Thursday, September 12, 2024

How To Eliminate Cat Box Odor

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Treat The Litter Box With A Deodorizing Spray

How to eliminate cat box odor – 5 tips to fix that smelly cat box

Vinegar has antibacterial properties that fight bacteria that cause odors, making it effective in various cleaning jobs around your home. Spraying vinegar also helps fight odors, and with the addition of essential oils, it becomes more effective against the strong ammonia smell in cat urine.

  • Sprayer

Mix water and vinegar in a 16-ounce spray bottle and add your favorite essential oil to create a handy spray for your cats litter box. Use this spray before adding litter to a clean box or refilling the box after scooping. The pungent vinegar smell fades quickly along with your cats pee scent.

Commercial Kitty Litter Products

  • FON Spray – Stops odors in litter boxes, removes urine and fecal stains on rugs and furniture, and works on Tomcat spray. FON does not mask odors. It actually breaks down urine and fecal matter, therefore eliminating the cause of the odor. Spray F.O.N. daily in cat litter boxes. A light spray covering the surface area will suffice to eliminate odors. Maintain usual sanitary procedures for the litter box. F.O.N. is biodegradable.
  • Fresh Step Clay Cat Litter with Odor Eliminating Carbon – Fresh Step Clay litter contains everything you love about clay with one refreshing difference, it will help keep your home smelling even fresher.
  • Tidy Cats – Lightweight 4-in-1 Strength is the newest lightweight litter for Tidy Cats, the company that invented cat litter more than 50 years ago and reinvented litter in 2013 with the introduction of a truly lightweight clumping litter option. The Tidy Cats Lightweight portfolio solves a pet peeve cat owners have been dealing with for a long time – heavy cat litter.

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Tips To Control Litter Box Odor

Sweet, fluffy, loving, sometimes mischievous cats can make a bad day better, a cold day warmer, and a rough day fluffier. However, when their litter box develops a smell, it can turn any room into a surprisingly toxic nightmare. How can something so fluffy and sweet produce such a terrible smell?

Luckily, theres plenty you can do to control litter box odor. Follow these pro tips for a healthier home thats free from that foul litter box smell.

  • Scoop and Scoop Often
  • Indoor cats will use the litter box three to four times a day. That means scooping is often one of the best ways to minimize odor and stay on top of a sanitary litter box environment. Ideally, youll scoop right after your cat uses the facilities, but since that isnt always realistic. Aim for at least one to two times each day. For times when you cant scoop as often, or are in a rush, you can use a product like Skouts Honor Litter Box Deodorizer for a quick refresh in between cleanings to help eliminate litter box odor. Its safe to spray on used litter and in the surrounding air wherever nasty odors are present.

  • Clean the Box
  • While this chore is less favorable than scooping, dumping the litter and cleaning out the box with Skouts Honor Cat Urine & Odor Destroyer is an excellent and cat-safe way to stay on top of odors that can stick to the sides and bottom of the litter box. Even smooth plastic is a little porous, which means odors can sink into the material over time.

  • Dont Mask the Odor Destroy it
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    Put Your Litter Box In A Bigger Space

    You probably have heard more than one cat enthusiast recommend putting your litter box in a small cabinet . For some households, hiding their litter box works, but for others, the confined space can amplify the cat smell.

    Moving the litter box to a larger room with better ventilation will help the odors disperse before they can make your litter too smelly. Putting your litter box in the garage, the laundry room, or even an enclosed catio are all great locations with plenty of air circulation.

    Throw The Entire Box Away

    How To Eliminate Litter Box Odors  Miss Frugal Mommy

    Sometimes theres no amount of scrubbing that can save a litter box the odors are too deeply embedded into the material. This can happen with any kind of litter box, but plastic ones are especially vulnerable.

    The problem is that as your cat digs through the litter, they create small grooves at the bottom of the box. These grooves become havens for odor-causing bacteria and fungi, and they can also lead to disease-causing microbes infecting your cat.

    You should toss the entire box once a year and start fresh. Another option is to use litter liners inside the box this way, you can just toss the liner every month or so without needing to replace the box itself.

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    Provide The Correct Type Of Litter For Odour Control

    Natusan clumping litter performs 40% better on odour control than the average natural litter

    Some cat litters have added fragrances or other additives which claim to help mask odour. These perfumes serve to merely carry the smell around, and due to a cats enhanced sensitivity to smell this can be overwhelming, which is one of the reasons this type of litter is discouraged.

    Clumping litter, which allows for the simple removal of both liquid and solid waste, keeps your cats litter tray smelling fresher for longer.

    As mentioned earlier odour control in cat litter is mainly about avoiding the formation of ammonia. Natusan clumping litter performs better on odour control than the average natural clumping litter brand.

    In a recent test scientists performed on our litter, two measurements were taken: after one day, representing a normal cleaning routine, and after three days, representing a weekend without cleaning

    Natusan performs on average 1.4 x better on odour control compared to other natural clumping litters.

