Monday, April 29, 2024

How To Groom A Cat At Home

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How to Groom Your Cat at Home

1. Start with selecting the right grooming tools for your cat. Some cats prefer soft bristle brushes, whilst others like pin brushes. By experimenting with a selection of different products, you can find the one which your cat likes the most.

2. Allow your cat to smell and rub against the brush to help them get used to the feel of the object. This will help to make the process less frightening and will build up their confidence.

3. Start gently brushing your cats back, as this is usually the area they like the most. Allow them to move away from you without restraint, and pause if they begin to show signs of discomfort or aggression.

4. If your cat appears to be comfortable, you can start brushing the more tender areas, such as the stomach, legs and head.

5. Give your cat lots of praise and encouragement whilst you brush them, to help make the experience positive.

6. Once you have finished brushing them, give your pet some time to relax and rest.

To Protect The Paws And Feet Of Your Pet Cat

Regular nail trimming every 10 days or at least every two weeks is vital for cats because having overgrown nails causes discomfort and even health issues for the cat. Curved and overgrown can grow into the footpads and cause intense pain for your kitty and can also result in damage to household items and furniture.

How Much Of Your Cats Grooming Can You Do Yourself

Selof recommends regularly grooming your cat at home, which can be as basic as brushing or combing out their fur once a week. Some cats are finicky, making it difficult to safely groom their problem areas yourself. Selof warns that cats skin is delicate in these spots, so its easy to nick them if theyre squirming. If this is the case for your cat, you may want to consider a professional groomer.

A cats skin is so thin and sensitive, you can cut them so easily.

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How To Trim Your Cats Claws

The best way to keep your cats claws maintained is regular trimming. Typically, most cats are fine on a 2-4 week schedule. It is easy to learn to clip you cats claws, but if you cant do it yourself your vets office or a groomer.

If you think of your finger as your cats claw, form a C with your thumb and forefinger. Your forefinger is your imaginary claw.

The part youd be clipping off is just past the first knuckle, the top part of the C. The quick or live part would run between your hand and the center knuckle. If you look at your cats claw the quick is the pinkish part.

To clip Kittys claws, press her toe gentle between your fingers. She will extend her claw. Nip off the clear part before the claw curves. Less is more, you can always clip a little more another day. Inspect her paws for any health concerns while you are trimming her claws.

Some cats are visually overstimulated by claw clipping. If you cover her head with a towel or the corner of your sweater, she may relax enough for you to clip her nails alone.

Brushing Your Cat’s Teeth

Cat Home Grooming Tips

More than half of all cats over the age of three have periodontal disease. Brushing three times a week is the minimum recommendation to help remove plaque and prevent tartar accumulation. In order to be successful at brushing your cats teeth, you must make it a positive experience for both of you. Do not use human toothpaste or baking soda. A list of dental products and diets that have been accepted by the Veterinary Oral Health Counsel can be found at

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Addressing Problems While Grooming

  • 1Check for skin problems. Whenever you brush, clip, or bathe your cat, check her skin for bumps, bald spots, or cuts. This can indicate health problems such as allergies or stress.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsLeading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal crueltyGo to source See your vet if you find any strange or unexplained anomalies on your cats skin or fur. Some skin problems your cat may have are:
  • Parasitic infections from fleas, ear mites, or harvest mites
  • Fungal infections such as ringworm or yeast infections
  • Infections from excess bacteria on the skin
  • Viral infections such as feline cowpox
  • Feline acne or seborrhea
  • How Cats Groom Themselves

    If your cat has ever tried to show their affection with a fond lick, youll know that they have rough tongues. This is because their tongues are covered in lots of tiny bristles, which help them to comb out dirt and loose fur from their coats – much like the hairbrushes that we use.

    As cats use their mouths a lot during grooming, they often swallow strands of hair during the process. This can cause them to cough up fur balls this is quite normal, so dont worry. You can help to reduce the amount of fur they shed, and therefore minimise fur balls, by helping your cat with their grooming with a gentle brush.

    Most short haired cats are very good at grooming themselves longer haired cats will need a little bit of extra assistance when cat grooming. After all, they have a lot of fur to clean, so may miss a spot!

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    What Is Inhalation Anesthesia

    According to Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine, Inhalation, or gas, anesthesia is one of the most effective and safest methods to keep cats under general anesthesia for surgery and other long and involved work.

    They are usually maintained with a tube in their trachea to monitor respiration and to administer the gas.

