Thursday, September 12, 2024

How To Keep Cats Out Of House Plants

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How To Keep Cats Out Of The Garden

How to keep cats away from houseplants

Kitties digging in your garden can be a nuisance and a serious health risk . Maybe its even your own cat!

Neighbourhood kitties digging in your garden can be a nuisance. Maybe its even your own cat!

Why are they a problem?

  • Cats are carnivores. Their feces can contain parasites or pathogens not present in herbivore manure. This is concerning because most of us plan to eat the food we grow!
  • Roaming domestic cats kill songbirds, about 140 million each year. And if youre doing it right, your yard and garden are designed to attract pollinators, like hummingbirds, as well as other wild birds.
  • Roaming cats can strain neighbourhood relations.
  • Try these solutions to keep cats out of your much-loved vegetable beds and away from the food you grow:

    It’s Natural For Cats To Dig & Do Their Doody

    As explained previously, cats naturally like to dig, especially in cold soft dirt. That’s why you may find random surprises in your outside planters from your cats or feral cats in the area.

    They need somewhere to go and what better place than your lovely flower garden! You can use the same techniques described above to make your planters undesirable. However, if your cat is using your inside planters as a litter box, it may be due to common litter box setup and maintenance mistakes.

    Fake It Till You Make It

    Another solution is to give into the idea that you wont be able to enjoy living and breathing plants as long as your feline friends are still around for the party. Thats okay! Thank the plant gods that we have fake plants. And nowadays we have fake plants that actually LOOK GOOD! Take Nearly Naturals, for example. Im impressed by this company and their approach to making fake plants look real. Gone are the days for hokey looking, embarrassing silk trees. Now is the time when you can be proud of your fake Fig trees. Plus your cat wont kill it!

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    Use Spray Bottles As A Consequence Strategy

    This is a commonly used feline training consequence strategy and can be successful as a cat plant deterrent.

    So if youre wondering what can you spray on plants to keep cats away? Youre in luck. You have a few options.

    You can either make a homemade spray to keep your cats from eating plants, or get a cat repellant spray for plants.

    For this method to be effective, heres how the plant spray for cats will work

    • Have your preferred method of solution in a spray bottle nearby
    • Water alone will work just fine
    • Watch your cats every move but try to be subtle about it
    • Spray your cat with the bottle when they get close to your potted plants. This will enable them to consider biting plants as a harmful habit, which results in inevitable consequences. This is considered to be one of the most significant techniques used to keep cats out of potted plants.

    Why Cats Chew On Plants

    How to Keep Cats Out of House Plants

    Cats are not omnivores like us. They are obligate carnivoreswho get their nutrition from meat. Their digestive system is not designed toprocess enzymes that they take in from plants. While their bodies can handleplant-based nutrients in small quantities, larger amounts of nutrients consumedfrom plants can harm your kitty seriously.

    Then why do your cats attack your houseplants like theplants are their mortal enemies? The answer is ridiculously simple. Curiosity!

    Yes, you read that right. Cats are highly curious beings.They are bound to explore their surroundings nose first! Since they see plantsaround them all the time, they are going to experiment with it. It is like youtrying out that new restaurant where you are never sure of the cuisine.

    You have also noticed how excited your furry friend gets when you bring out his favorite feather toy or laser pointer. They could be just as stimulated by the moving leaves of your houseplant. It is a call for attention that they are bored with their surroundings.

    However, if you observe your cat eating your plants regularly and also notice a change in his/ her appetite, it is better you consult your vet immediately. Like any other animal in the wild, cats have the instinctive knowledge to chew on grass or specific plants when they are in digestive distress. It could be something as simple as constipation or as worrying as intestinal parasites. In either case, it is best to schedule a visit with your vet as early as possible.

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    Why Exactly Are Cats Attracted To Plants

    Even though your four legged friend is carnivores in the wild, that doesnt mean that they wont treat your houseplant as a snack or destroy it by digging in the dirt. Its their curiosity by nature that gets them.

    Whether its based on the texture, the smell, the color, or even the loose potting soil, cats have a way of getting into trouble, with the hopes that youll bail them out. Or unless your cat is like mine, who just loves to make a mess to piss you off.

    This is why its extremely important to know which houseplants are toxic to cats. Youll need to know the right type of care to provide if they ingest the plant.

    For most cats, eating plants is kind of a typical thing.

    Boredom. The root of all troubles.

    Before we continue, lets put ourselves into our four legged friends paws.

    Your feline friend is home all day. Sleeps all day when the house is most busy and stays up all night when the house is most quiet.

    But maybe a little too quiet. So why not stir up some trouble. Theres no one to yell at you or get in your way.

    Nighttime is when curiosity is at its highest peak.

