Saturday, July 27, 2024

My Cat Just Had Kittens What Do I Do

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Kitten Care : My Cat Just Had Kittens: What Do I Do?
  • Tear the membranes from the nose, wipe the nose, open the mouth, tilt the kitten’s head down and clear away any fluids.
  • If the umbilical cord has not broken on delivery, tear it an inch from the kitten and remove the bulk of the membranes. Complicated cutting and tying of the cord are unnecessary. The queen would chew through it, providing a blunt crushing action to prevent bleeding you can do the same thing by tearing it between your first two fingers and thumb.
  • If the kitten is not breathing, or if it was delivered tail first and possibly inhaled fluid, it is necessary to clear debris and fluid from the air passages The back of the mouth can be suctioned using a pediatric bulb syringe or Argyle DeLee mucus trap to clear away fluids while the kitten is rubbed vigorously. Swinging kittens to remove fluid is no longer recommended as it can cause severe brain trauma. The color of the kitten’s tongue is a reliable indicator of success. If the kitten is receiving sufficient oxygen, the tongue will be pink if not it will have a bluish tint.

When Should Kittens Be De

Theres another issue here, and thats de-sexing spaying or neutering. A responsible breeder would baulk at handing over an entire purebred kitten, such as a British Shorthair, to a new owner, unless that person was already established in the cat fancy as a responsible and caring individual with a proper cattery ready to go.

The thought of sending a kitten to become the victim of a backyard breeder is unconscionable. With non-purebred cats, youd still want to avoid unwanted kittens and protect the growing cat from all the health issues that entire cats are heir to.

Thus, kittens are typically neutered or spayed before being rehomed. Most vets prefer to do this at around five months. Paediatric de-sexing is generally only done if theres a medical reason for it.

The 16-week mark is a useful compromise most cats are big enough for the procedure at this age, while at 12 weeks theyre often too small. By waiting till the fourth month before relinquishing the kitten, a responsible breeder ensures that they can be de-sexed ahead of moving in with their new guardians without any problems.

New Kitten And Mother Cat Care

The first two to three weeks are the most crucial for a mother cat and her newborn kittens. The kittens should be developing rapidly, and if the mother is going to have any postpartum problems, it will happen during that period.

Let the mother cat set the pace for your attention. If she has been your pet for a while, she may welcome your visits. A rescued stray or fostered cat may prefer that you stay away. As long as the kittens are nursing frequently and appear to be thriving, they will be OK.

Keep the mother cat and her babies in a quiet part of the house a separate room is ideal. Make sure the room is warm enough as kittens are unable to regulate their body temperature when they are only a few days old. The mother cat can keep the babies warm, but if she leaves to eat or use a litter box, the kittens can get cold. Chilling is one of the most critical dangers to newborn kittens. Provide blankets, a heat lamp, or a heating pad to ensure the kittens stay warm.

Use a large enough box to comfortably hold the mother cat and her kittens. Stack clean towels to line it. The towels will become soiled quickly as the kittens defecate. It will be easiest to remove the top towel to reveal a clean layer.

Keep the mother cat’s litter box, food, and water bowls close by. Make sure you are feeding her a high-quality canned kitten food, supplemented with KMR . These specially formulated foods ensure that a nursing, postpartum mother cat gets the nutrients she needs.

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How To Observe Momma Cats Behavior After Giving Birth

One of the first things you should do is to observe the mothers behavior.

Ideally, your momma cat will already be comfortable with you and should trust your ability to care for her. If this is the case, then its most likely that the mother will not be anxious or worrisome if you approach her and her babies.

Approach your new mommy cat slowly to observe her reaction before attempting to handle her kittens.

What Will Mating My Cat Involve

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A queen is an induced ovulator, which means that eggs are released from her ovaries in response to mating or sexual contact. During mating, the male cat holds the queen’s scruff in his teeth and when he ejaculates, the queen cries out and frequently becomes aggressive. Although it appears violent, this is normal mating behavior. After mating, she will groom herself, wait a while, and then mate again.

Pregnancy or gestation ranges from 60-67 days, averaging 63-65 days.

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What To Expect When Your Cat Is In Labor

  • Your cat goes beyond her proposed due date without going into labor
  • You do not see evidence that Stage 1 labor has started 24-36 hours after the drop in rectal temperature mentioned above
  • Stage 1 labor has not progressed to Stage 2 labor after 24 hours
  • The first kitten has not been delivered after 1 hour of active labor
  • It has been more than two hours without the appearance of another kitten1
  • Vaginal discharge is purulent or frankly hemorrhagic
  • Your cat is in apparent distress or pain or seems ill or disoriented1
  • Kittens are stillborn or are alive but seem weak or not normal.
  • You know that there are more kittens on the way but your cat appears to be exhausted and labor seems to have stopped.