    Attempting To Detangle Mats With A Comb

    How to Shave a Cat at Home
  • 1Buy a detangler spray for your cats fur. Adding water to the mats can actually make them worse! Instead, get a detangler thats made specifically for cats. Spritz a bit of this onto the mats. The product may help loosen up the hair.XResearch source
  • You can buy pet detangler spray at your local pet supply store or online. Dont buy a detangler meant for humans and use that on your cat.
  • 2Use a dematting or wide-toothed comb. Its best to buy a comb thats designed to get mats out of pets coats. You can also try using a metal comb that has a fair bit of space between each of the teeth. These tools give you the best shot of detangling the mats without hurting your poor kitty.XResearch source
  • Dematting combs use sharp razor blades to more easily cut through matted fur and should be available online or at your local pet supply store. These should only be used on matted areas, as the blade may cause thin or bald patches on normal fur.
  • 3Hold the base of the mat in your fingers. Just like when your own hair is tangled, brushing can hurt! To minimize the pulling, hold the mat in one hand while you comb with the other.
  • 4Start at the end of the mat and work your way back. Use the wide-toothed comb to gently attempt to work out the mat. Make small, downward strokes. Once youve detangled a small section at the bottom, move up just a tad and work out the next part of the tangle.XResearch source
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    Maintaining Your Cats Coat

  • 1Brush your cats fur. Cats have either short or long hair.XResearch source Even though a cat will groom its own fur, brushing it keeps her coat especially lush by removing dirt, grease, and dead hair.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsLeading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal crueltyGo to source In addition, brushing your cat can be a wonderful bonding experience for the two of you.
  • Use a cat-specific metal comb or rubber brush to brush your cat.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsLeading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal crueltyGo to source Brush your kitty once or twice a week, or more often if she is a longhair type, or if it is shedding a lot, to keep her coat glowing.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsLeading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal crueltyGo to source
  • Keep in mind that cats generally dont like to be restrained. Approach it slowly and hold her gently while you brush your cat.XResearch source You can also brush it when it is sleeping or sitting in your lap but be careful not to wake it up, brush it gently but not too gently.. just normal!.XResearch source
  • Brush slowly so you dont startle your cat. Give her praise or treats as you continue brushing it.
  • Use only clippers for animals and take frequent breaks so you dont burn your kittys skin.XResearch source
  • How To Trim Cat Claws

    Before you do anything, check that they really need doing. Outdoor cats, in particular, need their claws for climbing and defending themselves so only trim them if theyre at risk of overgrowing. Even then, only some claws may need trimming. If your cat is one of the unusual few with an extra toe then keep an eye on those claws, as they dont touch the ground and therefore dont get filed down naturally. The same applies to dew claws, the claws on the inside of the legs just below the wrist.

    Get into the habit of checking your cats claws on a weekly basis. If you spot any ingrowing claws consult your vet, as your cat may need painkillers or antibiotics. Also if any claws are ripped, torn or missing, your vet may need to take a look.

    If its your first time, ask your vet or veterinary nurse to demonstrate how to trim your cats claws and check your technique. Remember, if you dont feel confident trimming your cats claws you can always ask your vet to do it instead.

    Its a good idea to get your cat used to the idea of claw-trimming from an early age, preferably from a kitten. However, kitten claws are soft, so they are usually filed instead of clipped.

    For adult cats, use specially designed cat-claw clippers – and keep them sharp and well maintained. These are available from pet shops or your vet – do not use human nail clippers or scissors!

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    How Should I Remove Tangles Mats Or Burrs

    If a tangle is small or relatively minor or if your cat has just picked up a burr or grass awn, you may be able to gently remove it by brushing or combing it out. If, however, the tangle is extensive or there is a large clump of burrs or grass awns forming a mat, it may be necessary to cut out the clump of hair. In this case, you need to be extremely CAREFUL that you do not accidentally cut your cat’s skin. When tangles are severe or extensive, it is strongly recommended that you seek professional care, either from a groomer or from your veterinarian. If a mat has caused any sort of skin irritation, take your cat to your veterinarian so that the appropriate treatment can be prescribed.

    If you are planning on bathing your cat, make sure that you brush out as many burrs or tangles from the coat BEFORE bathing, since tangles can become impossible to remove after a bath!

    Choosing The Best Comb Or Brush

    How To Groom Your Cat At Home

    There are a variety of combs and brushes available. Some are specifically for checking for fleas and eggs, and some help tackle the moulting season.

    Specialised dematting combs are available and should be used instead of attempting to cut matted fur with scissors, as there is the risk of cutting your cat’s skin.

    Soft bristle and pin brushes can help distribute natural oils which can help the condition of your cat’s fur.

    Slicker brushes are good for pulling out dead hair and breaking down mats in long haired cats.

    You can also purchase grooming mitts which are useful in removing the dead hair from shorter-coated breeds.

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    Make Sure To Check Their Ears

    You should regularly check your cats ears to look for signs of infection, bad odours, increased scratching of the ear, dark debris around the ear and excessive ear wax. If your cat displays any of these symptoms you should take them to your local Greencross Vets for a check-up. Home cleaning of cats ears can be fraught with complications and should only be done under the guidance and recommendation of your Greencross Vet.