    If you didn’t remove clumps daily then:

    On day 3 , the ammonia levels in Natusan litter are an estimated 25% less on average *compared to other natural litters

    On day 1 , the ammonia levels in Natusan litter are an estimated 29% less on average* compared to other natural litters

    Don’t just take our word for it, try Natusan today to discover it’s odour-combatting properties for yourself! Use code TABBY50 for 50% off your first 10L bag.

    Use An Enzyme Cleaner To Clean Cat Urine In Carpet

    Your first step to removing pet stains is to locate the problem area. If there arent any noticeable damp spots, or maybe youve only narrowed it down to one room, use an LED black light or U.V. light to find the sneaky stain. Once youve located the trouble spot, youre free to use your cleaning solution.

    Enzymatic cleaners are a safe, pet-friendly alternative to harsh cleaning products and work on almost any surface of the home. This is another reason why this should be the first weapon in your cat urine cleaning arsenal.

    While you can buy enzymatic cleaners at the grocery store or a home improvement store like Lowes, it is easy to make your own DIY enzyme cleaner for cat urine, as well. Note that it does take a little time for the mixture to cure so making it before you need it may be helpful.

    To clean cat pee from couch or sofa areas or in a carpet or rug, start by blotting the area with paper towels to absorb as much urine as possible left in the carpeting or fabric. Spray the enzymatic cleaner over the spot and let it sit for 30 minutes or longer depending on the severity of the smell and the size of the stain.

    When time is up, soak up excess moisture left by the cleaner by using a clean, dry cloth. If the stain is on the carpet, vacuum it after drying. Otherwise, you can use the cleaning attachments on your vacuum for reaching sofa or recliner stains.

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    Wash The Litter Box Once A Week

    You’re probably pretty good about cleaning out the litter box, whether you do it once a day or once every few days. But cleaning the actual box? That might be something you forget to do more often than not. Just replacing the litter and scraping out all of the stuff in there isn’t enough in keeping your litter box clean â you need to actually wash it on a regular basis. You should be washing the box at least once a week to keep things from building up and odors from getting worse.

    Arthritis Can Make Litter Boxes Hard To Use

    How To Eliminate Litter Box Odor in Your House

    Another possible reason that an older cat may forego the litter box is arthritis. As cats age, they can get arthritis, which makes it harder for them to get into the box, Dr. Kornreich said. Perhaps the sides are too tall, or the box is located in a place that requires the cat to do some kind of arduous physical activity to get to, such as up or down a flight of stairs.

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    How To Prevent Unwanted Litter Box Odors

    Your cat isnt the only culprit here: Its up to you to pick the best cat litter for odor control, make sure your cats litter box is set up correctly, and keep up with cleaning it regularly. Once you figure out the right kind of cat litter for your budget and needs , consider the following tips and tricks to avoid and prevent unwanted odors:

    Introduce More Litter Trays

    You can also add more litter trays to your home. If you have too few trays, it means that the litter itself is likely being overloaded with urine and feces. It also means that your cats are pushing the litter around and agitating any solids or liquids that have settled in the litter.

    It is generally advised that you have one litter tray per cat, plus at least one extra, but you can add extra trays to ensure that your cats have enough toilets for regular use.

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    Avoid Products That Contain Ammonia

    Most importantly, avoid any cleaning products that contain ammonia. Ammonia is one component of cat urine, and if cats smell that, theyre more likely to go there, Dr. Kornreich says.

    In addition, ammonia and other chemical cleaners can often set the stainthe opposite of what youre trying to do.

    Heres what you should do to help eliminate the smell of cat pee from a surface.

    1. Blot the Spot to Absorb the Urine

    Find the stain as soon as possible and blot up as much of the urine as you can with a clean cloth.

    2. Rinse and Vacuum the Area

    Next, rinse the area with clean water and remove the liquid with a wet/dry vacuum. You dont want to use a steam cleaner, as the heat can set the stain, Roberts said.

    3. Soak the Spot in Enzyme Cleaner

    While enzyme cleaners come in a spray bottle, spraying a light coat over the stain wont do much. Instead, remove the sprayer and douse the spot liberally.

    4. Let It Sit Before Blotting With a Clean Cloth

    Let the cleaner sit for 10-15 minutes and blot up as much of it as possible with a clean cloth.

    5. Prevent Your Cat From Returning to the Spot

    To keep your cat from returning to the spot during the cleaning process, place a piece of aluminum foil or an aluminum baking sheet over the area, or cover it with an upside-down laundry basket.

    6. Reapply the Cleaner if Necessary

    You may need to reapply the cleaner and let it dry again for older or particularly smelly stains.