The key is to be as prepared as possible. Know what to expect. Know who to call. Then hopefully everything will go well and youll only have to contact your veterinarian after the fact to take the new family in for a routine, wellness check.

If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian — they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.

Did Your Cat Have Kittens What Now

Your cat just had kittens. What now?

The answer to that depends on how well the cat knows and trusts you. If it’s your cat that you’ve had for a long period of time, she probably won’t mind if you touch her kittens. If it’s a stray, or a cat you’ve only had for a short while, she might not like it if you come near her babies.

Take it slowly, and make sure she is okay with it before you touch them. Either way, they really should not be handled that much at all until they are about 2 weeks old. If you do handle them, be sure to either wear gloves or wash your hands thoroughly before and after.

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Diagnosis Of Birth Difficulties In Cats

Abnormal or difficult births in cats are typically caused by several factors, including uterine inertia, the birth canal is too small, the fetus crosses the birth channel in an atypical orientation, and/or the fetus is too large.

Veterinarians pay attention to the following situations and history:

  • Previous history of dystocia or reproductive tract blockage
  • Birth doesnt occur within at least 24 hours once the rectal temperature drops to 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 37.7 degrees Celcius
  • No kitten is born after the queen suffers severe abdominal contractions that last for more than two hours
  • Pause in labor lasts more than four to six hours
  • Obvious pain of the queen howling, licking or gnawing at the vulva
  • Odd discharge from the vulva before the kittens are born
  • Pelvic trauma
  • Prior births

The vet could also carry out a sterile digital exam to determine the degree of obstruction in the birth canal as well as the position and presentation of the fetuses. To determine the presence, mass, location and health of the fetuses, the veterinarian could also use radiography or ultrasound scans.

Should labor be prolonged, and the veterinarians cannot see or feel the kitten in the birth canal, an x-ray of the queen will help to determine the relative sizes and positions of the kittens.

A fractured pelvis is detrimental for queens. If a queen with a fractured pelvis becomes pregnant and it wasnt known she had a fractured pelvis, she will have to undergo a surgery to give birth.

Make Sure You Keep Them Away From Any Possible Triggers

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This is an essential step in caring for newborn kittens and mother cats. After a successful delivery, both mother cat and her litter will be easily stressed out. When a cat just had kittens she will need rest and relaxation. Make sure you keep them away from any possible triggers – stray animals, other pets, house guests, and the hustle & bustle in your home. You can decide where to put the whelping bed for cat after birth care but make sure the area is quiet and clean.

Cats love privacy and giving them just that will provide your cat and her litter the suitable environment to recover and rest well to face the many days ahead. While this may seem like an unexpected part of cat after birth care, it is an important one so that a mother cat can decompress with her kittens. So, check in frequently, but do not interfere with your cat after giving birth.

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Faq About Newborn Kittens

Weve had quite a few questions over the past years from this article. Here are our answers to some of the most FAQs.

Remember, Its better not to touch newborn kittens for up to 2 weeks. However, that is if their birth conditions are safe, clean, accessible, and quiet.

My cat just had kittens what do I do?How to get a mother cat to move her kittens?How to stop a cat from moving kittens?What do I do if the mother cat is moving kittens to an unsafe place?My cat is moving kittens that are 3 weeks oldMy cat moved her kittens and now I can’t find themMy cat had kittens outside, should I bring them in?Will a mother cat abandon her kittens if you touch them?Can you move newborn kittens?Can you touch newborn kittens with gloves?How long after kittens are born can you give them away?What happens if you touch a newborn kitten?How old should kittens be before you give them away?Does my cat trust me with her kittens?How to care for newborn kittens and mother cat?What do you feed a nursing mother cat?Why is my cat separating her kittens?Why does the mother cat move only one kitten?How to move kittens and mom after birth?Why does my cat keep moving one of her kittens?Where do cats hide their kittens outside?Why is the mother cat bringing kittens to me?Why is the mother cat meowing a lot?How to find a hidden litter of kittens?My cat just had kittens can I move them?

Can 7 Week Old Kitten Leave Mom

Yes, a 7 week old kitten can leave its mother. The ideal time to do so is around 8-10 weeks, when the kitten is weaned and has had all its vaccinations. Leaving earlier than 8 weeks can be done, but its best to wait until the kitten is at least 8 weeks old. Kittens younger than that are still quite dependent on their mothers and need her for both nutrition and socialization.

