Cat Pregnancy Calculator And Timeline
Cats are stone-cold geeks but maybe thats kinda why we love them so much.
The unexplainable hijinks of a cats character seem to challenge logic. This possibly makes them the most popular quadruped companion pet in the world.
Did you know what cats love more than anything else? Best believe its the art of sleeping.
If you have a cat, the most likely answer to the question Whats she doing right now? is taking a nap. Feline experts arent certain why cats nod off so much.
A full-grown feline can sleep for anywhere between 13 and 16 hours a day. Irrespective of how playful your kitty is, they are snoozing champions. They may sleep all day long, particularly during its first several months.
Interestingly enough, Felines spent approximately two-thirds of their lifetime snoozing! At this rate, a nine-year-old cat would be awake for only about three years!
As your furball grows up, it will need less sleep than it did as a kitten. With this much time spent in sleeping, we may notice various sleeping patterns in our feline companions which we may not readily decode.
Your cats snoozing style is about more than just getting some rest.
Here are a few common cat sleeping positions and what they might tell us about our cats.
Is It Normal For Cats To Sleep All Day
Before finding out why do cats sleep so much, you will need to know its really normal if your cats sleep so much, even all day.
The majority of their awake hours are around twilight. It may seem like your cat is sleeping the day away. That hobby is completely normal behavior, as it aligns with their biology.
Nevertheless, during a long sleeping time, if your cat shows any red flags needed to be concerned.
These signs also involve to why do cats sleep so much. So, dont ignore it!
Cat Sleeping Positions When Sick
Lethargy is a common symptom of many feline illnesses. While senior cats will naturally want to rest for longer than a young adult cat, the sleeping position assumed could be a sign of sickness.
Curling in a ball or adopting the fetal position suggests that your cat is struggling to stay warm. A cat on its side may be finding it hard to breathe or be attempting to relieve pressure on aching joints. Sleeping on the back can imply feelings of vulnerability, so the cat wants quick access to its claws for self-defense.
It is hard to diagnose illness by sleeping position alone. Cats sleep in a range of poses, many of which look uncomfortable. Accompanied by the physical symptoms of illness, a cats sleeping position can reveal what ails it.
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Consider Building A Catio
If you have extra outdoor space on your property, you can make a compromise for your cat who may still want to venture outside by building him a catio.
Essentially, a catio is an enclosure that bridges your home to the yard. This affords your pet the opportunity to investigate the outside world without the risks associated with roaming freely to anywhere he wishes to go.
Your Thoughts On Cats Sleeping On Their Backs
Why do you think cats sleep on their backs? Can you think of other theories? Which of the ones I listed do you think are more likely to be true more likely to be false?
If you have multiple cats, why do you think each of them sleep on their backs, and do they seem to do it for the same reasons, or for different reasons?
Do your cats like to be pet when they sleep like this? Do they prefer to be left alone?
Id love to hear any stories, experiences, thoughts, and opinions you have on this topic in the comments down below.
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Elises Favourite Tip
One of the most frustrating problems Ive had to deal with as a pet parent is staying on top of my cats desire to play. While this is typically hard to do, toys like these that allow cats to play by themselves make the job one heck of a lot easier.
The hits in my household are ridiculously affordable: cat springs, ball track toys, & kick sticks. I have a slew scattered around the house, so when my cats get bored, even if Im busy or not even home, my furries are able to actively play.
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The Advantages Of Kitty Zzs
Allowing your cat to sleep with you on the bed can also have benefits for you and your meow mate. It.
- Reduces stress Petting a sleeping cat has been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety, depression, and stress.
- Strengthens the bond Cats who sleep with their humans are closer to them. This comfortable snuggle helps them feel more trust and safety with their owners.
- Its warm For those who get cold easily, a cat in the bed is the perfect feet warmer.
- Good company Whenever you are lonely, having a cat as a companion is the perfect feel-good friendship.
Helps You Fall Asleep
As long as your kitty settles down at a reasonable hour, it can help you fall asleep. Many animals like to nap near your head or at your feet. If they lie on your legs or torso, then you get the added benefit of having them act like a weighted blanket, which is shown to decrease the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and promote healthy sleep cycles.
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Why Do Cats Sit On You They Crave Connection
Cats gravitate toward people they like, and they seek connection with their favorite people, Marilyn adds. Sometimes theyre seeking petting, because people often pet the cat on their lap. Petting resembles their moms grooming, so most cats love receiving petting from their favorite people. Some cats also knead while they sit on someones lap. When theyre kneading, theyre simulating their neo-natal days when they did that to their mothers to stimulate milk flow. It can be a self-comforting behavior, as can purring, Marilyn says.
