Thursday, September 12, 2024

Can Cats Get Sick From Humans

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How To Keep Your Cat Safe During Covid

Cats getting sick of owners working from home

So far, virus transfer has only been from infected people to cats, not the other way around. So you don’t have to worry about contracting the corona virus from your cat, but they may contract it from you. But it is a good idea to take certain precautions and make a game plan in case you should become infected. What are some ways you can keep your cat safe?

  • Adopt good hygiene practices– Wash your hands before and after handling your cat, their food, and avoid kissing them .
  • Regularly disinfect your household– Thankfully the virus is not resistant to regular disinfecting and cleaning products. Wipe down and clean any surfaces your cat and you frequent in order to kill the virus and prevent transmission.
  • Limit contact with people– That’s right, your cat also needs to social distance. Since the risk seems to be human to cat transmission, your cat should avoid unnecessary contact with people. That might mean more time inside for your outdoor cat, and of course limiting having people over to your house.
  • Support your cat’s wellness– a healthy cat with a strong immune system is more resilient against infection. A holistic approach to your pet’s health can involve proper diet, exercise, sleep, and more.
  • Can I Catch Covid

    If youre worried specifically about coronavirus, it appears pretty unlikely that you and your cat can catch it from each other .

    However, there are some examples of cats catching COVID-19 from their caretakers such as the tigers and lions at the Bronx Zoo so if you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should stay away from your cat just to be careful, Dr. Irish said.

    How Can You Get Sick From Your Cat

    Zoonotic illnesses can spread in several ways, depending on the disease. These include:

    • Contact with cat feces
    • Scratches from your cat
    • Bacteria or parasites from fleas and ticks on your cat

    To help prevent sickness, you should always wash your hands after touching your cats litter box and wash any bites or scratches with soap and water. And make sure to keep your cat on a reliable flea and tick preventative to keep both you and your cat healthy.

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    Can I Get Hiv Or Aids From My Cat

    No, numerous studies prove that you cannot contract HIV/AIDS from your cat. Both feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus are contagious between cats, but neither of them can infect humans, nor can the human virus infect cats.

    However, FeLV and FIV suppress the cat’s immune system, making him or her more susceptible to zoonotic infections, which could then be passed on to you. If you are immunocompromised, it may not be healthy to keep a cat infected with FeLV or FIV. If you do keep a cat with one of these diseases, be extra cautious and carefully follow general hygiene and litter box guidelines. To minimize the risks of contracting FeLV or FIV, keep your cat indoors. If your cat goes outdoors, have her tested and examined at least once a year by your veterinarian.

    Contributors: Krista Williams, BSc, DVM Ernest Ward, DVM

    So Can Cats Get Sick From Humans

    Can Humans Get Sick From Cats?

    It turns out that cats getting sick from humans, or reverse zoonoses, is a relatively rare event. Nonetheless, it can happen. A recent academic review found that in the past three decades, 56 cases in 56 countries documented human-to-animal transmission of disease this included 38% that were bacterial, 29% viral, 21% parasitic, and 13% fungal or other.

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    Since the most likely route of infection is from human to pet, not the other way around, pet owners shouldnt worry about getting Covid-19 from their pets, said Dorothee Bienzle, a professor of veterinary pathology at the University of Guelph and co-author of the study.

    Indeed, a second study, also being presented at the scientific meeting in July, concluded that humans likely infect their pets. That study, from researchers at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, looked at 311 cats and dogs in 196 households with a Covid-19-positive person. Just under 1 in 5 pets tested positive for antibodies, and a small handful six cats and seven dogs had a positive PCR test, meaning they had an active infection.

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    People who have Covid-19 should take steps to protect their pets, Bienzle said. That means wearing a mask and avoiding contact with their cats and dogs as much as possible.

    At this point, we should assume that if we get infected, that our pets are susceptible, too, and they should be treated as any other household member, she said.

    According to VandeWoude, two questions remain: Can pets infect people who have not yet been infected, and if they do, will the virus mutate, as it did last year in a mink farm in Denmark.

    Still, anytime there is a spillover event, from animals to people, there is always risk of it becoming more virulent, so it’s something we need to keep in mind, VandeWoude said.

    Pets Can Share Diseases With Humans

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    Different animals get different diseases but sometimes they can spread from species to species. When a disease spreads from a pet to a human or vice versa it is called a zoonotic disease. If you have certain types of illnesses, it is possible that you may pass the sickness on to your pet.

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    The Last Thing You Expect Your Vet To Say

    Cats are known for their stoicism in the face of illness, so its not unusual for felines to be in a fairly advanced stage of disease by the time they make it in to the veterinarians office. We vets have our usual list of suspects when it comes to common diseases in cats, such as kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes, but we also need to be thinking about some of the more unusual diagnoses we come across in our feline patients. Here are five of the more unusualor at least, unexpecteddiagnoses I have made in my practice.