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Do Mother Cats Remember Their Kittens

Yes, mother cats do remember their kittens. In fact, they have a very strong attachment to them and will often continue to care for them even after theyve grown up and left the nest. This is why its so important to be careful when introducing new cats into a home with an existing cat theres a very real risk of the two not getting along and the mother becoming hostile towards the newcomer.

For Kittens Aged 8+ Weeks

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Got kittens with razor-sharp teeth on your hands? Find out whether or not you can give kittens adult cat food in our Q& A here.

Adopting 1 or 2 of the kittens from the newborn litter? Learn the 7 steps to take care of your new kitten here.

Lastly, kittens aged 8+ weeks are at a healthy age to get spayed/neutered. Make sure to take care of this responsibility sooner rather than later!!

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Good Luck With Your Search

We hope you never have to track down a lost litter of kittens, but if you do, the strategies above should greatly increase your odds of success.

And while we hope you enjoy your time playing with those adorable little cats, we would be remiss if we didnt urge you, one last time, to see that theyre all spayed and neutered.

After all, you dont want to have to go on another lost kitten hunt a few months down the line.

Featured image credit: congerdesign, Pixabay

Contents Overview

Caring For Feral Moms & Kittens

Caring for a feral mom and her kittens is not much different than caring for a friendly mom! But unlike friendly moms, feral moms must stay confined to a large condo or dog crate at all times. DO NOT LET THEM OUT IN YOUR HOUSE!

We will provide a feral den for mom to make her nest, which you will keep inside the dog crate/condo. Provide a bed, dry food, water, wet food, and a litter box inside of the crate.

You should take the kittens out to socialize and play with them when possible starting at 4 weeks of age. It is also very important you are weighing the babies at least once a day to make sure they are receiving enough nutrition.

Once the babies are eating on their own, we will assess the feral mom to gauge her adoptability. Most feral moms will need to be TNRd which means she will be spayed, vaccinated, microchipped, ear tipped and then re-released to the outdoor home she came from.

Please note: We only release our feral moms to safe colonies with dedicated feeders. If the colony she came from is deemed unsafe, your feral momma cat will be safely relocated through a working cat program. If the feral mom has shown that she is actually friendly and enjoys human companionship, then she will go up for adoption alongside her kittens instead!

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Pregnancy And Parturition In Cats

Breeding cats can be an extremely rewarding experience. However, before undertaking a breeding program, it is essential to understand what this involves, from the time of mating to the time of weaning.

It is also important to remember that tens of millions of unwanted cats are euthanized every year. It will be your responsibility to find permanent, loving homes for every kitten.

When To Intervene After Your Cat Has Kittens

Learn How Baby Kittens Grow: 0-8 Weeks!

Caring for kittens takes a lot of attention and patience. While sweet momma cat will give her best effort to take care of her newborn litter, sometimes human intervention is beneficial and otherwise necessary.

For example, if a weak or sick kitten is not properly getting its nourishment or warmth from the mom, it will be at risk of death.

According to The Cat Doctor, kittens cannot defecate on their own for the first 2-3 weeks . Instead, the mother needs to lick their stomach and genitals in order to help them go potty. This is an example to show how human intervention would be necessary in case a kitten has poop blockage .

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Know What Signs To Look Out For

Impending labour can be tricky to spot. During the first stages of labour, the mum will become very restless, pace as if she is looking for something, and become very vocal. Contact your vet if you are unsure if labour has started, and keep a close eye on your cat in her final weeks and days of labour to make sure you know when and where she will give birth to her kittens.

Your cat loves her privacy, and thats especially true when shes about to deliver her kittens! Its is important to observe your cat giving birth so that you can step in if there are problems, especially for first-time mums

How do cats give birth? The stages of labour and delivery

Cat labour has three stages. Once you think labour has started, you should keep a watchful eye over them cat labour usually goes very smoothly, but its important that you oversee her labour so any complications can be caught quickly. However, interfering unless its absolutely necessary might slow feline labour and upset your cat, so limit yourself to regular checks and try not to intervene unless you have to. Dont worry generally, cat labours go very smoothly, but always consult your vet if youre worried. Limit the number of spectators too although the whole family is bound to be excited for the new arrivals, this might upset mum!

When Do Kittens Quit Nursing

Kittens are weaned between 4-8 weeks of age. Some kittens may be weaned at 4 weeks of age if they are eating solid food and drinking water well. Other kittens may not be completely weaned until 8 weeks of age. How long should a kitten nurse? The average kitten is typically fully weaned by 6 weeks of age

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