Because Kittens Turn Over & Sleep On Their Backs Mostly For Their Moms This Cat Behaviour May Suggest Youre Like A Mother To Your Feline
This is obviously just a guess, but I think its a reasonable one.
If the vast majority of instances cats turn over on their back and sleep is in the presence of mom or specifically for the purpose of having their moms groom them, it makes sense that a cat who does this around you or even for you to pet them thinks at least a little of you like youre a parent.
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Is My Cat Really Asleep
Cats do sleep deeply but not always. Much like people, cats are often just snoozing. Light sleeping makes up about 3/4 of your cat’s sleep time, with just 1/4 of their sleep time being devoted to deep sleep.
When cats are snoozing lightly they get the rest they require but they’re still alert. When your cat is snoozing or napping you may notice that their eyes remain slightly open or that their ears still twitch and rotate towards noises.
What Do Different Cat Sleeping Positions Mean
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews stated that lethargy and depression is the most common warning sign of sickness. If a cat is withdrawn and sleeping more, it could be attempting to hide pain or illness.
Monitor your cat during sleep as the position that your cat adopts can reveal a source of discomfort. Sleeping positions are a useful barometer of health when considered in conjunction with other physical symptoms.
The table below details common sleeping positions in sick cats and what they may mean:
Curled in a Ball | Low body temperature as this position keeps a cat warm. Significant pain is also a possible explanation. |
Fetal Position | Low body temperature. The cat could also be protecting a sore or injured body part, such as the front paws. |
Lying on Stomach | Vulnerability means that your cat doesnt want to fall into a deep sleep. It may need to move quickly. |
Lying on Back | Feelings of insecurity. This position offers fast access to claws and teeth for protection. Sick cats feel more vulnerable. |
Lying on Side | Difficulty breathing or muscular pain. This position makes breathing easier and reduces pressure on the joints. |
Also, look out for other changes in your cats sleeping routine. If your cat always slept alone but now looks for company, it may be feeling unwell. The cat is seeking comfort and protection while it rests.
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Why Do Cats Like To Sleep On Items Of Clothing
Virtually every cat owner will be familiar with this one-you get changed and drop and item of clothing onto your bed, and before you can pick it up to put it away, your cat has curled up on it and gone to sleep, and wont move without a lot of negotiation!
Most cats seem to have a particular penchant for sleeping or sitting on top of clothes, whether that be clean and freshly dried clothes that havent even made it back into your wardrobe, or an item of clothing you put down on the bed or the sofa. If your cat is a contrasting colour to most of your wardrobe, you are probably all too aware of this, and despair of ever finding something to wear that isnt decorated with cat hair! Whether your cat sneaks through gaps in your wardrobe door or into the top of an open drawer, lies in your washing basket or heads straight for individual items of clothing you have taken off, clothing seems to be a particular target for cats looking for a place to nap!
If you have ever wondered why cats seem to love sleeping on items of clothing, and will lie on top of them in preference to the rest of your sofa or bed or even their own beds, wonder no more-in this article, we will explain why cats like to sleep on clothes.
Strange Places Where Cats Like To Sleep
Cats love to do two things: play and sleep. When nap time comes around, cats, whether they are just wee kittens or full-blown adults, can find some pretty amazing places to curl up in. If you have just got a brand new kitty and cant seem to find it, the following list may well be helpful in your search!
Cats love to sleep and get in plenty of naps during the course of the day. They usually find some safe hidden place, up high, but they also really like dark, warm hideaways, especially in winter. The main reason for this is instinct, their need to hide from predators, but these places are also nice and quiet, anti-stress therapy, if you will.
If its been a while seen youve seen your cat, try searching for it in any of the following places:
1) INSIDE THE WARDROBE, ON CLEAN CLOTHES. Cats love to sleep inside clothes closets, on fragrant clean clothing, knits are preferred. Its an easy place to get to and a quiet hideaway that will let them sleep in peace. The drawback to this is that we risk going out wearing sweaters covered in cat hair!
2) ON THE COMPUTER. No, cats arent nerds, but they do like the warmth of a computer that has only just been turned off. If you see your cat circling you as you work on the computer, it may be scoping out its next nap spot!