    What Can I Do To Protect My Cat And Myself

    Two Cats Test Positive For Coronavirus: How To Keep Your Pets Safe | NBC Nightly News

    Common sense and good hygiene will go a long way toward keeping you, your family, and your cat free of zoonotic diseases.

    Here are a few simple precautions:

    • Wash hands before eating and after handling cats
    • Schedule annual checkups and fecal exams for your cat
    • Seek veterinary care for sick cats and cats with lacerations or puncture wounds
    • Keep rabies vaccinations current
    • Maintain appropriate flea and tick control
    • Avoid letting your cat lick open wounds, your face, food utensils, or plate
    • Consider keeping cats indoors
    • Wash cat bites and scratch wounds immediately with soap and running warm water and seek medical attention for cat bites and scratches that show signs of swelling, discharge, pustules, and that are associated with local lymph node swelling
    • Feed cats cooked or commercially processed food
    • Scoop litter boxes to remove fecal material daily
    • Avoid having immunocompromised individuals partake in activities that may prompt cat bites or scratches
    • Periodically clean litter boxes with scalding water and detergent
    • Wear gloves when gardening and wash hands afterwards
    • Cover childrenâs sandboxes when not in use

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    Diagnosing Pneumonia In Cats

    If you think your cat may have pneumonia, you should take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Your veterinarian will review your cat’s medical history and conduct an exam that will include listening to the heart and lungs with a stethoscope to detect any cardiac or breathing abnormalities.

    In addition, your veterinarian may perform diagnostic tests, such as blood work, chest X-rays, and a tracheal wash. During a tracheal wash, which is done under anesthesia, your veterinarian will use fluid to collect bacteria from the trachea for testing and identification. This allows them to prescribe the best antibiotic to clear the infection.

    How Pets Spread Infections

    Like people, all animals carry germs. Illnesses common among housepets such as distemper, canine parvovirus, and heartworms can’t spread to humans.

    But pets also carry certain bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi that can cause illness if transmitted to humans. Humans get these animal-borne diseases when they’re bitten or scratched or have contact with an animal’s waste, saliva, or dander.

    These diseases can affect humans in many ways. They’re of greatest concern to young children, infants, pregnant women, and people whose immune systems have been compromised by illness or disease. Infants and kids younger than 5 years old are at risk because their immune systems are still developing, and some infections that might make an adult just mildly sick can be more serious for them.

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    When The Cat Is Just Adr

    Treating felines has its challenges. Some of the most common presenting complaints at the veterinarian are nonspecific: vomiting, changes in litterbox behavior, and ADRthe nebulous but very common aint doing right.

    A wide range of diseases manifest in some very nebulous ways, which is why your veterinarian requires an in-person examination to pinpoint the problem. A careful history of the problem, a thorough physical exam, and appropriate diagnostic tests are the triad on which we rely to figure out the exact problem your cat is experiencing and, more importantly, how to manage it.

    Can Cats Get Colds From Humans

    Sporothrix brasiliensis

    No, cats cannot get colds from humans. The vast majority of viruses are highly species-specific and will not survive in a different host. Some bacterial infections can be transmitted to and from humans and cats, but this is rare.

    Cats can get COVID-19 from humans and may show mild symptoms, but this is extremely rare. Cats are in much more danger from feline coronavirus, which can cause the usually fatal disease feline infectious peritonitis .

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    How To Protect Your Livestock And Other Farmed Animals

    Producers should have business continuity plans to deal with the COVID-19 situation and unexpected disruptions. Industry associations could be a helpful resource for farmers as they develop or revise their business continuity plans.

    Follow normal biosecurity measures as always. Limit access of non-essential people to your premises, and exclude anyone who:

    • has travelled abroad in the last 14 days
    • is ill, especially with symptoms of COVID-19
    • has been in close contact with a confirmed or suspected case in the last 14 days

    Consult with your local public health authority about guidance for farming and agricultural settings. A control plan checklist is available from Agriculture and Agri-food Canada to help farm businesses reduce the spread of COVID-19. This checklist can be adapted for many types of agricultural businesses.

    If you’re sick or isolating, have another person care for your animals. If this isn’t possible, follow infection prevention and control measures.

    • Minimize your direct contact with animals.
    • Put on clean clothes before going out to the barn.
    • Always wash your hands before and after touching animals, their food and supplies.
    • Practise good coughing and sneezing etiquette.
    • Wear a non-medical mask to care for your animals.
    • Wear a medical mask if you work on a mink farm .

    We recommend these measures as a precaution to prevent transmission of diseases between humans and animals.

    For more information regarding on-farm disease prevention, consult the:

    Weird Diseases You Can Get From Your Cat

    Cats are gross. Yeah, yeah â they are cute and adorable, too, but letâs talk about how gross they are. In addition to the fact that they proudly parade around your home with their exposed butthole, intentionally placing it on all your most-used household surfaces, there are actual diseases you can get from your cat. Our pets lucky theyâre so snuggly and floofy. Otherwise, weâd see them for the yucky, germ monsters that they essentially are.

