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How Much Does It Cost To Spay A Cat

Female Cat Spayed within 10 minutes: Ligature technique

The cost for spaying a cat varies depending on location and type of clinic performing the procedure. Private veterinarians generally charge more and there can be a range of prices for spaying a cat, even from vets in the same city. A random sampling of veterinarians found prices of $219 in Kansas, $250 in California and $590 in Illinois.

There are specialized clinics and shelters across the country focused on making the procedure affordable some even price the procedure based on income. Spaying a cat at some of these places can cost around $50-70.

What Does The Price Of Spaying Or Neutering Include

When you get a quote from your veterinarian, its always best to ask whats included and whats not.

Usually, the cost of spaying and neutering includes:

  • Full anesthesia for a female cat
  • Sedation and local anesthesia for a male cat
  • The surgical procedure itself, including suturing
  • Follow up and removal of stitches for females

What the cost of spaying and neutering usually doesnt include:

  • Pre-surgery blood tests
  • Special conditions some veterinarians may charge extra for operating on a cat in heat or one thats already pregnant.

Then there are items which some veterinarians like to include as a package deal while others dont

  • A general checkup
  • Vaccinations
  • Post-surgery pain management medications. These can be given in the form of a shot, pills or both.
  • A cat cone for females so theyll avoid chewing on the stitches .

These may or may not be included in the quote ask your veterinarian in advance.

Why Does My Neutered Cat Still Look Like They Have Testicles

When a cat is castrated, the testicles are removed but the scrotum isnt. This means sometimes they look like they still have testicles after their operation. Over time the scrotum will shrink and become less noticeable. If you notice swelling or redness in your cats scrotum after their surgery, contact your vet for advice.

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What Are The Benefits Of Neutering My Cat

Neutering can have health and behavioural benefits for your cat and be a big plus for you too.

Aside from unwanted pregnancies, spaying a female cat also helps prevent:

  • Womb, ovarian and mammary cancers
  • Pyometra, a life-threatening womb infection.
  • Very loud attempts to attract a mate, which can sound like shes in pain or very distressed
  • The equally vocal and persistent attentions of uncastrated tomcats
  • The stress, restlessness, and hormonal mood changes that come when a cat is in heat increased aggression, for example
  • Straying away from home in her search for a mate
  • FIV, the feline version of HIV, which can be spread through bites inflicted during mating.

For male cats, castration helps prevent:

  • Testicular cancer and prostate cancer
  • Roaming, and therefore the risk of being hit by a car or getting lost
  • Fights with other males
  • FIV from bites received during fights
  • Unpleasant tomcat behaviour, such as aggression, urine spraying and wailing
  • Strong and unpleasant-smelling urine.

Is Cat Sterilization Surgery Complicated

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Cat Fixed

The surgery does not take too much time and is not complicated. Usually, it only takes about 30 minutes, and after 1-2 weeks it completely heals. After surgery, you can bring the cat home the same day. You also do not need to take special care of the cat after neutering. Veterinarians can all perform a professional and effective neutering surgery.

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Which Is The Best Thing To Do For A Male Cat

Beyond all doubt, spaying your female cats and neutering your male cats are two of the most important and responsible things you can do as cat owners. Not only does getting your cats fixed contribute to minimizing shelter populations, but it can also prevent spraying in male cats and reproductive cancers in females.

A low-cost vet charges $50 for neuter and $70 for spay. Many cat owners get their cats fixed at affordable prices. Some even manage to get it done for free! Maricopa County will often offer a free voucher to a certain amount of applicants at the beginning of each month.

There are myriad benefits to fixing your cat. Male cats that roam to have sex with females are prone to diseases and injuries from fights with other tomcats. If your cat is at home and neutered, those injuries do not occur. Also, to claim a spot as their own, male cats tend to engage in whats known as spraying.

Otherwise, spaying and neutering are quite safe. The average cost to spay/neuter a cat can range anywhere between $50 and $100. Neutering tends to cost less because it is a less complicated procedure than having a cat spayed. The total cost of the procedure usually covers the surgery and anesthesia as well as hospitalization.

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Reasons For Neutering Male Cats

  • Control of nuisance. Unneutered male cats are likely to stray over a large area, will mark their territory with a very pungent spray and are much more likely to fight with attendant noise nuisance.
  • Health issues. Fighting males are much more likely to spread diseases such as FIV and FeLV to other cats. They are also likely to suffer from fight injuries such as abscesses. Because they wander over a large area they are also at greater risk of suffering road traffic accidents.
  • Pet issues. Unneutered male cats will wander from home and may not return. They may also spray inside the home and may be aggressive to their owners. Therefore it is desirable to neuter kittens early enough to ensure that the above problems are prevented. Most people do not want to live with an unneutered male cat.
  • Population control. Obviously, male cats do not have kittens themselves and it only takes one male in an area to make lots of female cats pregnant, so neutering a female cat makes a great deal more difference to limiting numbers, but it all helps!