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Your Cat Might Be Stressed
Hiding and being less active are coping tools cats use when they’re scared or stressed. If your cat hides from the family, only engages with one family member, hides during storms or gets anxious when you are gone, he may be very stressed. Sleeping more may be his coping tool. Ask your primary care veterinarian about how stress affects your cat. She may refer you to a board-certified veterinary behaviorist. You can also learn more about cat stress and what you can do to reduce it in the book .
A Number Of Studies Have Been Conducted Into The Riddle
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Scientists may have cracked the answer to one of the great mysteries of the animal kingdom: why do cats sleep in cardboard boxes?
Anyone who lived with a cat has probably come home to find their feline companion sleeping in a strange place. Carelessly discarded cardboard boxes are as good as any.
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Cat Sleeping In Fetal Position
This pose helps a cat to retain body heat. Check the temperature of the cat and its surroundings while it is awake.
If the cat has a safe temperature, consider whether it could be injured. The purpose of the fetal position may be to protect parts of the anatomy. In the fetal position, a cat cannot be touched on the paws or belly.
When your cat wakes up, check how well it moves. If the cat refuses to allow you to touch its paws, injury or discomfort is a possibility. This could be something minor, such as dry and cracked paw pads.
If you find no obvious physical problem, it could be feeling vulnerable due to an illness. The fetal position helps a cat feel protected. The cat feels confident that it will not be disturbed as all delicate anatomy is protected.
Where Should Your Cat Sleep
Okay, fess up. Where does your cat sleep? Nestled in the crook of your knees on your antique quilt? On the larger part of your pillow where your head isnt? On an easy chair close to the bed? Or does she position herself flush against the closed door to your bedroom? Or in her own bed in another part of the house?
A recent online survey revealed the following facts about cats in the household:
- About 96 percent of cat owners allow their cats to sleep in the bedroom.
- Almost 50 percent of those cats are allowed to sleep in the bed.
- And 38 percent of those sleep on the pillow with the owner.It should be noted, too, that younger cats prefer the pillow, while older cats prefer to sleep at the foot of the bed.
Although the amount of time spent sleeping varies from cat to cat, and depends on age and personality, felines spend an average of 13 to 16 hours each day curled up in slumber. And when it comes to sleep, your cat likes warm and cozy. She looks for a place that feels comfortable and safe and has the right temperature. When the weather is warm, she seeks high shaded sleeping nooks, where she can stretch out. During the cool winter months shell find a place in the warm sunshine or near a heat source, and there shell curl up with face between paws to reduce body heat loss.
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How Is Cat Sleep Like Human Sleep
Cats and humans experience similar features of sleep. Rapid eye movement, or REM , occurs in humans as one of the stages of sleep. During this stage, the eyes move back and forth, breathing and heart rate become faster, and dreams occur. Cats also experience REM sleep , with their eyes moving in both vertical and horizontal directions.
Cats and humans also have cycles of non-REM sleep. In humans, the three cycles of non-REM sleep move from light to deep sleep. When cats are in the light sleep phase, they are relaxed but on alert. You may notice your cat taking naps throughout the day, but theyre still ready to pounce at the slightest movement or noise.
Humans and cats are also affected by circadian rhythms , which are 24-hour cycles that dictate when to be awake and when to be asleep. Humans are usually awake during the day and asleep at night. Cats are crepuscular, meaning that their circadian rhythms tell them to be awake at dusk and dawn, and to sleep at night and during the day.
Because human and cat sleep cycles are different, you might be asleep when your cat is most active and vice versa. If you have a cat that wakes you at sunrise every morning, this could be an effect of your cats circadian rhythm.
Indoor Vs Outdoor Cats
While some cats are perfectly content with never going outside and reigning supreme over their indoor kingdoms, other cats live duel indoor-outdoor lives. This can pose different threats.
Maniet says outdoor cats are exposed to more disease carriers. This includes other outdoor cats, feral cats, prey, worms, fleas, ticks, mosquitos, and a plethora of other insects.
All of these carriers have the potential to transmit diseases such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, and many other infections, Maniet said. Also important to note is that the litter box of indoor cats can also present a risk of disease for humans in the household.
What kinds of diseases? Gastrointestinal worms, giardiasis, ringworm, toxoplasmosis, plague yes, that plague and hantavirus infection, Maniet says. This is on top of typical allergens pet dander can create.
During the summer months, when ticks and other parasites are more active, pet professionals recommend regularly checking your cats fur and skin for potentially disease-spreading piggy-backers. This is good for both feline and human health.
The best way to reduce the risks of contracting these health risks from your cat, the CDC recommends, is for pet owners to regularly take their cats to the vet so theyre up to date on their immunizations.
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