/fat and generally stressed. Acute stress is part of life and pretty easy to spot. Chronic stress is more detrimental as the body doesn’t have mechanisms to cope well with this.

Signs your cat might be stressed include:

  • spraying or urinating outside of the litter tray

  • hiding, especially if new people, pets or items come into the house

  • grooming excessively

  • scratching on things more

  • loss of appetite

  • miaowing or yowling a lot

  • being hypervigilant or aggressive

  • being less playful or interactive

To avoid or solve these problems you need environmental enrichment, which now goes by the fancy name ‘multimodal environmental modification’ . Again, the Safe Cat program has lots of ideas on how to keep your indoor cat happy.

Preventive Care For Kittens

Preventive care is important in ensuring your kitten is given the best opportunity to live a healthy life. Preventive kitten care begins with finding the right veterinarian and working with them to implement a sound checkup, kitten vaccinations, and preventive maintenance schedule. At Cat Care Center, we are able to pick up on subtle signs that something may not be quite right with your kitten. Between a thorough discussion with you and a physical exam, our veterinarian;will be able to identify health or behavioral issues that your kitten may be experiencing.;

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When Should I Feed My Kitten Adult Cat Food

The right time to transition your cat from kitten to adult food is dependent on many factors. For most cats, around 10-12 months of age is appropriate.

However, a young Maine Coon who is struggling to keep weight on could probably benefit from remaining on kitten food until they are 2 years old or even longer. On the other hand, a kitten who is maturing quickly and becoming overweight on kitten food might benefit from switching at around 8 months of age.

Ask your veterinarian when your cat is ready to make sure you are meeting her nutritional needs.

W Is For Worms And Worming

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We generally assume that all kittens have worms and we treat them frequently. We recommend worming:

  • every 2 weeks until 12 weeks

  • every month until 6 months

After 6 months, the frequency of regular worming should be tailored to the patient’s risk.

We worm kittens frequently because worming products kill adult worms but not all larval stages. So we kill off the adults then wait until the larvae develop into adults and kill those off too.

The most common worms cats get are round worms and tapeworms.

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What Breed Of Cat Should I Choose

There are many different breeds, some of which will require extra care and attention, for example if they have a very long coat or even no coat at all. . Some pedigree cats are more people orientated and may not like to be left alone for long periods. If you are out all day at work it may be worth getting two kittens together for company do your research about the breed you are interested in.;Always make sure that health comes first, no matter what the look.How to choose a kitten

The Art Of The Smooth Transition

Switching your cat from kitten food to adult cat food should be done gradually and requires a little organization. Transitioning too rapidly may lead to digestive issues for your cat. A gradual shift over the course of 5-8 days is best to allow her to get used to her new diet. Start by mixing a small amount, say 10%, of adult food with the kitten food. Every two days increase the percentage of adult food. Normally, by day seven or eight your kitten will have successfully made the switch. If you have not already done so, it is often recommended to begin to steadily introduce different flavours and textures of food, including both dry and wet food. This will help ensure that your cat does not become a picky eater. In addition,;certain cats naturally love variety.

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Your Cat May Be Recovering From An Illness Or Hospital Stay

Some cats will develop a food aversion, most commonly after an illness or hospital stay. Such cats associate a particular food with feeling sick or with the stress of hospitalization, and then refuse to eat that food.

It may require some ingenuity and trial and error to discover what your cat is willing to eat if a food aversion develops.

Do Weaned Kittens Need A Special Diet

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Diet is extremely important for a growing kitten. Many commercial foods have been specially formulated to meet the unique nutritional requirements of kittens, and should be fed until 12 months of age. Kitten foods are available in dry and canned formulations.

“Adult cat food does not provide the nutrition required for a kitten.”