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When Should I Get My Cat Neutered

Cats can be neutered at any age, but most vets agree with the British Veterinary Association which recommends that you book the op from 16 weeks, before your kitten is sexually mature and able to fall pregnant.

This allows time for your cat to have its primary vaccinations first and female cats are also less likely to be in heat, which may make the operation slightly riskier and take longer. Being in heat means the cat is fertile and ready to mate.

In the case of feral or rescue kittens, the BVA recommends that the operation is carried out when your cat is between eight and 12 weeks old.

What Do I Need To Bring With Me At The Time Of My Scheduled Voucher Appointment

Cat Spay Neuter Recovery Aftercare – Female And Male
  • Driverâs license or official ID card
  • Proof of low-income or moderate-income status, unless you sign and submit an affidavit swearing that your income is within the figures listed on the table above for low income or moderate income.
  • Proof of vaccines within the past year if you do not want your pet revaccinated. Proof is a rabies certificate, not a pet health record.
  • An alternate contact number for the microchip registration: someone who has a different phone number than yours. If your pet is already microchipped, please tell us.

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Neutering Your Cat Key Facts

  • Neutering means surgically preventing cats from reproducing
  • Its recommended that cats are neutered at around four months old
  • Neutered animals might have slightly lower food requirements so you just need to feed them a little less

Neutering your cat can have really great benefits, both to them and to you! Plus youll be helping to tackle the growing crisis of pets being abandoned, dumped and given away because there arent enough homes to go around.

What is cat neutering?

Neutering means surgically preventing cats from reproducing. In males, the operation is called castration and in females its called spaying.

With castration both testicles are removed which takes away the main source of the male hormone testosterone. With spaying, both the ovaries and the uterus are removed which means the female is unable to become pregnant.

The Benefits Of Neutering Your Cat

There are plenty of good reasons to neuter your cat.

For males these are:

  • Removes risk of testicular cancer

  • Lower risk prostate cancer

  • It reduces spraying, clawing and urine marking

  • Less risk of roaming in search of a mate and getting lost

  • Reduced risk of injury from fighting

  • Removes the risk of unwanted kittens, ferals and strays

The positives of neutering spaying a female cat are:

  • It prevents unwanted pregnancy and phantom pregnancies

  • Removes the risk of womb infections known as pyometra

  • It reduces the risk of mammary cancer

  • It prevents ovarian tumours

  • You wont have to confine her indoors several times a year while in heat

  • Avoids spraying and yowling while in heat

  • Reduces the risk of roaming in search of a mate

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Recovery Time For Spay And Neuter Procedures

After you bring your cat home youll likely want to make sure its as comfortable as possible while it recovers. Humlie recommends keeping your cat separate from other house pets, if possible, and offering your cat a quiet room to relax. Corbett notes that jumping could be painful, and suggests lifting your cat instead of, for example, letting it jump up onto the bed.

Youll need to keep an eye on your cats incision and make sure its not being bothered with . Corbett recommends examining the surgical area before even taking your cat home from the vet so you can get an idea of what it looks like and youll notice if the area gets swollen or looks worse, which could mean its not healing properly or has become infected.

Recovery time depends on a few things, like age and general health, so itll be different for each cat. Corbett says the anesthesia will stay in your cats system for 12-48 hours, which could affect energy level and appetite, and the healing of the actual incision itself takes one to two weeks, depending on the type of stitches used.

One of the most difficult parts of the recovery period might be convincing cats to rest when they think theyre already fine.

Most importantly, you should follow your veterinarians instructions for post-operative care, Kruck says.

Why Is It Important To Spay And Neuter Cats

Why You Should Spay/Neuter Your Cat And How You Can Afford It

Spaying and neutering cats prevent unwanted pregnancies and homelessness. According to the ASPCA, 6.5 million domesticated pets are surrendered or found homeless every year. Cats suffer tremendously in this equation.

Cats breed heavily, which is why having strays around can quickly lead to unwanted pregnancies. Indoor cats arent exempt, either, particularly if you have multiple cats living in the same home without being fixed. Cats reach sexual maturity around 6 months old, so you might wind up with a litter if you dont act early.

Spaying or neutering your cats is a responsible action taken by loving pet owners. Unless youre a breeder, youre risking putting kittens out into an unforgiving world. Many people want a cute kitten until it starts to grow up and become a burden.

Luckily, in recent years, more information and affordable options have been given to owners everywhere. So, instead of worrying about financial implications associated with this surgery, owners can find options that work best for them.

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Will Spaying Have Any Adverse Effects On My Cat

In the vast majority of cats, there are no adverse effects following an ovariohysterectomy. In certain cats, notably the Siamese breed, the hair that grows back over an operation site may be noticeably darker, believed to be due to a difference in the skin temperature. This darker patch usually grows out with the following molt as the hair is naturally replaced.

“There are many myths and beliefs about spaying that are not supported by facts or research.”

There are many myths and beliefs about spaying that are not supported by facts or research. Be sure to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your veterinarian prior to surgery.

