Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Tame A Semi Feral Cat

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What If You Cant Train Them

How I Trained My Semi Feral Cat to be Picked Up

If you cant train a feral, reach out to an organization that practices TNR. They arent bad cats, theyre just rolling stones. As Galaxy says, One of my missions is to teach others to appreciate, love and value community cats for who they are, not who you want them to be!

If you want more info on effective cat training methods, check out My Cat from Hell Season 5 on Animal Planet starting April 26, or go to

Let The Cat Initiate Contact

When attempting to deal with a semi-feral cat, youre best off leaving the cat alone. It might seem counterintuitive to ignore a cat that you want to take home, but if you dont offer the cat attention, its more likely to be interested in you. In that case, it will initiate contact by reaching out or possibly being vocal toward you, indicating that you can continue the interaction.

I Have Or I’ve Found A Sick Or Injured Pregnant Cat What Should I Do

If mum does look sick or injured and in need of urgent medical help, the quickest way to help her is to seek advice by phoning your local vet. It’s always helpful to check with neighbours and local residents to see if anybody owns the cat. Please post on local social media groups and speak to neighbours to see if anybody knows her.

You can also and a paper cat collar so that people know to get in touch with you if they have any information. If you believe the mum is a stray, could you help her by providing food, water and shelter?

Please note: If the cat is found in a dangerous location such as next to fast-moving traffic, please don’t put yourself in danger, call our;cruelty line on 0300 1234 999 or the emergency services.

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What Is A Feral Cat

Feral cats are cats born in the wild and have had barely littleor no interaction with humans. There are also cats that got lost or ran away from their previous homes to live inthe wild. Most of the time, feral cats avoid any form of human contact. Forthese cats, people are large predators in their environment, and they treatpeople as such. You will most likely get scratched or bitten if the cat feelslike you’re getting too close.

It is normal to feel heartbroken when you see a homeless cat invery cold weather or heavy traffic areas. Such sight can get you thinking aboutadopting a feral cat. However, it can be difficult to tame feral cats or evenget them to be friendly.

If you have decided to tame a feral cat you found outside; you will need to be patient as the whole processcan take a long time.

Lesson : Motivating The Cat With Food


The goal of lesson 1 is to have an initial positive interaction with the cat. Offering food can bring about positive interaction from a very shy or aggressive cat, but keep in mind that not all cats are motivated by food. To find out if a cat is food-motivated, place a small amount of baby food or deli meat on the end of a wand .

Slowly move the food tip of the wand about halfway into the cage, resting the wand just past the far edge of the cat box. Wait to see if the cat will smell or lick the food. If not, slowly move the wand toward the cats nose. You want the cat to lick not bite the baby food or gently eat the deli meat. This may take some practice on the cats part.

Even if the cat is food-motivated, he may not want to accept any food from you in the beginning. In that case, go to step 2, but continue to offer the baby food or deli meat on the wand at the beginning of each session. One day, the kitty may surprise you!

Give the cat a treat every time you finish a session. The cat will come to associate a positive outcome with your interaction. The treat can be a teaspoon of baby food, deli meat or tuna. In the beginning, before youve established trust, the cat will most likely eat the treat after you have left the area.

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Can You Tame A Feral Cat What You Should Know

If you want to know can you tame a feral cat, youve come to the right place. Keep reading as I explain all about feral cats and if they can ever be tamed. Adopting a feral can be a very worthwhile and rewarding experience, but with many challenges. A lot of neighbourhoods have feral colonies, though they often keep themselves well hidden.

Many people believe its impossible to domesticate ferals, and sadly, they often get overlooked in shelters. Theyre seen as unfriendly and even aggressive, so not many see them as an ideal pet. In fact theyre even seen as problem in some countries.

Catching A Semi Feral Cat/bring Indoors


lhoncharik said:;My vet told me something I had not encountered in my feral research; he feels it could be dangerous to try to tame a semi feral cat, as he feel’s it’s possible that the cat could revert to it’s feral tendencies and cause injury; anyone have any thoughts?; This little kitty has never tried to bite or scratch; if he gets spooked, he just trots off…..the often comes up to me meowing for food, etc.; Never have seen him in attack mode…..never seen him fight with other cats.


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Consider Using Catnip Or Another Herbal Remedy

Remember that every cat has a different reaction to catnip and there about 100 different types of catnip to choose from and try out! This stuff can be super helpful with giving your shy or anxious kitty a little herbal courage.

