Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Keep Cats Teeth Clean

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Book Annual Dental Checkups For Your Cat

How to clean your cats teeth | Feline dental care

Cats should have a dental checkup during their annual visit to the veterinarian. During this appointment, your vet will assess your cats oral health and any conditions that may be present, along with their overall physical health.

He or she can then let you know if your cat needs a professional veterinary dental cleaning or surgery.

Tips On Improving Your Cat’s Dental Health

Your cat’s dental health is just as important as your own, and brushing your feline buddy’s teeth is the most effective way to healthy oral hygiene but, as most cat owners would know, that’s easier said than done! While there are other ways to make sure they keep their purrfect pearlies, brushing is still best.

What To Expect After Cat Teeth Cleaning

Your pet will have undergone an anesthetic for their procedure. You can expect that they may be sleepy and lethargic for the following 24-hours. Some pets may also have reduced appetite the following day. Offering small amounts of their favorite, soft food helps to encourage eating. If these signs persist or you have any concerns, then you should contact your veterinarian.

Whyte, A, A.Gracia, C. Bonastre, M.T.Tejedor, J. Whyte, L.V. Monteagudo& C. Simón . Oral disease and microbiota in free-roaming cats. Top. Companion Anim. Med. 32 pp

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Top 9 Tips For Keeping Your Cats Teeth Clean

Reviewed and updated for accuracy on December 4, 2019 by Dr. Hanie Elfenbein, DVM, PhD

Cats cant tell us when they have a toothache or if they are feeling discomfort when they eat. But they can still suffer from painful dental issues that can have serious impacts on their overall health.

You wouldnt know it, though, because cats are masters at hiding their pain and making it seem like everythings fine.

Being proactive about your cats dental health can help to prevent them from developing a painful mouth and needing to undergo uncomfortableand expensivesurgery.

Here are 9 ways you can be proactive about improving your cats dental care.

That mild fishy scent known as “kitty breath” may seem normal to pet parents, but if your cat has bad breath, this is a strong indicator that they have dental problems.

If left untreated, your cats breath is only going to get worse. When an animal has bad breath and is drooling, the cause is often related to gum disease and/or tooth decay.

Occasional bleeding gums are nothing to become too alarmed about, but if your cat has a combination of bleeding gums and bad breath, and these symptoms are accompanied by drooling, then your cat likely needs a deep cleaning or even a tooth extraction.

Unfortunately, a dental checkup is something most people dont think about as part of the yearly trip to the veterinarian. But cats can suffer from dental issues that, if unchecked, can lead to serious health problems.

What To Expect When Getting Cats Teeth Cleaned

The Necessity of Keeping Your Cats Teeth Clean

Youll need between $800 and $1,600 for a standard oral exam, X-rays, anesthesia, and cleaning for your cat, depending on the type of dental exam and the severity of the problem.

It is critical to consult with a dental professional after tartar accumulates on the surfaces of the teeth and touches the gum line to determine the best course of action. A general anesthetic must be administered to your cat in order for him to receive proper dental care. X-rays of the gums will be taken, and a dental probe will be used to investigate gum bleeding and periodontal pockets. There is no way or safe way to clean the inside surfaces of the teeth in a cat who is conscious. A dental hygienist will polish your teeth after tartar has been removed with dental instruments. Your cats plaque and tartar form quickly after the dental cleaning. Pet toothpastes do not foam, are safe to swallow, and are available in a variety of flavors that appeal to cats such as chicken, beef, malt, and mint. If you use a product that tastes good, your cat will appreciate the whole experience more. When you use pet toothpaste, your cats teeth will be less likely to develop plaque, allowing you to save time on brushing.

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Feed Your Cat With Dental Food

Along with changing your cats diet, you can also try giving them brushless oral care products they might like. Always take note of the ingredients in the product. The more natural and non-toxic they are, the better.

For example, a few of these products that involve natural dental care for cats have herbs that stimulate the enzymes in their mouths. These change their chemistry to better activate their saliva. This allows the tartar to become softer and gradually come off.

You may also choose products that involve natural dental care for cats that have essential oils or seed extracts that break down the tartar. These generally help them avoid getting oral and gum disease.

Implement A Daily Dental Care Routine

Just like people, our cats need a daily oral health and dental care routine to make sure their teeth stay as clean and healthy as possible. When theyre young, its a good idea to get your kitty used to having their teeth brushed.

Get the okay to do this from your vet first, as even kittens may have oral health issues that will need correcting before their teeth can be brushed.