    This is not to say cats are alone in their grossness dogs are equally disgusting. You ever see a dog hurriedly try to eat its own puke before you can clean it up? That is textbook nasty. Dogs can also give their owners some pretty gnarly diseases. In fall 2017, a bunch of people got sick from pet store puppies. According to the Center for Disease Control, people across the country contracted Campylobacter, a common bacteria among dogs. When passed on to humans, however, some of the symptoms include bloody diarrhea, vomiting and fever. Cute!

    Of course, none of these diseases are incredibly common, and the likelihood that youâll get sick from your kitty is pretty slim. If youâre caring for your cat per your vetâs recommendations and staying up-to-date on your petâs vaccines and general care, you should be fine. However, if you notice any weird symptoms in you or your cat, there are some diseases you should be aware of so you can both get the care you need.

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    Ways Your Cat Can Make You Sickor Even Kill You

    Richard OBrien, MD

    Richard OBrien, MD, associate professor of emergency medicine at The Commonwealth Medical College of Pennsylvania in Scranton. Dr. OBrien, who died in 2015, was also a spokesperson for the American College of Emergency Physicians,, and a recipient of the groups Communications Lifetime Achievement Award.

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    For me, there are few things in life that can beat the comfort of snuggling with my pet catsand Im not alone in feeling that way. At least 30% of US households have at least one kitty roaming through it. Theyre cute and can have a therapeutically calming effect on us.

    But there are also risksbig risksto sharing space with cats. Richard OBrien, MD, an emergency physician based in Scranton, Pennsylvania, admits that he loves cats and has had a few himself, but hes also seen firsthand how dangerous they can be. How can your own pet cat hurt you? Dr. OBrien and I tallied up the six ways your cat can make you sickor even kill youand what you and your family need to know to protect yourselves.

    Can Cats And Dogs Catch Colds

    Veterinarian on how COVID-19 impacts your pets

    Yes cats and dogs catch colds but its not always the human kind.

    For cats and dogs, the symptoms can be sneezing, weakness, and nose and eye discharge. These can also be signs of allergies and infections, as well as serious conditions like parasites, pneumonia and distemper.

    Can your cats and dogs catch colds or the flu from you?

    Dogs cant: Theres no concern with dog-to-human, or human-to-dog, transmission, says Scott Weese, the Canada research chair in zoonotic diseases and an associate professor at the Ontario Veterinary College. Dogs get viruses from each other.

    But a cat can catch cold or flu from you. The virus attaches to cells in the respiratory tract of felines similarly to how it does in humans, says Weese. He points to reports of H1N1 found in cats in the United States. Cats also get cat-to-cat viruses that are similar to a cold, but humans cant catch those.

    If you have a pet, its always a good idea to wash your hands often, especially after contact.

    Avoid exposure from the pets saliva to your mucous membranes, such as your nose and mouth, or broken skin, says Weese.

    If a pet is ailing, keep him away from family members with weakened immune systems, such as pregnant women and the elderly. Some experts say you should never let pets sleep in your bed especially under the covers.

    Nurse your buddy

    If your pet is sick, help him feel better by regularly cleaning his area and, in the case of cats, changing the litter box often.

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    Cats And Dogs Get Covid

    ByRachael Rettner08 July 2021

    About two-thirds of pet cats and more than 40% of pet dogs in the study caught COVID-19 after their owners had the disease.

    Pet cats and dogs often catch COVID-19 from their owners, a new study suggests.

    The study researchers found that, among the pets of people who had recovered from COVID-19, about two-thirds of cats and more than 40% of dogs had antibodies against the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, meaning the pets had been infected with the virus in the past. In particular, cats that slept in their owners’ beds had a high risk of catching the disease.

    Although researchers have previously documented a few cases of pets catching COVID-19 from their owners, they didn’t know exactly how common this human-to-pet transmission was.

    “If someone has COVID-19, there is a surprisingly high chance they will pass it on to their pet,” study co-author Dr. Dorothee Bienzle, a professor of veterinary pathology at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, said in a statement. The authors recommend that people with COVID-19 keep their distance from their pets, and “keep out of your bedroom,” Bienzle said.

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    The study will be presented this week at this year’s virtual European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases and has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

    11 ways your beloved pet may make you sick

    Originally published on Live Science.

    Can My Cat Make Me Sick

    There are a handful of zoonotic diseasesillnesses that can spread from animals to people. While its possible to contract a disease from your cat, it isnt highly likely. Cleanliness is your best defense: Wear gloves to clean your cat’s litterbox, and if you’re pregnant, avoid the litterbox altogether. Remember to wash your hands after you feed, groom or pet your cat. Read the list of diseases below and more ways to help you stay healthy.

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