    Use Deodorizer To Freshen Up Your Litter Box

    How to Eliminate Litter Box Odor For Good

    While perfumes and fragrances only mask up the small of your cats litter box, A good deodorizer can eliminate the smell completely. There are plenty of retail deodorizers that you can choose from, but we recommend baking soda.

    Baking soda is a great all-purpose cleaner that can eliminate tough odors, including stubborn ammonia-based smells. A little goes a long way too, so sprinkling a small amount on top should be enough to clear out those bad smells.

    Whatever deodorizer you use, make sure its one that your cat likes as well. If your cat doesnt like the smell or feel of your deodorizer, they wont use their litter box. Dont be afraid to try out a few brands until you find one that works for you both.

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    How To Detect Cat Urine In Your Home

    If youre reading this article, you may have already lived through the worst case scenario – your cat has already peed somewhere that isnt the litter box. Or, even worse, you dont know where they peed, but you can smell it.

    Every cat owner has been through this nightmare, but luckily for us, we have options. You could simply sniff around your floor, or you can cut your searching time in half with this UV stain pet urine detector. Its perfect for finding those hard-to-find spots where your cat may have done their nasty deed.

    After youve found the stain, use our pet stain & odor remover to rid yourself of the stain and smell once and for all – no stress, no mess, just success!

    Practice Good Litter Box Hygiene

    Scoop your cat’s litter box daily. Clumping litter can make this task easier. Once a week, refresh the litter entirely by dumping out the old litter and adding 3-4 inches of new. While the cat box is empty, wash it out with warm water and unscented soap. If your box tends to hold smells over time, you may also want to spray the box’s interior with an antibacterial solution that’s safe for cats. Keeping your litter box clean could be the most important step you take toward making your kitty litter smell better.

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    Changing Your Cats Food

    Just like how what humans eat affects our waste, the food you buy for your cats affects their poop. Although many pet foods seem the same, their formulas and the nutrients they provide to your pet can contribute to the smell and consistency of your cats waste.

    If you recently switched to new cat food and noticed a severe change in your cats poop, their digestive system may be reacting negatively to the change. Giving your cat time to adapt may fix this however, the food may not be a good fit for your cat. Contact a vet to find the best food for your cats digestive health.

    Why Does My Cats Litter Smell So Bad

    Litter Box Odor | 6 Tips to Reduce Box Odor

    This may seem obvious , but there are actually a lot of factors contributing to the level of odor coming from your cats litter box.

  • Concentrated urine. Cat pee, on average, just smells more intense than other animals. Most attribute their litter box smells with ammonia, which can be particularly strong and unpleasant for humans.
  • Your cats diet. Ammonia is a protein metabolism by-product. If the stench is too strong to handle and youre wondering how to control that litter box odor, you may want to try a different protein source to see if it helps. . Your cat should also be drinking plenty of water.
  • Type of litter. The sole purpose of litter is to absorb urine and keep the box dry. There are several different types of litter:
  • a.Clay-based: The cheapest, with a fairly absorbent quality. b.Plant-based: Composed of environmentally friendly materials such as recycled paper. Good for odor, but more expensive.c.Silica-based: Has excellent absorbent properties with solid odor control.d.Clumping vs. non-clumping: Clumping litter is good for odor control, and makes it easier to scoop waste. Non-clumping litter is harder to scoop and doesnt provide as much control.

    4. Type of litter box. Litter boxes should be twice as large as your cat, and should not have plastic lining. While plastic lining claims to help with litter box odor control, it actually can make it worse by absorbing urine and leaking it into the box.

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    Avoid Perfumes And Scented Litter

    Cats dont like perfumes or other strong scents . This means that while having scented kitty litter sounds like a good way to cut down on odors, it actually makes it more likely that your cat will avoid using their litterbox.

    Unscented litter may be the best cat litter for odor control for you and your cat. Veterinarians highly recommend it, and you may find that it works better than the scented stuff.

    While youre at it, make sure that you dont spray any air fresheners or perfumes around your cat either for the same reason.

    Rethink Litter Box Location

    Its worth thinking carefully about where you place the litter box. While its fairly obvious you dont want the box on the kitchen counter or next to your pillow, there are actually some very popular litter box locations that you should avoid if you want to maximize odor control. Two of these popular, but misguided litter box locales are the laundry room and the bathroom. These may seem like logical places to keep your cats litter box, offering privacy for your cat and keeping odor locked away from the rest of the home. However, the invisible problem with keeping a litter box in these places is the humidity. Because cat litter works by absorbing moisture, having excess moisture in the air means the life of your litter will be reduced, and youll have to change litter more often if you want to avoid the buildup of odor. Dry litter is far less odorous than wet litter. Thus, the best place to set your litter box is a dry, well-ventilated area where humidity is at a minimum. It may seem counterintuitive, but placing the litter box near a fan or air conditioning vent can actually help prevent litter box odor by drying out waste and soiled litter more quickly. It can also save you money in the long run by allowing you to go longer between litter changes!

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