If catnip isnt your kittys jam, there are plenty of other herbal supplements on the market for behavior modification. Some of them use essential oils or scents that mimic natural feline pheromones to make them feel at home. Use them to crack open that tough kittys hard shell or to bring out the playful personality in your scaredy-cat.

So Can You Tame A Feral Cat Or Is It An Impossible Task

semi feral cat – teach her it’s okay to pick her up

As youve discovered, many feral cats are often strays whove either been abandoned by their owner or got lost. These can be easily tamed once given a loving home. Some can be reunited with their previous owners if theyre microchipped and simply got lost. Others though, will need rehoming.

If your cat is a semi-feral, it will have had some interaction with humans in the past. Youll find with a bit of love and patience shell soon settle in and become a loving pet. However, as youve seen by reading this post, true ferals can be very hard to tame. Theyve had no contact with humans and are wild animals.

Youll need a lot of patience and you wont be able to put a timeframe on how long it will take to socialise your cat. However, many do eventually become tame and settle into a loving home.

If youve enjoyed reading this post please share. Also if youve had any experience with feral cats or would like to ask a question, please comment below.

Wishing you a purrfect day:)Kathy

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Understand The Psychology Of Feral Cats

It is a primary step you need to follow before practice how to tame a feral cat. Whether cats are feral or not, they can be afraid for some reason basing on the felines previous experiences and age.

·; ; ; ; Kittens and baby cats are easy to domesticate, but not all cases. Young cats require particular care and need socializing extensively.

·; ; ; ; House cats that got left abandoned or lost are more comfortable to tame than the cats live in the wild in their whole lives.

·; ; ; ; Wild cats without human interaction are easily afraid of people. Supposing that they have positive experiences with us, they are not difficult to tame.

·; ; ; ; Cats having contradictories with owners or traumatization in the past are the most difficult to domesticate. The cats might be a terrible experience like abuse; for example, you may never be able to hold or even petted them. However, the felines behavior could still change time after time.

Lesson : Spending Time In The Real

The real-life room should be set up to mimic real life. Youll want to include people furniture and other items that a cat would encounter in a home. Youll want to minimize hiding places, but the real-life room should have a few hiding places so you can test the cats confidence level.

When the cat spends time in the real-life room, youre hoping that shell approach you and solicit holding and petting. If you are sitting and reading, for example, the cat should want to see what you are doing and want to interact with you.

The real-life room also provides the cat with some new experiences she may not have had, such as the sound of a phone ringing or a radio playing. These sounds could be scary to a cat who has not lived in a home.

As in a home, the real-life room should have some places that cats can avoid you, such as under a chair or table. The test for your student: When you go to reach for the cat, she should not avoid you. If she does, she may not be ready for the real-life room.

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Today He Is Sanctuaried

Today, Rupert is sanctuaried in our home. Hes happy for us to sit right next to him, and look at him lovingly from just a foot away, as long as we dont try to stroke him with our hand it has to be with a wand. He loves sleeping with other cats. And he loves having meals on tap.

If things were a bit more progressive in Australia, after desexing, Rupert could perhaps have been returned to his original outside home in an industrial area, the home he knew, where he could keep to himself and live his life without needing to be close to humans or expected to be a companion cat. But Australia hasnt fully embraced that option, yet.

Weve often wondered if Rupert would be happier as a working cat or barn cat, doing his own Rupert things with someone providing food for him. But a behaviourist suggested that he will have lost his smarts and could be vulnerable to other animals. This was a particular concern as hes incredibly submissive to other cats even friendly ones. Hes always the last to eat and never rocks the boat. So much for being a tough guy.

Plus, being a working cat would mean no more heated cat beds a cat-astrophe!

Unless we find someone who feels touched by Ruperts story and courage, weve accepted that he will probably never be adopted as a companion cat.

And thats OK. He is himself. He is safe. He has cat friends. And he is loved.

Exposure To Other Humans

6 Steps to Taming a Semi

When the kittens no longer respond by biting and scratching, encourage family members and friends to handle them as often as possible. It is very important that they socialize with other humans, not just the person who is feeding and caring for them. Feral cats tend to bond with one human so they will adjust best to a new home if they are socialized with other humans before being adopted out.

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When The Cat Needs Continued Medical Help

When a feral cat is injured or sick, caregivers usually trap him or her and get them to a veterinary clinic. Vets that know how to work with ferals can offer suitable solutions to most problems. For example, if stitches are required, they would use dissolving ones to save the cat another trip to the clinic. If antibiotics are needed, they will opt for a slow-release injection.