    Preventing Problems With Your Cat While De

    Give your cat a final treat and stop for the day. Depending on the severity of the mats, it could take several days to tackle them all, and you need your cat’s cooperation and patience, so don’t push it all at once.

    With short-haired cats, a small slicker brush may be used next to slowly and gently brush through any remaining tangles.

    Seriously matted cats require veterinary attention. Affected cats are lightly sedated and their hair coats are shaved to remove all affected mats. If this drastic step is necessary, be sure to maintain a regular program of brushing and combing when the coat grows back, to prevent future problems.

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    How To Take Care Of Your Cats Ears

    Checking your kittys ears out once a week will be enough. You want to make sure they look healthy and clean, free of dirt, debris, odor, or infection.

    A simple wipe with a cotton ball or make up pad moistened with commercial ear cleaner will keep an average ear clear of problems.

    Apply the drops to Kittys ear, and massage the base of the ear for 20-30 seconds, then let him shake his head

    You dont want to fish around with a Q-Tip down in the ear canal, let the cleaner do the work. Cat ear canals are L-shaped and you can really hurt him. It is fine to use a swab in the crevices and folds in the outer ear and the edge of ear canal you can see.

    A Clean Cat is a Happy Cat

    How To Groom Your Cat At Home: Bathing

    Cat Grooming 101

    Just as its an urban myth that cats always land on their feet, its also a myth that they dont like water. It is true , however, that they dont like being submerged in water. Can we blame them?

    Due to their built in grooming tools and fastidious self-grooming habits, regular grooming by brushing is usually sufficient. However, there will be times when your finicky feline friend needs a little extra help, like if she has come into contact with something sticky or smelly. Thats where the discriminating servant comes in!

    Because, despite their exceptional hygiene methods, bathing is not high on their must do list. If your cat gets oil or paint on herself, bathe her as soon as possible.

    Cats are naturally inclined to lick themselves clean and you want to avoid this if you can. If your cat has a lot of oil on her fur, you may want to have your vet sedate and clean her.

    Otherwise, to make this as stress free as possible for you and your loved one, make sure you have all essential supplies ready before bringing your cat in for a wash.

    If your cat is especially finicky about being bathed, a gin and tonic for you might also count as an essential supply. Other supplies that you need include:

    Cat shampoo .


    Cat Comb, or cat brush for longer haired cats.

    Jug or other container for rinsing.

    Rubber mat or towel, placed in the sink or tub to prevent slipping.

    Once you have assembled the necessary supplies you can follow this guide for how to bathe your cat.

    Cat Shampoos

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    Grooming Is Done Time To Give Your Cat A Treat

    Congratulations! you have successfully finished shaving your cat. It is important to reward your cat with affection and treats after grooming. However, cats that are new to grooming may want to skip the petting and treats part to go hide for awhile. This is normal and after a few grooming experiences will change. While you may feel like this was a huge challenge and something you would rather pay a professional to do, it gets a little easier each time. It is also much less stressful for your cat to be groomed by you at home than to have to endure a car ride to an unfamiliar place, while a stranger man handles them. I have been shaving my cat myself for the past two years. When I first started in would take me over two hours to groom her. Now I can do it in an hour flat. I hope that this instructable has helped you with learning how to properly groom your cat and that it will assist you with managing your cats hygiene regiment.

    So How Often Should You Bathe A Cat

    Certain circumstances require you to give a cat or kitten a bath. Anthony advises bathing a cat if shes gotten into something she shouldnt ingest, such as motor oil, antifreeze, gasoline, or paint. Basically, anything that gets on her fur that could be harmful needs to be washed off immediately.

    Anthony also notes some felines develop skin conditions that are soothed with bathing, such as seborrhea, a disorder that causes flakey, red, and itchy skin. Your veterinarian might also recommend medicated baths for treating other health conditions, such as severe flea allergies or ringworm.

    Older cats with arthritis or who are obese might need you to bathe them more frequently, as theyre not always able to groom well and often have trouble reaching certain spots and preventing odors. As much as cats hate water, they dislike being unkempt even more.

    Many long-haired breeds, such as Maine coons, Persians, and Himalayans, benefit from a bath every couple of months or so to minimize fur matting. Some short-haired cats with dense coats might also need an occasional bath.

    Hairless breeds, like the Sphynx, probably need more frequent bathing than furred felines, as they have an oily residue that gets on fabrics when theyre particularly grimy. If you dont want to bathe your hairless cat weekly, Anthony suggests cat-specific grooming or baby wipes for regular upkeep.

    Consult your veterinarian about your pets particular needs to establish the best routine.

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