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Do All Kittens Have Worms

Intestinal parasites or worms are very common in kittens. Symptoms of intestinal parasites include generally poor condition, chronic soft or bloody stools, poor appetite, a pot-bellied appearance, loss of luster to the coat, and weight loss. Some parasites are transmitted from the mother to her offspring either in utero or through her milk, while others are carried by fleas or other insects. The eggs and larval forms of some parasites are transmitted through the stool of an infected cat.

“Intestinal parasites or worms are very common in kittens.”

Contributors: Krista Williams, BSc, DVM; Ernest Ward, DVM

Using Toys As Distractions

If your kitten is bound and determined to attack you, your feet, your shoes or shoelaces, use a cat toy as a distraction. For example, when putting on your shoes, have several cat toys at hand. When your kitten is eyeing your shoe laces, take one of the toys and toss it across the room. When your kitten is chasing that toy, he isnt attacking your shoe laces.

This isnt rewarding the kitten for attacking your shoelaces; instead, its distracting the kitten. Preventing bad or unwanted behavior from occurring is good training.

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How To Train A Cat To Not Bite

Cats are natural predators. They love to chase and catch their prey. They can show attacking or biting behaviors due to their instinct. We can notice this behavior from an early age. Your kitten will start to chase and bite objects after he is four to five weeks old. It is a completely normal thing. But you have to worry about it when they start biting your fingers or feet. You need to train them not to bite you or any other person. Kittens have good learning skills, and this training will not be so difficult for both you and your kitten. But first, you need to understand why do they bite?

My Kitten Is Not Growing

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See files for Cats

The first months of a kittens life are characterized by rapid growth. For this kitten this is a time of discovery and awakenings. For their human guardian it is a time for both joy at this new life and concern that they get the best start they can. In cases where we think the kitten is not growing as fast as they should, this concern can become acute. A kitten’s vulnerability makes them particularly susceptible to parasites and disease. Improper feeding can also interfere with their development. However, there are various reasons to explain why a kitten is not growing.

This AnimalWised article addresses these reasons in our article on why my kitten is not growing. We explain why a cat may not seem to be developing and what we should do about it.

  • What to do if your cat stops growing
  • Read Also: How Much Do Cats Eat A Day

    How To Get A Kitten To Stop Biting


    Kittens are extremely energetic and playful. So, the best way to stop a kitten biting is with toys. It is recommended that kittens and cats get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. You can break this up into two or three sessions a day.;

    We should mimic prey behavior with toys to get our kittens to play. Make your kitten hunt, stalk, run around, and pounce at these toys. Always let your kitten catch and kill the toy to complete the hunting experience.

    Its much better to encourage them to kitten bite their toys and not your hand! This will help prevent other behavioral issues. Cats require mental stimulation indoors, and this full hunting experience with toys is perfect for stimulation. Kittens can get stressed easily without proper stimulation.

    Train From the Beginning

    Cats thrive on routine so its important to train your kitten as early as possible. The mother cat trains kittens to bite prey at a young age, so now we have to train them to kitten bite toys instead of us. Create a schedule for multiple play sessions every day. Make playtime a routine and stick to it.

    Stop Playing Immediately if Your Kitten Bites During Playtime

    If your kitten bites during playtime its important to stop immediately. We should not reward undesired behavior with more playtime. When you stop playtime, this will teach your kitten that the fun stops when he bites. Again, make sure you are persistent.

    What Toys to Best Use for Kitten Bite play?
    Interactive toys
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    Should I Get An Adult Cat Or A Kitten

    A kitten gives you the opportunity to take on an animal right from the beginning and treat it and care for it so that it gets the best start in life. You will also be able to get some idea of its character. However, kittens require a lot of attention and some forethought to prevent them from getting into trouble. If you leave them alone you have to make sure they will be safe while you are away. You may also have to organise neutering, initial vaccinations and so on, depending on where you get your kitten from.Where to get a cat or kitten and what to ask

    While kittens have a huge cute factor, it is worth remembering that they dont stay kittens for very long just six months out of a potential 14 years or more.