Sometimes a feral cat needs more than that. A feral cat thats diagnosed with a chronic disease may need medical treatments on a daily basis for the rest of his or her life. A sudden disability may mean the cat can no longer survive outside and must be cared for in a home. When that happens, taming the cat and helping him or her adjust to people may be unavoidable.

How Is A Feral Cat Different From A Stray Cat

The biggest difference between stray cats and feral cats comes down to their level of socialization to human beings. A stray cat has been abandoned by or separated from its owners; they may now be living outside on their own, but because they had a home once, theyre used to interacting with humans.

Like stray cats, feral cats also live outdoors on their own, but the key difference is that they have never been socialized to humans and are therefore probably the offspring of other stray or feral cats. This lack of human socialization can make feral cats wild and unapproachable.

Feral and stray cats typically behave differently when humans are near.

Feral cats:

  • Can appear frightened or hesitant around humans
  • Will likely take a protective stance, staying low to the ground and crouching
  • Often exhibit little to no eye contact, purring or meowing around humans

Stray cats:

  • Might be friendly or curious around humans
  • Likely to behave like a house cat, meowing and making eye contact around humans

Both strays and feral cats can be loners or part of a colony, and they will hunt or take food wherever they can whether its from garbage cans or your pets outdoor feeding station.

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How Can You Help Feral Cats

The first step is to inform your local cat protection or feral cat rescue shelter. Theyll offer advice and will likely follow an official trap, neuter, return program.

TNR specialists will catch the cat using a baited cage. Theyll then sedate the cat, check them for a microchip, examine them for diseases and treat them for worms and fleas. They will also spay or neuter them so the animal cant add to the local feral population. Some of these programs may clip the cats ear, which helps animal control officials quickly and easily identify stray and feral cats that have already been spayed or neutered. Finally, the cat may also have to be shaved if their hair is matted or badly infested with parasites. Then, they will be returned to the outdoors or possibly relocated to another area.

While trying to tame a feral cat isnt a good idea, you can find plenty of cats in shelters and rescues that need a warm, welcoming home, including older cats that tend to get along with other pets you already have. If youre ready to add a pet to your home, consider saving a rescue cat theyll be sure to thank you with lots of love.

Can You Tame A Feral Cat

Cat Tip Tuesday: Socializing a Semi-Feral Kitten

A semi-feral or stray cat can be tamed. If the cat is completely feral, it is best to keep the cat wild as this is what is best for them.

An adult feral cat can become tame to a point, but this is extremely difficult to do, and it is not guaranteed success.

A feral kitten might be tamed at any age, but the older they get, the harder it becomes. Feral kittens can be unpredictable.; It is recommended to tame them before four months of age. The older they are, the more patience is needed, and it is not guaranteed.

If the kitten is below eight weeks old, it can be socialized very easily by anyone. If they are between 2 to 4 months old, it will take more patience and skill to tame the kitten.

The kittens personality starts to develop between the 4 to 8 months. This period will indicate whether this cat can become tame or if it should be returned to the wild.

If the kitten begins to show signs of socialization with humans during this time, they will easily be able to be adopted into a family. If there is no sign of socialization within a week, then it would be best for the kitten to be returned to its natural wild habitat.

A semi-feral or stray cat can become tame under the right circumstances. Potentially taming a feral cat takes a lot of time and a lot of perseverance.

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How To Get An Unwilling Cat Into A Carrier

You can put an unwilling cat into a carrier by tricking and fooling him to enter into the crate.

If you dont have at least a few days or longer to focus on slowly reconditioning your cat to go in the crate safely, use the short cat burrito method. Thats the second technique; scroll down to see it.

Though this method is normally very reliable, it takes days to complete, and you might not have that much time. The purrito will help you easily get a cat into a cage, reducing stress and the risk of injuries for both humans and cats.

Our burrito-cat-into-carrier method is intended for safe, social cats. If the cat runs following the first try, being in a toilet raises the odds of getting a second chance.

Place the carrier in your bathroom for at least 24 hours until you need to get the cat into it.

Do this while your cat is occupied with something else, such as feeding or playing with someone, or while he is asleep.

Propping the carrier against the closed bathroom so the door is open and facing the ceiling just before going time is a good idea.

When descending your purrito into a hard plastic carrier with just one handle, stand the carrier on its top, angled slightly so the door does not quickly slam shut, even though you knock it.

This allows you to take advantage of gravity as well as the slick rubber surfaces of plastic carriers.

To make a less slippery surface, drop a bunched up bath mat or towel on the floor under the carrier.

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