When Should A Cat Be Spayed Or Neutered

Most vets recommend spaying or neutering a cat before they reach 5 months of age. Why? Younger cats will be able to heal from the surgery faster and most cats are feeling back to their usual selves within a week.

Spaying/neutering earlier in a catâs life also lowers its risk for future health issues, such as mammary tumors. Although there are no proven additional risks to spaying/neutering a cat whoâs older in age, itâs better to do it while the cat is younger to avoid unnecessary health problems down the line. Spaying/neutering has also been shown to increase a catâs life expectancy.

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Which Is Better: Spay Or Neuter

Castration is without a doubt the best in my experience. Its because by removing the ovules and uterus, the cat will be more protected from the heat, which in turn results in the cat generally becoming calmer and more at home. It is true that the recovery time is somewhat longer, but cats usually fully recover a week after surgery, and cats after 3 days.

And still, its normal for them to return to their day job much earlier, at 48 hours, or maybe even earlier.

How Old Is Your Cat

Is Your Cat Really Spayed? | Ovarian Remnant Syndrome in Cats – Cat Health Vet Advice

The age of your cat is one of the biggest health concerns regarding pregnancy. You might want to keep the kittens for moral reasons, but if your cat isnt healthy enough to carry them to full term, youll be risking the unborn kittens lives and that of the mother. For cats that are too young or elderly to give birth, the safest thing to do is terminate the pregnancy.

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A Free Dog Can Cost You Around $370

When you first get a dog, you have to take him or her in for numerous tests and vaccinations. For a male dog, it can cost pet owners around $300, and for female dogs over $400! Be informed before you buy your next free dog. Better yet, play it safe and adopt one. We do all the tests, spaying and neutering, and vaccinations for you all for our adoption fee of $200. Thats a savings of about $125 to $225 by adopting.


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Vermont Spay Neuter Incentive Program

VSNIP reduces pet overpopulation by helping eligible Vermonters afford to have their dogs and cats spayed or neutered. The program is 100% funded by a surcharge on dog registrations so funds are limited.

What help is available?

If your application is approved, youll get vouchers that let you have your dogs and cats spayed or neutered for a $27 copay per animal.

Requests for more than five animals in a year will need special approval.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible, you must:

  • Live in Vermont
  • Have gotten your pet for free or a small fee
  • Qualify based on getting public benefits or having household income at or below 185% of Federal Poverty Guidelines

How do I apply?

  • You can either:
  • Print the application, complete it by hand and then sign it. OR
  • Download the application to your computer complete it electronically and then save, sign and print it.

  • Mail your completed application, supporting documents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the address below.
  • If your application is complete, it will be processed within five business days.
  • How does the program work?

    What does the co-pay cover?

    It covers a pre-surgical exam, pain management before and during surgery, the surgery, an overnight stay if needed, a distemper vaccine series, one rabies vaccination and suture removal after surgery.

    It does not cover:

    Who do I call for more information?

    RESOURCES For Applicants

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    Should My Cat Have A Litter Before I Neuter Her

    No, there is no evidence to show that having a litter of kittens benefits cats. Pregnancy/giving birth can come with complications and looking after a litter of kittens is hard work, expensive, and time-consuming – certainly not something to enter into without a great deal of thought and planning. If you want to breed from your cat, its best speak to your vet for advice to find out how you can do it responsibly and safely.

    What Does A Spay Surgery Involve

    How Much Is It To Get A Cat Neutered Male

    This major surgical procedure requires general anesthesia. You will need to fast your cat the night prior to surgery. Most cats return home within 48 hours after surgery. Your veterinarian will advise you how long to withhold food and water, and any other details specific to your cat.

    “Most cats return home within 48 hours after surgery.”

    The operation is performed through a relatively small incision made most commonly in the midline of the abdomen, just below the umbilicus. Both ovaries are removed along with the entire uterus. The surgical incision will be closed with several layers of sutures. In many cases, skin sutures will be placed, and these will be removed after seven to ten days.

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    Why Prices Vary Between Spaying A Female Cat And Neutering A Male Cat

    Ok, back to the topic of the cost of getting your cat fixed. You may be wondering why neutering a female is so much more expensive than neutering a male.

    Heres why.

    Spaying a female cat and neutering a male cat essentially serve the same purpose but these are two different procedures.

    During a spay operation, a veterinarian will fully anesthetize the cat and then create an incision in her abdomen. The vet will cut through several layers to expose the cats uterus and ovaries and then gently remove them from the cats body. Next, while the cat is still completely unconscious, the vet will meticulously suture several layers to close the incision.

    Neutering a male cat is a far simpler procedure. The male cat is usually sedated and only the scrotum area is fully anesthetized and also shaved and disinfected. The vet then makes a small incision in each testicle, removing most of the spermatic cord and tying it off. The incisions are so small, theres no need for sutures.

    As you can see, were talking major operation for a female vs. a far less complicated procedure for a male cat. This accounts for the discrepancy in prices.

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