    Here are a few tips to entertain your cat

    Eating houseplants is just a single risk confronting an exhausted feline. Houseplants or not, its fundamental that you find a way to keep your feline sufficiently invigorated.

    Effective Ways To Keep Cats Out Of Indoor Plants

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    Having a green thumb will only get you so far with houseplants if you have one cats in the house determined to make trouble.

    There are potentially a few different problems you can have with cats and plants. The first is that some cats like to chew on leaves, leading to damaged plants or sick kitties.

    Next is the simple fact that some cats are nosy and will play around plants, and knock things over for the fun of it.

    Another unpleasant problem can be cats who like to dig in the potted dirt and use it as their litter box. This is very unsanitary and will certainly kill your plants if it continues.

    Before you decide between your plants and your pets, try a few of these techniques to help everyone get along.

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    Lemon Can Work But Pepper Should Be Avoided

    Using cayenne pepper is not recommended. Susan Krebsbach, a veterinarian specializing in animal behavior with Preventative Vet, said the spice can lead to eye irritation, and, if it gets on a cats paws, it can cause excessive licking. This can lead to skin sores, oral discomfort, and even stomach upsets.

    Use Cat Deterrent Plants

    Keeping Cats Safe From Harmful Plants

    If you want to keep your cats away from your plants, there are several scaredy-cat varieties of common houseplants that you can choose.

    For example, cats tend to stay away from Cacti and also hate the scent that Lavender and Eucalyptus plants give off.

    Strategically places these plants close to the ones you want them to avoid and they should stay clear.

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    How Can I Stop My Cats From Eating My House Plants

    First off, some cats get very attached to certain plants and like to eat them. If you have such an asshole, I would really recommend moving your plants.

    The toxic element in many plants is calcium oxalate and some cats quite like the tingly sensation they get on their tongue, so will continue to eat it.

    The level of toxicity they can tolerate will vary from cat to cat, but so does the level of toxicity in the plant. A few chews of a Monstera will be far less dangerous than a mouthful of Dieffenbachia, but you may still end up at the vets with a vomiting cat.

    Move. Your. Plant.

    So now youve only got plants left that wont harm your cat if they eat them, but still youd prefer them to, er, not eat them.

    Train Your Cat To Stay Out Of Plants

    Cats arent famous for their tricks. Teaching your dog to sit is easy, but your cat will probably just ignore the command.

    However, cats do respond to behavioral training. Every cat had to be trained to use a litter box. They can learn to stay off the counter, to stop clawing the furniture and to stop eating the houseplants.

    Use humane training methods to teach your cat which behaviors are good or bad. When you catch your cat climbing in or playing with the plants, clap your hands loudly or use a water spray bottle to startle and distract them, says Richardson. Offer positive reinforcement, such as praise, treats and affection, when your cat uses the correct toys or litter box. Soon your houseplants will be safe from the wrath of your cats claws.

    Injury makes plants more susceptible to disease and yellow leaves. Once your cat is trained, take extra care to help your plants get healthy again.

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    Which Plants Are Toxic To Cats

    First off, you need to make sure that your houseplants are not toxic to your cat. The list of poisonous plants is very long.

    • Azaleas and Rhododendrons
    • Peace Lily
    • Lily of the Valley
    • Tulip
    • Chrysanthemum, Daisy, Mum
    • Sago Palm
    • Oleander
    • Autumn Crocus

    If you suspect your cat has consumed a poisonous plant, contact your veterinarian immediately and give him the name of the plant your cat has ingested.

    How To Keep Cats Out Of Mulch

    How to Keep Cats Out of House Plants

    Cats are very particular about some things. They do not like to walk on spiky surfaces that poke and prickle their paws. How to keep cats from pooping in flower beds or digging in plants is to add material that is uncomfortable for them to scratch around in.

    What keeps cats away? One effective way to keep cats out of plants is to use a prickly mulch material like pine cones, rough stones and rocks, or a thorny ground cover. You can also put plant spikes between plants or plant plastic forks with the tines side up mixed in the garden area.

    These kinds of materials keep cats from finding a comfortable place to lounge and encourage them to move to softer, more amenable spaces.

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    Provide Plants For Your Cats

    Sometimes you can distract a leaf-chewing cat away from your houseplants by providing them with some plants of their own.

    A pot of catnip would probably be too loved, but you can keep a pot of mint, cat grass or thyme. Cats tend to like these, and they are perfectly safe to be chewed occasionally.

    Use a couple of the other techniques for your real plants, and your decoy should become the center of attention from your cat.

    Plant Cat Repellent Plants

    One of the best and easiest ways to keep cats out of your plants is to plant cat repellent plants that you like but they donât.

    Plant one or more or a combination of lemongrass, geranium, lavender, rue, and pennyroyal to discourage cats from entering areas where you donât want them to roam. They add color and a nice scent to the yard that you will find pleasant but the cats will avoid.