As you might imagine, youll want to ease your cat into this routine, so wait until shes calm and relaxed, and follow these steps:

  • Gently lift her lips, then use your finger to massage her teeth and gums for a few seconds.
  • Start with low-key expectations – you may only reach one or two teeth the first few times you try this. Stop before she gets too annoyed.
  • Give lots of praise and a yummy treat after your teeth-and-gum massage. The goal is to build your cats tolerance to the experience, gradually increasing the length of time you spend on the task.
  • Once your kitty has become used to having you massage her teeth and gums on a regular basis, you can gradually introduce a toothbrush and toothpaste designed especially for cats . Look for flavors that appeal to them, such as beef or chicken.
  • Start with the brushing as gradually as you did the teeth-and-gum massage your cat may begin with licking just a small dab of toothpaste from your finger . Find a brush that has soft bristles made for cats delicate gums.
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    How To Brush Your Cat’s Teeth

    The very best way to clean your cat’s teeth is to brush them daily. Tooth-brushing is the most effective way of removing plaque from your cat’s teeth and most cats will take to it if the process is built up slowly. Cat toothbrushes and specially designed cat toothpaste is available at most pet retailers. Because oral care of cats is so important, Whiskas® have created DentaBites, a daily treat to help you care for your cat’s teeth and gums. Cats are stoic animals and they have evolved to hide pain meaning gum problems are not always obvious. Having your cat’s mouths checked regularly by your vet or vet nurse is a great way to keep on top of their oral health, but here are some subtle signs that cat owners can look out for at home:Spotting the signs of gum problems in cats:

  • Bad breath: it is not normal for a cat to have bad breath
  • Drooling /salivating: cats should not excessively drool, this can be a sign of a problem in their mouth Redness or inflammation of the gums: Lift your cat’s lip and check the gums, they should be pink, any redness or swelling where the gum meets the teeth is not normal
  • Redness or inflammation of the gums: Lift your cat’s lip and check the gums, they should be pink, any redness or swelling where the gum meets the teeth is not normal
  • Changes in eating behaviour such as those listed below can be signs of discomfort in their mouths, you may notice that your cat is:
  • Reluctant to eat
  • Holding their heads to one side when eating
  • Spitting food out
  • Play With Dental Care Toys

    How To Keep Your Cats Teeth Clean: 6 simple strategies

    A regular tooth cleaning session is anything but fun for your cat. If youre investing in dental care toys for your cat, you may be able to scrape off a little plaque and freshen your kittys breath inconspicuously during her daily play sessions.

    Youll notice a few trends in many of these dental toys: rubber rings and netted constructions. When your cat chews on either of these, itll rub against your cats teeth and gums just like that small rubber finger toothbrush to slowly wear away at the tartar and plaque.

    Make sure that the dental toys are soft and chewable and not hard and plastic. Cats who have strong jaws and gnaw relentlessly might accidentally crack off a plastic shard, which can lead to an intestinal blockage if your kitty swallows it.

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    Give Your Cat The Taste They Prefer And The Quality They Deserve With The Honest Kitchens New Cat Foods

    Excellent health for your cat starts at home, and diet plays a huge role. The Honest Kitchen’s cat food is a nutrient-rich option that pet owners love, with plenty of protein-packed, grain-free, and whole-food recipes to choose from. Our human-grade cat food supports overall wellness to give your cat the best quality of life possible.

    Shop The Honest Kitchen’s line of cat food now to boost your pet’s oral hygiene with high-quality, all-natural meals, supplements, and treats. Try these popular products:

    Ask Your Vet To Recommend A Toothbrush And Toothpaste

    Dont be tempted to use a brush or toothpaste meant for humans a human toothbrush will be too large for your cats mouth and they are unlikely to enjoy the minty flavour of human toothpaste, which may also contain ingredients that are harmful to cats. Your vet should be able to recommend a soft rubber finger brush and some meat or fish flavoured toothpaste you can use. If you have more than one cat, make sure they each have their own toothbrush to avoid transferring bacteria between them.

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    Does Medication Stain Teeth

    Okay, and the last part of Bridget’s question was about antibiotics and medication causing discoloration of the teeth. So, it’s not really a problem that we see so much in our pets. Definitely Tetracyclines are antibiotics that if given to very young animals while their teeth are still developing will cause discoloration. So we often won’t use those drugs in our young patients unless there is a real, kind of a real health risk to not giving them. But that yellowing is a permanent discoloration from within the tooth. It’s not something that we can scrape clean, or we can change the color once that tooth’s formed.

    So, unfortunately, if the tooth is discolored because of some medication, then that’s not something that’s reversible. Equally, it’s not something that’s generally very severe or affects the function of that tooth . So, it’s often a cosmetic issue rather than anything more serious.

    I hope that answers your question Bridgette, and if youve got a question about your dog or cat then just leave me a comment and Ill try my best to give you my #DrAlexAnswers!

    Water Additives And Oral Gels And Sprays

    How to Keep Your Cats Teeth Clean (without Brushing): Top 6 Strategies ...

    You can also use water additives, oral gels, or sprays that will help kill bacteria before it becomes plaque and calcifies into tartar.

    A fresh-smelling water additive will help relieve bad breath. It may not remove all of the plaque on your cats teeth, so youll have to use it in tandem with toys or treats. The additive helps protect tooth enamel and supports gum tissue in the process.

    If youre skeptical of dosing your cats water, you could also try a cat spray like the PetSilver Teeth and Gum Spray that allows you to dose your cat when necessary. If youre not 100% certain of the chemicals and additives, this may be a better option for you.