    With adult cats, it is at least clear if they are long or short haired.; You should be able to get a good idea of a cats personality, although if it is being kept in less than ideal circumstances and is stressed or frightened it may act very differently compared to when it is relaxed. A confident adult cat is likely to move in and settle down quite quickly; a nervous one may take more time. It will be much easier to leave an older cat alone in the knowledge that it is not going to get itself into trouble, and it will generally be much less hard work and worry than a kitten. An adult cat will probably already be neutered and vaccinated.Choosing an adult cat and where to get one

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    Stages Of Kitten Development

    • 2 Weeks By this age, most kittens have opened their eyes for the first time.
    • 3 Weeks The ear canals have fully opened.
    • 4 Weeks The kittens baby teeth have begun poking through the gums. They can also begin exploring their surroundings and are becoming more mobile and curious.
    • 8 12 Weeks By this age, kittens are old enough for their first vaccinations, which means they are now old enough to be separated from their mother, which is why most cats go to their new home at about 12 weeks of age.
    • 4 Months The kittens baby teeth are beginning to fall out and are replaced by adult teeth. In general, a kitten will have a full set of adult teeth by the time it reaches 7 months of age.
    • 5 6 Months Most kittens have now grown enough to be safely spayed or neutered.

    Nutrition Tips For Kittens

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    As we briefly discussed above, proper kitten nutrition includes modifying the diet to ensure you are feeding kittens what they need during each stage of growth.

    • The mother cat should be feeding kittens during the first 4 weeks of life, or you should use a special commercial milk replacement;formula every 2-4 hours if the kitten has been separated from their mother.
    • From 3-5 weeks of age, feeding kittens involves offering the milk replacement;formula in a shallow dish to encourage weaning from a bottle. You can also add a moist, easily chewable diet consisting of a mixture of warm milk replacement formula;and high-quality canned or dried kitten food 4-6 times a day.
    • After 6 months of age, kittens should be fed 2-3 times per day.

    Feeding kittens the right food, in the right amounts, and at the right times throughout the day is essential for happy, healthy, and growing cats. Our veterinary staff would be happy to discuss the proper feeding schedule for your kitten at your next veterinary appointment.

    Also Check: How To Train A Kitten Not To Bite

    Monitoring Your Young Adult Cats Weight

    As your cat grows older and transitions to adult food it is especially important to monitor her body weight. In order to help your cat maintain a healthy bodyweight, you could try adding wet food to your cats dry food diet. Wet food also has the advantage of much higher water content,;which is always good for your cat. You can also try out puzzle feeding toys that stimulating her mentally. Finally, you can also help your cat maintain a healthy bodyweight by regularly engaging in games they love using cat toys to encourage physical exercise.

    Games And Mental Stimulation

    Many people do not dedicate time to intelligence games for cats. Even the ones you can invent at home are great for your feline to start developing their mind.

    Playing with your cat and making them think will help them a lot throughout their education. Repetition and using positive reinforcement in cats is essential to make your kitten understand what you are trying to communicate to them. Best of luck!

    If you want to read similar articles to How to Train a Kitten, we recommend you visit our Basic education category.

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    Physical And Mental Development

    During the next few months, your kittens deciduous, or baby, teeth will fall out. You might find them in the carpet or in the food dish. Or you might not find them at all. Some cats will swallow them. Dont worry this is normal.

    You may also notice your plump kitty is becoming a lean, mean cat machine. While hes still a kitten, and hell eat kitten food until about 9 months of age, hes getting longer and more slender as he matures.

    Milestones For Growing Cats


    Here are some important milestones for kittens as they become adult cats:

    • Months 3-4: Baby teeth start to fall out and are replaced by adult teeth; this process is usually complete by 6 months of age.

    • Months 4-9: Kittens go through sexual maturation.

    • Months 9-12: A kitten is almost fully grown.

    • 1 year+: Kittens are just reaching adulthood.

    • 2 years+: Kittens are socially and behaviorally mature.

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