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    Reconsider Theplacement Of Your Plants

    • If it really comes down to it, you may need to fall back on merely moving your plants in order to keep cats out of plants. This may backfire in the event that you have extremely coordinated pets.
    • Hanging plants that are not near some other furniture will be a smart place to use. They wont be able to climb to get to the plant, thus decreasing their motivation to stay away from that plant.
    • Furthermore, to keep cats out of plants, you can also place holders that mount legitimately to the plant without a rack and on to the wall instead.

    Diverting Your Cats Attention

    How To Stop Cats From Digging In Your House Plants Natural Remedies Club
  • 1Give kitty its own plant. Before humans domesticated them, cats ate meats that contained pre-digested greens. Because of this, its normal for cats to want to nibble at plants occasionally. Providing a safe plant for your cat to nibble may keep it from destroying your other plants. The following types of plants are safe for cats to eat:XResearch source
  • Cat grass
  • Read Also: Why Do Cats Attack Their Own Tails

    Use Scent To Keep The Cats Away

    • Cats dislike the smell of rue, lavender and pennyroyal, Coleus canina and lemon thyme. Plant a few of these throughout the garden.
    • Cats steer clear of strong citrus scents. Throw peels directly onto garden soil.
    • Sprinkling brewed coffee grounds over the soil may also help. Get free big bags from most local coffee shops!
    • The scent of human hair is said to deters cats. Empty your brushes onto the garden and reclaim your territory!
    • Commercial cat repellents copy the smells of predator urine. Its advertised as non-toxic and organic, said not to harm plants. Do your research.

    Houseplants Cats Wont Chew On

    Growing plants indoors that cats dislike is a great way to distract them. Cats dont like some plants because of their strong odor, others because of the way they feel. Here are a few indoor plants cats avoid:

    • Rosemary is a great indoor plant that cats hate because it is highly aromatic. In addition to growing without cat interference, it also provides you with fresh sprigs for cooking and makes your house smell great.
    • Scaredy cat plant is another plant that deters cats based on the smell, thus the name.
    • Plants like cactus and roses are great indoor options and cats will only try messing with them once because of the thorns.

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    Give Kitty His Own Plant

    Sometimes the best solution to lure your cat away from your plants is to give her some of her own. Many pet supply stores sell cat grass kits that allow you to grow safe grass your cat can nibble on whenever she wants. If you place a planter with this grass where your cat can easily reach it, she may be satisfied enough to leave your plants alone.

    Place Them Beneath A Cloche

    How to Keep Cats Out of House Plants and Cut Flowers

    The blooms, that is not the cat. Shapely glass domes are the pet-friendliest trend to hit tabletops in recent memory: You get to display the most delicate flowers you can find, and in the absence of opposable thumbs, Fluffy will have a hell of a time getting her paws on them. BUY IT:The White Company, $65

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    Mustard Or Pepper Repellents

    Mustard is an excellent repellent against cats: just dilute a few spoons of it in water and use this mixture on plants where your cat is wreaking havoc. Then, you can use a spray to sprinkle the repellent all over the place and repeat the operation every 2 days or so.

    Pepper also has good results in warding off cats from your beautiful plants. First, use freshly ground black pepper for maximum efficiency, or failing that, a commercially purchased pepper mill. Then, just sprinkle your cats favorite plants.

    The only drawback: the smell of pepper does not last over time. It is, therefore, necessary to sprinkle regularly to keep your feline away from your plants. You can also dilute two tablespoons of crushed fresh pepper in a cup of hot water, let stand, then mix well before filtering everything. Then, spray the solution with a spray bottle.

    Keep Cats Out Of Plants

    Plants work to deter cats in two ways. One is to keep the cats out of specific areas by planting a few varieties they dont like. Cats are not fond of lavender , rue , geraniums , absinthe , rosemary or marigolds . Rather than trying to keep cats out of one part of the garden, you also can use plants to lure them to another. Try keeping the cats out of your flower bed by giving them their own bed full of plants that attract them. Plants that draw cats include the obvious catnip and cat mint as well as Jacobs ladder , lemon grass , valerian and flax .

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    Cat Repellent Automatic Sprinkler

    If you consider buying an automatic sprinkler, chances are you have a large garden and serious with it . Installing sprinklers for the sole purpose of scaring away the cat from the garden is costly.

    Once you have a sprinkler, do not expect to fully keep the cat away since sprinklers have times during the day when it activates.

    For the times that it is off, you have to figure out how to control your cat. You can follow the first or second tip.

    However, animals tend to develop a habit of not approaching areas that scare them. Put, if your cat has been hit by the sprinkler many times, they will stay out of your garden as an effect.

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