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    Home Dental Care Methods For Your Cat


    Brushing your cats teeth regularly is an essential component to maintaining a healthy lifestyle for her. Nearly 90 percent of cats develop dental problems over their lifetime. Just like us, they can develop gum disease, tartar and plaque build-up, foul breath, and abscesses, all of which can develop into infection and tooth loss. With proper feline dental care and the right type of food, you can help take action against these problems.

    As a carnivore, your cat needs to have clean, strong, sharp teeth. Unfortunately, many cats arent provided an adequate food for conditioning their teeth. Hill’s® Science Diet® Adult Oral Care cat food contains fiber to reduce plaque and tartar build-up, unique kibble technology for clean teeth and fresh breath, and other essential nutrients to your cats overall health.

    If your cat has a tooth problem, it may take a while for you to find out. One reason is that cats instinctively hide their pain as a response to not appear vulnerable to predators, so it may take you awhile to figure out that shes hurting. If she hides more than usual, refuses to sleep, or becomes more aggressive, this could indicate that shes experiencing tooth pain.

    Keep Cat Teeth Clean: Five Ways To Help Them Stay Healthy

    Learn how to keep cat teeth clean and dental disease at bay with these tips from our vet

    When it comes to keeping cat teeth clean, does your cat have fish breath? Are her gums red and irritated? She may be suffering from dental disease, a painful and progressive condition that is unfortunately all too common in our feline friends. Dental disease can occur in cats of any age, and can have a negative impact on their overall health and quality of life.

    In fact, studies have found that between 50 and 90% of cats over the age of four have some form of dental disease. Once this starts, only professional dental treatment from your veterinarian can stop its progression. But the good news is that dental disease in cats is entirely preventable, and there are many steps you can take at home to keep your cats mouth healthy! Follow our tips below to learn how to keep your cats mouth clean and healthy.

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    Regular Veterinary Dental Checks And Professional Cleans

    All cats should have their teeth examined by a vet at least once a year. This will usually take place at your pets annual wellness exam. For cats with a history of dental disease, checkups should happen more frequently.

    Depending on the condition of your cats teeth, your veterinarian may advise further evaluation and dental cleaning. This will need to be performed under general anesthesia. The procedure will begin with an in-depth oral exam and intraoral X-rays to evaluate the health of the jaw and tooth roots below the gum line. In this way, diseased teeth can be identified. Thereafter, the teeth will be scaled to remove plaque and tartar above and below the gum line. In advanced dental disease, badly affected teeth may need to be extracted. Finally, the teeth will be polished to ensure a smooth surface to decrease the rate of subsequent tartar buildup.

    In general, the earlier dental disease is addressed, the easier it is to treat. Dont wait until your cat is showing signs of dental disease for a checkup. Cats will often only show signs of dental disease such as oral pain and a reduced appetite, once they have advanced disease. Advanced dental disease is more difficult to treat and often requires multiple teeth to be extracted, which may result in longer anesthetic times.

    Following A Daily Dental Routine

    Vet Explains 6 Ways To Keep Your Pet’s Teeth Healthy

    It is estimated that more than 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats develop tooth and gum disease by the age of three years. Establishing a daily dental care routine early can help you to prevent your cat from becoming one of the 70% of cat’s suffering from dental issues.

    While your cat is still young is the best time to begin establishing a regular tooth brushing routine however, it’s a good idea to get the okay from your vet first. Even a sweet young kitten could have oral health issues that will need correcting before their teeth can be brushed.

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    Give Your Cat Dental Food Items

    Feed your feline food items which are healthy for her body and healthy for her teeth too!

    To keep her teeth stronger and cleaner without brushing, then you can use better dental products for your cat.

    Check the ingredient list at the back of the food label. I prefer more natural products and non-toxic substances. They are much better and healthier, of course.

    Next time when you go to a pet store, buy Hills Prescription Diet t/d Dental Care Dry Cat Food. It comes in savory chicken flavor, and veterinarians recommend this cat food for dental care. The shape of this kibble is unique, which aids in cleaning the surface area of the cats tooth. It contains matrix technology fiber that fights against tartar build-up.

    How Long Does Feline Dental Cleaning Take

    Feline dental cleaning usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes. However, the time can vary depending on the severity of the dental issue and the number of teeth that need to be cleaned.

    Cleanings for cats and dogs are performed in the same way that they are for humans. Tuberculosis is the most common health problem for cats of all ages. Cats can also be infected with a feline-specific disease called tooth resorption, which can be seen during a dental cleaning. According to studies, an increased risk of systemic disease in dogs is associated with gum disease. The body produces white blood cells when plaque and tartar build up along your cats gum line, causing gingivitis. Your cats dental health should be monitored at all times there is no set procedure for determining how often he or she should clean his or her teeth. Your cats dental health will benefit from regular cleanings between each visit to the dentist.

    Your cat will suffer greatly if you allow dental diseases to destroy his or her nine lives. Make sure your cat gets the most out of their Basepaws Oral Health Test. It measures the microbial signatures of three of the most common dental conditions in cats.

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